
ComfyUI-ManagerLinkComfyUI-Manager itself is also a custom node.ComfyUI中的节点管理、模型管理等,方便集成第三方节点
ComfyUI Impact PackLinkThis extension offers various detector nodes and detailer nodes that allow you to configure a workflow that automatically enhances facial details. And provide iterative upscaler.这个扩展提供了多种检测节点和细节化节点,允许您配置一个工作流程,自动增强面部细节。并提供迭代放大器。
ComfyUI’s ControlNet Auxiliary PreprocessorsLinkThis is a rework of comfyui_controlnet_preprocessors based on ControlNet auxiliary models by 🤗. I think the old repo isn’t good enough to maintain. All old workflow will still be work with this repo but the version option won’t do anything. Almost all v1 preprocessors are replaced by v1.1 except those doesn’t appear in v1.1. NOTE: Please refrain from using the controlnet preprocessor alongside this installation, as it may lead to conflicts and prevent proper recognition.这是基于🤗的ControlNet辅助模型对comfyui_controlnet_preprocessors的重做。我认为旧的仓库不足以维护。所有旧的工作流程仍然可以与这个仓库一起工作,但是版本选项将不起任何作用。几乎所有的v1预处理器都被v1.1所取代,除了那些在v1.1中没有出现的。**注意:**请不要在使用这个安装的同时使用controlnet预处理器,因为这可能导致冲突并阻止正确识别。
ComfyUI CutoffLinkThese custom nodes provides features that allow for better control over the effects of the text prompt.这些自定义节点提供了功能,允许更好地控制文本提示的效果。
Advanced CLIP Text EncodeLinkAdvanced CLIP Text Encode (if you need A1111 like prompt. you need this. But Cutoff node includes this feature, already.)高级CLIP文本编码(如果您需要类似A1111的提示,您需要这个。但截止节点已经包含了这个功能。)
Efficiency Nodes for ComfyUI Version 2.0+LinkA collection of ComfyUI custom nodes to help streamline workflows and reduce total node count.这是一系列ComfyUI自定义节点的集合,旨在帮助简化工作流程并减少总节点数。
Derfuu_ComfyUI_ModdedNodesLinkAutomate calculation depending on image sizes or something you want.根据图像大小或其他您想要的因素自动执行计算。
WAS Node SuiteLinkA node suite for ComfyUI with many new nodes, such as image processing, text processing, and more.一套为ComfyUI设计的节点套件,包含许多新节点,例如图像处理、文本处理等。
Quality of life Suit:V2LinkopenAI suite, String suite, Latent Tools, Image Tools: These custom nodes provide expanded functionality for image and string processing, latent processing, as well as the ability to interface with models such as ChatGPT/DallE-2. NOTE: Currently, this extension does not support the new OpenAI API, leading to compatibility issues.OpenAI套件、字符串套件、潜在工具、图像工具:这些自定义节点为图像和字符串处理、潜在处理提供了扩展功能,并且能够与ChatGPT/DallE-2等模型进行交互。注意: 目前,这个扩展不支持新的OpenAI API,可能会导致兼容性问题。
ComfyUI WD 1.4 TaggerLinkA ComfyUI extension allowing the interrogation of booru tags from images.一个ComfyUI扩展,允许从图像中查询booru标签。
pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-ScriptsLinkThis extension provides: Auto Arrange Graph, Workflow SVG, Favicon Status, Image Feed, Latent Upscale By, Lock Nodes & Groups, Lora Subfolders, Preset Text, Show Text, Touch Support, Link Render Mode, Locking, Node Finder, Quick Nodes, Show Image On Menu, Show Text, Workflow Managements, Custom Widget Default Values这个扩展提供了以下功能:自动排列图谱、工作流SVG、图标状态、图像源、潜在放大、锁定节点和组、Lora子文件夹、预设文本、显示文本、触摸支持、链接渲染模式、锁定、节点查找器、快速节点、在菜单上显示图像、显示文本、工作流管理、自定义小部件默认值。
Comfyroll StudioLinkCustom nodes for SDXL and SD1.5 including Multi-ControlNet, LoRA, Aspect Ratio, Process Switches, and many more nodes. NOTE: Maintainer is changed to Suzie1 from RockOfFire. NOTE: Using an outdated version has resulted in reported issues with updates not being applied. Trying to reinstall the software is advised.这个扩展专为SDXL和SD1.5设计了自定义节点,包括多ControlNet、LoRA、纵横比、处理开关等众多节点。注意: 维护者已从RockOfFire变更为Suzie1。注意: 使用过时版本可能导致报告的问题,即更新未被应用。建议尝试重新安装软件。
ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plusLinkComfyUI reference implementation for IPAdapter models. The code is mostly taken from the original IPAdapter repository and laksjdjf’s implementation, all credit goes to them. I just made the extension closer to ComfyUI philosophy.ComfyUI的IPAdapter模型参考实现。代码大多取自原始的IPAdapter仓库和laksjdjf的实现,所有功劳归他们所有。我只是让这个扩展更接近ComfyUI的理念。
ReActor Node for ComfyUILinkThe Fast and Simple ‘roop-like’ Face Swap Extension Node for ComfyUI, based on ReActor (ex Roop-GE) SD-WebUI Face Swap Extension这是ComfyUI的一个快速且简单的“循环式”人脸交换扩展节点,基于ReActor(前称Roop-GE)SD-WebUI人脸交换扩展。
rgthree’s ComfyUI NodesLinkNodes: Seed, Reroute, Context, Lora Loader Stack, Context Switch, Fast Muter. These custom nodes helps organize the building of complex workflows.节点:种子(Seed)、重定向(Reroute)、上下文(Context)、LoRA加载器堆栈(Lora Loader Stack)、上下文切换(Context Switch)、快速静音器(Fast Muter)。这些自定义节点有助于组织构建复杂的工作流程。
Save Image with Generation MetadataLinkAll the tools you need to save images with their generation metadata on ComfyUI. Compatible with Civitai & Prompthero geninfo auto-detection. Works with png, jpeg and webp.这是ComfyUI上保存图像及其生成元数据所需的所有工具。与Civitai和Prompthero的geninfo自动检测兼容。支持png、jpeg和webp格式。
ComfyUI Inpaint NodesLinkExperimental nodes for better inpainting with ComfyUI. Adds two nodes which allow using Fooocus inpaint model. It’s a small and flexible patch which can be applied to any SDXL checkpoint and will transform it into an inpaint model. This model can then be used like other inpaint models, and provides the same benefits. Read more实验性的节点,用于ComfyUI的更好图像修复。添加了两个节点,允许使用Fooocus图像修复模型。这是一个小巧且灵活的补丁,可以应用于任何SDXL检查点,并将其转换为图像修复模型。然后,这个模型可以像其他图像修复模型一样使用,并提供相同的好处。
ComfyUI EssentialsLinkEssential nodes that are weirdly missing from ComfyUI core. With few exceptions they are new features and not commodities. I hope this will be just a temporary repository until the nodes get included into ComfyUI.一些在ComfyUI核心中奇怪地缺失的基本节点。除了少数例外,它们是新功能而不是商品。我希望这只是一个临时的仓库,直到这些节点被包含进ComfyUI为止。
Use Everywhere (UE Nodes)LinkA set of nodes that allow data to be ‘broadcast’ to some or all unconnected inputs. Greatly reduces link spaghetti.一组节点,允许数据被“广播”到一些或全部未连接的输入。大大减少了链接的复杂性。
segment anythingLinkBased on GroundingDino and SAM, use semantic strings to segment any element in an image. The comfyui version of sd-webui-segment-anything.基于GroundingDino和SAM,使用语义字符串来分割图像中的任何元素。这是sd-webui-segment-anything的ComfyUI版本。
ComfyUI-seam-carvingLinkNodes: Image Resize (seam carving). Seam carving (image resize) for ComfyUI. Based on https://github.com/li-plus/seam-carving. With seam carving algorithm, the image could be intelligently resized while keeping the important contents undistorted. The carving process could be further guided, so that an object could be removed from the image without apparent artifacts.节点:图像尺寸调整(接缝雕刻)。ComfyUI的接缝雕刻(图像尺寸调整)。基于接缝雕刻算法。使用接缝雕刻算法,可以在保持重要内容不失真的情况下智能调整图像大小。雕刻过程可以进一步引导,以便在不留下明显痕迹的情况下从图像中移除对象。
comfyui-mixlab-nodesLink3D, ScreenShareNode & FloatingVideoNode, SpeechRecognition & SpeechSynthesis, GPT, LoadImagesFromLocal, Layers, Other Nodes, …3D、屏幕共享节点和浮动视频节点、语音识别与语音合成、GPT、从本地加载图像、图层、其他节点……
ComfyUI Workspace Manager - ComfyspaceLinkA ComfyUI custom node for project management to centralize the management of all your workflows in one place. Seamlessly switch between workflows, create and update them within a single workspace, like Google Docs.一个为项目管理而设计的ComfyUI自定义节点,它可以将所有的工作流程集中管理在一个地方。您可以在单一的工作空间内无缝切换工作流程,创建和更新它们,就像使用Google文档一样。
Comfyui lama removerLinkA very simple ComfyUI node to remove item with mask.一个非常简单的ComfyUI节点,用于使用遮罩移除物品。




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