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<canvas id="xqCanvas"></canvas>

    (function () {

        var XiangQi = window.XiangQi = function (id) {
            this.canvas.w = this.canvas.w || document.body.clientWidth;
        XiangQi.prototype = {
            canvas: {
                w: 0, // 画布宽
                h: 1000 // 画布高
            qipan: {
                cellSize: 100,  // 棋格大小
                lineWidth: 2, // 画笔大小
                strokeStyle: "#000", // 画笔颜色
                markLen: 30,  // 标记长度
                markPadding: 10 // 标记间距
            init: function (id) {
                    that = this;

                that.bodys = [];

                that.element = document.getElementById(id);
                that.element.width = that.canvas.w;
                that.element.height = that.canvas.h;
                that.ctx = that.element.getContext("2d");


            render: function () {
            drawQipan: function () {

                var that = this, ctx = that.ctx, bodys = that.bodys

                    r = 9,
                    c = 8,
                    cellSize = that.qipan.cellSize,
                    w = cellSize * 8,
                    h = r * cellSize,
                    startX = (that.canvas.w - w) / 2,
                    startY = (that.canvas.h - h) / 2,
                    cX = 0,
                    cY = 0,
                    rX = 0,
                    rY = 0
                ctx.lineWidth = that.qipan.lineWidth;
                ctx.strokeStyle = that.qipan.strokeStyle;

                that.qipan.w = w;
                that.qipan.h = h;

                that.startX = startX;
                that.startY = startY;
                that.radius = cellSize / 2;
                that.maxR = r;
                that.maxC = c;
                for (var i = 0; i <= r; i++) {
                    cX = startX;
                    cY = startY + (i * cellSize);
                    ctx.moveTo(cX, cY);
                    ctx.lineTo(cX + w, cY);

                    bodys[i] = bodys[i] || [];
                    for (var k = 0; k <= c; k++) {

                        rX = startX + (k * cellSize);
                        rY = startY + (i * cellSize);

                        bodys[i][k] = bodys[i][k] || {};
                        bodys[i][k].x = rX;
                        bodys[i][k].y = rY;
                        bodys[i][k].r = i;
                        bodys[i][k].c = k;
                        //    x: rX,
                        //    y: rY,
                        //    r:i,
                        //    c:k
                        if (i == 4 && k != 0 && k != 8 || i == 9) {

                        ctx.moveTo(rX, cY);
                        ctx.lineTo(rX, rY + cellSize);


                var fontOffsetY = bodys[4][0].y + that.radius;
                ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
                ctx.font = "bold 40px Arial";
                ctx.textBaseline = "middle";

                ctx.fillText("汉", startX + cellSize, fontOffsetY);
                ctx.fillText("界", startX + cellSize * 2, fontOffsetY);
                ctx.fillText("楚", startX + cellSize * 5, fontOffsetY);
                ctx.fillText("河", startX + cellSize * 6, fontOffsetY);

                ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
                ctx.lineWidth = 2;
                ctx.moveTo(bodys[0][3].x, bodys[0][3].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodys[2][5].x, bodys[2][5].y);
                ctx.moveTo(bodys[0][5].x, bodys[0][5].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodys[2][3].x, bodys[2][3].y);

                ctx.moveTo(bodys[7][3].x, bodys[7][3].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodys[9][5].x, bodys[9][5].y);
                ctx.moveTo(bodys[7][5].x, bodys[7][5].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodys[9][3].x, bodys[9][3].y);


                function drawTopLeft(x, y, l, o) {
                    var s = x - o - l, e = s + l, c = y - o;
                    ctx.moveTo(s, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c - l);
                function drawTopRight(x, y, l, o) {
                    var s = x + o + l, e = s - l, c = y - o;
                    ctx.moveTo(s, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c - l);
                function drawBottomLeft(x, y, l, o) {
                    var s = x - o - l, e = s + l, c = y + o;
                    ctx.moveTo(s, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c + l);
                function drawBottomRight(x, y, l, o) {
                    var s = x + o + l, e = s - l, c = y + o;
                    ctx.moveTo(s, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c);
                    ctx.lineTo(e, c + l);

                function drawX(r, c, pos) {
                    var x = bodys[r][c].x,
                        y = bodys[r][c].y;
                    ctx.lineWidth = 3;
                    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
                    if (pos[0]) {
                        drawTopLeft(x, y, that.qipan.markLen, that.qipan.markPadding);
                    if (pos[1]) {
                        drawTopRight(x, y, that.qipan.markLen, that.qipan.markPadding);
                    if (pos[2]) {
                        drawBottomLeft(x, y, that.qipan.markLen, that.qipan.markPadding);
                    if (pos[3]) {
                        drawBottomRight(x, y, that.qipan.markLen, that.qipan.markPadding);

                drawX(2, 1, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(2, 7, [1, 1, 1, 1]);

                drawX(3, 0, [0, 1, 0, 1]);
                drawX(3, 2, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(3, 4, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(3, 6, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(3, 8, [1, 0, 1, 0]);

                drawX(7, 1, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(7, 7, [1, 1, 1, 1]);

                drawX(6, 0, [0, 1, 0, 1]);
                drawX(6, 2, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(6, 4, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(6, 6, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
                drawX(6, 8, [1, 0, 1, 0]);

                ctx.lineWidth = 5;
                ctx.rect(startX - 5, startY - 5, w + 10, h + 10);


            renderQiJu: function (redBottom) {
                var qiJu = this.qiJu = [
                    ['车', '马', '相', '仕', '帅', '仕', '相', '马', '车'],
                    ['', '炮', '', '', '', '', '', '炮', ''],
                    ['兵', '', '兵', '', '兵', '', '兵', '', '兵'],
                    ['卒', '', '卒', '', '卒', '', '卒', '', '卒'],
                    ['', '炮', '', '', '', '', '', '炮', ''],
                    ['車', '馬', '象', '士', '将', '士', '象', '馬', '車'],
                this.bodys = [];
                this.redBottom = !!redBottom;
                if (this.redBottom) {
            drawQiJu: function (qiJu) {
                for (var i = 0; i < qiJu.length; i++) {
                    for (var k = 0; k < qiJu[i].length; k++) {
                        if (qiJu[i][k] != '') {
                            this.bodys[i][k].qizi = new QiZi(this, i, k, qiJu[i][k], (this.redBottom && i > 5 || this.redBottom == false && i < 5) ? true : false);

                        } else {
                            this.bodys[i][k].qizi = null;
            clearCanvas: function () {
                this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.w, this.canvas.h);
            resetQiJu: function () {


                this.eachBody(function (d) {
                    if (d.qizi) {

            moveQizi: function (r, c, tr, tc) {
                this.bodys[tr][tc].qizi = this.bodys[r][c].qizi;
                this.bodys[r][c].qizi = null;

            getPositions: function (e) {
                var x = e.x, y = e.y;
                if (e.layerX) {

                    x = e.layerX;
                    y = e.layerY;
                } else {
                    x += document.body.scrollLeft;
                    y += document.body.scrollTop;


                return { x: x, y: y };
            check: function (x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    minX = that.startX - that.radius,
                    minY = that.startY - that.radius,
                    maxX = that.startX + that.qipan.w + that.radius,
                    maxY = that.startY + that.qipan.h + that.radius

                return x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY;

            eachBody: function (handler) {
                var bodys = this.bodys, len = bodys.length;

                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {

                    for (var k = 0, len2 = bodys[i].length; k < len2; k++) {
                        if (handler(bodys[i][k], i, k) === true) {
                            return bodys[i][k];
                return null;
            findPos: function (x, y) {
                var that = this, r = that.radius;
                return this.eachBody(function (pos) {

                    var minX = pos.x - r, maxX = pos.x + r, minY = pos.y - r, maxY = pos.y + r;
                    if (x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY) {
                        return true;
            messages: {
                step1: "红方走",
                step2: "黑方走"
            each: function (data, fn) {
                for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
                    fn.call(data[i], i, data[i]);
            showMess: function (mess) {
                this.ctx.fillStyle = "red";
                this.ctx.font = "16px";
                this.ctx.fillText(mess, 0, this.startY + this.qipan.h / 2);

                // this.ctx.st
            bindevent: function () {
                var that = this;
                that.qiziRedMove = true;
                that.qiziSelected = false;
                that.qiziCurrent = null;
                this.element.addEventListener("click", function (e) {

                    var xy = that.getPositions(e);

                    if (that.check(xy.x, xy.y)) {
                        var pos = that.findPos(xy.x, xy.y);
                        if (pos != null) {

                            if (pos.qizi && pos.qizi.isred == that.qiziRedMove) {
                                that.qiziCurrent = pos.qizi;
                                that.qiziSelected = true;


                            if (that.qiziSelected && that.qiziCurrent != null && that.qiziCurrent.moveTo(pos.r, pos.c)) {

                                that.qiziRedMove = !that.qiziRedMove;
                                that.qiziSelected = false;

            save: function () {
            restore: function () {
        var QiZi = function (qipan, r, c, text, isred) {
            this.text = text;
            this.isred = isred;
            this.ctx = qipan.ctx;
            this.qipan = qipan;
            this.r = r;
            this.c = c;

            var that = this, maxR = that.qipan.maxR, maxC = that.qipan.maxC;
            this.checkstep = (function () {

                if (text == "兵" || text == "卒") {
                    if (that.r > 4) {

                        return function (r, c) {
                            return this.r > 4 && (this.r - 1) == r && this.c == c
                                || this.r <= 4 && this.r == r && ((this.c - 1) == c || (this.c + 1) == c)
                                || this.r <= 4 && (this.r - 1) == r && this.c == c;

                    } else {
                        return function (r, c) {
                            return this.r < 5 && (this.r + 1) == r && this.c == c || this.r >= 5 && this.r == r && ((this.c - 1) == c || (this.c + 1) == c) || this.r >= 5 && (this.r + 1) == r && this.c == c;

                } else if (text == "炮") {
                    return function (r, c) {
                        if (this.r != r && this.c != c) {
                            return false;
                        var bodys = this.qipan.bodys, step = this.getMoveRange(r, c);

                        return bodys[r][c].qizi != null && step == 1 || bodys[r][c].qizi == null && step == 0;

                } else if (text == "车" || text == "車") {
                    return function (r, c) {
                        if (this.r != r && this.c != c) {
                            return false;
                        return this.getMoveRange(r, c) == 0;

                } else if (text == "马" || text == "馬") {
                    return function (r, c) {

                        return this.r - 2 == r && this.c - 1 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r - 1, this.c)
                            || this.r - 2 == r && this.c + 1 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r - 1, this.c)
                            || this.r + 2 == r && this.c - 1 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r + 1, this.c)
                            || this.r + 2 == r && this.c + 1 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r + 1, this.c)
                            || this.r - 1 == r && this.c - 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r, this.c - 1)
                            || this.r - 1 == r && this.c + 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r, this.c + 1)
                            || this.r + 1 == r && this.c - 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r, this.c - 1)
                            || this.r + 1 == r && this.c + 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r, this.c + 1)
                } else if (text == "相" || text == "象") {
                    return function (r, c) {
                        return this.r - 2 == r && this.c - 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r - 1, this.c - 1)
                            || this.r - 2 == r && this.c + 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r - 1, this.c + 1)
                            || this.r + 2 == r && this.c - 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r + 1, this.c - 1)
                            || this.r + 2 == r && this.c + 2 == c && this.isEnemyOrEmpty(this.r + 1, this.c + 1)
                } else if (text == "士" || text == "仕") {
                    if (that.r > 4) {
                        return function (r, c) {
                            var l = 7, l2 = 9, b = 3, b2 = 5;
                            if (r < l || r > l2 || c < b || c > b2) {
                                return false;
                            return this.r - 1 == r && this.c - 1 == c
                                || this.r - 1 == r && this.c + 1 == c
                                || this.r + 1 == r && this.c - 1 == c
                                || this.r + 1 == r && this.c + 1 == c
                    } else {
                        return function (r, c) {
                            var l = 0, l2 = 3, b = 3, b2 = 5;
                            if (r < l || r > l2 || c < b || c > b2) {
                                return false;
                            return this.r - 1 == r && this.c - 1 == c
                                || this.r - 1 == r && this.c + 1 == c
                                || this.r + 1 == r && this.c - 1 == c
                                || this.r + 1 == r && this.c + 1 == c

                } else if (text == "将" || text == "帅") {
                    if (that.r > 4) {
                        return function (r, c) {
                            var l = 7, l2 = 9, b = 3, b2 = 5;
                            if (r < l || r > l2 || c < b || c > b2) {
                                return false;
                            return this.r - 1 == r && this.c == c
                                || this.r + 1 == r && this.c == c
                                || this.r == r && this.c - 1 == c
                                || this.r == r && this.c + 1 == c
                    } else {
                        return function (r, c) {
                            var l = 0, l2 = 3, b = 3, b2 = 5;
                            if (r < l || r > l2 || c < b || c > b2) {
                                return false;
                            return this.r - 1 == r && this.c == c
                                || this.r + 1 == r && this.c == c
                                || this.r == r && this.c - 1 == c
                                || this.r == r && this.c + 1 == c
                return function () {


        QiZi.prototype = {
            isEnemyOrEmpty: function (r, c) {
                return this.qipan.bodys[r][c].qizi == null;
            getMoveRange: function (r, c) {
                    step = 0,
                    bodys = this.qipan.bodys,
                    minR = Math.min(this.r, r), maxR = Math.max(this.r, r), minC = Math.min(this.c, c), maxC = Math.max(this.c, c);

                if (this.r != r && this.c == c) {
                    for (var i = minR; i < maxR; i++) {

                        if (i != this.r && i != r && bodys[i][c].qizi != null) {

                } else if (this.r == r && this.c != c) {
                    for (var i = minC; i < maxC; i++) {

                        if (i != this.c && i != c && bodys[r][i].qizi != null) {
                return step;
            draw: function () {
                    qipan = this.qipan,
                    isred = this.isred,
                    ctx = this.ctx,
                    bodys = qipan.bodys,
                    radius = qipan.radius,
                    xy = this.getPostion(this.r, this.c)
                ctx.strokeStyle = isred ? "red" : "#000";
                ctx.lineWidth = 1;

                this.x = xy.x;
                this.y = xy.y;
                this.left = xy.x - radius;
                this.top = xy.y - radius;
                this.right = xy.x + radius;
                this.bottom = xy.y + radius;

                ctx.arc(xy.x, xy.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(250, 240, 240,1)";

                ctx.fillStyle = isred ? "red" : "#000";
                ctx.textAlign = "center";
                ctx.fillText(this.text, xy.x, xy.y);
            getPostion: function (r, c) {
                return {
                    x: this.qipan.bodys[r][c].x,
                    y: this.qipan.bodys[r][c].y

            moveTo: function (r, c) {
                if (this.checkstep(r, c)) {
                    var r2 = this.r, c2 = this.c;
                    this.r = r;
                    this.c = c;
                    this.qipan.moveQizi(r2, c2, r, c);
                    return true;
                return false;

            select: function () {
                var that = this, ctx = that.ctx, len = 15;
                ctx.strokeStyle = "#00ff21";
                ctx.lineWidth = 5;

                ctx.moveTo(that.left, that.top + len);
                ctx.lineTo(that.left, that.top);
                ctx.lineTo(that.left + len, that.top);

                ctx.moveTo(that.left, that.bottom - len);
                ctx.lineTo(that.left, that.bottom);
                ctx.lineTo(that.left + len, that.bottom);

                ctx.moveTo(that.right, that.top + len);
                ctx.lineTo(that.right, that.top);
                ctx.lineTo(that.right - len, that.top);

                ctx.moveTo(that.right, that.bottom - len);
                ctx.lineTo(that.right, that.bottom);
                ctx.lineTo(that.right - len, that.bottom);



    var xq = new XiangQi("xqCanvas");


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