WRF案例运行-Single Domain Case


   本次案例是利用WRF进行Single Domain Case的模拟,模拟的区域是中国西北和青藏地区。如果还没安装和配置好WRF,可以先看我这篇博客WRF模型配置
   参考资料有:1、Single Domain Case - Hurricane Matthew 2、WRF官网案例运行


   2.1 WRF案例运行基本流程,如下图所示:
Basics for Running the Model
   2.2 WPS中三个模块的作用:

3、Setup the Model domain (geogrid.exe)

   3.1 下载静态地理数据

test@test:~/Build_WRF$ tar -zxvf geog_10m.tar.gz


test@test:~/Build_WRF$ mv geog WPS_GEOG

   3.2 编辑namelist.wps
    Make the following changes:
    Note 1: As we are only interested in domain 1, you can ignore all values in the second column.
    Note 2:For detailed explanations of these variables, as well as suggestions for best practices, see the Best PracticesWPS Namelist page .

test@test:~/Build_WRF$ cd WPS-4.1/
test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ nano namelist.wps

    wrf_core = ‘ARW’,
    max_dom = 1,
    start_date = ‘2000-01-24_12:00:00’,
    end_date = ‘2000-01-26_00:00:00’,
    interval_seconds = 21600
    io_form_geogrid = 2,
    parent_id = 1,
    parent_grid_ratio = 1,
    i_parent_start = 1,
    j_parent_start = 1,
    e_we = 100,
    e_sn = 100,
    geog_data_res = ‘default’,
    dx = 27000,
    dy = 27000,
    map_proj = ‘mercator’,
    ref_lat = 41,
    ref_lon = 86,
    truelat1 = 30.0,
    truelat2 = 60.0,
    stand_lon = 86,
    geog_data_path = ‘/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/’
    按照以上参数设置对自己的namelist.wps文件进行修改。注意geog_data_path = '/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/'一定要换成自己的路径,然后就可以保存后退出(ctrl+s,ctrl+x)。
   3.3 运行geogrid.exe之前,确保模拟域在正确的位置

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ncl util/plotgrids_new.ncl

WPS Domain Configuration
   3.4 运行geogrid.exe

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ./geogrid.exe

   Parsed 28 entries in GEOGRID.TBL
   Processing domain 1 of 1
   ERROR: Could not open
   application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 22077) - process 0

Parsed 28 entries in GEOGRID.TBL
   Processing domain 1 of 1
    Processing XLAT and XLONG
    Processing MAPFAC
    Processing F and E
    Processing ROTANG
    Processing LANDUSEF
    Calculating landmask from LANDUSEF ( WATER = 17 21 )
    Processing HGT_M
    Processing SOILTEMP
    Processing SOILCTOP
    Processing SCT_DOM
    Processing SOILCBOT
    Processing SCB_DOM
    Processing ALBEDO12M
    Processing GREENFRAC
    Processing LAI12M
    Processing SNOALB
    Processing CON
    Processing VAR
    Processing OA1
    Processing OA2
    Processing OA3
    Processing OA4
    Processing OL1
    Processing OL2
    Processing OL3
    Processing OL4
    Processing VAR_SSO
    Processing LAKE_DEPTH

    Optional fields not processed by geogrid:
     URB_PARAM (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/NUDAPT44_1km/)
     FRC_URB2D (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/urbfrac_nlcd2011/)
     IMPERV (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/nlcd2011_imp_ll_9s/)
     CANFRA (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/nlcd2011_can_ll_9s/)
     EROD (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/erod/)
     CLAYFRAC (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/clayfrac_5m/)
     SANDFRAC (priority=1, resolution=default, path=/home/test/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/sandfrac_5m/)
!  Successful completion of geogrid.        !

   3.5 检查静态文件geo_em.d01
   运行成功后会在WPS-4.1文件夹中生成geo_em.d01文件,这个文件可以用ncview 软件查看。关于如何安装ncview,可自行百度。

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ncview geo_em.d01.nc


4、Unpack input GRIB data (ungrib.exe)

   4.1 创建DATA文件夹

test@test:~/Build_WRF$ mkdir DATA

   4.2 下载JAN00_GFS_FNL
   从官网上下载JAN00_GFS_FNL.tar.gz放入刚刚创建好的DATA文件夹中,并进行解压。数据说明:1、FNL数据集指的是 Final Reanalysis Data再分析数据集,是由美国气象环境预报中心(NCEP)和美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)联合制作的,他们采用了当今最先进的全球资料同化系统和完善的数据库,对各种来源(地面、船舶、无线电探空、测风气球、飞机、卫星等)的观测资料进行质量控制和同化处理,获得了一套完整的再分析资料集,它不仅包含的要素多,范围广,而且延伸的时段长,是一个综合的数据集。2、FNL数据集和GFS数据集虽有联系,但在同一资料同化和预报系统中却有不同的产品。它们共享相同的基础模型和数据同化技术。它们包含相同的数据源——但是在gfs和fnl的初始条件中吸收的“真实”数据的数量有细微的差别。详细见FNL再分析数据和GFS数据之间的区别和联系

test@test:~/Build_WRF/DATA$ tar -zxvf JAN00_GFS_FNL.tar.gz

   4.3 让我们通过在其中一个数据文件上运行g1print来熟悉数据:

test@test:~/Build_WRF/DATA$ cd ../
test@test:~/Build_WRF$ cd WPS-4.1/
test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ./util/g1print.exe ../DATA/JAN00/fnl_20000124_12_00.grib1


Copen: File = ../DATA/JAN00/fnl_20000124_12_00.grib1                                                                                  
Fortran Unit = 0
UNIX File descriptor: 3

 rec GRIB GRIB  Lvl  Lvl  Lvl         Time      Fcst
 Num Code name  Code one  two                   hour
   1   7 HGT      100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   2   7 HGT      100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   3   7 HGT      100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   4   7 HGT      100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   5   7 HGT      100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   6   7 HGT      100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   7   7 HGT      100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   8   7 HGT      100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
   9   7 HGT      100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  10   7 HGT      100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  11   7 HGT      100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  12   7 HGT      100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  13   7 HGT      100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  14   7 HGT      100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  15   7 HGT      100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  16   7 HGT      100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  17   7 HGT      100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  18   7 HGT      100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  19   7 HGT      100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  20   7 HGT      100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  21   7 HGT      100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  22   7 HGT      100   70    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  23   7 HGT      100   50    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  24   7 HGT      100   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  25   7 HGT      100   20    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  26   7 HGT      100   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  27  11 TMP      100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  28  11 TMP      100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  29  11 TMP      100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  30  11 TMP      100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  31  11 TMP      100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  32  11 TMP      100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  33  11 TMP      100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  34  11 TMP      100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  35  11 TMP      100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  36  11 TMP      100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  37  11 TMP      100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  38  11 TMP      100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  39  11 TMP      100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  40  11 TMP      100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  41  11 TMP      100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  42  11 TMP      100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  43  11 TMP      100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  44  11 TMP      100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  45  11 TMP      100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  46  11 TMP      100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  47  11 TMP      100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  48  11 TMP      100   70    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  49  11 TMP      100   50    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  50  11 TMP      100   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  51  11 TMP      100   20    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  52  11 TMP      100   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  53  39 V VEL    100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  54  39 V VEL    100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  55  39 V VEL    100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  56  39 V VEL    100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  57  39 V VEL    100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  58  39 V VEL    100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  59  39 V VEL    100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  60  39 V VEL    100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  61  39 V VEL    100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  62  39 V VEL    100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  63  39 V VEL    100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  64  39 V VEL    100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  65  39 V VEL    100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  66  39 V VEL    100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  67  39 V VEL    100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  68  39 V VEL    100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  69  39 V VEL    100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  70  39 V VEL    100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  71  39 V VEL    100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  72  39 V VEL    100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  73  39 V VEL    100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  74  52 R H      100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  75  52 R H      100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  76  52 R H      100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  77  52 R H      100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  78  52 R H      100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  79  52 R H      100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  80  52 R H      100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  81  52 R H      100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  82  52 R H      100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  83  52 R H      100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  84  52 R H      100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  85  52 R H      100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  86  52 R H      100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  87  52 R H      100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  88  52 R H      100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  89  52 R H      100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  90  52 R H      100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  91  52 R H      100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  92  52 R H      100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  93  52 R H      100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  94  52 R H      100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  95  41 ABS V    100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  96  41 ABS V    100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  97  41 ABS V    100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  98  41 ABS V    100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
  99  41 ABS V    100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 100  41 ABS V    100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 101  41 ABS V    100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 102  41 ABS V    100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 103  41 ABS V    100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 104  41 ABS V    100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 105  41 ABS V    100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 106  41 ABS V    100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 107  41 ABS V    100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 108  41 ABS V    100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 109  41 ABS V    100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 110  41 ABS V    100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 111  41 ABS V    100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 112  41 ABS V    100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 113  41 ABS V    100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 114  41 ABS V    100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 115  41 ABS V    100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 116  41 ABS V    100   70    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 117  41 ABS V    100   50    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 118  41 ABS V    100   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 119  41 ABS V    100   20    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 120  41 ABS V    100   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 121 154 O3MR     100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 122 154 O3MR     100   70    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 123 154 O3MR     100   50    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 124 154 O3MR     100   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 125 154 O3MR     100   20    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 126 154 O3MR     100   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 127 222 5WAVH    100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 128  33 U GRD    100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 129  33 U GRD    100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 130  33 U GRD    100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 131  33 U GRD    100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 132  33 U GRD    100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 133  33 U GRD    100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 134  33 U GRD    100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 135  33 U GRD    100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 136  33 U GRD    100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 137  33 U GRD    100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 138  33 U GRD    100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 139  33 U GRD    100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 140  33 U GRD    100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 141  33 U GRD    100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 142  33 U GRD    100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 143  33 U GRD    100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 144  33 U GRD    100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 145  33 U GRD    100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 146  33 U GRD    100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 147  33 U GRD    100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 148  33 U GRD    100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 149  33 U GRD    100   70    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 150  33 U GRD    100   50    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 151  33 U GRD    100   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 152  33 U GRD    100   20    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 153  33 U GRD    100   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 154  34 V GRD    100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 155  34 V GRD    100  975    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 156  34 V GRD    100  950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 157  34 V GRD    100  925    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 158  34 V GRD    100  900    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 159  34 V GRD    100  850    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 160  34 V GRD    100  800    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 161  34 V GRD    100  750    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 162  34 V GRD    100  700    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 163  34 V GRD    100  650    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 164  34 V GRD    100  600    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 165  34 V GRD    100  550    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 166  34 V GRD    100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 167  34 V GRD    100  450    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 168  34 V GRD    100  400    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 169  34 V GRD    100  350    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 170  34 V GRD    100  300    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 171  34 V GRD    100  250    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 172  34 V GRD    100  200    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 173  34 V GRD    100  150    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 174  34 V GRD    100  100    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 175  34 V GRD    100   70    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 176  34 V GRD    100   50    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 177  34 V GRD    100   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 178  34 V GRD    100   20    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 179  34 V GRD    100   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 180  11 TMP      116   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 181  52 R H      116   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 182  51 SPF H    116   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 183  33 U GRD    116   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 184  34 V GRD    116   30    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 185  11 TMP      103 1829    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 186  11 TMP      103 2743    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 187  11 TMP      103 3658    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 188  33 U GRD    103 1829    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 189  33 U GRD    103 2743    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 190  33 U GRD    103 3658    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 191  34 V GRD    103 1829    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 192  34 V GRD    103 2743    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 193  34 V GRD    103 3658    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 194   1 PRES       1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 195  54 P WAT    200    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 196  52 R H      200    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 197   7 HGT        7    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 198  11 TMP        7    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 199   1 PRES       7    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 200 136 VW SH      7    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 201 131 LFT X      1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 202 157 CAPE       1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 203 156 CIN        1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 204 132 4LFTX      1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 205 157 CAPE     116  180    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 206 156 CIN      116  180    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 207   7 HGT        6    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 208  11 TMP        6    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 209   1 PRES       6    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 210   7 HGT        1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 211   2 PRMSL    102    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 212  52 R H      108   44  100  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 213  52 R H      108   72   94  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 214  52 R H      108   44   72  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 215  52 R H      108   33  100  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 216  13 POT      107 9950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 217  11 TMP      107 9950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 218  39 V VEL    107 9950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 219  52 R H      107 9950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 220  10 TOZNE    200    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 221  33 U GRD      7    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 222  33 U GRD      6    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 223  33 U GRD    107 9950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 224  34 V GRD      7    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 225  34 V GRD      6    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 226  34 V GRD    107 9950    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 227  11 TMP        1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 228 144 SOILW    112    0   10  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 229 144 SOILW    112   10  200  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 230  11 TMP      112    0   10  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 231  11 TMP      112   10  200  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 232  65 WEASD      1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 233  81 LAND       1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 234  91 ICE C      1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 235  11 TMP      105    2    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 236  51 SPF H    105    2    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 237 221 HPBL       1    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 238  71 T CDC    244    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 239   1 PRES     243    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 240   1 PRES     242    0    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 241  52 R H      105    2    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 242  33 U GRD    105   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 243  34 V GRD    105   10    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 244  27 GP A     100 1000    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 245  27 GP A     100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00
 246 230 5WAVA    100  500    0  2000-01-24_12:00 + 00

***** End-Of-File on C unit   3

   4.4 连接Variable_Table文件:

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.GFS Vtable

   4.5 通过脚本./link_grib.csh连接GRIB数据

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ./link_grib.csh ../DATA/JAN00/fnl_2000012

   4.6 编辑 namelist.wps, 并且进行如下设置:

 out_format = 'WPS',
 prefix = 'FILE',

   4.7 运行ungrib,创建中间文件:

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ./ungrib.exe


Subroutine DATINT: Interpolating 3-d files to fill in any missing data...
Looking for data at time 2000-01-24_12
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-24_12
Looking for data at time 2000-01-24_18
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-24_18
Looking for data at time 2000-01-25_00
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-25_00
Looking for data at time 2000-01-25_06
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-25_06
Looking for data at time 2000-01-25_12
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-25_12
Looking for data at time 2000-01-25_18
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-25_18
Looking for data at time 2000-01-26_00
Found file:      FILE:2000-01-26_00
End Subroutine DATINT.

Deleting temporary files created by ungrib...

Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-24_12
Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-24_18
Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-25_00
Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-25_06
Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-25_12
Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-25_18
Deleting file:  ./PFILE:2000-01-26_00

Done deleting temporary files.

!  Successful completion of ungrib.   !

5、Interpolate the input data onto our model domain (metgrid.exe)


test@test:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ./metgrid.exe
Processing domain 1 of 1
 Processing 2000-01-24_12
 Processing 2000-01-24_18
 Processing 2000-01-25_00
 Processing 2000-01-25_06
 Processing 2000-01-25_12
 Processing 2000-01-25_18
 Processing 2000-01-26_00
!  Successful completion of metgrid.  !


6、Run the model (real.exe & wrf.exe)

   6.1 在test/em_real/目录中运行

test@test:~/Build_WRF$ cd WRF-4.1.2/
test@test:~/Build_WRF/WRF-4.1.2$ cd test/em_real

   6.2 将上一步生成的met_em.文件链接到WRF运行的路径下

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WRF-4.1.2/test/em_real$ ln -sf ../../../WPS-4.1/met_em.d01.2000-01* .

   6.3 编辑 namelist.input
   注意:Note 2 : For detailed explanations of these variables, as well as suggestions for best practices, see the Best Practices WRF Namelist page, or Chapter 5 of the WRF User’s Guide.参照官网WRF Namelist Page进行参数修改。namelist.input存放在/WRF-4.1.2/test/em_real下,双击打开编辑即可。
在本次案例中参数的设置如下所示。当你们做自己的案例的时候,应根据自己的需要设置相应的参数,具体参数如何设置和变量解释见WRF Namelist page。

 run_days                            = 0,
 run_hours                           = 36,
 run_minutes                         = 0,
 run_seconds                         = 0,
 start_year                          = 2000,
 start_month                         = 01,
 start_day                           = 24,
 start_hour                          = 12,
 end_year                            = 2000,
 end_month                           = 01,
 end_day                             = 26,
 end_hour                            = 00,
 interval_seconds                    = 21600
 input_from_file                     = .true.,
 history_interval                    = 180,
 frames_per_outfile                  = 1,
 restart                             = .false.,
 restart_interval                    = 1440,
 io_form_history                     = 2
 io_form_restart                     = 2
 io_form_input                       = 2
 io_form_boundary                    = 2

 time_step                           = 150,
 time_step_fract_num                 = 0,
 time_step_fract_den                 = 1,
 max_dom                             = 1,
 e_we                                = 100,
 e_sn                                = 100,
 e_vert                              = 45,
 p_top_requested                     = 5000,
 num_metgrid_levels                  = 27,
 num_metgrid_soil_levels             = 2,
 dx                                  = 27000,
 dy                                  = 27000,
 grid_id                             = 1,
 parent_id                           = 1,
 i_parent_start                      = 1,
 j_parent_start                      = 1,
 parent_grid_ratio                   = 1,
 parent_time_step_ratio              = 1,
 feedback                            = 1,
 smooth_option                       = 0,
 sfcp_to_sfcp = .true.

 physics_suite                       = 'CONUS'
 mp_physics                          = 8,
 cu_physics                          = 3,
 ra_lw_physics                       = 4,
 ra_sw_physics                       = 4,
 bl_pbl_physics                      = 2,
 sf_sfclay_physics                   = 2,
 sf_surface_physics                  = 2,
 radt                                = 10,
 bldt                                = 0,
 cudt                                = 5,
 icloud                              = 1,
 num_land_cat                        = 21,
 sf_urban_physics                    = 0,


 hybrid_opt                          = 2, 
 w_damping                           = 1,
 diff_opt                            = 2,
 km_opt                              = 4,
 diff_6th_opt                        = 0,
 diff_6th_factor                     = 0.12,
 base_temp                           = 290.
 damp_opt                            = 3,
 zdamp                               = 5000.,
 dampcoef                            = 0.,
 khdif                               = 0,
 kvdif                               = 0,
 non_hydrostatic                     = .true.,
 moist_adv_opt                       = 1,    
 scalar_adv_opt                      = 1,    
 gwd_opt                             = 1,

 spec_bdy_width                      = 5,
 specified                           = .true.


 nio_tasks_per_group = 0,
 nio_groups = 1,

   6.4 Run real.exe

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WRF-4.1.2/test/em_real$ ./real.exe


 Ntasks in X            1 , ntasks in Y            1
Configuring physics suite 'conus'

         mp_physics:      8*
         cu_physics:      3*
      ra_lw_physics:      4*
      ra_sw_physics:      4*
     bl_pbl_physics:      2*
  sf_sfclay_physics:      2*
 sf_surface_physics:      2*

(* = option overrides suite setting)
 Parent domain
 ids,ide,jds,jde            1         100           1         100
 ims,ime,jms,jme           -4         105          -4         105
 ips,ipe,jps,jpe            1         100           1         100
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
   alloc_space_field: domain            1 ,             477255652  bytes allocated
Time period #   1 to process = 2000-01-24_12:00:00.
Time period #   2 to process = 2000-01-24_18:00:00.
Time period #   3 to process = 2000-01-25_00:00:00.
Time period #   4 to process = 2000-01-25_06:00:00.
Time period #   5 to process = 2000-01-25_12:00:00.
Time period #   6 to process = 2000-01-25_18:00:00.
Time period #   7 to process = 2000-01-26_00:00:00.
Total analysis times to input =    7.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-24_12:00:00.0000, which is loop #   1 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          24   12.0000000    
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-24_12:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00 Timing for input          1 s.
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Max map factor in domain 1 =  1.36. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
 using new automatic levels program
           1   50.0000000       50.0000000      0.993814707    
           2   64.0000000       114.000000      0.985950649       1.27999997    
           3   81.5615997       195.561600      0.976014256       1.27440000    
           4   103.369164       298.930756      0.963557541       1.26737535    
           5   130.105835       429.036591      0.948093116       1.25865233    
           6   162.366577       591.403198      0.929123759       1.24795771    
           7   200.531372       791.934570      0.906191230       1.23505330    
           8   244.605652       1036.54028      0.878942370       1.21978748    
           9   294.054565       1330.59485      0.847207963       1.20215774    
          10   347.683685       1678.27856      0.811077714       1.18237817    
          11   403.635223       2081.91382      0.770949006       1.16092658    
          12   459.557220       2541.47095      0.727525413       1.13854587    
          13   512.947266       3054.41821      0.681755364       1.11617708    
          14   564.242004       3618.66016      0.634503603       1.10000002    
          15   620.666199       4239.32617      0.586030483       1.10000002    
          16   682.732849       4922.05908      0.536650121       1.10000002    
   25416.3906       4922.05908              44          16
          17   731.940430       5653.99951      0.487943381    
          18   731.940430       6385.93994      0.443262488    
          19   731.940430       7117.88037      0.402274668    
          20   731.940430       7849.82080      0.364674717    
          21   731.940430       8581.76172      0.330182433    
          22   731.940430       9313.70215      0.298541158    
          23   731.940430       10045.6426      0.269515216    
          24   731.940430       10777.5830      0.242888346    
          25   731.940430       11509.5234      0.218462333    
          26   731.940430       12241.4639      0.196055204    
          27   731.940430       12973.4043      0.175500140    
          28   731.940430       13705.3447      0.156644031    
          29   731.940430       14437.2852      0.139346510    
          30   731.940430       15169.2256      0.123478681    
          31   731.940430       15901.1660      0.108922392    
          32   731.940430       16633.1055       9.55692530E-02
          33   731.940430       17365.0469       8.33197907E-02
          34   731.940430       18096.9883       7.20827952E-02
          35   731.940430       18828.9297       6.17745891E-02
          36   731.940430       19560.8711       5.23184016E-02
          37   731.940430       20292.8125       4.36438024E-02
          38   731.940430       21024.7539       3.56862135E-02
          39   731.940430       21756.6953       2.83863544E-02
          40   731.940430       22488.6367       2.16898583E-02
          41   731.940430       23220.5781       1.55468490E-02
          42   731.940430       23952.5195       9.91160050E-03
          43   731.940430       24684.4609       4.74211574E-03
          44   731.940430       25416.4023      -7.70970416E-08
    1.0000    0.9938    0.9860    0.9760    0.9636    0.9481    0.9291    0.9062    0.8789    0.8472
    0.8111    0.7709    0.7275    0.6818    0.6345    0.5860    0.5367    0.4879    0.4433    0.4023
    0.3647    0.3302    0.2985    0.2695    0.2429    0.2185    0.1961    0.1755    0.1566    0.1393
    0.1235    0.1089    0.0956    0.0833    0.0721    0.0618    0.0523    0.0436    0.0357    0.0284
    0.0217    0.0155    0.0099    0.0047    0.0000
Full level index =    1     Height =     0.0 m
Full level index =    2     Height =    50.0 m      Thickness =   50.0 m
Full level index =    3     Height =   113.9 m      Thickness =   63.9 m
Full level index =    4     Height =   195.2 m      Thickness =   81.3 m
Full level index =    5     Height =   298.0 m      Thickness =  102.8 m
Full level index =    6     Height =   427.2 m      Thickness =  129.1 m
Full level index =    7     Height =   587.8 m      Thickness =  160.7 m
Full level index =    8     Height =   785.5 m      Thickness =  197.7 m
Full level index =    9     Height =  1025.6 m      Thickness =  240.0 m
Full level index =   10     Height =  1312.6 m      Thickness =  287.0 m
Full level index =   11     Height =  1649.6 m      Thickness =  337.0 m
Full level index =   12     Height =  2037.7 m      Thickness =  388.2 m
Full level index =   13     Height =  2475.6 m      Thickness =  437.9 m
Full level index =   14     Height =  2959.3 m      Thickness =  483.7 m
Full level index =   15     Height =  3485.1 m      Thickness =  525.8 m
Full level index =   16     Height =  4056.1 m      Thickness =  570.9 m
Full level index =   17     Height =  4675.0 m      Thickness =  618.9 m
Full level index =   18     Height =  5328.0 m      Thickness =  653.0 m
Full level index =   19     Height =  5970.1 m      Thickness =  642.1 m
Full level index =   20     Height =  6601.4 m      Thickness =  631.2 m
Full level index =   21     Height =  7221.7 m      Thickness =  620.4 m
Full level index =   22     Height =  7831.2 m      Thickness =  609.5 m
Full level index =   23     Height =  8429.8 m      Thickness =  598.6 m
Full level index =   24     Height =  9017.5 m      Thickness =  587.7 m
Full level index =   25     Height =  9594.3 m      Thickness =  576.8 m
Full level index =   26     Height = 10160.3 m      Thickness =  566.0 m
Full level index =   27     Height = 10715.4 m      Thickness =  555.1 m
Full level index =   28     Height = 11259.6 m      Thickness =  544.2 m
Full level index =   29     Height = 11792.9 m      Thickness =  533.3 m
Full level index =   30     Height = 12315.3 m      Thickness =  522.4 m
Full level index =   31     Height = 12826.9 m      Thickness =  511.6 m
Full level index =   32     Height = 13331.3 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   33     Height = 13835.8 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   34     Height = 14340.3 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   35     Height = 14844.8 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   36     Height = 15349.2 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   37     Height = 15853.7 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   38     Height = 16358.2 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   39     Height = 16862.7 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   40     Height = 17367.1 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   41     Height = 17871.6 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   42     Height = 18376.1 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   43     Height = 18880.5 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   44     Height = 19385.0 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
Full level index =   45     Height = 19889.5 m      Thickness =  504.5 m
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at   46 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00 Timing for processing          1 s.
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00 Timing for output          1 s.
d01 2000-01-24_12:00:00 Timing for loop #    1 =          3 s.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-24_18:00:00.0000, which is loop #   2 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          24   18.0000000    
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-24_18:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-24_18:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00 Timing for input          0 s.
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at    9 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00 Timing for processing          0 s.
 LBC valid between these times 2000-01-24_12:00:00.0000 2000-01-24_18:00:00     
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00 Timing for output          0 s.
d01 2000-01-24_18:00:00 Timing for loop #    2 =          0 s.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-25_00:00:00.0000, which is loop #   3 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          25   0.00000000    
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-25_00:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-25_00:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00 Timing for input          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at    9 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00 Timing for processing          0 s.
 LBC valid between these times 2000-01-24_18:00:00.0000 2000-01-25_00:00:00     
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00 Timing for output          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_00:00:00 Timing for loop #    3 =          0 s.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-25_06:00:00.0000, which is loop #   4 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          25   6.00000000    
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-25_06:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-25_06:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00 Timing for input          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at    9 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00 Timing for processing          0 s.
 LBC valid between these times 2000-01-25_00:00:00.0000 2000-01-25_06:00:00     
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00 Timing for output          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_06:00:00 Timing for loop #    4 =          0 s.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-25_12:00:00.0000, which is loop #   5 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          25   12.0000000    
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-25_12:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-25_12:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00 Timing for input          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at    9 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00 Timing for processing          0 s.
 LBC valid between these times 2000-01-25_06:00:00.0000 2000-01-25_12:00:00     
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00 Timing for output          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_12:00:00 Timing for loop #    5 =          0 s.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-25_18:00:00.0000, which is loop #   6 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          25   18.0000000    
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-25_18:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-25_18:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00 Timing for input          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at    9 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00 Timing for processing          0 s.
 LBC valid between these times 2000-01-25_12:00:00.0000 2000-01-25_18:00:00     
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00 Timing for output          0 s.
d01 2000-01-25_18:00:00 Timing for loop #    6 =          0 s.
 Domain  1: Current date being processed: 2000-01-26_00:00:00.0000, which is loop #   7 out of    7
 configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt:        2000          26   0.00000000    
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00  Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.1
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2000-01-26_00:00:00.nc
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2000-01-26_00:00:00
 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 Timing for input          0 s.
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00          flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is  1
Using sfcprs2 to compute psfc
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
 Assume Noah LSM input
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at    9 points, out of   9801
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 Timing for processing          0 s.
 LBC valid between these times 2000-01-25_18:00:00.0000 2000-01-26_00:00:00     
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 Timing for output          0 s.
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 Timing for loop #    7 =          0 s.
d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 real_em: SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT

注意:这将覆盖以前运行的wrfinput_d01和wrfbdy_d01文件,因此如果希望保留旧文件,请将其保存到其他地方。检查以下两个文件是否已创建。运行成功后会生成wrfbdy_d01 ,wrfinput_d01两个文件。
   6.5 Run wrf.exe

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WRF-4.1.2/test/em_real$ ./wrf.exe


d01 2000-01-26_00:00:00 wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF

   6.6 Quick check of the contents of the wrfout file:
   利用ncview查看wrfout_d01文件。以wrfout_d01_2000-01-24_12:00:00中的2d vars 变量TSK为例:

test@test:~/Build_WRF/WRF-4.1.2/test/em_real$ ncview wrfout_d01_2000-01-24_12:00:00

   以上是整个Single Domain Case的全部过程。下次准备做一个嵌套区域的WRF模拟,敬请期待。

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wrf-python-1.3.2-cp38是一个特定版本的Python软件包。WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)是一种广泛用于大气科学和气象模拟研究的数值模式。而wrf-python是一个专门为WRF模型数据分析和可视化而设计的Python模块。 在WRF模式的输出数据中,包含了大量的气象参数和变量,如温度、湿度、风速、降水量等等。而wrf-python提供了一系列的工具和功能来处理和分析这些数据。它可以帮助用户读取WRF模式输出的NetCDF文件,并提供了各种方法来提取和操作其中的数据。例如,可以根据时间、空间坐标或特定变量来选择感兴趣的数据,计算统计信息,生成时间序列和空间图像等。 同时,wrf-python还提供了一系列用于可视化的工具。用户可以使用它绘制地图、等值线图、风向风速图和时序图等,以便更好地理解和展示WRF模式的模拟结果。这些功能使得wrf-python成为研究人员在大气科学领域中进行WRF模拟数据分析的重要工具之一。 wrf-python-1.3.2-cp38是适用于Python 3.8版本的wrf-python软件包的特定版本。这意味着它可以在Python 3.8的环境中运行,并提供对WRF模式数据处理和可视化的支持。如果你想在Python 3.8中使用wrf-python模块进行WRF数据分析,可以下载和安装这个特定版本,然后按照官方文档中的指南来使用它的功能。 总而言之,wrf-python-1.3.2-cp38是一个专门用于WRF模式数据分析和可视化的Python模块的特定版本,在大气科学和气象模拟研究中具有重要的作用。


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