size_t strlen ( const char * str );
Get string length
Returns the length of the C string str.
The length of a C string is determined by the terminating null-character: A C string is as long as the number of characters between the beginning of the string and the terminating null character (without including the terminating null character itself).
This should not be confused with the size of the array that holds the string. For example:
char mystr[100]="test string";
defines an array of characters with a size of 100 chars, but the C string with which mystr has been initialized has a length of only 11 characters. Therefore, while sizeof(mystr) evaluates to 100, strlen(mystr) returns 11.
In C++, char_traits::length implements the same behavior.
strlen(…)是函数,要在运行时才能计算。参数必须是字符型指针 const char*(char*能转换为const char*)。当数组名作为参数传入时,实际上数组就退化成指针了。
2、sizeof(…)是运算符,vs2015中typedef为unsigned long long,其值在编译时即计算好了,参数可以是数组、指针、类型、对象、函数等。
- 数组——编译时分配的数组空间大小;
- 指针——存储该指针所用的空间大小(存储该指针的地址的长度,是长整型,32位系统应该为4,64位系统为8);
- 类型——该类型所占的空间大小;
- 对象——对象的实际占用空间大小;
- 函数——函数的返回类型所占的空间大小。函数的返回类型不能是void。
string s("hiyo");
char cstring[] = "hiyo";
const char* cs = "hiyo";
cout << strlen(s.c_str()) << endl; //c_str()返回指向c风格字符串的指针
cout << s.size() << endl; //string类size()接口
cout << sizeof(s) << endl; //string类对象的大小,与具体内容无关,与具体实现有关,这是vs2015下
cout << sizeof(s.c_str()) << endl; //指针变量本身大小
cout << strlen(cstring) << endl;//字符串自身长度
cout << sizeof(cstring) << endl;//字符数组大小,包含隐藏的空字符
cout << strlen(cs) << endl;//字符串自身大小
cout << sizeof(cs) << endl;//指针大小