ceph dashboard rgw管理功能的开启

默认object  Gateway 功勇是没有开启
创建rgw实例# ceph-deploy rgw create node-10
# radosgw-admin user create --uid=rgw --display-name=rgw --system
    "user_id": "rgw",
    "display_name": "rgw",
    "email": "",
    "suspended": 0,
    "max_buckets": 1000,
    "subusers": [],
    "keys": [
            "user": "rgw",
            "access_key": "ZW1Y5IWDTB7K85P32H2A",
            "secret_key": "aehFzwMypF4V8Bm8A3baevHonEmu4E9a4oLZ1umh"
    "swift_keys": [],
    "caps": [],
    "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
    "system": "true",
    "default_placement": "",
    "default_storage_class": "",
    "placement_tags": [],
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "user_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1
    "temp_url_keys": [],
    "type": "rgw",
    "mfa_ids": []

提供Dashboard证书# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key ZW1Y5IWDTB7K85P32H2A
Option RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY updated
# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key aehFzwMypF4V8Bm8A3baevHonEmu4E9a4oLZ1umh
Option RGW_API_SECRET_KEY updated
禁用SSL# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify False
Option RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY updated
启用rgw# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host xx.xx.xx.xx
Option RGW_API_HOST updated

# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port 80
Option RGW_API_PORT updated

# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-scheme http
Option RGW_API_SCHEME updated
# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-user-id rgw
Option RGW_API_USER_ID updated
#  systemctl restart ceph-radosgw.target




# s3cmd ls
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  s3://test


# s3cmd put harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz s3://test
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 1 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    21.27 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 2 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    22.06 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 3 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    20.61 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 4 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    27.13 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 5 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    27.45 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 6 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    27.11 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 7 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    32.49 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 8 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    36.97 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 9 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    34.30 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 10 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    30.56 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 11 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    35.69 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 12 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    30.27 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 13 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    36.73 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 14 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    37.35 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 15 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    38.34 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 16 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    46.96 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 17 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    34.67 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 18 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    36.54 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 19 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    41.62 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 20 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    43.36 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 21 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    38.59 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 22 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    38.32 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 23 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    42.09 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 24 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    39.38 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 25 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    31.38 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 26 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    30.77 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 27 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    33.55 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 28 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    39.62 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 29 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    35.50 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 30 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    46.57 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 31 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    44.80 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 32 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    37.33 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 33 of 34, 15MB] [1 of 1]
 15728640 of 15728640   100% in    0s    41.59 MB/s  done
upload: 'harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz' -> 's3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz'  [part 34 of 34, 14MB] [1 of 1]
 14720607 of 14720607   100% in    0s    36.38 MB/s  done
[root@node-10 /]# 


# s3cmd ls s3://test
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 533765727   s3://test/harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz


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