Palisade pke headers 第二部分

Palisade pke headers 第二部分


Operations for the representation of ciphertext in PALISADE.

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "palisade.h"

namespace lbcrypto {

template <typename Element>
class CiphertextImpl;

CiphertextImpl 类

 * @brief CiphertextImpl
 * The CiphertextImpl object is used to contain encrypted text in the PALISADE
 * library
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
template <class Element>
class CiphertextImpl : public CryptoObject<Element> {
   * Default constructor
      : CryptoObject<Element>(),
        m_level(0) {
    m_metadataMap = std::make_shared<std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>>();

   * Construct a new ciphertext in the given context
   * @param cc
  explicit CiphertextImpl(CryptoContext<Element> cc, const string& id = "",
                          PlaintextEncodings encType = Unknown)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(cc, id),
        m_level(0) {
    m_metadataMap = std::make_shared<std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>>();

   * Construct a new ciphertext from the parameters of a given public key
   * @param k key whose CryptoObject parameters will get cloned
  explicit CiphertextImpl(const shared_ptr<LPKey<Element>> k)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(k->GetCryptoContext(), k->GetKeyTag()),
        m_level(0) {
    m_metadataMap = std::make_shared<std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>>();

   * Copy constructor
  CiphertextImpl(const CiphertextImpl<Element>& ciphertext)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(ciphertext) {
    m_elements = ciphertext.m_elements;
    m_depth = ciphertext.m_depth;
    m_level = ciphertext.m_level;
    m_scalingFactor = ciphertext.m_scalingFactor;
    encodingType = ciphertext.encodingType;
    m_metadataMap = ciphertext.m_metadataMap;

  explicit CiphertextImpl(Ciphertext<Element> ciphertext)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(*ciphertext) {
    m_elements = ciphertext->m_elements;
    m_depth = ciphertext->m_depth;
    m_level = ciphertext->m_level;
    m_scalingFactor = ciphertext->m_scalingFactor;
    encodingType = ciphertext->encodingType;
    m_metadataMap = ciphertext->m_metadataMap;

   * Move constructor
  CiphertextImpl(CiphertextImpl<Element>&& ciphertext)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(ciphertext) {
    m_elements = std::move(ciphertext.m_elements);
    m_depth = std::move(ciphertext.m_depth);
    m_level = std::move(ciphertext.m_level);
    m_scalingFactor = std::move(ciphertext.m_scalingFactor);
    encodingType = std::move(ciphertext.encodingType);
    m_metadataMap = std::move(ciphertext.m_metadataMap);

  explicit CiphertextImpl(Ciphertext<Element>&& ciphertext)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(*ciphertext) {
    m_elements = std::move(ciphertext->m_elements);
    m_depth = std::move(ciphertext->m_depth);
    m_level = std::move(ciphertext->m_level);
    m_scalingFactor = std::move(ciphertext->m_scalingFactor);
    encodingType = std::move(ciphertext->encodingType);
    m_metadataMap = std::move(ciphertext->m_metadataMap);

   * This method creates a copy of this, skipping the actual encrypted
   * elements. This means it copies parameters, key tags, encoding type,
   * and metadata.
  virtual Ciphertext<Element> CloneEmpty() const {
    Ciphertext<Element> ct(std::make_shared<CiphertextImpl<Element>>(
        this->GetCryptoContext(), this->GetKeyTag(), this->GetEncodingType()));

    ct->m_metadataMap =
        std::make_shared<std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>>();
    *(ct->m_metadataMap) = *(this->m_metadataMap);

    return ct;

   * Destructor
  virtual ~CiphertextImpl() {

   * GetEncodingType
   * @return how the Plaintext that this CiphertextImpl was created from was
   * encoded
  PlaintextEncodings GetEncodingType() const {
    return encodingType; }

   * SetEncodingType - after Encrypt, remember the CiphertextImpl's encoding
   * type
   * @param et
  void SetEncodingType(PlaintextEncodings et) {
    encodingType = et; }

   * Assignment Operator.
   * @param &rhs the CiphertextImpl to assign from
   * @return this CiphertextImpl
  CiphertextImpl<Element>& operator=(const CiphertextImpl<Element>& rhs) {
    if (this != &rhs) {
      this->m_elements = rhs.m_elements;
      this->m_depth = rhs.m_depth;
      this->m_level = rhs.m_level;
      this->m_scalingFactor = rhs.m_scalingFactor;
      this->encodingType = rhs.encodingType;
      this->m_metadataMap = rhs.m_metadataMap;

    return *this;

   * Move Assignment Operator.
   * @param &rhs the CiphertextImpl to move from
   * @return this CiphertextImpl
  CiphertextImpl<Element>& operator=(CiphertextImpl<Element>&& rhs) {
    if (this != &rhs) {
      this->m_elements = std::move(rhs.m_elements);
      this->m_depth = std::move(rhs.m_depth);
      this->m_level = std::move(rhs.m_level);
      this->m_scalingFactor = std::move(rhs.m_scalingFactor);
      this->encodingType = std::move(rhs.encodingType);
      this->m_metadataMap = std::move(rhs.m_metadataMap);

    return *this;

   * GetElement - get the ring element for the cases that use only one element
   * in the vector this method will throw an exception if it's ever called in
   * cases with other than 1 element
   * @return the first (and only!) ring element
  const Element& GetElement() const {
    if (m_elements.size() == 1) return m_elements[0];

                   "GetElement should only be used in cases with a "
                   "Ciphertext with a single element");

   * GetElement - get the ring element for the cases that use only one element
   * in the vector this method will throw an exception if it's ever called in
   * cases with other than 1 element
   * @return the first (and only!) ring element
  Element& GetElement() {
    if (m_elements.size() == 1) return m_elements[0];

                   "GetElement should only be used in cases with a "
                   "Ciphertext with a single element");

   * GetElements: get all of the ring elements in the CiphertextImpl
   * @return vector of ring elements
  const std::vector<Element>& GetElements() const {
    return m_elements; }

   * GetElements: get all of the ring elements in the CiphertextImpl
   * @return vector of ring elements
  std::vector<Element>& GetElements() {
    return m_elements; }

   * SetElement - sets the ring element for the cases that use only one element
   * in the vector this method will throw an exception if it's ever called in
   * cases with other than 1 element
   * @param &element is a polynomial ring element.
  void SetElement(const Element& element) {
    if (m_elements.size() == 0)
    else if (m_elements.size() == 1)
      m_elements[0] = element;
                     "SetElement should only be used in cases with a "
                     "Ciphertext with a single element");

   * Sets the data elements.
   * @param &element is a polynomial ring element.
  void SetElements(const std::vector<Element>& elements) {
    m_elements = elements;

   * Sets the data elements by std::move.
   * @param &&element is a polynomial ring element.
  void SetElements(std::vector<Element>&& elements) {
    m_elements = std::move(elements);

   * Get the depth of the ciphertext.
   * It will be used in multiplication/addition/subtraction to handle the
   * keyswitching.
  size_t GetDepth() const {
    return m_depth; }

   * Set the depth of the ciphertext.
   * It will be used in multiplication/addition/subtraction to handle the
   * keyswitching.
  void SetDepth(size_t depth) {
    m_depth = depth; }

   * Get the level of the ciphertext.
  size_t GetLevel() const {
    return m_level; }

   * Set the level of the ciphertext.
  void SetLevel(size_t level) {
    m_level = level; }

   * Get the scaling factor of the ciphertext.
  double GetScalingFactor() const {
    return m_scalingFactor; }

   * Set the scaling factor of the ciphertext.
  void SetScalingFactor(double sf) {
    m_scalingFactor = sf; }

   * Get the Metadata map of the ciphertext.
  MetadataMap GetMetadataMap() const {
    return this->m_metadataMap; }

   * Set the Metadata map of the ciphertext.
  void SetMetadataMap(MetadataMap mdata) {
    this->m_metadataMap = mdata; }

   * This method searches the metadata map for metadata of a specific key.
   * @param key the string value which serves as a key in the metadata map
   * @return an iterator pointing at the position in the map where the key
   *         was found (or the map.end() if not found).
  std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>::iterator FindMetadataByKey(
      string key) const {
    return m_metadataMap->find(key);

   * This method checks whether an iterator return from FindMetadataByKey
   * corresponds to whether the key was found or not.
   * @param it iterator pointing at the position in the map where the key
   *         was found (or the map.end() if not found).
   * @return a boolean value indicating whether the key was found or not.
  bool MetadataFound(
      std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>::iterator it) const {
    return (it != m_metadataMap->end());

   * This method returns the Metadata object stored in the iterator position
   * returned by FindMetadataByKey.
   * @param it iterator pointing at the position in the map where the key
   *         was found (or the map.end() if not found).
   * @return a shared pointer pointing to the Metadata object in the map.
  shared_ptr<Metadata>& GetMetadata(
      std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>::iterator it) const {
    return it->second;

   * Get a Metadata element from the Metadata map of the ciphertext.
  shared_ptr<Metadata> GetMetadataByKey(string key) const {
    auto it = m_metadataMap->find(key);
    return std::make_shared<Metadata>(*(it->second));

   * Set a Metadata element in the Metadata map of the ciphertext.
  void SetMetadataByKey(string key, shared_ptr<Metadata> value) {
    (*m_metadataMap)[key] = value;

  virtual Ciphertext<Element> Clone() const {
    Ciphertext<Element> cRes = this->CloneEmpty();

    return cRes;

  bool operator==(const CiphertextImpl<Element>& rhs) const {
    if (!CryptoObject<Element>::operator==(rhs)) return false;

    if (this->m_depth != rhs.m_depth) return false;

    if (this->m_level != rhs.m_level) return false;

    if (this->m_scalingFactor != rhs.m_scalingFactor) return false;

    const std::vector<Element>& lhsE = this->GetElements();
    const std::vector<Element>& rhsE = rhs.GetElements();

    if (lhsE.size() != rhsE.size()) return false;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < lhsE.size(); i++) {
      const Element& lE = lhsE[i];
      const Element& rE = rhsE[i];

      if (lE != rE) return false;

    const shared_ptr<std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>> lhsMap =
    const shared_ptr<std::map<string, shared_ptr<Metadata>>> rhsMap =

    if (lhsMap->size() != rhsMap->size()) return false;

    if (lhsMap->size() > 0) {
      for (auto i = lhsMap->begin(), j = rhsMap->begin(); i != lhsMap->end();
           ++i, ++j)
        if (!(*(i->second) == *(j->second))) return false;

    return true;

  bool operator!=(const CiphertextImpl<Element>& rhs) const {
    return !(*this == rhs);

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                                  const CiphertextImpl<Element>& c) {
    out << "enc=" << c.encodingType << " depth=" << c.m_depth << std::endl;
    out << "metadata: [ ";
    for (auto i = c.m_metadataMap->begin(); i != c.m_metadataMap->end(); ++i)
      out << "(\"" << i->first << "\", " << *(i->second) << ") ";
    out << "]" << std::endl;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < c.m_elements.size(); i++) {
      if (i != 0) out << std::endl;
      out << "Element " << i << ": " << c.m_elements[i];
    return out;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Ciphertext<Element> c) {
    return out << *c;

  template <class Archive>
  void save(Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) const {
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("v", m_elements));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("d", m_depth));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("l", m_level));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("s", m_scalingFactor));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("e", encodingType));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("m", m_metadataMap));

  template <class Archive>
  void load(Archive& ar, std::uint32_t const version) {
    if (version > SerializedVersion()) {
                     "serialized object version " + std::to_string(version) +
                         " is from a later version of the library");
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("v", m_elements));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("d", m_depth));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("l", m_level));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("s", m_scalingFactor));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("e", encodingType));
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("m", m_metadataMap));

  std::string SerializedObjectName() const {
    return "Ciphertext"; }
  static uint32_t SerializedVersion() {
    return 1; }

  // FUTURE ENHANCEMENT: current value of error norm
  // BigInteger m_norm;

      m_elements;  /*!< vector of ring elements for this Ciphertext */
  uint32_t m_depth;  // holds the multiplicative depth of the ciphertext.
  PlaintextEncodings encodingType; /*!< how was this Ciphertext encoded? */

  double m_scalingFactor;
  uint32_t m_level;  // holds the number of rescalings performed before getting
                   // this ciphertext - initially 0

  // A map to hold different Metadata objects - used for flexible extensions of
  // Ciphertext
  MetadataMap m_metadataMap;

// TODO the op= are not doing the work in-place, and should be updated

 * operator+ overload for Ciphertexts.  Performs EvalAdd.
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
 * @param &a ciphertext operand
 * @param &b ciphertext operand
 * @return The result of addition.
template <class Element>
Ciphertext<Element> operator+(const Ciphertext<Element>& a,
                              const Ciphertext<Element>& b) {
  return a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalAdd(a, b);

 * operator+= overload for Ciphertexts.  Performs EvalAdd.
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
 * @param &a ciphertext to be added to
 * @param &b ciphertext to add to &a
 * @return &a
template <class Element>
const Ciphertext<Element>& operator+=(Ciphertext<Element>& a,
                                      const Ciphertext<Element>& b) {
  return a = a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalAdd(a, b);

 * Unary negation operator.
 * @param &a ciphertext operand
 * @return the result of the negation.
template <class Element>
Ciphertext<Element> operator-(const Ciphertext<Element>& a) {
  return a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalNegate(a);

 * operator- overload.  Performs EvalSub.
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
 * @param &a ciphertext operand
 * @param &b ciphertext operand
 * @return The result of subtraction.
template <class Element>
Ciphertext<Element> operator-(const Ciphertext<Element>& a,
                              const Ciphertext<Element>& b) {
  return a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalSub(a, b);

 * operator-= overload for Ciphertexts.  Performs EvalAdd.
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
 * @param &a ciphertext to be subtracted from
 * @param &b ciphertext to subtract from &a
 * @return &a
template <class Element>
const Ciphertext<Element>& operator-=(Ciphertext<Element>& a,
                                      const Ciphertext<Element>& b) {
  return a = a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalSub(a, b);

 * operator* overload.  Performs EvalMult.
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
 * @param &a ciphertext operand
 * @param &b ciphertext operand
 * @return The result of multiplication.
template <class Element>
Ciphertext<Element> operator*(const Ciphertext<Element>& a,
                              const Ciphertext<Element>& b) {
  return a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalMult(a, b);

 * operator*= overload for Ciphertexts.  Performs EvalMult.
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
 * @param &a ciphertext to be multiplied
 * @param &b ciphertext to multiply by &a
 * @return &a
template <class Element>
const Ciphertext<Element>& operator*=(Ciphertext<Element>& a,
                                      const Ciphertext<Element>& b) {
  return a = a->GetCryptoContext()->EvalMult(a, b);

}  // namespace lbcrypto


serialize ciphertexts; include this in any app that needs to serialize them


#include "palisade.h"
#include "utils/serial.h"
#include "metadata-ser.h"

extern template class lbcrypto::CiphertextImpl<lbcrypto::Poly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::CiphertextImpl<lbcrypto::NativePoly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::CiphertextImpl<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly>;





#include "palisade.h"
#include "utils/serial.h"

extern template class lbcrypto::LPCryptoParameters<lbcrypto::Poly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPCryptoParameters<lbcrypto::NativePoly>;

extern template class lbcrypto::LPCryptoParametersRLWE<lbcrypto::Poly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPCryptoParametersRLWE<lbcrypto::NativePoly>;

extern template class lbcrypto::LPPublicKeyEncryptionScheme<lbcrypto::Poly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPPublicKeyEncryptionScheme<

extern template class lbcrypto::LPEvalKeyImpl<lbcrypto::Poly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPEvalKeyImpl<lbcrypto::NativePoly>;

extern template class lbcrypto::LPEvalKeyRelinImpl<lbcrypto::Poly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPEvalKeyRelinImpl<lbcrypto::NativePoly>;

extern template class lbcrypto::LPCryptoParameters<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPCryptoParametersRLWE<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPPublicKeyEncryptionScheme<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPEvalKeyImpl<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly>;
extern template class lbcrypto::LPEvalKeyRelinImpl<lbcrypto::DCRTPoly>;











#include "lattice/elemparams.h"
#include "lattice/ilparams.h"

#include "lattice/ildcrtparams.h"
#include "lattice/ilelement.h"
#include "utils/caller_info.h"
#include "utils/hashutil.h"
#include "utils/inttypes.h"

#include "math/distrgen.h"

#include "encoding/encodingparams.h"

 * @namespace lbcrypto
 * The namespace of lbcrypto
namespace lbcrypto {


/* This struct holds the different options for
 * key switching algorithms that are supported
 * by the library.
enum KeySwitchTechnique {
    BV, GHS, HYBRID };

/* This struct holds the different options for
 * mod switching algorithms that are supported
 * by the library.
enum ModSwitchMethod {
// forward declarations, used to resolve circular header dependencies
template <typename Element>
class CiphertextImpl;

template <typename Element>
class LPCryptoParameters;

template <typename Element>
class LPCryptoParametersBFV;

template <typename Element>
class CryptoObject;

EncryptionResult 结构体

struct EncryptResult {
  EncryptResult() : isValid(false), numBytesEncrypted(0) {

  explicit EncryptResult(size_t len) : isValid(true), numBytesEncrypted(len) {

  bool isValid;  // whether the encryption was successful
  // count of the number of plaintext bytes that were encrypted
  usint numBytesEncrypted;

DecryptionResult 结构体

 * @brief Decryption result.  This represents whether the decryption of a
 * cipheretext was performed correctly.
 * This is intended to eventually incorporate information about the amount of
 * padding in a decoded ciphertext, to ensure that the correct amount of
 * padding is stripped away. It is intended to provided a very simple kind of
 * checksum eventually. This notion of a decoding output is inherited from the
 * crypto++ library. It is also intended to be used in a recover and restart
 * robust functionality if not all ciphertext is recieved over a lossy
 * channel, so that if all information is eventually recieved,
 * decoding/decryption can be performed eventually. This is intended to be
 * returned with the output of a decryption operation.
struct DecryptResult {
   * Constructor that initializes all message lengths to 0.
  DecryptResult() : isValid(false), messageLength(0) {

   * Constructor that initializes all message lengths.
   * @param len the new length.
  explicit DecryptResult(size_t len) : isValid(true), messageLength(len) {

  bool isValid;        /**< whether the decryption was successful */
  usint messageLength; /**< the length of the decrypted plaintext message */

LPKey 类

继承自 CryptoObject

 * @brief Abstract interface class for LP Keys
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
template <class Element>
class LPKey : public CryptoObject<Element>, public Serializable {
  explicit LPKey(CryptoContext<Element> cc, const string &id = "")
      : CryptoObject<Element>(cc, id) {

  explicit LPKey(shared_ptr<CryptoObject<Element>> co)
      : CryptoObject<Element>(co) {

  virtual ~LPKey() {

  template <class Archive>
  void save(Archive &ar, std::uint32_t const version) const {

  template <class Archive>
  void load(Archive &ar, std::uint32_t const version) {

LPPublicKeyImpl 类


template <typename Element>
class LPPublicKeyImpl;

template <typename Element>
using LPPublicKey = shared_ptr<LPPublicKeyImpl<Element>>;

继承自 LPKey 类

  std::vector<Element> m_h;
 * @brief Class for LP public keys
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
template <typename Element>
class LPPublicKeyImpl : public LPKey<Element> {
   * Basic constructor
   * @param cc - CryptoContext
   * @param id - key identifier
  explicit LPPublicKeyImpl(CryptoContext<Element> cc = 0, const string &id = "")
      : LPKey<Element>(cc, id) {

   * Copy constructor
   *@param &rhs LPPublicKeyImpl to copy from
  explicit LPPublicKeyImpl(const LPPublicKeyImpl<Element> &rhs)
      : LPKey<Element>(rhs.GetCryptoContext(), rhs.GetKeyTag()) {
    m_h = rhs.m_h;

   * Move constructor
   *@param &rhs LPPublicKeyImpl to move from
  explicit LPPublicKeyImpl(LPPublicKeyImpl<Element> &&rhs)
      : LPKey<Element>(rhs.GetCryptoContext(), rhs.GetKeyTag()) {
    m_h = std::move(rhs.m_h);

  operator bool() const {
    return static_cast<bool>(this->context) && m_h.size() != 0;

   * Assignment Operator.
   * @param &rhs LPPublicKeyImpl to copy from
  const LPPublicKeyImpl<Element> &operator=(
      const LPPublicKeyImpl<Element> &rhs) {
    this->m_h = rhs.m_h;
    return *this;

   * Move Assignment Operator.
   * @param &rhs LPPublicKeyImpl to copy from
  const LPPublicKeyImpl<Element> &operator=(LPPublicKeyImpl<Element> &&rhs) {
    m_h = std::move(rhs.m_h);
    return *this;

  // @Get Properties

   * Gets the computed public key
   * @return the public key element.
  const std::vector<Element> &GetPublicElements() const {
    return this->m_h; }

  // @Set Properties

   * Sets the public key vector of Element.
   * @param &element is the public key Element vector to be copied.
  void SetPublicElements(const std::vector<Element> &element) {
    m_h = element; }

   * Sets the public key vector of Element.
   * @param &&element is the public key Element vector to be moved.
  void SetPublicElements(std::vector<Element> &&element) {
    m_h = std::move(element);

   * Sets the public key Element at index idx.
   * @param &element is the public key Element to be copied.
  void SetPublicElementAtIndex(usint idx, const Element &element) {
    m_h.insert(m_h.begin() + idx, element);

   * Sets the public key Element at index idx.
   * @param &&element is the public key Element to be moved.
  void SetPublicElementAtIndex(usint idx, Element &&element) {
    m_h.insert(m_h.begin() + idx, std::move(element));

  bool operator==(const LPPublicKeyImpl &other) const {
    if (!CryptoObject<Element>::operator==(other)) {
      return false;

    if (m_h.size() != other.m_h.size()) {
      return false;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_h.size(); i++) {
      if (m_h[i] != other.m_h[i]) {
        return false;

    return true;

  bool operator!=(const LPPublicKeyImpl &other) const {
    return !(*this == other);

  template <class Archive>
  void save(Archive &ar, std::uint32_t const version) const {
    ar(::cereal::make_nvp("h", m_h));

  template <class Archive>
  void load(Archive &ar, std::uint32_t const version) {
    if (version > SerializedVersion()) {
                     "serialized object version " + std::to_string(version) +
                         " is from a later version of the library");
    ar(::cereal::make_nvp("h", m_h));

  std::string SerializedObjectName() const {
    return "PublicKey"; }
  static uint32_t SerializedVersion() {
    return 1; }

  std::vector<Element> m_h;

LPEvalKeyImpl 类


template <typename Element>
class LPEvalKeyImpl;

template <typename Element>
using LPEvalKey = shared_ptr<LPEvalKeyImpl<Element>>;
 * @brief Abstract interface for LP evaluation/proxy keys
 * @tparam Element a ring element.
template <class Element>
class LPEvalKeyImpl : public LPKey<Element> {
   * Basic constructor for setting crypto params
   * @param &cryptoParams is the reference to cryptoParams

  explicit LPEvalKeyImpl(CryptoContext<Element> cc = 0) : LPKey<Element>(cc) {

  virtual ~LPEvalKeyImpl() {

   * Setter function to store Relinearization Element Vector A.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @param &a is the Element vector to be copied.

  virtual void SetAVector(const std::vector<Element> &a) {
                   "SetAVector copy operation not supported");

   * Setter function to store Relinearization Element Vector A.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @param &&a is the Element vector to be moved.

  virtual void SetAVector(std::vector<Element> &&a) {
                   "SetAVector move operation not supported");

   * Getter function to access Relinearization Element Vector A.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @return Element vector A.

  virtual const std::vector<Element> &GetAVector() const {
    PALISADE_THROW(not_implemented_error, "GetAVector operation not supported");

   * Setter function to store Relinearization Element Vector B.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @param &b is the Element vector to be copied.

  virtual void SetBVector(const std::vector<Element> &b) {
                   "SetBVector copy operation not supported");

   * Setter function to store Relinearization Element Vector B.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @param &&b is the Element vector to be moved.

  virtual void SetBVector(std::vector<Element> &&b) {
                   "SetBVector move operation not supported");

   * Getter function to access Relinearization Element Vector B.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @return  Element vector B.

  virtual const std::vector<Element> &GetBVector() const {
    PALISADE_THROW(not_implemented_error, "GetBVector operation not supported");

   * Setter function to store key switch Element.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @param &a is the Element to be copied.

  virtual void SetA(const Element &a) {
    PALISADE_THROW(not_implemented_error, "SetA copy operation not supported");

   * Setter function to store key switch Element.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @param &&a is the Element to be moved.
  virtual void SetA(Element &&a) {
    PALISADE_THROW(not_implemented_error, "SetA move operation not supported");

   * Getter function to access key switch Element.
   * Throws exception, to be overridden by derived class.
   * @return  Element.

  virtual const Element &GetA() const 
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