CMSC 216 Project #8 Spring 2022

 有需要的朋友qq 1703105484

CMSC 216                                Project #8                               Spring 2022

Date due: Thursday, April 21, 11:59:59 p.m.

  1. Introduction and purpose

Different kinds of programs have to run other programs. One example discussed in lecture is a UNIX shell (or the command prompt window in Windows, or a terminal in Mac OS). Another example is the make utility, which you should have a good basic understanding of by now. In this project you will write a version of make, which can build programs and, more generally, execute any commands that depend on other things. Since make runs programs, this will involve using process control. To distinguish the name “make” from what you are implementing, we will call your program “fake”, and we call the files that your program will operate upon “fakefiles” rather than makefiles.

You will write utility functions to perform various operations on fakefiles, such as reading a fakefile, printing the components of a fakefile that has been read, looking up targets in a fakefile, performing actions in a fakefile, etc. The process of trying to build a target in a fakefile is really the heart of the project. We are providing you with a function make_target() that does this by making calls to the functions that you will write. To reduce one thing for you to do we are providing a Makefile in the project tarfile that you can use to compile your code for the public tests.

Your version of make will be very simplified, although it will be able to compile many programs that you could

write in this course (even itself!). However it omits much of the functionality of real make, and in a few respects its behavior also differs from that of real make; these differences are just to make the project easier.

As in Project #6, some public and secret tests of this project will check for memory leaks or corruption of the heap, so besides getting your functions to produce the right results, you will again need to use valgrind to check for memory problems.  When your code has a problem (of any type), don’t use the public tests to try to figure out what’s wrong. Write the smallest test of your own that shows the problem (you can just copy the public test and remove as much of it as possible while still having the bug). Also experiment with which cases cause the problem and which ones don’t. Trying to find a problem in a small program that is testing just one or a few things will almost certainly be much easier.

Before starting to code, look at the public tests to see what they are testing. If you are not passing a public test, look at the problem test or tests to see what they are doing and how. Then write your own simple tests of those things.

 Do not use the C library function system() anywhere in your code, or you will not receive credit for the project.

This project assignment is lengthy because it includes a lot of background information. But the descriptions of the functions you have to write are just three pages of this assignment.

1.1   Extra credit and number of submissions

You can again get extra credit for this project. If you make only one submission that passes all the public tests you will get 5 extra–credit bonus points.  And if your single submission is made at least 48 hours before the on–time deadline you will get 5 additional extra credit bonus points, for 10 extra credit points total. (Obviously you can’t get the second 5 extra credit points if you don’t get the first 5, but you can get the first 5 without getting these second 5.)

However, as before, if you make too many submissions you may again lose credit. To avoid making submissions that don’t compile or don’t pass all of the public tests you should compile the tests, run them, check your output, and fix any problems, all before submitting. And you should run valgrind.

  1. Fakefile components and syntax

A fakefile consists of zero or more rules with blank lines optionally appearing before or after any rule, but not internal to a rule. (A blank or empty line consisting only of a newline is ignored and has no effect on fakefile processing.) Each rule consists of exactly two lines: a target line followed immediately by a single action line.

A target line consists of a target and dependency names:

    • A target is a single word, starting at the very beginning of the line, ending with a colon. (“Word” just means a consecutive sequence of non–whitespace characters). No space can separate the colon from the target name.
    • The target and colon of a target line will be followed by zero or more dependency names. A dependency name is just a single word.

An action line consists of a tab character followed by a single command:

The command can be any UNIX command, or a program included with the tests. (In fact, it could be a program that other rules in the same fakefile compiled earlier.)

Fakefiles are simplified makefiles, which have only the features explicitly described here. For example, fakefiles do not have variables such as CC or CFLAGS, they do not have rules with no action lines like the target “all” you have used in makefiles in earlier projects, they do not have rules with multiple action lines, etc.

This example fakefile is used for illustration and explanation in several places below:

main.x: main.o functions.o

gcc main.o functions.o -o main.x

functions.o: functions.c functions.h gcc -c functions.c

main.o: main.c functions.h

gcc -c main.c


rm main.o functions.o main.x

  1. Functions to be written

This project would seem to be an ideal situation where you would write a complete, standalone program, rather than individual functions that our tests would call. After all, make is a standalone program. However the project is divided up into functions because that allows getting credit for passing tests of some functions, even if you can’t get them all to work perfectly.

Most of the functions have a pointer to a Fakefile (i.e., Fakefile *) parameter. Where the descriptions below refer to a function’s “Fakefile parameter”, this means the Fakefile variable that the pointer parameter points to.

The effects of all of the functions are undefined if a fakefile contains multiple rules that have the same target name.

    1. Data structure and data structure requirements

The data you have to store in this project is the components of fakefiles. As in some other projects you will create your own data structure for storing fakefiles. We have given you a header file fakefile.h that contains the prototypes of the required functions, assuming an undefined type Fakefile. It includes a header file fakefile-datastructure.h which you must provide (with its name spelled exactly as shown), containing your definition of Fakefile.

You could determine what properties and behavior your data structure has to have by reading the descriptions of the

functions below, but here is some information about the functionality that your data structure has to support:

      • There is no maximum size for a fakefile, so your data structure must not have a fixed size limit (i.e., it must allow a fakefile o have an arbitrary number of rules).
      • It must use only dynamically–allocated memory to store fakefiles. Otherwise, you will not receive credit (even if your code passes every test).

Two examples of dynamically allocated data structures are linked lists and dynamically–allocated arrays whose size is not known at compile time.

      • You cannot use any fixed-size arrays anywhere in your entire data structure. This means there should not be any square braces ([]) anywhere in your header file fakefile-datastructure.h.  (This is to ensure that you are

not using any fixed–size arrays.) (You can use a fixed–size array where you are reading each line from the input files; this is not in your data structure.)

      • Your data structure has to be able to store the rules of fakefiles, and to be able to print a fakefile, with all the rules in the same order they were read from the input (by the function read_fakefile() described in Section 3.4).

      • Your data structure has to allow looking up a rule based on the name of its target, and returning the number of the rule. Fakefile rules use zero–based numbering, so returning the number of a rule means returning whether it was the zero’th rule in the fakefile, the first one, etc.
      • Your data structure has to allow determining and returning how many dependencies a target has, and returning a dependency based upon its rule number and dependency number in that rule. Dependency numbers are also zero–based. For example, in the sample fakefile in Section 2, dependency #1 of rule #0 is functions.o, and dependency #0 of rule #2 is main.c.
      • Of course your data structure has to allow the action lines of rules to be executed, which is the purpose in life of a fakefile.
      • Efficiency of your data structure should not matter, meaning even if it is slower to perform operations than another data structure might be, this should not cause you to fail any tests.

    1. int  exists(const  char  filename[])

This function and the next one do not have Fakefile parameters. They just return information about files in the filesystem given their filenames. They are needed to be able to determine whether targets are out of date with respect to their dependencies or not.

This function should return 1 if a file named filename exists in the filesystem, otherwise, if there is no file with that name, or if filename is NULL, it should return 0.

To test whether a file exists you could just try to open it for reading and see if that operation failed, but in UNIX there is a better way. The system call stat() returns information about a file; its prototype is int stat(const char

*path, struct stat *buf). Its first argument is the name of a file. Its second argument is a pointer to a structure of type struct stat, which stat() fills with information that is not needed here but is used in the next function. stat() returns −1 on error, and there are various reasons that it could fail. However, if it returns −1 and sets the global variable errno to the symbolic constant ENOENT, it means that the file with name path does not exist; otherwise (if it does not return −1, or if it does but it does not set errno to ENOENT) then it means that the file does exist. Note that stat() is going to fill in the fields of buf (of type struct stat) with some values, but they can just be ignored after the call; for this function only the value of errno after calling stat() matters.

To call stat() and declare a struct stat you must include sys/types.h, sys/stat.h, and unistd.h. To use the variable errno you must include errno.h.

Important: as discussed in the Reek text, some system calls and C standard library functions set errno to a nonzero value to indicate errors. However, these functions and system calls do not change or reset errno when they begin. This means that the caller (your code) must reset errno to zero before making any system calls that might set its value. So your code to check whether a file exists must look like this:

set errno to 0

make a call to stat()

if stat() returns −1, test whether errno is ENOENT

    1. int  is_older(const  char  filename1[],  const  char  filename2[])

This function should return 1 if filename1 and filename2 both exist and filename1 is older (was created or modified earlier) than filename2. Otherwise, or if either parameter is NULL, it should return 0.

You can use stat() to test whether one file is newer than another one. As mentioned above, its struct stat parameter is filled with information about the file whose name is passed into the first string parameter (assuming the file exists). A struct stat has a field st_mtime (of type time_t, which is an integer type). If you call stat() on two files that both exist, whichever one has a smaller value for st_mtime is the older file. None of the other fields of the struct stat arguments are important in this project.

    1. Fakefile  *read_fakefile(const  char  filename[])

This function will need to dynamically allocate memory to store a Fakefile variable, initialize it as appropriate, open a file with the name filename, read the components of a fakefile from it, store the components in the allocated Fakefile,

and return the memory (meaning its address). This will require using C’s standard I/O library functions (Chapter 15 of the Reek text, which you were supposed to read).  Do not use low–level UNIX I/O system calls to do file manipu- lation– this is more difficult, and unnecessary in this project. Just use the C standard I/O library functions covered in Chapter 15 of the Reek text.

If there is no file with name filename that can be opened (perhaps it doesn’t exist), or if filename is NULL, the function should just return NULL without using any allocated memory. Note that no matter what causes it to return, before doing so the function must close the file if it was opened, otherwise memory leaks could occur, because when the C standard I/O library opens a file it may allocate memory, which is only released when the file is closed. The results of calling any of the other functions on a Fakefile variable that has not been returned earlier by read_fakefile() are undefined.

Your function will have to read lines from the opened file until the end of the file is seen. There is no maximum limit to the number of lines in a fakefile, but each line is guaranteed to be at most 1000 characters, which does not include its terminating newline. The standard I/O library functions that read an entire line will append a null character to the line read.

This function is the only one that modifies a fakefile, in that it reads and returns one. The other functions produce output or run programs based upon the contents of a fakefile that has been read, but do not modify their fakefile parameter.

As your function reads lines it should ignore blank ones. When it sees a line that is not blank, that will be a target line, to be followed immediately by an action line (starting with a tab character). It should read both these lines. Use the split() function we are providing, described in Section 5 below, to extract the components of these lines (either when the lines are read, or later when they are used). read_fakefile() must then store the components of the rule represented by the two lines in whatever data structure you use to represent fakefiles; how this is done depends on what data structure you use.

Every call to read_fakefile() must create and return a different Fakefile variable, which will not share compo- nents with any Fakefile returned by a different call.

To make things simpler you may assume that any fakefile to be read will be syntactically valid. You are encouraged to add reasonable checks for invalid situations anyway, so if you inadvertently create incorrect input files you will get useful information about the problem, rather than just incorrect results with no explanation, or a fatal error.

    1. int  lookup_target(Fakefile  *const  fakefile,  const  char  target_name[])

This function should search for a rule in its parameter fakefile that has target name equal to target_name and, if such a rule exists, return its number. Each rule in a fakefile is considered to have a number; as mentioned above the first rule has number 0, the second is number 1, etc. (These are not the same as their line numbers in the fakefile, since rule numbers ignore blank lines, and a rule number is for the pair of lines comprising the rule.) If either parameter is NULL or if there is no rule in fakefile with target name target_name the function should just return −1. Other functions below will use a rule’s number after it has been looked up by this function.

For example, if called on the example fakefile above: if target_name is main.x the function should return 0; it should return 1 if target_name is functions.o; it should return 2 if target_name is main.o; it should return 3 if target_name is clean; and −1 if target_name is anything else at all. −1 should also be returned if target_name is NULL.

How this function will work depends on your data structure, but you obviously have to choose one that allows looking up rules by the names of their targets, and enables returning a number indicating which rule in a fakefile had that target.

    1. void  print_action(Fakefile  *const  fakefile,  int  rule_num)

If fakefile is NULL or if rule_num is not a valid rule number for fakefile this function should just return without doing anything or producing any output. Otherwise it should print the action line of the rule numbered rule_num in its parameter fakefile (rule numbers were described under lookup_target() above). To print the action means to print all of the components or words in the action, with a single blank space between each of them, but neither whitespace nor a tab character should be printed before the first one. A newline should be printed immediately after the last word.

    1. void  print_fakefile(Fakefile  *const  fakefile)

This function should print the components of its parameter fakefile as described below. However, if fakefile is

NULL it should just return without producing any output.

      • The rules must be printed in the same order they appeared in the input fakefile as it was read by read_fakefile().
      • Each rule is to be printed in two lines: the target line followed by the action line.
      • When printing the target line, the target name must start immediately at the beginning of the line, followed immediately by a colon and a single blank space character, then the list of dependency names, with a single blank space between each of them, but a blank space should not be printed after the last one. However,  if there are  no dependency names for a target, a blank space should not be printed after its colon. (No trailing blank space should ever be printed at the end of a line in a rule.)
      • An action line should be preceded by a tab character, then printed as described under print_action() above.
      • A single blank line must separate every rule (pair of target/action lines) in the printed fakefile, regardless of whether blank lines appeared in the input fakefile when it was first read, or how many of them there were. But a blank line should not be printed before the first rule in the fakefile or after the last one.

    1. int  num_dependencies(Fakefile  *const  fakefile,  int  rule_num)

This function should return the number of dependencies that the rule with number rule_num has in its parameter fakefile. If its parameters are valid the result will be zero or more. But if fakefile is NULL or if rule_num is not a valid number of a rule in fakefile then −1 should just be returned.

    1. char  *get_dependency(Fakefile  *const  fakefile,  int  rule_num,  int  dependency_num)

This function should return a pointer to the name of the dependency (a string) with number dependency_num in rule number rule_num in its parameter fakefile. As above, the first dependency in a rule has number 0. For example, in rule 1 of the example fakefile in Section 2 (the rule with target functions.o), functions.c is dependency number 0 and functions.h is dependency 1. However, if fakefile is NULL or if rule_num is not valid (there is no rule with that number in the parameter fakefile), or if dependency_num is not valid (there is no dependency with that number in rule number rule_num in fakefile) the function should just return NULL.

Note that the function is returning a pointer to a string stored somewhere in your data structure. The function is not supposed to allocate new memory for the return value, and (if they know what is good for them) the caller should not try to free the returned string after calling get_dependency(), because they will be clobbering part of your data structure. (This is their responsibility to avoid, not something you can check for or prevent. All you can do is hope that they are not so deranged as to do this.)

    1. int  do_action(Fakefile  *const  fakefile,  int  rule_num)

This function is the crux of fakefile processing. It should actually perform the action (command) of the rule with number rule_num in its parameter fakefile, and if the command exited normally do_action() should return the exit status (return value) that the action returned when performed. However, if fakefile is NULL or if it has no rule number rule_num, or if the command didn’t exit normally when do_action() tried to perform it the function should just return −1 without doing anything else

In order to perform the action command of a rule, the function will have to create a child process to execute it. As above, the function should return the child process’ exit status if the child process exited normally– this is needed by our supplied function make_target() (discussed in Section 4 below), which calls this function. Hence this function must ensure that the child process terminates before the rest of the program can continue doing anything, so the child’s exit status can be obtained. (None of the tests require that the child process have access to the current environment.)

This function should not use a pipe– any output produced by the child process will show up in the standard output. When do_action() performs an action command, the command might produce output. For example, a command might be ls -l, or echo "Sheep are fuzzy". The output just shows up in the output of the program that is directly

or indirectly calling do_action().

Important! To create the child process, do not call the fork() system call directly. Instead call the function safe_fork(), which we have provided in the object file safe-fork.o from the previous project. Your code will not compile on the submit server if you call fork() directly.

    1. void  clear_fakefile(Fakefile  **const  fakefile)

This function should deallocate any dynamically–allocated memory that is used by the Fakefile variable that its parameter fakefile indirectly points to (it is a pointer to a pointer), destroying the fakefile and all its components in the process. The fakefile should not use any dynamically–allocated memory at all after this function is called, and the pointer that fakefile points to should be NULL. If fakefile itself is initially NULL, or if the pointer that it points to is NULL, the function should just have no effect.

After clear_fakefile() is called on (the address of) a fakefile pointer variable it is valid to call any of the other functions on the pointer, because the pointer will be NULL and it is valid to pass NULL into any function that has a Fakefile * parameter (although the functions won’t do anything in that case).

If the user of your functions wants to avoid memory leaks they must always call clear_fakefile() on any Fakefile pointer variables before they go out of scope. (This is their responsibility to ensure, not your code’s re- sponsibility to detect or enforce, because detecting or enforcing it in your code would be impossible.)

  1. Our function int  make_target(Fakefile  *const  fakefile,

const  char  target_name[])

As mentioned above we provide this function in the object file make-target.o (include make-target.h to use it). Given a fakefile and the name of a target, it will try to build that target if it needs to be built, similar to what real  make does, as described below. For instance, if make_target() is called with the example fakefile in Section 2 above, and with target_name being main.o, it will see if main.o needs to be rebuilt (based on its relationship to its depen- dencies) and run the rule’s command to rebuild it if so. Tests that call make_target() will have to be linked with make-target.o. (Note that make_target() is called by tests of your code– your code should not be calling it.) We explain here what make_target() does so you can understand how tests work, but we wrote this function so you do not have to.

(Real make, when invoked with no command–line arguments, tries to build the first target in a makefile, but our

make_target() has no default target; the target to be built will be passed into the second parameter.)

    1. Procedure for determining whether to perform a rule’s action command

This is how make_target() determines whether to perform the action command associated with a rule:

      • If there is no rule in its parameter fakefile with target_name as its target and no file named target_name exists, it is an error and make_target() returns −1. (Real make would print an error saying “No rule to make target” and quit with exit status 2 in this case.)
      • If there is no rule in its parameter fakefile with target_name as its target but a file named target_name exists, this is not an error: make_target() just does nothing and returns 0 in this case.

For instance, in the example fakefile in Section 2 above, if make_target() is called with target_name being main.c and main.c exists, the fact that there is no target in the fakefile with name main.c is not an error, and the call just does nothing and returns 0. (Real make does the same thing, but just prints a message.)

Note that even though it may not be typical to call make_target() with user–written files like main.c as targets,

make_target() may end up calling itself recursively with them as targets.

      • If neither case above applies then there is a rule in the fakefile that has target target_name, and make_target()

does the following:

        • First, make_target() recursively tries to build each dependency of that rule, in left to right order (there may be zero or more dependencies, and this process may or may not involve performing their associated

actions, as described below). If any of the recursive calls returns a nonzero exit code, make_target() stops and returns that exit code (this will terminate processing of the remainder of the dependencies).

For example, if make_target() is called using the example fakefile in Section 2 above with target main.x, it will call itself recursively with targets main.o and functions.o. (These recursive calls will make further recursive calls on functions.c, functions.h, main.c, and functions.h. Assuming these files all exist, the recursive calls will return 0, since there are no rules with those names as targets in the example fakefile.)

        • Following the recursive calls, make_target() will perform the action command of the rule that has the target target_name in two cases: (a) if target_name does not exist, or (b) if target_name does exist but is older than any of its dependency names that exist (some of them may have just been created).

If the action command associated with target_name does not need to be executed then make_target() just returns 0 without doing anything else. If the action does have to be performed, make_target() calls your do_action() to perform it. then make_target() returns whatever value do_action() does.

Unlike real make, make_target() itself produces output when it performs an action command (meaning output not produced by the action, but rather output produced by our function). This is only for the purpose of making it easier to understand what it is doing. When make_target() determines that it has to perform an action command, it prints the target and action of that rule, on two successive output lines, before calling do_action(). The output of some of the public tests illustrates this.

    1. Command output and buffering

As mentioned, whatever output is produced by executing action commands will appear in the output of a program calling make_target(). Note that since do_action() should not return until an action finishes executing, there will be a definite output order. However, when different processes (like a parent and child) are printing output to the same destination, the output may appear in different orders when it is being piped to another command or redirected to an output file, due to buffering issues. (This refers to redirecting the output of the program calling make_target().) To avoid this, any tests (ours or yours) that call make_target() need to turn off output buffering for the stream stdout by initially calling setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0) (notice the underscore). Some of the public tests illustrate this.

    1. Special characters

In real make, every action command is executed by a shell (a subshell is invoked to execute each command). The  shell has a variety of characters that have special meaning, such as *, which is a wildcard character used to refer to multiple files. This is why an action command in a real makefile can remove multiple files using something like rm

*.x. However, your do_action() will not perform actions in a subshell. This means that (other than double quotes, described above) all the characters that are special to the shell have no effect in actions in the project. If an action of a rule was rm *.o *.x the asterisks would not refer to multiple files, and the rm command would try to remove two files whose actual names were literally “*.o” and “*.x”, with the asterisks.

To avoid confusion, our tests that call make_target() generally avoid having characters in the commands that

would have special meaning to the shell. That way your program’s results will be similar to those of real make. This explanation is just to let you know that if you write your own test fakefiles that have action commands with special characters, the results may differ from what real make would do.

    1. Other notes about making targets and about fakefiles
      • Your code does not have to try to detect or handle a fakefile that has a circular dependency causing infinite recursion. For example, if the user of your functions writes a rule like this, where main.x depends on main.x, they will get exactly what they deserve (a segfault) for being so very foolish:

main.x: main.x

gcc main.o functions.o -o main.x

Although real make would in fact detect a directly or indirectly recursive makefile, make_target() will not. The effects of calling make_target() on such a fakefile are undefined.

      • A rule’s action command does not necessarily have to create the rule’s target, although this is usually what is done in makefiles (and fakefiles). For example, the following rule is valid in a fakefile, even though if the command is executed it creates a file named mainprogram.x, rather than main.x. (It may be questionable style, but it’s valid.)

main.x: main.o functions.o

gcc main.o functions.o -o mainprogram.x

If you call make_target() multiple times on target main.x using this rule (assuming main.x does not exist or is initially older than its dependencies), every call will cause the action to be performed, because main.x will not be created by the rule’s command so it will never be newer than its dependencies.

Note that a target like “clean” in the example fakefile above in Section 2 (which in makefiles is called a phony target) also does not create a file named clean, and is not considered poor style in a makefile.

  1. Our function char  **split(const  char  line[])

At some point you will have to break up each nonempty fakefile line that is read into its constituent words. To facilitate this we are supplying you with a compiled function split(), with prototype above, in the object file split.o (with associated split.h). It will take a string and break it up into its components, where each component (except as indicated below) is a word, separated from other words by either whitespace, or by the beginning or end of the string. You will have to link split.o with your code to use split().

split() returns a dynamically–allocated array of dynamically–allocated strings, each of which is one word of the line. The array will end with a NULL pointer, so its last element can be detected. (Conveniently, this is the exact format that the execv system calls expect.) split() will ignore (discard) blank spaces and tabs before and between words. It will also ignore (remove) a colon that ends a word.

For example, suppose we were to call char **words= split("I looooove C!!"). Then a dynamically–allocated array with four elements will be returned, which are (in order) the strings "I", "looooove", "C!!", and NULL (the three non–NULL strings, and the array itself, are all dynamically allocated). The result would be the same if there were multiple spaces or tabs before, after, or between the words.

split() treats a double–quoted string as a single argument, and whitespace is preserved inside double–quoted strings. For example, an array of six elements will be returned by split("split␣says␣\"hello␣friend\"␣to␣you"), the third of which is the string hello␣friend (the quotes are removed but what’s inside them is treated as a single word).

Note that split() returns a dynamically allocated array of dynamically allocated strings, so all of its memory must be freed somewhere to avoid memory leaks. Where you need to free it depends upon how you decide to store the components of a fakefile.

You do not need to make a copy of the memory that split() returns. It is already going to the work of creating a dynamically allocated array of dynamically allocated strings, whose strings are copies of the words in its parameter, and returning a pointer to it. All you need to do is to make something point to the array returned by split(), without having to make an unnecessary copy if it.

Do not reinvent the wheel and try to write your own split() function.  (If you make mistakes in it your code may not pass tests.) Just call the one we provided in the object file split.o.

  1. Development procedure review
    1. Obtaining the project files, compiling, checking your results, and submitting

Log into the Grace machines and use commands similar to those from before:

cd ~/216

tar -zxvf ~/216public/project08/project08.tgz

This will create a directory project08 that contains the necessary files for the project, including the header and ob- ject files memory-checking.h, memory-checking.o, safe-fork.h, safe-fork.o, split.h, split.o, make_target.h, and make_target.o, the public tests, and our supplied makefile that we are donating to you our of our extreme good- ness of heart. cd to the project08 directory and create a header file named fakefile-datastructure.h, containing

your type definitions. Also in the project08 directory create a source file named exactly fakefile.c (spelled ex- actly that way) that will include fakefile.h, safe-fork.h, and, split.h, and in it write the functions whose pro- totypes are in fakefile.h. All of your code for this project must be in fakefile.c. fakefile.c will not include memory-checking.h, only tests that call our memory checking functions will need to include it.

Optionally (as a matter of personal preference)– only if you have added correct conditional compilation directives to your fakefile-datastructure.h header file as discussed in Appendix B below, fakefile.c can also include fakefile-datastructure.h as well, just to be explicit, but this is not required, as it includes fakefile.h, which includes fakefile-datastructure.h.

As in Project #6 you will not be compiling your code from the command line; you will use make and our makefile to compile everything. diff can be used as before to check whether your code passes a public test, for example:

make public01.x

public01.x | diff - public01.output

(You can also run make from Emacs if desired.)

In discussion section recently your TA showed you a UNIX shell script run-tests (which is on Grace so it can be used without changing anything in your account setup), which runs a program on all of its tests at once. Using it will save time compared to running all of the public tests manually.

As before, the command submit will submit your project. Before you submit you must make sure you have passed the public tests, by running them yourself. You must also run valgrind on all of the public tests as well. Appendix B below explains how to run valgrind for this project, which is different from Project #6.

After you submit you must log onto the submit server and see if your program worked there.

Unless your fakefile.c has versions of all required functions that will at least compile, your program will fail to

compile at all on the submit server. (Suggestion– create skeleton versions of all functions when starting to code, that just have an appropriate return statement.)

    1. Grading criteria

Your grade for this project will be based on:

public tests               40 points

secret tests               45 points programming style   15 points


  1. Project–specific requirements, suggestions, and other notes
  • Of course the program could be written without explicitly using process control (e.g., by using the C library function system()). But since the entire point of the project is to write a more advanced program using process control, you will not get any credit on the project unless you write it as described. So do not call the system() function anywhere in your code. Do  not call sleep() anywhere in your code either. Your program will not even compile on the submit server if it calls system() or sleep() anywhere.

Also do not use a loop to try to make a process wait for another one to do something. This is called busy–waiting.

  • If any system call fails your program should print some sort of descriptive message saying what didn’t work right and where and should just quit after that. The exact wording of the message doesn’t matter and it doesn’t matter how you cause the program to quit in this case.
  • For simplicity you may assume that any memory allocations performed will always be successful. You are encouraged, but not required, to check whether memory allocations succeed, and to have code handling it in an appropriate way if not. (After all, during development you may have bugs that cause the heap to fill up– if your program just crashes in a cryptic way then, it will be harder to find the bug.)
  • One public test, and some secret tests, call our functions from Project #6 in memory-checking.o that check the heap, with associated header file memory-checking.h. And your code will call functions in both split.o and safe-fork.o, with associated header files split.h and safe-fork.h.

  • You cannot modify the header files provided to you, because your code will be compiled on the submit server using our versions of them.

Your code may not comprise any source (.c) files other than fakefile.c so all your code must be in that file. You cannot write any header files of your own either other than fakefile-datastructure.h.

  • Any helper functions that you write in fakefile.c, whose prototypes are not in fakefile.h, will be “private”, so  they  should  be  declared  static,  and  their  prototypes  should  be  placed  at  the  top of fakefile.c,  not in fakefile-datastructure.h (or fakefile.h).
  • Do not write code using loops (or recursion) that has the same effect as any string library functions. If you need to perform an operation on strings and there is a string library function already written that accomplishes that task, you are expected to use it, otherwise you will lose credit.
  • You will lose credit if you cast the return value of the memory allocation functions. Besides being completely unnecessary, in some cases this can mask certain errors in code.
  • The project style guide says that you cannot use the strtok() function (which we did not cover).
  • Now that the preprocessor has been covered, your fakefile-datastructure.h header file must have correct conditional compilation directives, as explained in class.

Note that part of using conditional compilation correctly is that you must spell the name of the preprocessor symbol used for conditional compilation either as described in class and in the lecture slides, or in the form that the Reek text uses, or you may lose some credit.

  • Project #7 explained how to use gdb with a program that creates child processes.
  • As mentioned earlier, you cannot use valgrind together with our memory checking functions. We want to make it easy for you to use valgrind if you have memory problems in your code, so now that the preprocessor has been covered ,we wrote the tests that use our memory checking facilities to allow you to easily turn off our memory checking by just compiling with the preprocessor symbol ENABLE_VALGRIND defined.

To be able to use valgrind (this assumes your Makefile is correct):

    • Add a definition of ENABLE_VALGRIND (e.g., -D ENABLE_VALGRIND) to the compiler options in your Makefile. (You also have to add the -g option to be able to use valgrind, as well as gdb.)
    • Force all the tests to be recompiled using make clean (or touching all source/header files would also work), and recompile everything (our tests and yours).
    • Now you can use valgrind on any test. When you’ve found the problem and are done using valgrind, don’t forget to remove the definition of ENABLE_VALGRIND from the compilation options and recompile everything again, otherwise you will not be running the same versions of the tests as the submit server will, because the submit server will be using our memory checking for some tests. After re–enabling our memory checking by removing -D ENABLE_VALGRIND and recompiling, rerun the tests to confirm that they pass.
    • When running valgrind, add the option --leak-check=no to turn off checking for memory leaks for any test that is not calling clear_fakefile() at the end.
  • If you have a problem with your code and have to come to the TAs’ office hours for debugging help you must come with tests you have written yourself that illustrate the problem (not the public tests), what cases it occurs in, and what cases it doesn’t occur in. You will need to show the smallest test you were able to write that illustrates the problem, so the cause can be narrowed down as much as possible before the TAs even start helping you. To emphasize:  the TAs will not look at your program’s results on any of the public tests in office hours.  You must have written your own tests to receive any help with your program code.

You also must have used gdb yourself to try to find any bugs, and be prepared to show the TAs how you attempted to debug your program using it and what results you got.

And besides having used gdb, you must now have also run valgrind if your code has any bugs. If you aren’t sure how to do these things then the TAs can help you with that.

  • Be sure to make frequent backups of your project in a different directory in your course disk space.
  • Recall that the course project policies handout on ELMS says that all your projects must work on at least half of the public tests (by the end of the semester) in order for you to be eligible to pass the course.

  1. Academic integrity

Please carefully read the academic honesty section of the syllabus. Any evidence of impermissible cooperation on projects, use of disallowed materials or resources, publicly providing others access to your project code online, or unauthorized use of computer accounts, will be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct, which could result in an XF for the course, or suspension or expulsion from the University. Be sure you understand what you are and what you are not permitted to do in regards to academic integrity when it comes to projects. These policies apply to all students, and the Student Honor Council does not consider lack of knowledge of the policies to be a defense for violating them. More information is in the course syllabus – please review it now.

The academic integrity requirements also apply to any test data for projects, which must be your own original work. Exchanging test data or working together to write test cases is also prohibited.



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