
/   前言   /


    简单来说,就是一款mac内置的程序,可以用这个程序下载很多常用的软件。可能有人会问:为什么不用网站去下载安装啊?网站你得搜索吧,找个下载界面点击下载。 步骤太多,过于繁琐。使用homebrew就是简单了,光放库支持,打开终端,输入命令直接下载,是不是很cool。

/   正文   /


  • 安装homebrew 安装方式:终端 - 输入链接 官方推荐默认安装链接:/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"



  • 苹果电脑 常规安装脚本(推荐 完全体 几分钟安装完成): /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  • 苹果电脑 极速安装脚本(精简版 几秒钟安装完成): /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL" speed

  • 苹果电脑 卸载脚本: /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL"




  • brew config:查看brew配置来源

  • brew -v :版本号

  • brew list:列出所有已安装formula(软件包)和cask(应用包)

  • brew list --versions:列出所有已安装的formula(软件包)和cask(应用包)及版本。

  • brew services list:查看服务运行情况

  • brew search xxx :搜索formula(软件包)和cask(应用包)。例如 brew search mysql

  • brew install xxx :安装。例如:brew install mysql

  • brew install xxx@x.x :安装指定版本。例如:brew install mysql@5.7

  • brew info xxx:查询。例如:brew info mysql 主要查看具体的信息及依赖关系当前版本注意事项等

  • brew update:更新。如果想要更新到当前最新的版本要先把当前 brew 更新到最新。这个时候他会先更新自己到最新 接下来的操作才更有意义

  • brew outdated:检测新版本。会列出所有有新版本的程序

  • brew upgrade:升级。升级所有 当然也可以指定升级(brew upgrade xxx指定的升级的程序名)

  • brew cleanup:清理。清理不需要的版本及其安装缓存

  • brew uninstall:删除 xxx删除不需要的程序

  • brew remove mysql:卸载不需要的程序

  • man brew:更多命令详见



  • 搜索(会搜索formula(软件包)和cask(应用包))

    • brew search mysql:

    • brew search elasticsearch:

  • 安装:(可以安装formula(软件包)和cask(应用包))

    • brew install jdk:安装mysql

    • brew install mysql:安装mysql

    • brew install mysql@5.7:指定5.7版本安装 说明:安装完后要执行链接brew link --force mysql@5.7
      执行 mysql_secure_installation 初始化密码,启动mysql:mysql -uroot 可以配置环境变量:echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

    • brew install redis:安装redis

    • brew install elasticsearch:安装elasticsearch

    • brew install kibana:安装kibana

    • brew install docker:安装docker

    • brew install curl:URL语法在命令行下工作的文件传输工具

    • brew install wget:下载工具

    • brew install yarn:安装yarn,javascript包管理工具

    • brew install nginx:安装nginx

    • brew install maven:安装maven

    • brew install --cask chrome:安装应用chrome

    • brew install --cask wechat:安装应用wechat

    • brew install --cask typora:安装typora

    • brew install --cask firefox //以应用包形式安装

    • brew install --cask visual-studio-code

    • brew install --cask docker

  • 启动:

    • 启动 mysql, 并设置为开机启动

    • brew services start mysql

    • brew services start redis

    • brew services start kibana (http://localhost:5601/)

  • 关闭 mysql

    • brew services stop mysql

  • 重启 mysql

    • brew services restart mysql

  • 查看已安装的服务

    • brew list --versions

  • 查找软件安装位置

    • which mysql





# brew.git镜像源
git -C "$(brew --repo)" remote set-url origin

# homebrew-core.git镜像源
git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" remote set-url origin

# homebrew-cask.git镜像源
git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/cask)" remote set-url origin

if [ $SHELL = "/bin/bash" ] # 如果你的是bash
    echo 'export HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN=' >> ~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.bash_profile
elif [ $SHELL = "/bin/zsh" ] # 如果用的shell 是zsh 的话
    echo 'export HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN=' >> ~/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc
brew update


git -C "$(brew --repo)" remote set-url origin
git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" remote set-url origin
git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/cask)" remote set-url origin
# 找到 ~/.bash_profile 或者 ~/.zshrc 中的HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN 一行删除

brew update




brew doctor
brew update-reset
brew update






brew update

brew 和 brew cask

brew 是从下载源码解压然后 ./configure && make install ,同时会包含相关依存库。并自动配置好各种环境变量,而且易于卸载。这个对程序员来说简直是福音,简单的指令,就能快速安装和升级本地的各种开发环境。

而 brew cask 是 已经编译好了的应用包 (.dmg/.pkg),仅仅是下载解压,放在统一的目录中(/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom),省掉了自己去下载、解压、拖拽(安装)等蛋疼步骤,同样,卸载相当容易与干净。这个对一般用户来说会比较方便,包含很多在 AppStore 里没有的常用软件。

homebrew cask

Homebrew Cask 是 Homebrew 的扩展,借助它可以方便地在 macOS 上安装图形界面程序,即我们常用的各类应用.使用一个快速命令安装的应用程序:不单击、不拖放、不拖放。

安装homebrew cask 

Homebrew已默认集成了homebrew cask,如果没有执行brew tap homebrew/cask-cask

搜索应用:brew casks 列表本地所有可安装的cask

安装应用:brew install --cask firefox //以应用包形式安装 brew install --formulae firefox //以软件包形式安装

制作cask:brew create --cask foo

brew 命令拓展

--cache                   -- Display Homebrew's download cache
--caskroom                -- Display Homebrew's Caskroom path
--cellar                  -- Display Homebrew's Cellar path
--env                     -- Summarise Homebrew's build environment as a plain list
--prefix                  -- Display Homebrew's install path
--repository              -- Display where Homebrew's git repository is located
--version                 -- Print the version numbers of Homebrew, Homebrew/homebrew-core and Homebrew/homebrew-cask (if tapped) to standard output
analytics                 -- Control Homebrew's anonymous aggregate user behaviour analytics
audit                     -- Check formula for Homebrew coding style violations
autoremove                -- Uninstall formulae that were only installed as a dependency of another formula and are now no longer needed
bottle                    -- Generate a bottle (binary package) from a formula that was installed with `--build-bottle`
bump                      -- Display out-of-date brew formulae and the latest version available
bump-cask-pr              -- Create a pull request to update cask with a new version
bump-formula-pr           -- Create a pull request to update formula with a new URL or a new tag
bump-revision             -- Create a commit to increment the revision of formula
bump-unversioned-casks    -- Check all casks with unversioned URLs in a given tap for updates
casks                     -- List all locally installable casks including short names
cat                       -- Display the source of a formula or cask
cleanup                   -- Remove stale lock files and outdated downloads for all formulae and casks, and remove old versions of installed formulae
command                   -- Display the path to the file being used when invoking `brew` cmd
commands                  -- Show lists of built-in and external commands
completions               -- Control whether Homebrew automatically links external tap shell completion files
config                    -- Show Homebrew and system configuration info useful for debugging
create                    -- Generate a formula or, with `--cask`, a cask for the downloadable file at URL and open it in the editor
deps                      -- Show dependencies for formula
desc                      -- Display formula's name and one-line description
dispatch-build-bottle     -- Build bottles for these formulae with GitHub Actions
doctor                    -- Check your system for potential problems
edit                      -- Open a formula or cask in the editor set by `EDITOR` or `HOMEBREW_EDITOR`, or open the Homebrew repository for editing if no formula is provided
extract                   -- Look through repository history to find the most recent version of formula and create a copy in tap
fetch                     -- Download a bottle (if available) or source packages for formulae and binaries for casks
formula                   -- Display the path where formula is located
formulae                  -- List all locally installable formulae including short names
generate-man-completions  -- Generate Homebrew's manpages and shell completions
gist-logs                 -- Upload logs for a failed build of formula to a new Gist
home                      -- Open a formula or cask's homepage in a browser, or open Homebrew's own homepage if no argument is provided
info                      -- Display brief statistics for your Homebrew installation
install                   -- Install a formula or cask
install-bundler-gems      -- Install Homebrew's Bundler gems
irb                       -- Enter the interactive Homebrew Ruby shell
leaves                    -- List installed formulae that are not dependencies of another installed formula
link                      -- Symlink all of formula's installed files into Homebrew's prefix
linkage                   -- Check the library links from the given formula kegs
list                      -- List all installed formulae and casks
livecheck                 -- Check for newer versions of formulae and/or casks from upstream
log                       -- Show the `git log` for formula, or show the log for the Homebrew repository if no formula is provided
man                       -- Generate Homebrew's manpages
migrate                   -- Migrate renamed packages to new names, where formula are old names of packages
mirror                    -- Reupload the stable URL of a formula for use as a mirror
missing                   -- Check the given formula kegs for missing dependencies
options                   -- Show install options specific to formula
outdated                  -- List installed casks and formulae that have an updated version available
pin                       -- Pin the specified formula, preventing them from being upgraded when issuing the `brew upgrade` formula command
postinstall               -- Rerun the post-install steps for formula
pr-automerge              -- Find pull requests that can be automatically merged using `brew pr-publish`
pr-publish                -- Publish bottles for a pull request with GitHub Actions
pr-pull                   -- Download and publish bottles, and apply the bottle commit from a pull request with artifacts generated by GitHub Actions
pr-upload                 -- Apply the bottle commit and publish bottles to a host
prof                      -- Run Homebrew with a Ruby profiler
readall                   -- Import all items from the specified tap, or from all installed taps if none is provided
reinstall                 -- Uninstall and then reinstall a formula or cask using the same options it was originally installed with, plus any appended options specific to a formula
release                   -- Create a new draft Homebrew/brew release with the appropriate version number and release notes
release-notes             -- Print the merged pull requests on Homebrew/brew between two Git refs
rubocop                   -- Installs, configures and runs Homebrew's `rubocop`
ruby                      -- Run a Ruby instance with Homebrew's libraries loaded
search                    -- Perform a substring search of cask tokens and formula names for text
sh                        -- Enter an interactive shell for Homebrew's build environment
shellenv                  -- Print export statements
sponsors                  -- Update the list of GitHub Sponsors in the `Homebrew/brew` README
style                     -- Check formulae or files for conformance to Homebrew style guidelines
tap                       -- Tap a formula repository
tap-info                  -- Show detailed information about one or more taps
tap-new                   -- Generate the template files for a new tap
test                      -- Run the test method provided by an installed formula
tests                     -- Run Homebrew's unit and integration tests
typecheck                 -- Check for typechecking errors using Sorbet
unbottled                 -- Show the unbottled dependents of formulae
uninstall                 -- Uninstall a formula or cask
unlink                    -- Remove symlinks for formula from Homebrew's prefix
unpack                    -- Unpack the source files for formula into subdirectories of the current working directory
unpin                     -- Unpin formula, allowing them to be upgraded by `brew upgrade` formula
untap                     -- Remove a tapped formula repository
update                    -- Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae from GitHub using `git`(1) and perform any necessary migrations
update-license-data       -- Update SPDX license data in the Homebrew repository
update-maintainers        -- Update the list of maintainers in the `Homebrew/brew` README
update-python-resources   -- Update versions for PyPI resource blocks in formula
update-report             -- The Ruby implementation of `brew update`
update-reset              -- Fetch and reset Homebrew and all tap repositories (or any specified repository) using `git`(1) to their latest `origin/HEAD`
update-test               -- Run a test of `brew update` with a new repository clone
upgrade                   -- Upgrade outdated casks and outdated, unpinned formulae using the same options they were originally installed with, plus any appended brew formula optio
uses                      -- Show formulae and casks that specify formula as a dependency; that is, show dependents of formula
vendor-gems               -- Install and commit Homebrew's vendored gems
vendor-install            -- Install Homebrew's portable Ruby
aspell-dictionaries          postgresql-upgrade-database  services



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