



  1. 不跑题
  2. 文章结构清楚,语言表达清楚
  3. 语法准确(可以有少量语法和拼写错误,4-5处是可以的)
  4. 句型和词汇多样


3.1 题型分类

  • 友谊类

成为朋友的几个方面:① 兴趣一致    ② 相互有吸引力    ③ 呆在一起的时间久

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.


① 沟通来解决问题    ② 多个朋友多条路    ③ 取决于事情的程度

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It's better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor?


① 能够得到更多的帮助    ② 能够激励自己

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.


① 会产生隐瞒,从而产生误会,如果被发现,会被认为不真诚    ② 会产生落差和嫉妒

Some people believe that spending time away from the people we care about helps us improve our relationships with them, because being away from these people makes us realize how important they are to us. Other people believe that to improve our relationships with people we care about, we should spend as much time with them as possible, because spending time apart can damage or harm a relationship. Which view do you agree with, and why?


① 有问题能及时相互帮助    ② 能够增进彼此的了解

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends.


① 不想说实话伤害他    ② 每个人都有自己的隐私

  • 古今对比类

思路:多考虑不抽象的方面来答, 如科技、经济、思想和教育

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Students do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.


① 良好的教育,是基本素养    ② 懂得回报

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.


① 与日常生活的关系很小    ② 枯燥

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problem to the public.


①为收视率不择手段     ② 过于追求效率    ③ 没有意识到这样做的负面影响,忽略读者和观众的感受

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Nowadays people are more willing to help the people they don’t know (for example, giving clothing and food to the people who need them) than people were in the past.


① 人们都不互相信任    ② 人们都很忙,没有时间

  • 三选一类

What is the most useful action for people to help protect the environment?

1. Travel by bike or walk to destination.

2. Reuse and recycle waste materials.

3. Purchase local organic food.


① organic -- 农药和杀虫剂会污染土地和水源    ② local -- 减少运输过程中造成的污染

If your friend wants to reduce living expenses, what would you suggest?

1. find a roommate to share the rent.

2. less frequency to buy smart phone.

3. buy less expensive food and cooking at home.


① 房费是一笔很大的花销    ② 除房费之外,还可以和室友分担其他费用

Which one do you think is the most important for high school teacher (age from 15 to 18)?

1. the ability to give students advice to plan for their future.

2. the ability to find which students need help and provide them with help.

3. the ability to encourage students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom.


① 对学习方面的帮助,可以提高学习成绩    ② 对生活房方面的帮助,可以减轻压力

Which way would you like to take to improve your health?

A. eat more healthy food.

B. do more exercises.

C. reduce stress.


① 有益于身体健康,提高免疫能力    ② 有益于心理健康

The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment?

1.Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy. 

2.Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.

3.Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.


① 法律具有强制性,能立即见效    ② 可以对违法企业和个人进行罚款

Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child aged 5 to 10?

1.Being helpful to others.

2.Being honest.

3.Being well-organized.


① 能够结交更多的朋友    ② 能够得到更多的别人的帮助    ③ 能够学会分享

Which of the following do you think is the most important thing to better help college students succeed in their academics?

1.Inviting tutors to provide individual instruction for helping students to deal with the difficulties of schoolwork.

2.Encouragement from family or Friends who are attending University.

3.Receiving a high-quality education of excellent teacher while in the high school.


① 更具有针对性    ② 能够更方便及时地得到反馈和帮助

Three Choices to protect the local environment, which one do you think is the most effective one?

1. Plant tree and create garden.

2. Local shop do not provide plastic bags to the consumers.

3. Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains) ,thus, reduce the automobile on the road.


① 有利于可持续发展(sustaintable development)    ② 具有良好的教育意义

  • 绝对词类

思路:① 它的不好,缺点    ②有比它更好的,所以不是最好的

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Visiting museum is the best way to learn about a country.


①博物馆是有限制的(limited)    ② 可以通过与当地人交流以及上网

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The most important thing that government can do to improve health care is to clean the environment.


① 二者没有直接的关系    ② 有其他更好的办法,如改善医疗条件、增加假期不加班等

Do you agree or disagree?

The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost.


① 对政府是负担,但对个人是无负担的    ② 有一部分人或者职业不需要互联网

Do you agree or disagree?

The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.


① 钱    ② 工作需要

  • 因果类

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because of the loss of old social connection.

3.2 常用套路

  • 选择不好的那一方,比较好论述
  • 一定要重视例子的使用,多使用细节来描述例子,用例子来论述论点
  • 两段式的题干只讨论其中的一段即可
  • 成为朋友的几个方面:① 兴趣一致    ② 相互有吸引力    ③ 呆在一起的时间久
  • 年轻人对比老年人:① 健康    ② 时间多    ③ 成长的需求
  • 老年人对比年轻人:① 钱多    ② 时间多    ③ 经验丰富    ④ 无聊    ⑤ 跟上社会的步伐
  • 讨论大学生要不要上各种的问题,一律选不上:① 与专业无关,没有用    ② 在学习和经济上造成太大的压力
  • 有运动选运动,好答:① 身体健康,免疫系统    ② 心理健康
  • 绝对词类的思路:① 它的不好,缺点    ②有比它更好的,所以不是最好的
  • 可以多使用副词

3.3 作文分段(4段)

  1. 开头段  70-90字
  2. 中间段1  150+字
  3. 中间段2  150+字
  4. 结尾段  40-50字



开头段  70-90字  4-5句话

  1. 转述题目
  2. 别人(即与我对立的观点)的论点 + 理由
  3. 我(即我选择的观点)的两个理由
  4. 承上启下

1.1 转述题目

转述的方法:① synonym(同义词)    ② 词性(动词 - 形容词 - 名词)    ③ 句型(主谓宾)    ④ 换主语(主动换被动)

Never has the issue of whether + 转述题目的句子(即对题目的同义转换) + failed to attract people’s attention.

E.g. Never has the issue of whether younger children should be taken care by their older siblings or their parents failed to attract people’s attention.

1.2 别人(即与我对立的观点)的论点 + 理由

使用 In fact / Certainly / Indeed / Admittedly 作为逻辑词

In fact/ Certainly/ Indeed/ Admittedly, if + sb did(were doing) sth, sb + would + 与我对立的观点的理由好处.

E.g. In fact, if older children spent much time attending to younger ones, the bonds among them would be strengthened by communicating frequently.

1.3 我(即我选择的观点)的两个理由

使用 However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless 作为逻辑词

However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless, + 我选择的观点 + since + 理由1以及理由1的好处 . Furthermore, it is necessary for them to + 理由2以及理由2的好处 .

E.g. However, parents have more experience to better look after their kids since they have already successfully raised one child. Furthermore, it is necessary for them to spend more time being with their own kids to shoulder their responsibility of being a parent.

1.4 承上启下

My reasons will be elaborated as followed/ follows.

1.5 注意事项

  1. 句型和主语要做到多样
  2. 开头段尽量不要出现语法问题



结尾段  40-50字  4-5句话

1. In conclusion/ In a nutshell/ To sum up/ All in all/ In a word, it is true that + 转述开头段的让步句.

2. Nevertheless, + 自己的两个理由的简单总结.

3. What we should do is to treat this issue more objectively.

4. As a result, I firmly believe that + 自己的观点.

E.g. In conclusion, it is true that by taking care of their younger brothers or sisters, older children may build up better relationship with them. Nevertheless, parents know how to attend to their kids and also should be responsible to their family, which make them better candidates to do the job. What we should do is to treat this issue more objectively. As a result, I firmly believe that parents or other adults take care of the younger children better than older children.


3.1 Body段原则

  1. Unity:每句话都指向中心句,废话不要写
  2. Logic:注意避免强逻辑,尽量使用正常积极世界观的逻辑,一定要注意逻辑词的使用
  3. Coherence:段与段之间的衔接(First, Second, Third, In conclusion)和句子之间的衔接(用好代词)

3.2 Body段构成部分

  1. Topic sentence and topic words
  2. Specific reason
  3. Benefits of your choice
  4. Example

  1. 题目里面你选择的是哪一个观点
  2. 你选择这个观点的理由
  3. 选择这个观点的理由能带来的好处
  4. 举一个详细的例子

3.3 例子部分模板

  1. Background:例子的背景  1句话
  2. Details:例子的细节  3-4句话
  3. Summary:例子的总结  1句话

  1. 什么样的谁在哪里做了主旨句里面说的事情
  2. 具体做了什么,发生了什么
  3. 做了这件事情最终的结果是什么

3.4 Body段模板

Body段  每段150+字

1. First of all, if + 话题(即主旨句),

2. it will + 理由.

3. As a result, + 好处.

4. For example/ instance, + 例子.

5. Therefore, in order to + 理由/好处, we should + 话题

E.g. Some people prefer doing sports on their own, such as jogging or biking; others prefer doing with a group of people. Which do you prefer? Why?

First of all, if people choose to do some group sports, there must be many people who can supervise them. As a result, it will be much easier for people to form a good habit of doing sports. For example, when I was in college, I chose to join in a basketball team to learn some techniques in playing basketball. I was a lazy person who always sleep to 11 o'clock so sometimes I wanted to quit the training. However, my teammates would call me crazily until I got up from my bed and showed myself in the playground. Sometimes, they even came to my dorm and pulled me out of my bed to take the training. As a result, when it comes to the day of training, i would participate it regularly and finally form the habit of keeping doing physical exercise. Therefore, in order to have more people to encourage us, we should ......



1.1 注意事项

  • 阅读时间:3min  听力时间:3min  写作时间:20min
  • 官方:150-225字  高分:300+字
  • 作文内容比例:阅读:听力 = 1:3
  • 先写阅读,后写听力,要记录阅读笔记和听力笔记
  • 题材多是生物(biology)、考古(archaeology)、商业(business)和天文(astronomy)以及其他
  • 阅读部分的内容要进行同义转换,不能直接抄原文
  • 阅读部分的内容一定不要太多
  • 要运用适当的连接词了,来表达句子和句子之间的逻辑
  • 不要写特别长或者特别短的句子,可以用连接词把句子组织连接起来
  • 最重要的是听力,如果没听懂,就蒙,但可能蒙错

1.2 作文分段

  • 开头段


The reading states that + 阅读的观点. while the professor in the lecture disagrees with this opinion and all the arguments made by the author.

E.g. The reading states that there are three main benefits of constructing wind turbines in the areas of the Great Lakes, while the professor in the lecture disagrees with this opinion and all the arguments made by the author.

  • 中间段1

1. To begin with/ To start with/ First of all, the writer suggests that + 一句话阐述你的阅读观点1

2. However, the speaker doubts this view and then points out that + 听力里面对应阅读观点1的主旨和细节. ......

E.g. To begin with, the writer suggests that the construction of wind turbines will have a good economic impact on local economy by creating more jobs and incomes. However, the speaker doubts this view and then points out that although jobs will be created, local residents will suffer from some bad economic effects. In fact, building such turbines will be highly costly for those companies. So, in order to recover their initial costs, they will increase the price of electricity. Unfortunately, it is estimated that local residents will receive a high electricity bill for at least 15 years.

  • 中间段2

1. Secondly, the author proposes that + 一句话阐述你的阅读观点2 + since + 简单概括你的阅读观点2的理由, whereas the lecture does not think it makes any sense.

2. To elaborate, there are other problems that + 听力里面对应阅读观点2的主旨和细节. ......

E.g. Secondly, the author proposes that + 一句话阐述你的阅读观点2 + since freshwater in the Great Lakes is not corrosive, the maintenance cost for the government will be much lower, whereas the lecture does not think it makes any sense. To elaborate, there are other problems that may elevate the cost of maintaining those turbines. Because the weather in that district is very cold in winter, the fresh water is much easier to be frozen. As a result, when the water is frozen, it will add much burden on the basis of the turbine, which will add extra weight to those turbines and thus make them easily to be broken down. Therefore, the maintenance cost is still higher.

  • 中间段3

1. Lastly, the passage shows that + 一句话阐述你的阅读观点3.

2. Nevertheless, the professor in the lecture disapproves of this opinion by pointing out that + 听力里面对应阅读观点3的主旨和细节. ......

E.g. Lastly, the passage shows that water can be conserved after the construction of turbines. Nevertheless, the professor in the lecture disapproves of this opinion by pointing out that there may be other problems induced by the application of wind turbines. Specifically, the water quality may suffer from the lubricants that flow to the lake when the turbines are cracked and leaking those materials.



  1. make more friends:校园场景尽量不写,除非是很明显简单地可以用它做论点的题目
  2. make more money:政府类话题尽量不写。除非是很明显简单地可以用它做论点的题目
  3. make me feel relaxed


  • Efficiency
  • Money reduce family burden
  • Time
  • Energy
  • Technology
  • Communication skills(be a good listener / how to express yourself)
  • Enlarge social network/circle
  • Relax
  • Presssure
  • Relationship
  • acquire more knowledge ---> Open mind
  • Health(physically, mentally)



有可能做某事:be inclined to do/be prone to do/have the potential to do

完美的:versatile / all-rounded

以...为代价:at the expense of



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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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