6.824 Lab1 MapReduce解析与实现

MapReduce, 批处理的典型之一。主要思想即“分而治之”,将一大批数据(一个大任务)分成多个子任务,分别进行运算(同时)(map),再将运算结果合起来(reduce)

master: 负责任务调度

mapper: 执行各个子任务,map运算

reducer: 执行结果汇总,reduce运算

例:在K/V的wordCount中,源数据为一个大文件,每个mapper负责一部分文件的count,mapper的运算结果(intermediate K/Vs)再交由reducer进行汇总(merge)。

Part 1: Map/Reduce input and output

task: 完成Map/Reduce的工作流程doMap()和doReduce部分

  • doMap():读取输入的文件,创建nReduce个中间结果文件,调用mapF函数并将其计算的K/V结果通过hash散列映射到各中间结果文件。
	//	copyright  by  sjt@hnu.edu.cn
func doMap(
	jobName string, // the name of the MapReduce job
	mapTask int, // which map task this is
	inFile string,
	nReduce int, // the number of reduce task that will be run ("R" in the paper)
	mapF func(filename string, contents string) []KeyValue) {
	// openfile
	inputFile , err := os.Open(inFile)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("doMap : open file failure " ,err)

	//close file
	defer inputFile.Close()

	// read fileInfo
	fileInfo , err := inputFile.Stat()

	if err != nil{
		log.Fatalln("daMap : getState failure " ,err )


	//create  byte slice  to  prepare  for  Reading  inputFile  and  Writing  inputFile to this byte slice
	data := make([]byte, fileInfo.Size() )
	//ignore  returned  first variable(n bytes which are  bytes of inputFile )
	//Read  inputFile and Write data of inputFile into data variable
	_,err = inputFile.Read(data)

	//read err
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("doMap : Read inputFile failure ",err)


	//recall  mapF

	KeyValues  := mapF(fileInfo.Name(), string(data))

	//create  nReduce  intermediate  files
	for i := 0 ; i<nReduce ; i++ {
		filename := reduceName(jobName,mapTask,i)
		//create a new empty  file  called  filename
		reduceFile , err := os.Create(filename)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("doMap : reduceFile create failure " ,err)

		defer  reduceFile.Close()

		enc := json.NewEncoder(reduceFile)
		// ignore  index of  k-v array
		// pick right k-v
		for _ , kv  :=  range KeyValues {

			// pick right k-v for specific  reduceFile
			//%nReduce =  0 , 1 ,... ,nReduce -1
			if ihash(kv.Key)%(nReduce) == i {

				err := enc.Encode(&kv)
				if err != nil {
					log.Fatalln("doMap: encode kv failure " ,err)



  • doReduce():读取中间结果文件,将各K/V按K值存入一个字典变量kvMap,调用reduceF函数以对kvMap进行合并(wordCount无需额外操作),并将reduceF的结果写入最终结果文件。
  • /*copyright by sjt@hnu.edu.cn
    func doReduce(
    	jobName string, // the name of the whole MapReduce job
    	reduceTask int, // which reduce task this is
    	outFile string, // write the output here
    	nMap int, // the number of map tasks that were run ("M" in the paper)
    	reduceF func(key string, values []string) string,
    ) {
    	//fmt.Printf("*******outFile : %s , nMap : %d *********" , outFile ,nMap)
    		make map for (key , values )  to stores intermediate files
    		A =1
    		A =2
    		A =3 ...
    	kvMap := make(map[string]([]string ))
    	read   files  like  mrtmp .test -x -x
    	operate  read all k-v in kvMap
    	for m:= 0; m <nMap; m++ {
    		fileName := reduceName(jobName,m,reduceTask)
    		inPutFile ,err := os.Open(fileName)
    		if err != nil{
    			log.Fatalln("doReduce  inPutfile  open err ",err)
    		defer inPutFile.Close()
    		// read  KeyValue from inPutFile
    		dec := json.NewDecoder(inPutFile)
    		for dec.More() {
    			var kv KeyValue
    			err := dec.Decode(&kv)
    			if err != nil {
    				log.Fatalln("doReduce kv decode err ",err)
    			kvMap[kv.Key] = append(kvMap[kv.Key],kv.Value)
    	sort   kvMap  by Key
    	keysOrdered := make([]string , 0, len(kvMap))
    	for key , _ :=  range kvMap {
    		keysOrdered = append(keysOrdered , key)
    	encoder output  part
    		outPutFile ,err := os.Create(outFile)
    		if err != nil{
    			log.Fatalln("doReduce  outPutFile generate err ",err)
    		enc := json.NewEncoder(outPutFile)
    		for _,key:= range keysOrdered {
    			err := enc.Encode(KeyValue{key, reduceF(key, kvMap[key])})
    			if err != nil {
    				log.Fatalln( "doReduce encoder err" ,err)
    		defer outPutFile.Close()

    Part 2: 实现单节点的wordCount

    task: 即实现task1中调用的mapF()和reduceF函数。

    • mapF(): 将输入流(string)分割成单词并存入字典sliceKV{word: count}
      func mapF(filename string, contents string) []mapreduce.KeyValue {... ...}
    • reduceF(): wordCount中的此函数无需额外操作。在doReduce()中将中间结果存入kvMap时即完成了合并。

    Part3: distributing MapReduce tasks

    task: 实现schedule.go文件,完成对多个worker进行map、reduce 任务的调度。

    • registerChan: workers(RPC address)的channel,存储当前空闲可用的worker(registered worker)
    • taskChan: 记录未完成或失败的任务,和sync.WaitGroup共同使用,以便重新执行失败任务。
    1. var ntasks int
    2. var n_other int // number of inputs (for reduce) or outputs (for map)
    3. switch phase { // 确定当前工作阶段,执行map还是reduce调度
    4. case mapPhase:
    5. ntasks = len(mapFiles)
    6. n_other = nReduce
    7. case reducePhase:
    8. ntasks = nReduce
    9. n_other = len(mapFiles)
    10. }
    11. fmt.Printf( "Schedule: %v %v tasks (%d I/Os)\n", ntasks, phase, n_other)
    12. var wg sync.WaitGroup
    13. taskChan := make( chan int)
    14. go func() {
    15. for t := 0; t < ntasks; t++ {
    16. wg.Add( 1)
    17. taskChan <- t
    18. }
    19. wg.Wait() // 直至ntasks个任务全完成
    20. close(taskChan)
    21. }()
    22. for task := range taskChan {
    23. addr := <-registerChan // 取一空闲worker
    24. go func(j int, addr string) { // 通过RPC调用执行任务
    25. result := call(addr, "Worker.DoTask", DoTaskArgs{jobName, mapFiles[j], phase, j, n_other}, nil)
    26. fmt.Println( "46 current: ", j)
    27. if result {
    28. wg.Done()
    29. } else {
    30. taskChan <- j // 该任务失败,需再次放入taskChan以便重新执行,直至成功
    31. }
    32. registerChan <- addr // 执行完任务的worker放回registerChan,以继续执行其他任务
    33. }(task, addr)
    34. }
    35. wg.Wait()
    36. fmt.Printf( "Schedule: %v done\n", phase)
    37. }


    • goroutine: golang的性能保障,用户态的调度粒度,每个goroutine在用户内存中有自己的栈空间。
    • channel: 传递数据的管道,常用于存储各种中间结果,在复杂的逻辑处理中实用得不得了。
    • sync.Waitgroup: 等待一组协程的完成。类似任务队列的数据结构,任务完成会被移出,否则会阻塞当前执行线程。提供以下三个操作:
      • Add(): 等待的goroutine加一
      • Done(): 有一个任务完成,等待的goroutine减一
      • Wait(): 阻塞,直至所有任务完成
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