Hive 窗口函数详解





  • 1、字符串操作函数?split、concat、ifnull、substr、substring、cast
  • 2、聚合函数 : hive适用于分析,所以常用
  • 3、时间函数 : 数仓的特征随时间变化而变化,所以时间也特别多
  • 4、窗口函数:sum() over() 、 count() over() 、 排名函数



  • sum(col) over() : 分组对col累计求和
  • count(col) over() : 分组对col累计
  • min(col) over() : 分组对col求最小值
  • max(col) over() : 分组求col的最大值
  • avg(col) over() : 分组求col列的平均值
  • first_value(col) over() : 某分组排序后的第一个col值
  • last_value(col) over() : 某分组排序后的最后一个col值
  • lag(col,n,DEFAULT) : 统计往前n行的col值,n可选,默认为1,DEFAULT当往上第n行为NULL时候,取默认值,如不指定,则为NULL
  • lead(col,n,DEFAULT) : 统计往后n行的col值,n可选,默认为1,DEFAULT当往下第n行为NULL时候,取默认值,如不指定,则为NULL
  • ntile(n) : 用于将分组数据按照顺序切分成n片,返回当前切片值。注意:n必须为int类型
  • row_number() over() : 排名函数,不会重复,适合于生成主键或者不并列排名
  • rank() over() : 排名函数,有并列名次,名次不连续。如:1,1,3
  • dense_rank() over() : 排名函数,有并列名次,名次连续。如:1,1,2

over(分组 排序 窗口) 中的order by后的语法:

1、物理窗口(真实往上下移动多少行rows between):

如: over(partition by col order by 排序字段 rows between 1 preceding and 1 fllowing)

2、 逻辑窗口(满足条件上下多少行):(金融行业、保险行业、p2p等)
range between [num] PRECEDING AND [num] FOLLOWING

如: over(partition by col order by 排序字段 range between 5 preceding and 5 fllowing)
注意: 窗口函数一般不和group by搭配使用。

应用: 某天某产品的累计销售额。




	shop_id INT comment '店铺id', 
	stat_date STRING comment '时间', 
	ordamt DOUBLE comment '销售额'


insert into shop_data values 
select shop_id,stat_date,ordamt,
-- 以符合条件的所有行作为窗口
count(shop_id) over() as count1,
 -- 以按shop_id分组的所有行作为窗口
count(shop_id) over(partition by shop_id) as count2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序的所有行作为窗口
count(shop_id) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as count3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as count4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从起点到末尾,默认从起点到末尾和count2结果相同
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as count5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从起点到当前行的前一行
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as count6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从起点到当前行
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as count7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行到末尾
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as count8,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到末尾
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following) as count9,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行
count(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following) as count10
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	count1	count2	count3	count4	count5	count6	count7	count8	count9	count10
10026	201901230030	5170.0	20	10	1	3	10	0	1	10	9	2
10026	201901230100	5669.0	20	10	2	4	10	1	2	9	8	2
10026	201901230130	2396.0	20	10	3	4	10	2	3	8	7	2
10026	201901230200	1498.0	20	10	4	4	10	3	4	7	6	2
10026	201901230230	1997.0	20	10	5	4	10	4	5	6	5	2
10026	201901230300	1188.0	20	10	6	4	10	5	6	5	4	2
10026	201901230330	598.0	20	10	7	4	10	6	7	4	3	2
10026	201901230400	479.0	20	10	8	4	10	7	8	3	2	2
10026	201901230430	1587.0	20	10	9	3	10	8	9	2	1	1
10026	201901230530	799.0	20	10	10	2	10	9	10	1	0	0
10027	201901230030	2170.0	20	5	1	3	5	0	1	5	4	2
10027	201901230100	1623.0	20	5	2	4	5	1	2	4	3	2
10027	201901230130	3397.0	20	5	3	4	5	2	3	3	2	2
10027	201901230200	1434.0	20	5	4	3	5	3	4	2	1	1
10027	201901230230	1001.0	20	5	5	2	5	4	5	1	0	0
10028	201901230300	1687.0	20	3	1	3	3	0	1	3	2	2
10028	201901230330	1298.0	20	3	2	3	3	1	2	2	1	1
10028	201901230400	149.0	20	3	3	2	3	2	3	1	0	0
10029	201901230430	2587.0	20	2	1	2	2	0	1	2	1	1
10029	201901230530	589.0	20	2	2	2	2	1	2	1	0	0
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计每个商品截止到当前时间的销售总额,默认从起点到当前行
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as sum_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计每个商品前半小时到后一小时的销售额(按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as sum_amt2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计每个商品的销售总额(从起点到末尾)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as sum_amt3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计截止到前半小时的销售总额(从起点到当前行的前一行)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as sum_amt4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计每个商品截止到当前时间的销售总额,默认从起点到当前行(从起点到当前行)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as sum_amt5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计当前时间及之后的销售总额(从当前行的末尾)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as sum_amt6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计当前时间的后半小时及之后的销售额(当前行后一行到末尾)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following) as sum_amt7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、统计当前时间后半小时到后一小时之间的销售额(按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行)
sum(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following) as sum_amt8
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	sum_amt1	sum_amt2	sum_amt3	sum_amt4	sum_amt5	sum_amt6	sum_amt7	sum_amt8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	5170.0	13235.0	21381.0	NULL	5170.0	21381.0	16211.0	8065.0
10026	201901230100	5669.0	10839.0	14733.0	21381.0	5170.0	10839.0	16211.0	10542.0	3894.0
10026	201901230130	2396.0	13235.0	11560.0	21381.0	10839.0	13235.0	10542.0	8146.0	3495.0
10026	201901230200	1498.0	14733.0	7079.0	21381.0	13235.0	14733.0	8146.0	6648.0	3185.0
10026	201901230230	1997.0	16730.0	5281.0	21381.0	14733.0	16730.0	6648.0	4651.0	1786.0
10026	201901230300	1188.0	17918.0	4262.0	21381.0	16730.0	17918.0	4651.0	3463.0	1077.0
10026	201901230330	598.0	18516.0	3852.0	21381.0	17918.0	18516.0	3463.0	2865.0	2066.0
10026	201901230400	479.0	18995.0	3463.0	21381.0	18516.0	18995.0	2865.0	2386.0	2386.0
10026	201901230430	1587.0	20582.0	2865.0	21381.0	18995.0	20582.0	2386.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230530	799.0	21381.0	2386.0	21381.0	20582.0	21381.0	799.0	NULL	NULL
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2170.0	7190.0	9625.0	NULL	2170.0	9625.0	7455.0	5020.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	3793.0	8624.0	9625.0	2170.0	3793.0	7455.0	5832.0	4831.0
10027	201901230130	3397.0	7190.0	7455.0	9625.0	3793.0	7190.0	5832.0	2435.0	2435.0
10027	201901230200	1434.0	8624.0	5832.0	9625.0	7190.0	8624.0	2435.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	9625.0	2435.0	9625.0	8624.0	9625.0	1001.0	NULL	NULL
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1687.0	3134.0	3134.0	NULL	1687.0	3134.0	1447.0	1447.0
10028	201901230330	1298.0	2985.0	3134.0	3134.0	1687.0	2985.0	1447.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	3134.0	1447.0	3134.0	2985.0	3134.0	149.0	NULL	NULL
10029	201901230430	2587.0	2587.0	3176.0	3176.0	NULL	2587.0	3176.0	589.0	589.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	3176.0	3176.0	3176.0	2587.0	3176.0	589.0	NULL	NULL
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date),2) as avg_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following), 2) as avg_amt2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到末尾的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following), 2) as avg_amt3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的前一行的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding), 2) as avg_amt4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row), 2) as avg_amt5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从当前行的末尾的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following), 2) as avg_amt6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、当前行后一行到末尾的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following), 2) as avg_amt7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行的平均值
round(avg(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following), 2) as avg_amt8
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	avg_amt1	avg_amt2	avg_amt3	avg_amt4	avg_amt5	avg_amt6	avg_amt7	avg_amt8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	5170.0	4411.67	2138.1	NULL	5170.0	2138.1	1801.22	4032.5
10026	201901230100	5669.0	5419.5	3683.25	2138.1	5170.0	5419.5	1801.22	1317.75	1947.0
10026	201901230130	2396.0	4411.67	2890.0	2138.1	5419.5	4411.67	1317.75	1163.71	1747.5
10026	201901230200	1498.0	3683.25	1769.75	2138.1	4411.67	3683.25	1163.71	1108.0	1592.5
10026	201901230230	1997.0	3346.0	1320.25	2138.1	3683.25	3346.0	1108.0	930.2	893.0
10026	201901230300	1188.0	2986.33	1065.5	2138.1	3346.0	2986.33	930.2	865.75	538.5
10026	201901230330	598.0	2645.14	963.0	2138.1	2986.33	2645.14	865.75	955.0	1033.0
10026	201901230400	479.0	2374.38	865.75	2138.1	2645.14	2374.38	955.0	1193.0	1193.0
10026	201901230430	1587.0	2286.89	955.0	2138.1	2374.38	2286.89	1193.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230530	799.0	2138.1	1193.0	2138.1	2286.89	2138.1	799.0	NULL	NULL
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2170.0	2396.67	1925.0	NULL	2170.0	1925.0	1863.75	2510.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	1896.5	2156.0	1925.0	2170.0	1896.5	1863.75	1944.0	2415.5
10027	201901230130	3397.0	2396.67	1863.75	1925.0	1896.5	2396.67	1944.0	1217.5	1217.5
10027	201901230200	1434.0	2156.0	1944.0	1925.0	2396.67	2156.0	1217.5	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	1925.0	1217.5	1925.0	2156.0	1925.0	1001.0	NULL	NULL
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1687.0	1044.67	1044.67	NULL	1687.0	1044.67	723.5	723.5
10028	201901230330	1298.0	1492.5	1044.67	1044.67	1687.0	1492.5	723.5	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	1044.67	723.5	1044.67	1492.5	1044.67	149.0	NULL	NULL
10029	201901230430	2587.0	2587.0	1588.0	1588.0	NULL	2587.0	1588.0	589.0	589.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	1588.0	1588.0	1588.0	2587.0	1588.0	589.0	NULL	NULL
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as min_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as min_amt2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到末尾的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as min_amt3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的前一行的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as min_amt4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as min_amt5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从当前行的末尾的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as min_amt6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、当前行后一行到末尾的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following) as min_amt7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行的最小数
min(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following) as min_amt8
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	min_amt1	min_amt2	min_amt3	min_amt4	min_amt5	min_amt6	min_amt7	min_amt8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	5170.0	2396.0	479.0	NULL	5170.0	479.0	479.0	2396.0
10026	201901230100	5669.0	5170.0	1498.0	479.0	5170.0	5170.0	479.0	479.0	1498.0
10026	201901230130	2396.0	2396.0	1498.0	479.0	5170.0	2396.0	479.0	479.0	1498.0
10026	201901230200	1498.0	1498.0	1188.0	479.0	2396.0	1498.0	479.0	479.0	1188.0
10026	201901230230	1997.0	1498.0	598.0	479.0	1498.0	1498.0	479.0	479.0	598.0
10026	201901230300	1188.0	1188.0	479.0	479.0	1498.0	1188.0	479.0	479.0	479.0
10026	201901230330	598.0	598.0	479.0	479.0	1188.0	598.0	479.0	479.0	479.0
10026	201901230400	479.0	479.0	479.0	479.0	598.0	479.0	479.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230430	1587.0	479.0	479.0	479.0	479.0	479.0	799.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230530	799.0	479.0	799.0	479.0	479.0	479.0	799.0	NULL	NULL
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2170.0	1623.0	1001.0	NULL	2170.0	1001.0	1001.0	1623.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	1623.0	1434.0	1001.0	2170.0	1623.0	1001.0	1001.0	1434.0
10027	201901230130	3397.0	1623.0	1001.0	1001.0	1623.0	1623.0	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230200	1434.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0	1623.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0	NULL	NULL
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1687.0	149.0	149.0	NULL	1687.0	149.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230330	1298.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0	1687.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	149.0	149.0	149.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0	NULL	NULL
10029	201901230430	2587.0	2587.0	589.0	589.0	NULL	2587.0	589.0	589.0	589.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	589.0	589.0	589.0	2587.0	589.0	589.0	NULL	NULL
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as max_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as max_amt2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到末尾的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as max_amt3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的前一行的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as max_amt4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as max_amt5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从当前行的末尾的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as max_amt6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、当前行后一行到末尾的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following) as max_amt7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行的最大数
max(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following) as max_amt8
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	max_amt1	max_amt2	max_amt3	max_amt4	max_amt5	max_amt6	max_amt7	max_amt8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	5170.0	5669.0	5669.0	NULL	5170.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0
10026	201901230100	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	5170.0	5669.0	5669.0	2396.0	2396.0
10026	201901230130	2396.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	2396.0	1997.0	1997.0
10026	201901230200	1498.0	5669.0	2396.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	1997.0	1997.0	1997.0
10026	201901230230	1997.0	5669.0	1997.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	1997.0	1587.0	1188.0
10026	201901230300	1188.0	5669.0	1997.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	1587.0	1587.0	598.0
10026	201901230330	598.0	5669.0	1587.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	1587.0	1587.0	1587.0
10026	201901230400	479.0	5669.0	1587.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	1587.0	1587.0	1587.0
10026	201901230430	1587.0	5669.0	1587.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	1587.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230530	799.0	5669.0	1587.0	5669.0	5669.0	5669.0	799.0	NULL	NULL
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2170.0	3397.0	3397.0	NULL	2170.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	2170.0	3397.0	3397.0	2170.0	2170.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0
10027	201901230130	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0	2170.0	3397.0	3397.0	1434.0	1434.0
10027	201901230200	1434.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	3397.0	1434.0	3397.0	3397.0	3397.0	1001.0	NULL	NULL
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	NULL	1687.0	1687.0	1298.0	1298.0
10028	201901230330	1298.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	1687.0	1298.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	149.0	NULL	NULL
10029	201901230430	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	NULL	2587.0	2587.0	589.0	589.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	589.0	NULL	NULL


shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as first_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as first_amt2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到末尾的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as first_amt3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的前一行的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as first_amt4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as first_amt5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从当前行的末尾的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as first_amt6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、当前行后一行到末尾的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following) as first_amt7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行的第一个值
first_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following) as first_amt8
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	first_amt1	first_amt2	first_amt3	first_amt4	first_amt5	first_amt6	first_amt7	first_amt8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	NULL	5170.0	5170.0	5669.0	5669.0
10026	201901230100	5669.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	5669.0	2396.0	2396.0
10026	201901230130	2396.0	5170.0	5669.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	2396.0	1498.0	1498.0
10026	201901230200	1498.0	5170.0	2396.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	1498.0	1997.0	1997.0
10026	201901230230	1997.0	5170.0	1498.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	1997.0	1188.0	1188.0
10026	201901230300	1188.0	5170.0	1997.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	1188.0	598.0	598.0
10026	201901230330	598.0	5170.0	1188.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	598.0	479.0	479.0
10026	201901230400	479.0	5170.0	598.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	479.0	1587.0	1587.0
10026	201901230430	1587.0	5170.0	479.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	1587.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230530	799.0	5170.0	1587.0	5170.0	5170.0	5170.0	799.0	NULL	NULL
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	NULL	2170.0	2170.0	1623.0	1623.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	1623.0	3397.0	3397.0
10027	201901230130	3397.0	2170.0	1623.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	3397.0	1434.0	1434.0
10027	201901230200	1434.0	2170.0	3397.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	2170.0	1434.0	2170.0	2170.0	2170.0	1001.0	NULL	NULL
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	NULL	1687.0	1687.0	1298.0	1298.0
10028	201901230330	1298.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	1687.0	1298.0	1687.0	1687.0	1687.0	149.0	NULL	NULL
10029	201901230430	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	NULL	2587.0	2587.0	589.0	589.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	2587.0	589.0	NULL	NULL
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as last_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按当前行+往前1行+往后2行的行作为窗口的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as last_amt2,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到末尾的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_amt3,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的前一行的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as last_amt4,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从起点到当前行的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as last_amt5,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、从当前行的末尾的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as last_amt6,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、当前行后一行到末尾的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and unbounded following) as last_amt7,
 -- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、按从当前行往后一行到当前行往后2行的最后一个值
last_value(ordamt) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between 1 following and 2 following) as last_amt8
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	last_amt1	last_amt2	last_amt3	last_amt4	last_amt5	last_amt6	last_amt7	last_amt8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	5170.0	2396.0	799.0	NULL	5170.0	799.0	799.0	2396.0
10026	201901230100	5669.0	5669.0	1498.0	799.0	5170.0	5669.0	799.0	799.0	1498.0
10026	201901230130	2396.0	2396.0	1997.0	799.0	5669.0	2396.0	799.0	799.0	1997.0
10026	201901230200	1498.0	1498.0	1188.0	799.0	2396.0	1498.0	799.0	799.0	1188.0
10026	201901230230	1997.0	1997.0	598.0	799.0	1498.0	1997.0	799.0	799.0	598.0
10026	201901230300	1188.0	1188.0	479.0	799.0	1997.0	1188.0	799.0	799.0	479.0
10026	201901230330	598.0	598.0	1587.0	799.0	1188.0	598.0	799.0	799.0	1587.0
10026	201901230400	479.0	479.0	799.0	799.0	598.0	479.0	799.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230430	1587.0	1587.0	799.0	799.0	479.0	1587.0	799.0	799.0	799.0
10026	201901230530	799.0	799.0	799.0	799.0	1587.0	799.0	799.0	NULL	NULL
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2170.0	3397.0	1001.0	NULL	2170.0	1001.0	1001.0	3397.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	1623.0	1434.0	1001.0	2170.0	1623.0	1001.0	1001.0	1434.0
10027	201901230130	3397.0	3397.0	1001.0	1001.0	1623.0	3397.0	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230200	1434.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0	3397.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0	1001.0	1434.0	1001.0	1001.0	NULL	NULL
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1687.0	149.0	149.0	NULL	1687.0	149.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230330	1298.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0	1687.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0	149.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	149.0	149.0	149.0	1298.0	149.0	149.0	NULL	NULL
10029	201901230430	2587.0	2587.0	589.0	589.0	NULL	2587.0	589.0	589.0	589.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	589.0	589.0	589.0	2587.0	589.0	589.0	NULL	NULL

2、使用lag() 和 lead() 不能对窗口限定边界,必须是 unbounded 无界的,如果设置了边界,会出现如下报错信息。

Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Failed to breakup Windowing invocations into Groups. 
At least 1 group must only depend on input columns. Also check for circular dependencies.

Underlying error: Expecting left window frame boundary for function lag((tok_table_or_col ordamt), 1, 'NA') 
Window Spec=[PartitioningSpec=[partitionColumns=[(tok_table_or_col shop_id)]orderColumns=[(tok_table_or_col 
stat_date) ASC]]window(start=range(1 FOLLOWING), end=range(Unbounded FOLLOWING))] as _wcol2 to be unbounded.
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
-- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、注意第三个参数默认值的类型需要和列类型匹配,否则不生效
lag(ordamt, 1, 0) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as last_amt1,
lag(ordamt, 2, 'NA') over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_amt2 
from shop_data;

shop_id     stat_date   ordamt  last_amt1   last_amt2 
10026   201901230030    5170    0       0
10026   201901230100    5669    5170    0
10026   201901230130    2396    5669    5170
10026   201901230200    1498    2396    5669
10026   201901230230    1997    1498    2396
10026   201901230300    1188    1997    1498
10026   201901230330    598     1188    1997
10026   201901230400    479     598     1188
10026   201901230430    1587    479     598
10026   201901230530    799     1587    479
10027   201901230030    2170    0       0
10027   201901230100    1623    2170    0
10027   201901230130    3397    1623    2170
10027   201901230200    1434    3397    1623
10027   201901230230    1001    1434    3397
10028   201901230300    1687    0       0
10028   201901230330    1298    1687    0
10028   201901230400    149     1298    1687
10029   201901230430    2587    0       0
10029   201901230530    589     2587    0
shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
-- 以按shop_id分组、按stat_date排序、注意第三个参数默认值的类型需要和列类型匹配,否则不生效
lead(ordamt, 1, 0) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as last_amt1,
lead(ordamt, 2, 'NA') over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as last_amt2 
from shop_data;

shop_id     stat_date   ordamt  last_amt1   last_amt2 
10026   201901230030    5170    5669    2396
10026   201901230100    5669    2396    1498
10026   201901230130    2396    1498    1997
10026   201901230200    1498    1997    1188
10026   201901230230    1997    1188    598
10026   201901230300    1188    598     479
10026   201901230330    598     479     1587
10026   201901230400    479     1587    799
10026   201901230430    1587    799     0
10026   201901230530    799     0       0
10027   201901230030    2170    1623    3397
10027   201901230100    1623    3397    1434
10027   201901230130    3397    1434    1001
10027   201901230200    1434    1001    0
10027   201901230230    1001    0       0
10028   201901230300    1687    1298    149
10028   201901230330    1298    149     0
10028   201901230400    149     0       0
10029   201901230430    2587    589     0
10029   201901230530    589     0       0

小于等于当前值x的行数 / 窗口或partition分区内的总行数。其中,x 等于 order by 子句中指定的列的当前行中的值。

shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
-- 统计小于等于当前销售额的订单占总订单的比例
cume_dist() over(order by ordamt) as cume_dist1,
-- 统计大于等于当前销售额的订单占总订单的比例
cume_dist() over(order by ordamt desc) as cume_dist2,
-- 统计分区内小于等于当前销售额的订单占总订单的比例
round(cume_dist() over(partition by shop_id order by ordamt), 2) as cume_dist3
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	cume_dist1	cume_dist2	cume_dist3
10026	201901230400	479.0	0.1	0.95	0.1
10026	201901230330	598.0	0.2	0.85	0.2
10026	201901230530	799.0	0.25	0.8	0.3
10026	201901230300	1188.0	0.35	0.7	0.4
10026	201901230200	1498.0	0.5	0.55	0.5
10026	201901230430	1587.0	0.55	0.5	0.6
10026	201901230230	1997.0	0.7	0.35	0.7
10026	201901230130	2396.0	0.8	0.25	0.8
10026	201901230030	5170.0	0.95	0.1	0.9
10026	201901230100	5669.0	1.0	0.05	1.0
10027	201901230230	1001.0	0.3	0.75	0.2
10027	201901230200	1434.0	0.45	0.6	0.4
10027	201901230100	1623.0	0.6	0.45	0.6
10027	201901230030	2170.0	0.75	0.3	0.8
10027	201901230130	3397.0	0.9	0.15	1.0
10028	201901230400	149.0	0.05	1.0	0.33
10028	201901230330	1298.0	0.4	0.65	0.67
10028	201901230300	1687.0	0.65	0.4	1.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	0.15	0.9	0.5
10029	201901230430	2587.0	0.85	0.2	1.0



rank 开窗函数基于 over 子句中的 order by 确定一组值中一个值的排名。
如果存在partition by ,则为每个分区组中的每个值排名。排名可能不是连续的。例如,如果两个行的排名为 1,则下一个排名为 3。

shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id排序
rank() over(order by shop_id) as rank_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分区、按stat_date排序
rank() over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as rank_amt2
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	rank_amt1	rank_amt2
10026	201901230030	5170.0	1	1
10026	201901230100	5669.0	1	2
10026	201901230130	2396.0	1	3
10026	201901230200	1498.0	1	4
10026	201901230230	1997.0	1	5
10026	201901230300	1188.0	1	6
10026	201901230330	598.0	1	7
10026	201901230400	479.0	1	8
10026	201901230430	1587.0	1	9
10026	201901230530	799.0	1	10
10027	201901230030	2170.0	11	1
10027	201901230100	1623.0	11	2
10027	201901230130	3397.0	11	3
10027	201901230200	1434.0	11	4
10027	201901230230	1001.0	11	5
10028	201901230300	1687.0	16	1
10028	201901230330	1298.0	16	2
10028	201901230400	149.0	16	3
10029	201901230430	2587.0	19	1
10029	201901230530	589.0	19	2

dense_rank与rank有一点不同,当排名一样的时候,接下来的行是连续的。如两个行的排名为 1,则下一个排名为 2。

shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id排序
dense_rank() over(order by shop_id) as dense_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分区、按stat_date排序
dense_rank() over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as dense_amt2
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	dense_amt1	dense_amt2
10026	201901230030	5170.0	1	1
10026	201901230100	5669.0	1	2
10026	201901230130	2396.0	1	3
10026	201901230200	1498.0	1	4
10026	201901230230	1997.0	1	5
10026	201901230300	1188.0	1	6
10026	201901230330	598.0	1	7
10026	201901230400	479.0	1	8
10026	201901230430	1587.0	1	9
10026	201901230530	799.0	1	10
10027	201901230030	2170.0	2	1
10027	201901230100	1623.0	2	2
10027	201901230130	3397.0	2	3
10027	201901230200	1434.0	2	4
10027	201901230230	1001.0	2	5
10028	201901230300	1687.0	3	1
10028	201901230330	1298.0	3	2
10028	201901230400	149.0	3	3
10029	201901230430	2587.0	4	1
10029	201901230530	589.0	4	2


shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分成两组、按stat_date排序
ntile(2) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as ntile_amt1,
  -- 以按shop_id分成三组、按stat_date排序
ntile(3) over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as ntile_amt2
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	ntile_amt1	ntile_amt2
10026	201901230030	5170.0	1	1
10026	201901230100	5669.0	1	1
10026	201901230130	2396.0	1	1
10026	201901230200	1498.0	1	1
10026	201901230230	1997.0	1	2
10026	201901230300	1188.0	2	2
10026	201901230330	598.0	2	2
10026	201901230400	479.0	2	3
10026	201901230430	1587.0	2	3
10026	201901230530	799.0	2	3
10027	201901230030	2170.0	1	1
10027	201901230100	1623.0	1	1
10027	201901230130	3397.0	1	2
10027	201901230200	1434.0	2	2
10027	201901230230	1001.0	2	3
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1	1
10028	201901230330	1298.0	1	2
10028	201901230400	149.0	2	3
10029	201901230430	2587.0	1	1
10029	201901230530	589.0	2	2


shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分区、按stat_date排序
row_number() over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as row_amt
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	row_amt
10026	201901230030	5170.0	1
10026	201901230100	5669.0	2
10026	201901230130	2396.0	3
10026	201901230200	1498.0	4
10026	201901230230	1997.0	5
10026	201901230300	1188.0	6
10026	201901230330	598.0	7
10026	201901230400	479.0	8
10026	201901230430	1587.0	9
10026	201901230530	799.0	10
10027	201901230030	2170.0	1
10027	201901230100	1623.0	2
10027	201901230130	3397.0	3
10027	201901230200	1434.0	4
10027	201901230230	1001.0	5
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1
10028	201901230330	1298.0	2
10028	201901230400	149.0	3
10029	201901230430	2587.0	1
10029	201901230530	589.0	2


shop_id, stat_date, ordamt,
  -- 以按shop_id分区、按stat_date排序
row_number() over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date) as row_amt,
round(percent_rank() over(partition by shop_id order by stat_date), 2) as percent_amt
from shop_data;

shop_id	stat_date	ordamt	row_amt	percent_amt
10026	201901230030	5170.0	1	0.0
10026	201901230100	5669.0	2	0.11
10026	201901230130	2396.0	3	0.22
10026	201901230200	1498.0	4	0.33
10026	201901230230	1997.0	5	0.44
10026	201901230300	1188.0	6	0.56
10026	201901230330	598.0	7	0.67
10026	201901230400	479.0	8	0.78
10026	201901230430	1587.0	9	0.89
10026	201901230530	799.0	10	1.0
10027	201901230030	2170.0	1	0.0
10027	201901230100	1623.0	2	0.25
10027	201901230130	3397.0	3	0.5
10027	201901230200	1434.0	4	0.75
10027	201901230230	1001.0	5	1.0
10028	201901230300	1687.0	1	0.0
10028	201901230330	1298.0	2	0.5
10028	201901230400	149.0	3	1.0
10029	201901230430	2587.0	1	0.0
10029	201901230530	589.0	2	1.0
评论 1




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