
描述: 鼠标移入不同板块, 显示对应板块的内容, 不移入的时候为默认板块, 所有数据存储在JSON文件中, 通过AJAX获取



    <!-- online course -->
            <div class="onlinecourse clearfix">
                 <!-- title -->
                 <h3 class="fl">精品网课</h3>
                 <ul class="type fl" id = "onlinetype">
                     <li attr = "onlineSell"><a href="#">互联网营销</a></li>
                     <li attr = "styleDesign"><a href="#">设计</a></li>
                     <li attr = "web"><a href="#">Web前端</a></li>
                     <li attr = "program"><a href="#">程序开发</a></li>
                     <li attr = "office"><a href="#">Office</a></li>
                 <div class="more fr">
                     <a href="#" class = "fl">更多</a>
                     <i class = "iconfont icon-jiahao1 fl"></i>
                 <div style="clear: both;"></div>

                <ul class="onlinecontent" attr = "onlineSell"></ul>
                <ul class="onlinecontent" attr = "styleDesign"></ul>
                <ul class="onlinecontent" attr = "web"></ul>
                <ul class="onlinecontent" attr = "program"></ul>
                <ul class="onlinecontent" attr = "office"></ul>
                <ul class="onlinecontent active" attr = "default">
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-1.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                           【基础】微信视频号运营技巧, 短视频赚钱新风口
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>1</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">1课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-2.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>16800</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">383课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-3.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>18800</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">493课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-4.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>19800</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">340课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-5.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>1280</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">200课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-6.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>2399</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">16课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-7.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>0.10</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">9课时</span>
                        <a href="#">
                            <img src="./img/online-default-8.jpg" alt="">
                        <a href="#" class = "desc">
                        <p class = "detail clearfix">
                           <span class = "price"><b></b>2999</span>
                           <span class = "length fr">56课时</span>
.container .onlinecourse{
    margin-top: 50px;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    height: 566px;
.container .onlinecourse > h3{
    height: 25px;
.container .onlinecourse .type{
    margin-left: 57px;
.container .onlinecourse .type li{
    float: left;
    margin: 5px 25px 0 0;
    padding-bottom: 5px;
.container .onlinecourse .type li > a{
    font: 16px/1 "微软雅黑";
    color: #333333;
    display: inline-block;
/* .container .onlinecourse .type li:hover{
    border-bottom: 1px solid #FD5843;
.container .onlinecourse .type li:hover a{
    color: #FD5843;
.container .onlinecourse .more{
    margin-top: 8px;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent{
    width: 100%;
    height: 560px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 25px; 
    /* border: 1px solid #333; */
    display: none;
.container .onlinecourse .active{
    display: block;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li{
    width: 285px;
    height: 260px;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    margin: 20px 15px 0 0;
    float: left;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li:hover{
    transform: translateY(-3px);
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li a > img{
    width: 285px;
    height: 161px;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li .desc{
    display: block;
    margin: 15px 0 0 5px;
    text-indent: 3px;
    font:14px/1 "微软雅黑";
    color: #333333;
    overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li .desc:hover{
    text-decoration: underline;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li .detail{
    margin: 23px  0 0 8px;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li .detail .price{
    font: 20px/1 "微软雅黑";
    color: #FF4D00;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li .detail .price > b{
    font-size: 15px;
.container .onlinecourse .onlinecontent li .detail .length{
    width: 55px;
    height: 25px;
    text-align: center;
    display: inline-block;
    background-color: #FFEFE8;
    font:12px/25px "微软雅黑";
    color: #FB8C23;
    margin-right: 12px;

难点在于Javasctipt部分, 首先通过Ajax获取json数据,给滑入的li添加对应的自定义属性attr, 获取返回的数据中对应attr的数组,同时获取此时li的索引下标, 给对应的ul渲染数据,最后进行选项卡的显示隐藏和样式操作

// 4.Readlization of online courses
    // 4.1 Ajax request data
        // console.log(res);
        var transRes = JSON.parse(res);
        var goodLesson = transRes.goodLesson;

    function Tab(lesson, typeId, contentClass){
        // Get father element type
        var type = document.getElementById(typeId);
        // console.log(type);
        var typeLis = type.getElementsByTagName('li');
        var content = document.getElementsByClassName(contentClass);
        // console.log(content);
        // When mouse enter into each type, show corresponding content
        for(var i = 0; i < typeLis.length; i++){
            typeLis[i].index = i;
            typeLis[i].onmouseenter = function(){
                // set and border
                // Exclusive
                for(var j = 0; j < typeLis.length;j++){
                     typeLis[j].style.borderBottom = 'none';
                this.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #FD5843';
                // get attribute
                var attr = this.getAttribute('attr');
                // console.log(attr);

                // console.log(lesson[attr]);
                // console.log(typeof lesson[attr][0].price);
                // record length
                var length = lesson[attr].length;
                //Rendering the page to corresponding content
                // console.log(this.index);
                content[this.index].innerHTML = '';
                for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
                    content[this.index].innerHTML += '<li>\
                    <a href="#">\
                        <img src="'+ lesson[attr][i].img +'" alt="">\
                    <a href="#" class = "desc">\
                       '+ lesson[attr][i].title +'\
                    <p class = "detail clearfix">\
                       <span class = "price"><b>¥</b>'+ parseFloat(lesson[attr][i].price) +'</span>\
                       <span class = "length fr">'+ lesson[attr][i].time +'</span>\
                // exclusive
                for(var k = 0; k < content.length; k++){
                    content[k].className = contentClass;
                content[this.index].className = contentClass + ' active'; 
// 4.Readlization of online courses
    // 4.1 Ajax request data
    ajax('get', './data/lessonContent.json', '', function (res) {
        // console.log(res);
        var transRes = JSON.parse(res);
        // goodLesson
        var goodLesson = transRes.goodLesson;
        Tab(goodLesson, 'onlinecourse', 'onlinetype', 'onlinecontent');

        // freeLesson
        var freeLesson = transRes.freeLesson;
        Tab(freeLesson, 'freecourse', 'freetype', 'freecontent');

        var jobLesson = transRes.jobLesson;
        Tab(jobLesson, 'jobcourse', 'jobtype', 'jobcontent')
 function Tab(lesson, courseId, typeId, contentClass) {

        // console.log(lesson);
        var course = document.getElementById(courseId);
        var title = course.querySelector('h3');
        // console.log(title);
        // Get father element type
        var type = document.getElementById(typeId);
        // console.log(type);
        var typeLis = type.getElementsByTagName('li');
        var typeCon = type.getElementsByTagName('a');
        // console.log(typeLis);
        var content = document.getElementsByClassName(contentClass);
        // console.log(content);
        // When mouse enter into h3, display default value
        title.onmouseenter = function () {
            content[content.length - 1].className = contentClass + ' active';
        // When mouse enter into each type, show corresponding content
        for (var i = 0; i < typeLis.length; i++) {
            typeLis[i].index = i;
            typeLis[i].onmouseenter = function () {
                // set and border
                // Exclusive
                for (var j = 0; j < typeLis.length; j++) {
                    typeLis[j].style.borderBottom = 'none';
                    typeCon[j].style.color = '#333333';
                this.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #FD5843';
                typeCon[this.index].style.color = '#FD5843';
                // get attribute
                var attr = this.getAttribute('attr');
                // console.log(attr);

                // console.log(lesson[attr]);
                // console.log(typeof lesson[attr][0].price);
                // record length
                var length = lesson[attr].length;
                //Rendering the page to corresponding content
                // console.log(this.index);
                content[this.index].innerHTML = '';
                // append content
                /*  for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
                     content[this.index].innerHTML += '<li>\
                     <a href="#">\
                         <img src="'+ lesson[attr][i].img +'" alt="">\
                     <a href="#" class = "desc">\
                        '+ lesson[attr][i].title +'\
                     <p class = "detail clearfix">\
                        <span class = "price"><b>¥</b>'+ parseFloat(lesson[attr][i].price) +'</span>\
                        <span class = "length fr">'+ lesson[attr][i].time +'</span>\
                 } */
                for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    content[this.index].innerHTML += `<li>
                    <a href="#">
                        <img src=" ${lesson[attr][i].img} " alt="">
                    <a href="#" class = "desc">
                    <p class = "detail clearfix">
                       <span class = "price"><b>¥</b> ${parseFloat(lesson[attr][i].price)} </span>
                       <span class = "length fr"> ${lesson[attr][i].time} </span>
                // exclusive
                for (var k = 0; k < content.length; k++) {
                    content[k].className = contentClass;
                content[this.index].className = contentClass + ' active';
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  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 1




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