- 下载和安装
FAST是NREL组织编写的风机计算软件,主要使用FORTRAN语言。编译版本多是Windows上的exe文件。理论上可以在官网下载,FAST v7和v8应该都有compiling的版本。
网址 https://www.nrel.gov/wind/nwtc.html
我用的vpn是Rava (https://aicaptain.cn/ref/68B558EA),据说是上外的大佬开发的,很好用,付费软件,注册即可获得3天免费体验。
All the source code files you need to compile FAST are included in the FAST v8 archive, but documentation on the individual modules must be downloaded from their respective web sites. The FAST v8 archives also contain compilation scripts and a Microsoft Visual Studio Project file, which are designed to run the FAST Registry and compile the included source code.