CodeLab:Android fundamentals 07.1:AsyncTask

本文是Android Developer Fundamentals课程的一部分,讲解如何使用AsyncTask在后台执行任务,避免阻塞UI线程。首先介绍了Android程序的主线程和为何需要异步处理。然后通过一个实践项目,创建一个简单的应用,该应用在点击按钮后在后台执行随机延时任务,并在完成后更新TextView。你将学习到AsyncTask的用法、优缺点以及如何处理设备旋转时的状态保存。

Android fundamentals 07.1:AsyncTask

Tutorial source : Google CodeLab
Date : 2021/04/06

Complete course : 教程目录 (java).

Note : The link in this article requires Google access


This practical codelab is part of Unit 3: Working in the background in the Android Developer Fundamentals (Version 2) course. You will get the most value out of this course if you work through the codelabs in sequence:

Note: This course uses the terms “codelab” and “practical” interchangeably.


A thread is an independent path of execution in a running program. When an Android program is launched, the system creates a main thread, which is also called the UI thread. This UI thread is how your app interacts with components from the Android UI toolkit.

Sometimes an app needs to perform resource-intensive tasks such as downloading files, making database queries, playing media, or computing complex analytics. This type of intensive work can block the UI thread so that the app doesn’t respond to user input or draw on the screen. Users may get frustrated and uninstall your app.

To keep the user experience (UX) running smoothly, the Android framework provides a helper class called AsyncTask, which processes work off of the UI thread. Using AsyncTask to move intensive processing onto a separate thread means that the UI thread can stay responsive.

Because the separate thread is not synchronized with the calling thread, it’s called an asynchronous thread. An AsyncTask also contains a callback that allows you to display the results of the computation back in the UI thread.

In this practical, you learn how to add a background task to your Android app using an AsyncTask.

What you should already know

You should be able to:

  • Create an Activity.
  • Add a TextView to the layout for the Activity.
  • Programmatically get the id for the TextView and set its content.
  • Use Button views and their onClick functionality.

What you’ll learn

  • How to add an AsyncTask to your app in order to run a task in the background of your app.
  • The drawbacks of using AsyncTask for background tasks.

What you’ll do

  • Create a simple app that executes a background task using an AsyncTask.
  • Run the app and see what happens when you rotate the device.
  • Implement activity instance state to retain the state of a TextView message.

2、App overview
You will build an app that has one TextView and one Button. When the user clicks the Button, the app sleeps for a random amount of time, and then displays a message in the TextView when it wakes up. Here’s what the finished app looks like:


3、Task 1: Set up the SimpleAsyncTask project

The SimpleAsyncTask UI contains a Button that launches the AsyncTask, and a TextView that displays the status of the app.

1.1 Create the project and layout

  1. Create a new project called SimpleAsyncTask using the Empty Activity template. Accept the defaults for all other options.
  2. Open the activity_main.xml layout file. Click the Text tab.
  3. Add the layout_margin attribute to the top-level ConstraintLayout:
  1. Add or modify the following attributes of the “Hello World!” TextView to have these values. Extract the string into a resource.
android:text"I am ready to start work!"
  1. Delete the app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf and app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf attributes.
  2. Add a Button element just under the TextView, and give it these attributes. Extract the button text into a string resource.
android:text"Start Task"
  1. The onClick attribute for the button will be highlighted in yellow, because the startTask() method is not yet implemented in MainActivity. Place your cursor in the highlighted text, press Alt + Enter (Option + Enter on a Mac) and choose Create ‘startTask(View) in ‘MainActivity’ to create the method stub in MainActivity.

Solution code for activity_main.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



4、Task 2: Create the AsyncTask subclass

AsyncTask is an abstract class, which means you must subclass it in order to use it. In this example the AsyncTask performs a very simple background task: it sleeps for a random amount of time. In a real app, the background task could perform all sorts of work, from querying a database, to connecting to the internet, to calculating the next Go move to beat the current Go champion.

An AsyncTask subclass has the following methods for performing work off of the main thread:

  • onPreExecute(): This method runs on the UI thread, and is used for setting up your task (like showing a progress bar).
  • doInBackground(): This is where you implement the code to execute the work that is to be performed on the separate thread.
  • onProgressUpdate(): This is invoked on the UI thread and used for updating progress in the UI (such as filling up a progress bar)
  • onPostExecute(): Again on the UI thread, this is used for updating the results to the UI once the AsyncTask has finished loading.


Note: A background or worker thread is any thread which is not the main or UI thread.

When you create an AsyncTask subclass, you may need to give it information about the work which it is to perform, whether and how to report its progress, and in what form to return the result. When you create an AsyncTask subclass, you can configure it using these parameters:

  • Params: The data type of the parameters sent to the task upon executing the doInBackground() override method.
  • Progress: The data type of the progress units published using the onProgressUpdated() override method.
  • Result: The data type of the result delivered by the onPostExecute() override method.

For example, an AsyncTask subclass called MyAsyncTask with the following class declaration might take the following parameters:

  • A String as a parameter in doInBackground(), to use in a query, for example.
  • An Integer for onProgressUpdate(), to represent the percentage of job complete
  • A Bitmap for the result in onPostExecute(), indicating the query result.
public class MyAsyncTask 
   extends AsyncTask <String, Integer, Bitmap>{}

In this task you will use an AsyncTask subclass to define work that will run in a different thread than the UI thread.

2.1 Subclass the AsyncTask

In this app, the AsyncTask subclass you create does not require a query parameter or publish its progress. You will only be using the doInBackground() and onPostExecute() methods.

  1. Create a new Java class called SimpleAsyncTask that extends AsyncTask and takes three generic type parameters.

Use Void for the params, because this AsyncTask does not require any inputs. Use Void for the progress type, because the progress is not published. Use a String as the result type, because you will update the TextView with a string when the AsyncTask has completed execution.

public class SimpleAsyncTask extends AsyncTask <Void, Void, String>{}

Note: The class declaration will be underlined in red, because the required method doInBackground() has not yet been implemented.

  1. At the top of the class, define a member variable mTextView of the type WeakReference<TextView>:
private WeakReference<TextView> mTextView;
  1. Implement a constructor for AsyncTask that takes a TextView as a parameter and creates a new weak reference for that TextView:
SimpleAsyncTask(TextView tv) {
       mTextView = new WeakReference<>(tv);

The AsyncTask needs to update the TextView in the Activity once it has completed sleeping (in the onPostExecute() method). The constructor for the class will therefore need a reference to the TextView to be updated.

What is the weak reference (the WeakReference class) for? If you pass a TextView into the AsyncTask constructor and then store it in a member variable, that reference to the TextView means the Activity cannot ever be garbage collected and thus leaks memory, even if the Activity is destroyed and recreated as in a device configuration change. This is called creating a leaky context, and Android Studio will warn you if you try it.

The weak reference prevents the memory leak by allowing the object held by that reference to be garbage collected if necessary.

2.2 Implement doInBackground()

The doInBackground() method is required for your AsyncTask subclass.

  1. Place your cursor on the highlighted class declaration, press Alt + Enter (Option + Enter on a Mac) and select Implement methods. Choose doInBackground() and click OK. The following method template is added to your class:
protected String doInBackground(Void... voids) {
   return null;
  1. Add code to generate a random integer between 0 and 10. This is the number of milliseconds the task will pause. This is not a lot of time to pause, so multiply that number by 200 to extend that time.
Random r = new Random();
int n = r.nextInt(11);

int s = n * 200;
  1. Add a try/catch block and put the thread to sleep.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
  1. Replace the existing return statement to return the String “Awake at last after sleeping for xx milliseconds”, where xx is the number of milliseconds the app slept.
return "Awake at last after sleeping for " + s + " milliseconds!";

The complete doInBackground() method looks like this:

protected String doInBackground(Void... voids) {

   // Generate a random number between 0 and 10
   Random r = new Random();
   int n = r.nextInt(11);

   // Make the task take long enough that we have
   // time to rotate the phone while it is running
   int s = n * 200;

   // Sleep for the random amount of time
   try {
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {

   // Return a String result
   return "Awake at last after sleeping for " + s + " milliseconds!";

2.3 Implement onPostExecute()

When the doInBackground() method completes, the return value is automatically passed to the onPostExecute() callback.

  1. Implement onPostExecute() to take a String argument and display that string in the TextView:
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {

The String parameter to this method is what you defined in the third parameter of your AsyncTask class definition, and what your doInBackground() method returns.

Because mTextView is a weak reference, you have to deference it with the get() method to get the underlying TextView object, and to call setText() on it.

Note: You can update the UI in onPostExecute() because that method is run on the main thread. You cannot update the TextView with the new string in the doInBackground() method, because that method is executed on a separate thread.

5、Task 3: Implement the final steps

3.1 Implement the method that starts the AsyncTask

Your app now has an AsyncTask class that performs work in the background (or it would if it didn’t call sleep() as the simulated work). You can now implement the onClick method for the “Start Task” button to trigger the background task.

  1. In the file, add a member variable to store the TextView.
private TextView mTextView;
  1. In the onCreate() method, initialize mTextView to the TextView in the layout.
mTextView = findViewById(;
  1. In the startTask() method, Update the TextView to show the text “Napping…”. Extract that message into a string resource.
  1. Create an instance of SimpleAsyncTask, passing the TextView mTextView to the constructor. Call execute() on that SimpleAsyncTask instance.
new SimpleAsyncTask(mTextView).execute();

Note: The execute() method is where you pass comma-separated parameters that are then passed into doInBackground() by the system. Because this AsyncTask has no parameters, you leave it blank.

Solution code for MainActivity:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;

* The SimpleAsyncTask app contains a button that launches an AsyncTask
* which sleeps in the asynchronous thread for a random amount of time.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

   // The TextView where we will show results
   private TextView mTextView;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

       mTextView = findViewById(;

   public void startTask(View view) {
       // Put a message in the text view

       // Start the AsyncTask.
       new SimpleAsyncTask(mTextView).execute();

3.2 Implement onSaveInstanceState**()**

  1. Run the app and click the Start Task button. How long does the app nap?
  2. Click the Start Task button again, and while the app is napping, rotate the device. If the background task completes before you can rotate the phone, try again.

Note: You’ll notice that when the device is rotated, the TextView resets to its initial content, and the AsyncTask does not seem able to update the TextView.

There are several things going on here:

  • When you rotate the device, the system restarts the app, calling onDestroy() and then onCreate(). The AsyncTask will continue running even if the activity is destroyed, but it will lose the ability to report back to the activity’s UI. It will never be able to update the TextView that was passed to it, because that particular TextView has also been destroyed.
  • Once the activity is destroyed the AsyncTask will continue running to completion in the background, consuming system resources. Eventually, the system will run out of resources, and the AsyncTask will fail.
  • Even without the AsyncTask, the rotation of the device resets all of the UI elements to their default state, which for the TextView is the default string that you set in the layout file.

For these reasons, an AsyncTask is not well suited to tasks which may be interrupted by the destruction of the Activity. In use cases where this is critical you can use a different type of background class called an AsyncTaskLoader which you will learn about in a later practical.

In order to prevent the TextView from resetting to the initial string, you need to save its state. You will now implement onSaveInstanceState() to preserve the content of your TextView when the activity is destroyed in response to a configuration change such as device rotation.

Note: Not all uses of AsyncTask require you to handle the state of the views on rotation. This app uses a TextView to display the results of the app, so preserving the state is useful. In other cases, such as uploading a file, you may not need any persistent information in the UI, so retaining the state is not critical.

  1. At the top of the class, add a constant for the key for the current text in the state bundle:
private static final String TEXT_STATE = "currentText";
  1. Override the onSaveInstanceState() method in MainActivity to preserve the text inside the TextView when the activity is destroyed:
    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        // Save the state of the TextView
  1. In onCreate(), retrieve the value of the TextView from the state bundle when the activity is restored.
// Restore TextView if there is a savedInstanceState

Solution code for MainActivity:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * The SimpleAsyncTask app contains a button that launches an AsyncTask
 * which sleeps in the asynchronous thread for a random amount of time.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    //Key for saving the state of the TextView
    private static final String TEXT_STATE = "currentText";

    // The TextView where we will show results
    private TextView mTextView = null;

     * Initializes the activity.
     * @param savedInstanceState The current state data
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //  Initialize mTextView
        mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;

        // Restore TextView if there is a savedInstanceState

     * Handles the onCLick for the "Start Task" button. Launches the AsyncTask
     * which performs work off of the UI thread.
     * @param view The view (Button) that was clicked.
    public void startTask (View view) {
        // Put a message in the text view

        // Start the AsyncTask.
        // The AsyncTask has a callback that will update the text view.
        new SimpleAsyncTask(mTextView).execute();

     * Saves the contents of the TextView to restore on configuration change.
     * @param outState The bundle in which the state of the activity is saved
     * when it is spontaneously destroyed.
    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        // Save the state of the TextView
        outState.putString(TEXT_STATE, mTextView.getText().toString());

Android Studio project: SimpleAsyncTask

6、Coding challenge

Note: All coding challenges are optional and are not prerequisites for later lessons.

Challenge: The AsyncTask class provides another useful override method: onProgressUpdate(), which allows you to update the UI while the AsyncTask is running. Use this method to update the UI with the current sleep time. Look to the AsyncTask documentation to see how onProgressUpdate() is properly implemented. Remember that in the class definition of your AsyncTask, you will need to specify the data type to be used in the onProgressUpdate() method.


  • An AsyncTask is an abstract Java class that moves intensive processing onto a separate thread.
  • AsyncTask must be subclassed to be used.
  • Avoid doing resource-intensive work in the UI thread, because it can make your UI sluggish or erratic.
  • Any code that does not involve drawing the UI or responding to user input should be moved from the UI thread to another, separate thread.
  • AsyncTask has four key methods: onPreExecute(), doInBackground(), onPostExecute() and onProgressUpdate().
  • The doInBackground() method is the only method that is actually run on a worker thread. Do not call UI methods in the doInBackground() method.
  • The other methods of AsyncTask run in the UI thread and allow you to call methods of UI components.
  • Rotating an Android device destroys and recreates an Activity. This can disconnect the UI from the background thread in AsyncTask, which will continue to run.

8、Related concept

The related concept documentation is in 7.1: AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader.

9、Learn more

Android developer documentation:

Other resources:



This section lists possible homework assignments for students who are working through this codelab as part of a course led by an instructor. It’s up to the instructor to do the following:

  • Assign homework if required.
  • Communicate to students how to submit homework assignments.
  • Grade the homework assignments.

Instructors can use these suggestions as little or as much as they want, and should feel free to assign any other homework they feel is appropriate.

If you’re working through this codelab on your own, feel free to use these homework assignments to test your knowledge.

Build and run an app

Open the SimpleAsyncTask app. Add a ProgressBar that displays the percentage of sleep time completed. The progress bar fills up as the AsyncTask thread sleeps from a value of 0 to 100 (percent).

Hint: Break up the sleep time into chunks.

For help, see the AsyncTask reference.


Answer these questions

Question 1

For a ProgressBar:

  1. How do you determine the range of values that a ProgressBar can show?
  2. How do you change how much of the progress bar is filled in?

Question 2

If an AsyncTask is defined as follows:

 private class DownloadFilesTask extends AsyncTask<URL, Integer, Long>
  1. What is the type of the value that is passed to doInBackground() in the AsyncTask?
  2. What is the type of the value that is passed to the callback that reports the progress of the task?
  3. What is the type of the value that is passed to the callback that is executed when the task completes?

Question 3

To report progress of the work executed by an AsyncTask, what callback method do you implement, and what method do you call in your AsyncTask subclass?

  • Implement publishProgress(). Call publishProgress().
  • Implement publishProgress(). Call onProgressUpdate().
  • Implement onProgressUpdate(). Call publishProgress().
  • Implement onProgressUpdate(). Call onProgressUpdate().

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

  • The layout includes a ProgressBar that sets the appropriate attributes to determine the range of values.
  • The AsyncTask breaks the total sleep time into chunks and updates the progress bar after each chunk.
  • The AsyncTask calls the appropriate method and implements the appropriate callback to update the progress bar.
  • The AsyncTask needs to know which views to update. Depending on whether the AsyncTask is implemented as an inner class or not, the views can either be passed to the constructor of the AsyncTask or defined as member variables on the Activity.

11、Next codelab

To find the next practical codelab in the Android Developer Fundamentals (V2) course, see Codelabs for Android Developer Fundamentals (V2).

For an overview of the course, including links to the concept chapters, apps, and slides, see Android Developer Fundamentals (Version 2).





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