

(成功)7 Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not expend the substantial effort required to achieve it. Many people let the threat of failure stop them from trying with all of their heart. The secret of success is based upon a burning inward desire inward a robust, fierce will and focus robust that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail. As a wise saying goes: “It’s not how many times you fall down that matters. It’s how many times you get back up that makes success!”(专注)8 Focus on becoming more knowledgeable. Focus on gradual, consistent progress. Maintain the strong will to keep going – even when you are tired and want to slack or the odds seem too large. “Keep your eyes on the prize!” “Where there’s a will, there’s a way!” With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success!
7 很多人只是嘴上说他们想要什么东西,但并不真正地付出大量努力去实现。很多人因为害怕失败而不敢全心尝试。而成功的秘诀在于内心燃烧的欲望——一种坚定不移的意志和专注力——从而激发行动的决心,即使疲惫,即使失败,也会继续准备,继续前进。正如一句箴言所说:“你摔倒了多少次并不要紧;你能多少次重新站起来对成功才至关重要!”正如一句箴言所说:“你摔倒了多少次并不要紧;你能多少次重新站起来对成功才至关重要!”

It is popular among university students to do part-time job.Some people think it brings many advantages to the students, while there are another people consider that part-time job is not worth the candle.As far as l am concern, every coin has two sides.
On the one hand,doing part-time job can earn some money, make more new friends and get some working experience.In addition, doing part-time job in different places can contact with different people,which is sure to make more new friends.Moreover,students can get some working experience from their part-time job, which will not from school course teaching.
On the other hand, part- time job will take up students’ time and not good for forming teamwork spirit. If students let part-time job to share their time, their study time will be reduced.As a result, it will affect their study.
To sum, doing part-time job has pros and cons.Every student should consider their own situation to choose whether to do part-time job or not.

So, let’s not pretend that travel doesn’t have its drawbacks, or that we endure jet lag for pleasure. We don’t spend 10 hours lost in the Louvre because we like it, and the view from the top of Machu Picchu probably doesn’t make up for the trouble of lost luggage. (More often than not, I need a vacation after my vacation.)We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret cornerstones of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in out mind has been changed, and that changes everything.

Nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. By traveling, we not only can relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles.
Firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. For modern life, we are busy with our work with high pressure. However, when we travel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from both work and life.Secondly, we can make friends by traveling. For most travelers, they tend to find many companions to travel with. Through this kind of travel, we can meet many different people and make friends with them to broaden our social circle.Thirdly, we can learn much knowledge form travel. Before you go to somewhere to travel, generally, you need to make plans for your travel. You can find lots of things you don’t know when you make a plan.
In conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel.

18 On the brink of collapse, I stopped fighting, just letting myself go. My hand hit the jetty. It was like an electric shock that brought me back to my senses. Someone grabbed for me.
19 I felt strong arms lift me. I ascended not only from the sea onto the secure rocks of the jetty – but also to my salvation, leaving behind the terrible fear that had gripped me for so long. I turned my head and saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother. I looked out to the sea. Weary as I was, the water had never looked so beautiful.
18 我全身都快虚脱了,我不再划水,就这样放松自己顺水而漂。我的手碰上了防波堤,仿佛触电一般,我重新恢复了神志。有人抓住了我。19 我感觉到强壮有力的手臂将我托起。我不仅从海里爬上防波堤的磐石,而且完成了自我拯救,摆脱了困扰已久的恐惧。我扭过头看见小男孩被母亲紧紧拥入怀中。虽已疲惫不堪,但放眼大海,我感觉海水比任何时候看起来都更美。

  One of the problems both people and corporation face today is self-isolation and information loss, and many feel there is a great need for team spirit and communication. I believe that working together and communicating with each other offer the best solution to the world’s pressing matters.
Firstly, team spirit and communication help to deal with information loss. A group share information by working together and communication. Second, team spirit and communication are beneficial to staff who do not have opportunity to speak all day long staring at the PC. More importantly, team spirit and communication help to create an amicable working atmosphere.
 Overall, team spirit and communication is beneficial in that they eliminate barriers to information loss, and improve the relationship between colleagues as well as the working atmosphere.

(尽管在电影界)2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in movies. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries.(奥黛丽)15 The majesty of Audrey Hepburn’s spirit of social responsibility and dedication lives on in her words: “Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm. As you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.” And “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
15 奥黛丽的社会责任感和奉献的伟大精神在她的话语中得以传扬:“记住,如果你在任何时候需要一只手来帮助你,你可以在自己手臂的末端找到它。随着你的成长,记住你还有一只手,一只用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。”“要想有美丽双眸,就要善于发现他人优点;要想双唇动人,只说和善之辞;要想镇定自信,谨记自己始终与大家同行。

Nowadays,with the improvement of our living standard , more and more people can afford a computer .too many people usually play computer game.
China is currently home to 55.5 million online game players,according to the latest stats. And this number has Increase,as a result . many people think we should ban play online games.l think we should be the view of dialectics. certain computer games can boost children’s reasoning and problem-solving skills,improving their grades at school in a matter of weeks.3.computer game can relax ourselves when we are very tired. sure on the contrary,the inventing of online games made many children lost in the games and give up their study and family.
I think video game is a part of the culture,it is a very very impressive , representative and complex art form.

maintain 维持
prestige 声望
whereby 凭借
nominate 提名
inhibit 抑制
patriotic 爱国的
pursuit 追求
dedication 奉献
endeavor 努力
transcend 超越

  1. Most cities in the country have introduced “Clean Air Zones” whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.

  2. He knows that the pursuit of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort.

  3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit the spread of the disease.

  4. We see many special education directors trying to maintain the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.

  5. People there are told it is their patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.

  6. Darwin’s thinking both drew upon and transcend the conventional ideas of his time.

  7. In spite of all your endeavor , there may be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process.

  8. My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine, as this is a field which requires a lot of dedication and long working hours.

  9. Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions that are stable and could bringprestige and economic benefits.

  10. It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.

preclude … from 阻止…从
deviate from 脱离
fail in 失败
triumph over 战胜
work one’s way into 努力进入
in the pursuit of 追求
write off 勾销
remove … from 移动…从

  1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind his classmates and he was 1) removed from the second into the third class at his own desire.

  2. The president acknowledged that he had somehow 2) failed in his ability to communicate to the American people.

  3. Unfortunately, as history has shown, some of the companies are guilty of misconduct 3) in pursuit of profit.

  4. The ship 4) deviated from the agreed voyage and arrived about 10 days late and in the meantime the price of sugar had fallen and the merchants lost over £4,000.

  5. Because the transcript is still under seal, the law 5) precluded them 6) from reading and discussing the evidence in detail.

  6. In carrying out the plan we are likely to come across difficulties, but we are determined to 7) triumph over them all.

  7. Without increasing investment in education, it will be increasingly difficult for low-income people to 8) work their way into the middle class.

  8. All the passengers in the plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes Mountains a week ago were 9) written off as dead.

appraise 评价
paralyze 使瘫痪
symptom 症状
dismay 沮丧
brink 边缘
bleak 荒凉的
deem 认为
recede 减弱
underestimate 低估
intervene 插入

  1. Kids are more likely to intervene in a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help.

  2. The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was never to underestimate the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement.

  3. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede.

  4. Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I deem it a great honor if I could study in your department.

  5. During one particularly bleak moment in my career, a senior colleague of mine said to me, ''If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you’ll lose your dreams."


  1. Unless we can find a way to appraise nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.

  2. The blizzard (暴风雪) moved south, turning into an icy rain that paralyzed the airports for three days.

  3. In this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes of the illness and, in the following chapters, we will draw attention to its various unpleasant symptoms.

  4. In those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was great dismay in the family who went through it.

  5. Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed on the brink of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic.

stop short 突然停止
plow through 费力地穿过
black out 停止
pull to a stop 停下来
pop up 突然出现
grab for 抓住
throw oneself into 积极从事
let oneself go 放开自己

  1. When the bus pulled to a stop and I got off, I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me to enjoy myself.

  2. When my car crashed into the big tree, I could feel the blood draining from my face and I wondered whether I was about to black out.

  3. All kinds of questions concerning the soaring housing price begin to pop up on cable television and the blogosphere (博客圈).

  4. The soldiers’ rapid march was stopped short by the general’s command; they were uncertain whether to go back or forward.

  5. A car crashed into the side of a house after the driver lost control and plowed through a hedge (树篱).

  6. Charles reappeared, after half an hour’s absence, and threw himself into an armchair, where he lay back for some time with his eyes shut.

  7. No special equipment is needed other than inspiring, motivating music that you can dance passionately to and let yourself go.

  8. As her door began to open, she grabbed for the telephone, and then dropped the receiver as Luke walked in.

conscientious 认真的
Compliment 赞扬;恭维;致意
domain 领域
anonymous 匿名的
cherish 珍爱
noteworthy 值得注意的
afflict 折磨
perpetual 永久的
portray 描绘
integral 积分

  1. As a number of authors point out, the urge to migrate is a(n) integral part of human nature.

  2. Children should be allowed to cherish those few years of innocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.

  3. He has been afflicted by a horrible disease, from which one of his best friends died two weeks ago.

  4. The results of the survey are noteworthy and useful despite being from a small sample.

  5. The director said that they needed a young actress who could portray someone who was both unbalanced and confident at the same time.

  6. Praise must be used wisely to compliment students who perform up to expectations and to encourage students to perform to maximum levels.

  7. In the domain of research, it is an accepted fact that scientific publications have to be written or translated into English to get published, acknowledged, and cited.

  8. He received a(n) anonymous call threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn’t pay the money.

  9. The movie presents Lincoln as a strong-willed,conscientious man who led the US through a moral, constitutional and political crisis.

  10. It is understandable that the health and welfare of their family is a(n) perpetual concern for this young couple.

lead by example 以身作则
embark on 着手
turn down 调低;关小;减小
take … captive 拿…俘虏
deprive of 剥夺
be stricken by 被…打击
live on 继续存在
share in 分享

  1. Clearly, most of the students there are full-time workers who would not otherwise have been able to embark on sustained further study.

  2. The court ruled that this man be deprive of his political rights for a further four years after he has served his 13-year sentence.

  3. I would love to have kids. I would turn down an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital.

  4. Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he’d been taken captive .

  5. She hoped Vincent would understand that her life had not been empty, because her love would live on.

  6. All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged or deprived, are interdependent, and share in the common task of seeking to achieve mankind’s full potential.

  7. In September 1944 he was able to return to his academic duties, but soon after the war ended he was stricken by a serious illness and did relatively little research thereafter (从那以后).

  8. She retired from the company where she has led by example and been a source of encouragement to others.

Cluster 串
imprison 监禁
offset 抵消
Ambiguity 含糊
globalize 全球化
stubborn 顽固的
compulsory 义务的
contemplate 注视
console 安慰
groan 呻吟

  1. Although secondary education is compulsory, parents are not required to send their children to state schools.

  2. The economic situation has been worsening, causing economists to contemplate whether the present policies are sustainable.

  3. He was found guilty and was imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he died very quickly, aged only 47.

  4. It is obvious that the future of the Internet is to globalize more and more areas of the world, and that e-commerce and e-entertainment are going to go for more and more markets.

  5. However, your current losses should soon be offset
    by gains; the fund will produce a positive return of 11.6 percent over a nine-month period.
    然而,你目前的损失应该很快就会被抵消 通过收益;该基金将在九个月内产生11.6%的正回报。

  6. Because she was so tall and slim, all the clothes looked marvelous on her and the other girls would groan their envy.

  7. This can be a helpful approach in discussion – someone may regard you as stubborn since you never want to change your mind, whereas you see yourself as determined.

  8. On weekends, the school parking lot is almost empty except that a few cars cluster near the entrance.

  9. In the photographer’s finest pictures there is also a degree of ambiguity, which allows them to be interpreted in a variety of ways.

  10. Tim stretched out a hand in apology for his thoughtless remarks and was consoled by a firm handshake from Mark.

endow with 具有
settle for 满足于
be saturated with 充满
trade … for … 贸易…为…
be open to 对…开放
mingle with 与…混合
make up for 补偿
more often than not 多半,往往

  1. Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything that was second best.

  2. He could be quite casual in his attitude to his wife’s anxiety, and more often than not failed to let her know when he would be back from a business trip.

  3. “You’ll kill yourself with those things,” Arty said in a tone in which disappointment was mingled with disgust.

  4. Thanks to modern transportation, agricultural products in these remote mountainous regions can also be trades for other goods.

  5. As the market was saturated with a wide variety of goods, the economy became more balanced and the competition forced the prices down.

  6. Going with the flow doesn’t mean that we don’t know where we’re going; it means that we __are open to multiple ways of getting there.

  7. The athlete had been endowed with long legs and a persistent temperament so he was very successful.

  8. The wrongly accused man asked for extra compensation to make up for the stress he had suffered during the case.

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