Selfish (Space Edition)

Getting Started: Selfish (Space Edition)

version 1.1


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Table of Contents

  1.  Preliminaries
  2.  A Staged Guide to Development
  3.  Need More Help?

  1. Preliminaries

You do not have to follow the instructions in this document if you do not want to, and the instructions below may not give you a complete solution. They're intended to be a general guide for those who want some help knowing how to approach the problem.

Your solution must meet the provided specification, so you should take time to carefully read all instructions and UML class diagrams. Do this before progressing any further with the instructions in this document!

  1. A Staged Guide to Development

Knowing where to start a game like this can be tricky. Here's one possible set of steps you can follow:

    1. Familiarise yourself with the mechanisms for testing/running code.

Clone the repository and run the file. It might seem counter intuitive to start by running the tests before any code, but once you know you can run the tests then it's easy to track your progress. Familiarise yourself with the test output, it should end as follows:



containers found




containers skipped




containers started




containers aborted




containers successful




containers failed




tests found




tests skipped




tests started




tests aborted




tests successful




tests failed




Here, the 275 structural tests and the 99 javadoc tests run successfully (but fail). The functional tests don't run at all because they won't compile without functioning

classes in the




packages [1]. If you scroll back

through the output, you'll see it starts with all the compilation errors for the functional tests, followed by something like this:

Each of the red lines represented one failing test, and the blue lines are the classes in which the failing tests can be found. Below this you can view the Stack trace for each failing test:

[1] -- Note that in this document we only have you write class/method

signatures as you come to write associated the functionality. This means that (due to interdependencies between classes) functional tests may not compile until very late on. To avoid this, you could choose to write the class/method signatures now, and then work through adding functionality in accordance with the rest of this guide.

Open the provided driver program (                                       ). Compile and run the

driver -- nothing will happen because the main method is empty.

    1. In order to get the tests to pass, you're going to need to get to grips with packaging. Following the materials signposted on this topic, start by creating the  selfish


package and empty classes for the                              and  GameException classes.


Create a simplified Astronaut class that includes the constructor, the name and attributes, and a  toString method. Re-run the tests, you should already

see some are now passing.

    1. selfish.deck

      Create the                                  package. You should be very comfortable with

subclass/superclass (inheritance) relationships so at this point you can write near-



complete implementations of the  Card and                  classes, an empty               ,

GameDeck , and SpaceDeck classes. Adding the Strings representations of card types to the  GameDeck , and  SpaceDeck classes is another nice easy task. At this

point, your implementation (including the provided represented in UML as follows:


) can be

If you run the tests now, 65 structural tests should pass. If you've not already committed and pushed your changes so far, then do that now. From this point on we're not going to remind you to commit and push, but you should do this regularly.

If you want to avoid a lot of documentation at the end, now might be a good time to read up on Javadoc and add some Javadoc comments in -- check, do the relevant Javadoc tests now pass? (You should document all public/protected classes and members).

    1. Next, we suggest writing some code for the driver program ( ).


Inside the                method create a new instance of the  GameEngine class.

    1. Add some console IO to your driver. A basic loop that let's you add players (and results



in a call to the                           constructor) is a good place to start. To glam it up a bit,

you can also copy in the header ascii art from be something like this:


. The result might

    1. The Deck class is responsible for reading in cards from file, and is uses the loadCards method to do this. Add an empty constructor. Add an empty loadCards method according to the UML signature, and include a return statement return null to ensure it will compile successfully. Re-run the tests to check that

you've got the signatures correct (more tests will now pass).

    1. loadCards

      Add some file handling to                           that reads from the specified path and creates


the correct number of new Card objects for each line in the file (you don't need to assign these instances to anything permanent right now). Implement error handling for problems in file handling as per the specification (this will involve writing the


    1. Implement the

constructors in  GameDeck and


, calling the




method from each (the created  Card objects still won't persist, but


you can worry about that later). Create a new instance of each                subclass from

the driver, and run both the driver and the tests to ensure that the code executes OK.

    1. Time to branch out into the unknown... take a look at the documentation for



. Once you know how to create a new                     object, you

should be able to implement the two  GameEngine constructors, moving the calls to


create               subclasses out of the driver and into  GameEngine (since the driver

should be creating an instance of GameEngine , these will still get called). It should now be straightforward to add two more calls to the Deck subclass constuctors (this time for the discard piles), assign them to instance variables and write get methods for those variables. At this point, your implementation can be represented in UML as


Again... If you've not been writing Javadoc as you go, now might be a good time to update the Javadoc from step 3 / read up on Javadoc and add some Javadoc comments in. Check, do the relevant Javadoc tests now pass? (You should document all public/protected classes and members).

    1. loadState


      Now that you've got text file handling sorted, it's time to do some object file handling

(serialization). Implement




, and add the



to relevant classes -- the functional tests might compile/pass yet, because they make calls to functions you've not yet implemented, but you should see that structural tests related to serialisation now pass. Add calls to


and                           to your driver (it's up to you if/how you prompt users to load/save, or

if you just prove to yourself that you can and it works).

You're well on the way, so the instructions for the next steps get sparser, but here are some hints:

    1. At some point you're going to have to tackle a data structure. You have two options here and both connect to pieces you've implemented already.
      1. Implement functionality related to player management in  GameEngine ,


specifically                                    and  currentPlayer (initialising and

populating the attributes, implementing associated get methods). This should in


turn make it possible to create an initial implementation of                           and


. Update the driver program so that it cycles through players, printing out their name.

      1. Deck

        Revisit the                classes to make the cards persist. At that point you can


probably finish the implementation of               ,  SpaceDeck and  GameDeck .

Returning to  GameEngine you can now implement  mergeDecks and

startGame . If you've already done (i), then update the driver program so that as you cycle through players, a card is drawn and placed on the discard pile. If you

haven't done (i) yet, then update the driver program so that it loops through the decks, drawing a card and placing it on the relevant discard pile. When the deck runs out, use `mergeDecks` to shuffle the discard pile back into the deck.

If you've not been writing Javadoc as you go, now might be a good time to update Javadoc and check the relevant. test output.

    1. splitOxygen

      If you didn't tackle                                in GameEngine in the previous step, then it's a

good idea to do that now. Think carefully about the edge cases with this one.

    1. After tackling (i) and (ii) above, there are just a few data structures left in the UML that won't be represented in your implementation. Considering (ii) above, implementing functionality related to an Astronaut's hand ( actions and oxygens ) should seem very similar. After tackling these (together with  addToHand ,  getActions ,


getHand ,  hasCard ,                   ,  oxygenRemaining ,  breathe ,  hack ,

siphon ,  steal ), you should be able to revisit (i) above to add in the  corpses

attribute, getAllPlayers , getFullPlayerCount , and killPlayer . Update the driver program so that as you cycle through players, each player draws a card and then breathes. If you cycle for long enough, maybe some players will die (there's a lot of Oxygen in the game deck, so you may want to temporarily modify the code to reduce this and make death more likely).

At this point, your implementation can be represented in UML as follows:

    1. This is probably a good time to give the driver program an upgrade, making it possible to see how players' hands change during their turn, to allow them to play cards and target other players (even if, in some cases, the only effect is that the card ends up in the discard pile). To represent (and allow interaction with) an Astronaut's hand, you'll


need to implement  getHandStr and

implementing the  Comparable interface at this point too.


. We'd suggest

    1. Without track logic it's impossible for anyone to win this game. All the unimplemented


functionality in                           now relates to tracks, so go ahead and finish off this class



now. This should also allow you to implement                        ,                          .

At this point, you should have implemented everything in the UML. All the functional and structural tests should pass. Hopefully, you've been writing Javadoc since step 3, but if not then now is the time!

You have (at least) three choices from here:

  1. Stop development. If all the tests pass (including the Javadoc tests) then you have 80% of the marks.
  2. Finish the driver program. It's not earning you any extra marks, but at least you'll have finished an awesome game.
  3. Start development on a JavaFX GUI that uses the classes you've developed in the previous steps to allow a full play through the game.

Whatever you do, be sure to submit your solution by tagging correctly and pushing all commits.

  1. Need More Help?

Don't forget to run the tests at regular intervals. If you're not sure why a test is failing, take a look at the stack trace. If that's not helping, you can also look at the source code for the relevant test.

You can get also get help prior to submission by asking questions in the labs or online forums.

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