

Basic Tutorial and Simple Examples for Aiida

Official Websites

Aiida installation

MiniConda Installation

  1. Download Miniconda Miniconda installation pakage

  2. Install conda

# the `xxx` is version code
bash ./Miniconda-[xxx].sh
  1. Reboot shell

Conda usage

  • 配置清华(其他)源

    conda config --add channels
      conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
  • 创建虚拟环境

    conda create -n [env_name] python=[python version]
  • 激活/进入虚拟环境

    conda activate [env_name]
  • 退出虚拟环境

    conda deactivate

Install Aiida

  1. Use conda to install Aiida(Optional)(见aiida文档
conda create -n aiida -c conda-forge python=3.7 aiida-core pip
conda activate aiida
conda deactivate
  1. Use conda to create Python vitrual env,and use pipto install aiida(Optional)
# for example
conda create -n aiida python=3.8
conda activate aiida
pip install aiida-core
  1. Prerequisites Installation
# you may try `apt update` in advance
# if generate `update error message`, try change a open source mirror
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-client
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
sudo rabbitmqctl status
  1. Setting up the installation
# For maximum customizability, one can use verdi setup
verdi quicksetup

success info like this

Success: created new profile `a`.
Info: migrating the database.
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: auth, contenttypes, db
Running migrations:
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying db.0044_dbgroup_type_string... OK
Success: database migration completed.

Steps from Getting start page#Start Computation Services

  • rabbitmq-server -detached

      nodes in question: [rabbit@ubuntu01]
      hosts, their running nodes and ports:
      - ubuntu01: [{rabbit,39056},{rabbitmqprelaunch2034,39422}]
      current node details:
      - node name: rabbitmqprelaunch2034@ubuntu01
      - home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
      - cookie hash: gHkRo5BrsxP/v89EnRf5/w==
  • verdi daemon start 2

    Starting the daemon... RUNNING
  • verdi check

    ✔ config dir:  /home/majinlong/.aiida
    ✔ profile:     On profile a
    ✔ repository:  /home/majinlong/.aiida/repository/a
    ✔ postgres:    Connected as aiida_qs_majinlong_7b54632a71306c771d8043bd779c519c@localhost:5432
    ✔ rabbitmq:    Connected to amqp://
    ✔ daemon:      Daemon is running as PID 2202 since 2020-09-22 11:42:05
  • install graphviz

    officical website

    # for ubuntu
    sudo apt install graphviz

Have a quick look at Basic Tutorial

  1. setup computer

    verdi computer setup
    # or setup with .yml file
    verdi computer setup --config computer.yml


    label: "localhost"
    hostname: "localhost"
    transport: local
    scheduler: "direct"
    work_dir: "/home/max/.aiida_run"
    mpirun_command: "mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}"
    mpiprocs_per_machine: "2"
    prepend_text: |
    module load mymodule
    export NEWVAR=1
  2. setup code

    verdi code setup
    # or setup with .yml file
    verdi code setup --config code.yml


    label: "qe-6.3-pw"
    description: "quantum_espresso v6.3"
    input_plugin: ""
    on_computer: true
    remote_abs_path: "/path/to/code/pw.x"
    computer: "localhost"
    prepend_text: |
    module load module1
    module load module2
    append_text: " "
  3. how to check plugin

    verdi plugin list
    verdi plugin list [spec]
  4. how to list process

    verdi process list -a

Aiida Basic Turtorial

Quantumespresso Installation

Setup of Intel Compiler

  1. Download Intel® Parallel Studio XE and follow the guide to install.

  2. set environment variables in ~/.bashrc (default path is /opt/intel)

    # intel and mkl
    source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
    source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
    export MKL_LIB_PATH=/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64
    export PATH=/opt/intel/bin:$PATH
    # mpi and others
    source /opt/intel/impi/2018.4.274/bin64/ intel64
    export MPI_HOME=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.5.274/linux/mpi
    export PATH=$MPI_HOME/bin:$PATH
  3. source or relogin to take effect

Setup of QE

  1. login root user ❓Other users are sopposed to install qe, but somehow it can not find MKL lib when use sudo ./configure

  2. Download QE release version

  3. use ./configure to check environment

  4. then configure to install

    ./configure --prefix= CC=mpiicc CXX=icpc F77=ifort F90=ifort FC=ifort MPIF90=mpiifort
  5. if satisfied with your expectaion then make and make install.

aiida-quantumespresso plugin


Please check version of aiida-core is 1.4.0 or higher.

install aiida-quantumespresso plugin from github

git clone
pip install aiida-quantumespresso

setup of a computer and other settings

  1. Setup of a computer named TheHive and all the later calculation will implement on it

    # -L [computer name] -w [work directory]
    verdi computer setup -L TheHive -H localhost -T local -S direct -w `echo $PWD/work` -n
    verdi computer configure local TheHive --safe-interval 5 -n
  2. How to check codes,computers and plugins in aiida

    # check aiida plugin/computer/code list
    # such as `verdi plugin list aiida.calculation`
    verdi code list
    verdi computer list
    verdi plugin list
  3. Pseudopotential families Before you run a calculation, you need to upload or define the pseudopotential

    # upload
    verdi data upf uploadfamily [path/to/folder] [name_of_the_family] "some description for your convenience"
    # check list
    verdi data upf listfamilies

see what is and how to create pseudopotential families in official docs

Run pw example

The plugin requires at least the presence of:

An input structure;
A k-points mesh, in the form of a KpointsData object;
Pseudopotential files for the atomic species present;
A parameters dictionary, that contains the details of the Quantum ESPRESSO calculation;
Other inputs are optional, for example:

metadata is a dictionary of inputs that modify slightly the behaviour of a processes;
settings is a Dict dictionary that provides access to more advanced, non-default feature of the code.
  1. setup code pw_code.yml:
label: "pwt"
description: "quantum_espresso pw test"
input_plugin: ""
on_computer: true
remote_abs_path: "/home/majinlong/qe_release_6.4/bin/pw.x"
computer: "TheHive"
verdi code setup --config pw_code.yml
  1. Copy example code here provided 1 or

    download the official example(watch out) 2 file to test

    • run with verdi

      verdi run example
    • run with python

    • run in verdi shell

      verdi shell
      > import example

    check the documentation here to understand mappings from input files to python dict and how to define your inputs.

  2. Retrieve results

  • run with run

    1. get the CalcJobNode PK
    verdi process list -a
    1. verdi shell
    from aiida.orm import load_node
    calc = load_node(PK)
    1. results in calc.res
  • run with submit

    calc = submit(CalcJob)

Run ph example

  1. setup code as same with pw ph_code.yml:

    label: "pht"
    description: "quantum_espresso ph test"
    input_plugin: ""
    on_computer: true
    remote_abs_path: "/home/majinlong/qe_release_6.4/bin/ph.x"
    computer: "TheHive"
    verdi code setup --config ph_code.yml
  2. use example code here 3 not official code(if no update version)

  3. run code

    verdi run
  4. the same way to retrieve result

Run nscf example

  1. run example code here 4
  2. the same way to retrieve result

Run bands example

Almost the same with nscf example code, just change nscf in updated_parameters['CONTROL']['calculation'] = 'nscf' to bands 5

# generate output_bands graph

Run q2r example

  1. setup q2r.x code here is the q2r.yml:

    label: "q2rt"
    description: "quantum_espresso q2r test"
    input_plugin: "quantumespresso.q2r"
    on_computer: true
    remote_abs_path: "/home/majinlong/qe_release_6.4/bin/q2r.x"
    computer: "TheHive"
  2. run example code here 6(like ph calc, you need to load ph calc node)

    Notice the output: SinglefileData A file containing the force constants in real space(in work dir named real_space_force_constants.dat)

About Seekpath module

Here is a example that how to set kpoints with seekpath.

Notice the return result is a KpointsData type, which can be used as kpoints directly

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.functions.seekpath_structure_analysis import seekpath_structure_analysis
inputs = {
	'reference_distance': 0.01,
	'metadata': {'call_link_label': 'seekpath'}
spres = seekpath_structure_analysis(s, **inputs)
kpoints = spres['explicit_kpoints']
Two dimensions structure data

You may set the k-mesh and kpoints manually when the structure data is a two dimensions one by using code like this.

About import and export data

Local data files
  1. show or export StructureData

    export structure data

    verdi data structure show --format ase <IDENTIFIER>
    verdi data structure export --format xsf <IDENTIFIER> > BaTiO3.xsf
    # xcrysden --xsf BaTiO3.xsf
  2. import xyz data

    verdi data structure import aiida-xyz
  3. import cif data and transform to structure

    verdi data structure import ase 9008565.cif
    # or import as cifData
    verdi data cif import test.cif
    # or directly import from file in verdi shell
    > CifData = DataFactory('cif')
    > cif = CifData(file='/path/to/file.cif')

    use get_structure method to get structure aiida supports.

    cif_struc = load_node(cif_data_pk)
    structure = cif.get_structure()
Cloud Databases
  1. supported data 2020-09-27-09-32-04

  2. query structure data from cloud databases

    • Import tools

      from aiida.plugins import DbImporterFactory
    • Material Project

      MaterialsProjectImporter = DbImporterFactory('materialsproject')
      m = MaterialsProjectImporter(api_key=`Your_API_KEY`)
      query_dict = {"elements":{"$in":["Li", "Na", "K"], "$all": ["O"]}, "nelements":2}
      res = m.query(query=query_dict,properties='structure')
    • Cod

      external (online) repository COD

      CODImporter = DbImporterFactory('cod')
      importer = CODImporter()
          'element': 'C',
          'title': '',
          'number_of_elements': 3,
      query_results = importer.query(**args)
Structure data group
  1. create a group

    verdi group create [name]
  2. add node to group

    verdi group add-node [pk]
    # add with python
    group = load_group(label='two-dimension')
  3. query structure in a group

    qb = QueryBuilder()
    qb.append(Group, filters={'label': 'test'}, tag='group')
    qb.append(StructureData, with_group='group')
    # Submitting the simulations.
    for structure in qb.all(flat=True):
Export profile data
verdi export create [file] -G [group_name | pk]

Write workflow for yourself

refer to a example here provided for pw and bands calculation

Some concepts and commands about aiida

  1. calculation functions require all returned output nodes to be unstored
  2. work functions have exactly the opposite required and all the outputs that it returns have to be stored, it cannot create new data
  3. go to work dir
    verdi calcjob gotocomputer [pk]
Issues ❓
  1. import data

    verdi data structure import aiida-xyz
    > Critical: Number of atom entries (7) is smaller than the number of atoms (8)


  1. pw example code

    from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
    from aiida.plugins.factories import CalculationFactory
    from aiida.orm import Code
    from aiida import load_profile
    # Set your values here
    codename = 'pwt@TheHive'
    pseudo_family = 'ONCV'
    code = Code.get_from_string(codename)
    #code = Code.get(label='pw-6.3', machinename='TheHive')
    #code = load_node(PK)
    PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
    builder = PwCalculation.get_builder()
    builder.code = code
    #builder = code.get_builder()
    StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
    We define the cell with a 3x3 matrix(we choose the convention where each ROW represents a lattice vector), which in this case is just a cube of size 4 Angstroms
    alat = 4\.  # angstrom
    cell = [[alat, 0., 0., ],
            [0., alat, 0., ],
            [0., 0., alat, ],
    # BaTiO3 cubic structure
    s = StructureData(cell=cell)
    # if need to store to database
    Dict = DataFactory('dict')
    parameters = Dict(dict={
        'CONTROL': {
            'calculation': 'scf',
            'restart_mode': 'from_scratch',
            'wf_collect': True,
        'SYSTEM': {
            'ecutwfc': 30.,
            'ecutrho': 240.,
        'ELECTRONS': {
            'conv_thr': 1.e-6,
    # define the input dictionary
    test_dict = {
        'CONTROL': {
            'calculation': 'scf',
        'SYSTEM': {
            'ecutwfc': 30.,
        'ELECTRONS': {
            'conv_thr': 1.e-6,
    # verify and slightly modifiy input
    resdict = CalculationFactory('').input_helper(test_dict, structure=s)
    # if add the flat_mode=True option to input_helper, the function will reconstruct the correct dictionary to pass as input
    # resdict = CalculationFactory('').input_helper(test_dict, structure=s, flat_mode == True)
    parameters = Dict(dict=resdict)
    KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')
    kpoints = KpointsData()
    # kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh([4,4,4])
    """# specify kpoints manually
    import numpy
    kpoints.set_kpoints([[i,i,0] for i in numpy.linspace(0,1,10)],
        weights = [1\. for i in range(10)]) """
    # pseudopotential
    from import get_pseudos_from_structure
    builder.pseudos = get_pseudos_from_structure(s, pseudo_family)
    # lable and description
    builder.metadata.label = 'My generic title'
    builder.metadata.description = 'a PWscf calculation of BaTiO3'
    # calc resources
    builder.metadata.options.resources = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine' : 1}
    builder.metadata.options.max_wallclock_seconds = 1800
    # launch
    builder.structure = s
    builder.kpoints = kpoints
    builder.parameters = parameters
    # run
    from aiida.engine import run
    results = run(builder)
    # export variable results
    # results
    # export variable builder
    # builder
    # without builder
    # run(PwCalculation, structure=s, pseudos=builder.pseudos, kpoints = kpoints)
    # run(process=code, structure=s, pseudos=builder.pseudos, kpoints = kpoints)
    """ # submit
    from aiida.engine import submit
    calc = submit(builder) 
    # retrieve result
  2. the current offical example code(v-3.1.0) isn’t compatible with the latest aiida version, neither doesn’t work with its command-line test tool, change it as follow

    # builder.metadata.options.resources = {'num_machines': 1}
    # resource` need more than one properties such as
    builder.metadata.options.resources = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine' : 1}
  3. ph example code

    from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, DataFactory
    from aiida.orm import Code
    from aiida import load_profile, orm
    from aiida.engine import submit
    # pw parent calc node pk, ph calc as child proc
    parent_id = 140
    codename = 'pht@TheHive'
    code = Code.get_from_string(codename)
    PhCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
    builder = PhCalculation.get_builder()
    builder.code = code
    Dict = DataFactory('dict')
    parameters = Dict(dict={
        'INPUTPH': {
            'tr2_ph': 1.0e-8,
            'epsil': True,
    # QEPwCalc = CalculationFactory('')
    parentcalc = load_node(parent_id)
    # builder = code.get_builder()
    builder.metadata.options.resources = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine' : 4}
    builder.metadata.options.max_wallclock_seconds = 30*60
    builder.metadata.options.withmpi = True
    builder.parameters = parameters
    builder.code = code
    builder.parent_folder = parentcalc.get_outgoing(node_class=orm.RemoteData, link_label_filter='remote_folder').one().node
    KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')
    kpoints = KpointsData()
    builder.qpoints = kpoints
    # builder.code.store_all()
    print("created calculation with PK=",
    calc = submit(builder)
  4. nscf code

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from aiida.engine import submit
    from aiida import orm
    PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
    # first pw calc node pk
    first_pw = load_node(140)
    builder = first_pw.get_builder_restart()
    updated_parameters = builder.parameters.get_dict()
    updated_parameters['CONTROL']['calculation'] = 'nscf'
    updated_parameters['SYSTEM']['nbnd'] = 10
    KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')
    kpoints = KpointsData()
    klist = np.zeros((216, 3))
    tt = 0
    for ii in np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/6):
    for jj in np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/6):
        for kk in np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/6):
        klist[tt, :] = np.array([ii, jj, kk])
        tt += 1
    kpoints.set_kpoints(klist, cartesian = False, weights= np.ones(216)*1.0/216)
    builder.kpoints = kpoints
    builder.parameters = Dict(dict=updated_parameters)
    builder.parent_folder = first_pw.outputs.remote_folder
  5. bands code ↩︎

  6. q2r code

    from aiida.engine import submit
    from aiida import orm
    ######set yours here######
    ph_pk = 288
    q2r_codename = 'q2rt@TheHive'
    # set ph node pk
    ph_calc = load_node(ph_pk)
    # load q2r code
    codename = q2r_codename
    code = orm.Code.get_from_string(codename)
    builder = code.get_builder()
    builder.parent_folder = ph_calc.get_outgoing(
        node_class=orm.RemoteData, link_label_filter='remote_folder').one().node
        'resources': {
            'num_machines': 1,
            'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 4
        'max_wallclock_seconds': 30*60,
        'withmpi': True
    calc = submit(builder)
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