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原创 服务器Linux+Nodejs+Nginx+MongoDB环境部署及网站发布
Node.js作为一个Javascript运行环境,使js成功的成为了一门运行在前后端的语言。node的出现使很多前端开发人员也有了自己后端语言。也让更多的前后端程序员有了新的工具。 废话不多说,上干货吧! 博主使的是centos7的服务环境 安装Nginx yum install nginx 安装nvm 由于node生态圈的繁华,各种工具,框架所依赖的版本也不尽相同,使用nvm可以...
2018-10-06 21:56:16 933
原创 The Beatles Strawberry Fields Forever 歌词翻译
Let me take you down, 'cos I'm going to Strawberry Fields.Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.Strawberry Fields forever. 让我带你慢慢平静,因为我正要去那片草莓地世间缥缈,无需牵挂唯有那片草莓地永恒不变 Living is easy with eyes clos...
2018-05-24 01:02:19 1150
原创 The Beatles - Don't bother me 歌词翻译
不定期练习下英语,以免退化Since she's been gone I want no one to talk to me.It's not the same but I'm to blame, it's plain to see.So go away, leave me alone, don't bother me.自从她离开后,我只想一个人静静这不一样,但是我还是要责备,显而易见所以快走开吧...
2018-05-22 20:39:38 1035
原创 基于socket.io的聊天室
github地址:https://github.com/beatsky/Node.js/tree/master/chatroomsocket.io文档:https://socket.io/docs/安装npm install socket.io服务端代码编写建立服务const http = require('http'); const fs= require('fs'); // 新建服务 cons...
2018-04-04 22:56:02 181
原创 Earth Song
What about sunrise 日出呢What about rain 雨呢What about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain... 还有你应许给我们的一切呢......What about killing fields 被杀戮的土地呢Is there a time 有没有结束的时候what about the things 还有你说过...
2018-03-23 22:00:08 288
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