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原创 The father of C++ has his Reddit account frozen: because he does not believe it is his account

C++ developer Bryce tweeted that Bjarne Stroustrup, the father of C++, had his reddit account suspended. However, when I just opened the reddit homepage of Bjarne Stroustrup, I found that it can be accessed normally. According to the comment in the twee...

2020-08-20 17:20:08 123

原创 Refrigerator with frequency conversion centrifugal fan

  Refrigerator with frequency conversion centrifugal fan.As the weather gets hotter and hotter, the food storage cycle is gradually shortening. If there is no refrigerator to refrigerate the food, it will cause great food waste. Refrigerators, as an indisp

2020-08-18 09:15:31 192

原创 Computer Industry Weekly View: Shanghai Development and Reform Commission issued new infrastructure

  The Shanghai Development and Reform Commission issued the new infrastructure interest discount management opinions, and cloud computing and other industries continue to benefit: the introduction of the guidance opinions will help further enlarge the leve

2020-08-17 17:32:32 472

原创 Liu Jun‘s career path in Java software development

Liu Jun’s career path in Java software development  In the hot summer of 2020, in the early morning of every working day, Liu Jun went to work with full energy and happily. Most of the classmates who just graduated with him are still worrying about unsati

2020-08-13 16:46:55 125

原创 Huawei helps CMEC build a high-standard data center

Huawei helps CMEC build a high-standard data center  As the saying goes: the ten thousand-foot tall buildings are built on the ground, which means that the tallest building must be built from the ground and the foundation must be firmly laid. The most imp

2020-08-13 16:42:45 327

原创 Reasons and treatment methods for the liquefied gas stove not to catch fire

Reasons and treatment methods for the liquefied gas stove not to catch fire:  When you want to cook, you suddenly find that the gas stove can’t catch fire. Do you feel very distressed? Many people have encountered this kind of thing in their lives. How to

2020-08-05 18:01:22 241

原创 Precautions for using liquefied gas

Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders are the most commonly used containers for household storage of liquefied gas. When using liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, we should pay attention to the following:1. It is strictly forbidden to dump the remaining liqui

2020-08-04 15:52:18 483

原创 What‘s so good about black

What’s so good about black?  Although black is versatile, it does not necessarily look good. Do you know what black goes with?  As for black clothes, I believe many people hold a positive attitude, because black is widely loved for its real wear and thin

2020-08-04 15:15:14 182



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