object DirectKafkaWordCount {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 2) {
|Usage: DirectKafkaWordCount <brokers> <topics>
| <brokers> is a list of one or more Kafka brokers
| <topics> is a list of one or more kafka topics to consume from
val Array(brokers, topics) = args
// Create context with 2 second batch interval
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("DirectKafkaWordCount")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(2))
// Create direct kafka stream with brokers and topics
val topicsSet = topics.split(",").toSet
val kafkaParams = Map[String, String]("metadata.broker.list" -> brokers)
val messages = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe[String, String](topicsSet, kafkaParams))
// Get the lines, split them into words, count the words and print
val lines = messages.map(_.value)
val words = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val wordCounts = words.map(x => (x, 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
// Start the computation
def createDirectStream[K, V](
ssc: StreamingContext,
locationStrategy: LocationStrategy,
consumerStrategy: ConsumerStrategy[K, V]
): InputDStream[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = {
val ppc = new DefaultPerPartitionConfig(ssc.sparkContext.getConf)
createDirectStream[K, V](ssc, locationStrategy, consumerStrategy, ppc)
object LocationStrategies {
* :: Experimental ::
* Use this only if your executors are on the same nodes as your Kafka brokers.
def PreferBrokers: LocationStrategy =
* :: Experimental ::
* Use this in most cases, it will consistently distribute partitions across all executors.
def PreferConsistent: LocationStrategy =
* :: Experimental ::
* Use this to place particular TopicPartitions on particular hosts if your load is uneven.
* Any TopicPartition not specified in the map will use a consistent location.
def PreferFixed(hostMap: collection.Map[TopicPartition, String]): LocationStrategy =
new PreferFixed(new ju.HashMap[TopicPartition, String](hostMap.asJava))
* :: Experimental ::
* Use this to place particular TopicPartitions on particular hosts if your load is uneven.
* Any TopicPartition not specified in the map will use a consistent location.
def PreferFixed(hostMap: ju.Map[TopicPartition, String]): LocationStrategy =
new PreferFixed(hostMap)
LocationStrategy有三种策略,第一个就是PreferBrokers策略,源码注释是,' Use this only if your executors are on the same nodes as your Kafka broker',也就是说,当你的executors和kafka的broker是同样的时候,可以用这个策略,但是,这种情况很少
这里createDirectStream的时候会new DefaultPerPartitionConfig(ssc.sparkContext.getConf),这个用处很简单,是用来对kafka进行限流的
private class DefaultPerPartitionConfig(conf: SparkConf)
extends PerPartitionConfig {
val maxRate = conf.getLong("spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition", 0)
def maxRatePerPartition(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Long = maxRate
这里可以通过spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition配置来对每个partition进入的数据进行限流,防止有些机器 由于负载太高,而导致kafka传输数据出问题。
def createDirectStream[K, V](
ssc: StreamingContext,
locationStrategy: LocationStrategy,
consumerStrategy: ConsumerStrategy[K, V],
perPartitionConfig: PerPartitionConfig
): InputDStream[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = {
new DirectKafkaInputDStream[K, V](ssc, locationStrategy, consumerStrategy, perPartitionConfig)
private[spark] class DirectKafkaInputDStream[K, V](
_ssc: StreamingContext,
locationStrategy: LocationStrategy,
consumerStrategy: ConsumerStrategy[K, V],
ppc: PerPartitionConfig
) extends InputDStream[ConsumerRecord[K, V]](_ssc) with Logging with CanCommitOffsets
abstract class InputDStream[T: ClassTag](_ssc: StreamingContext)
extends DStream[T](_ssc)
abstract class DStream[T: ClassTag] (
@transient private[streaming] var ssc: StreamingContext
) extends Serializable with Logging {
// =======================================================================
// Methods that should be implemented by subclasses of DStream
// =======================================================================
/** Time interval after which the DStream generates an RDD */
def slideDuration: Duration
/** List of parent DStreams on which this DStream depends on */
def dependencies: List[DStream[_]]
/** Method that generates an RDD for the given time */
def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[T]]
// =======================================================================
// Methods and fields available on all DStreams
// =======================================================================
// RDDs generated, marked as private[streaming] so that testsuites can access it
private[streaming] var generatedRDDs = new HashMap[Time, RDD[T]]()
override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[KafkaRDD[K, V]] = {
val untilOffsets = clamp(latestOffsets())
val offsetRanges = untilOffsets.map { case (tp, uo) =>
val fo = currentOffsets(tp)
OffsetRange(tp.topic, tp.partition, fo, uo)
val useConsumerCache = context.conf.getBoolean("spark.streaming.kafka.consumer.cache.enabled",
val rdd = new KafkaRDD[K, V](context.sparkContext, executorKafkaParams, offsetRanges.toArray,
getPreferredHosts, useConsumerCache)
// Report the record number and metadata of this batch interval to InputInfoTracker.
val description = offsetRanges.filter { offsetRange =>
// Don't display empty ranges.
offsetRange.fromOffset != offsetRange.untilOffset
}.map { offsetRange =>
s"topic: ${offsetRange.topic}\tpartition: ${offsetRange.partition}\t" +
s"offsets: ${offsetRange.fromOffset} to ${offsetRange.untilOffset}"
// Copy offsetRanges to immutable.List to prevent from being modified by the user
val metadata = Map(
"offsets" -> offsetRanges.toList,
StreamInputInfo.METADATA_KEY_DESCRIPTION -> description)
val inputInfo = StreamInputInfo(id, rdd.count, metadata)
ssc.scheduler.inputInfoTracker.reportInfo(validTime, inputInfo)
currentOffsets = untilOffsets
* Checks whether the 'time' is valid wrt slideDuration for generating RDD.
* Additionally it also ensures valid times are in strictly increasing order.
* This ensures that InputDStream.compute() is called strictly on increasing
* times.
override private[streaming] def isTimeValid(time: Time): Boolean = {
if (!super.isTimeValid(time)) {
false // Time not valid
} else {
// Time is valid, but check it is more than lastValidTime
if (lastValidTime != null && time < lastValidTime) {
logWarning(s"isTimeValid called with $time whereas the last valid time " +
s"is $lastValidTime")
lastValidTime = time
/** Checks whether the 'time' is valid wrt slideDuration for generating RDD */
private[streaming] def isTimeValid(time: Time): Boolean = {
if (!isInitialized) {
throw new SparkException (this + " has not been initialized")
} else if (time <= zeroTime || ! (time - zeroTime).isMultipleOf(slideDuration)) {
logInfo(s"Time $time is invalid as zeroTime is $zeroTime" +
s" , slideDuration is $slideDuration and difference is ${time - zeroTime}")
} else {
logDebug(s"Time $time is valid")
def isMultipleOf(that: Duration): Boolean =
(this.millis % that.millis == 0)
第一行代码就是val untilOffsets = clamp(latestOffsets()) 我们来看看latestOffsets()方法
* Returns the latest (highest) available offsets, taking new partitions into account.
protected def latestOffsets(): Map[TopicPartition, Long] = {
val c = consumer
val parts = c.assignment().asScala
// make sure new partitions are reflected in currentOffsets
val newPartitions = parts.diff(currentOffsets.keySet)
// position for new partitions determined by auto.offset.reset if no commit
currentOffsets = currentOffsets ++ newPartitions.map(tp => tp -> c.position(tp)).toMap
// don't want to consume messages, so pause
// find latest available offsets
parts.map(tp => tp -> c.position(tp)).toMap
protected var currentOffsets = Map[TopicPartition, Long]()
def consumer(): Consumer[K, V] = this.synchronized {
if (null == kc) {
kc = consumerStrategy.onStart(currentOffsets.mapValues(l => new java.lang.Long(l)).asJava)
def onStart(currentOffsets: ju.Map[TopicPartition, jl.Long]): Consumer[K, V] = {
val consumer = new KafkaConsumer[K, V](kafkaParams)
val toSeek = if (currentOffsets.isEmpty) {
} else {
if (!toSeek.isEmpty) {
// work around KAFKA-3370 when reset is none
// poll will throw if no position, i.e. auto offset reset none and no explicit position
// but cant seek to a position before poll, because poll is what gets subscription partitions
// So, poll, suppress the first exception, then seek
val aor = kafkaParams.get(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG)
val shouldSuppress =
aor != null && aor.asInstanceOf[String].toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) == "NONE"
try {
} catch {
case x: NoOffsetForPartitionException if shouldSuppress =>
logWarning("Catching NoOffsetForPartitionException since " +
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG + " is none. See KAFKA-3370")
toSeek.asScala.foreach { case (topicPartition, offset) =>
consumer.seek(topicPartition, offset)
// we've called poll, we must pause or next poll may consume messages and set position
latestOffsets方法第一个就是consumer方法,是用来初始化配置文件的,因为栗子中ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe[String, String](topicsSet, kafkaParams))的缘故,所以Subscribe中的onStart会被调用,当中的offset如果没有的话,注释也说了'the committed offset (if applicable) or kafka param auto.offset.reset will be used.',会根据你的配置来设置你当前的offset是什么情况。
* The concern here is that poll might consume messages despite being paused,
* which would throw off consumer position. Fix position if this happens.
private def paranoidPoll(c: Consumer[K, V]): Unit = {
val msgs = c.poll(0)
if (!msgs.isEmpty) {
// position should be minimum offset per topicpartition
msgs.asScala.foldLeft(Map[TopicPartition, Long]()) { (acc, m) =>
val tp = new TopicPartition(m.topic, m.partition)
val off = acc.get(tp).map(o => Math.min(o, m.offset)).getOrElse(m.offset)
acc + (tp -> off)
}.foreach { case (tp, off) =>
logInfo(s"poll(0) returned messages, seeking $tp to $off to compensate")
c.seek(tp, off)
用Consumer.poll取出数据,再将指针指向最新的offset(c.seek(tp, off))。
val parts = c.assignment().asScala
// make sure new partitions are reflected in currentOffsets
val newPartitions = parts.diff(currentOffsets.keySet)
// position for new partitions determined by auto.offset.reset if no commit
currentOffsets = currentOffsets ++ newPartitions.map(tp => tp -> c.position(tp)).toMap
// don't want to consume messages, so pause
// find latest available offsets
parts.map(tp => tp -> c.position(tp)).toMap
先把Consumer中的分区信息拿出来,和之前的currentOffsets.keySet(topicpartition,offset)对比,如果发现多出来的分区,就设为newPartitions,再将新多出来的分区加入到保存的currentOffsets 中去,实现了分区的动态感知。
// limits the maximum number of messages per partition
protected def clamp(
offsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Map[TopicPartition, Long] = {
maxMessagesPerPartition(offsets).map { mmp =>
mmp.map { case (tp, messages) =>
val uo = offsets(tp)
tp -> Math.min(currentOffsets(tp) + messages, uo)
val offsetRanges = untilOffsets.map { case (tp, uo) =>
val fo = currentOffsets(tp)
OffsetRange(tp.topic, tp.partition, fo, uo)
val rdd = new KafkaRDD[K, V](context.sparkContext, executorKafkaParams, offsetRanges.toArray,
getPreferredHosts, useConsumerCache)
实际上,我们在使用官网提供的exactly-once的时候,会用到offsetRanges,里面都是最新的topic,partition和偏移量,再通过new kafkaRDD来生成RDD
// Report the record number and metadata of this batch interval to InputInfoTracker.
val description = offsetRanges.filter { offsetRange =>
// Don't display empty ranges.
offsetRange.fromOffset != offsetRange.untilOffset
}.map { offsetRange =>
s"topic: ${offsetRange.topic}\tpartition: ${offsetRange.partition}\t" +
s"offsets: ${offsetRange.fromOffset} to ${offsetRange.untilOffset}"
// Copy offsetRanges to immutable.List to prevent from being modified by the user
val metadata = Map(
"offsets" -> offsetRanges.toList,
StreamInputInfo.METADATA_KEY_DESCRIPTION -> description)
val inputInfo = StreamInputInfo(id, rdd.count, metadata)
ssc.scheduler.inputInfoTracker.reportInfo(validTime, inputInfo)
currentOffsets = untilOffsets
protected def commitAll(): Unit = {
val m = new ju.HashMap[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]()
var osr = commitQueue.poll()
while (null != osr) {
val tp = osr.topicPartition
val x = m.get(tp)
val offset = if (null == x) { osr.untilOffset } else { Math.max(x.offset, osr.untilOffset) }
m.put(tp, new OffsetAndMetadata(offset))
osr = commitQueue.poll()
if (!m.isEmpty) {
consumer.commitAsync(m, commitCallback.get)