function buf2hex(buffer) { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
// create a byte array (Uint8Array) that we can use to read the array buffer
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
// for each element, we want to get its two-digit hexadecimal representation
const hexParts = [];
for(let i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) {
// convert value to hexadecimal
const hex = byteArray[i].toString(16);
// pad with zeros to length 2
const paddedHex = ('00' + hex).slice(-2);
// push to array
// join all the hex values of the elements into a single string
return hexParts.join('');
Memory.readByteArray(retval,4) 返回的是 arrayBuffer 格式,使用上面的函数可以将
arrayBuffer 转成 hex