Multiprocessing Pool.starmap_async() and Pool.starmap() in Python 实现并行、多输入任务


  • 处理上万条数据
  • 数据处理任务有多个输入


使用 Pool.starmap_async() 或 Pool.starmap() ,可以根据需求选择。

1. Pool.starmap_async() 和 Pool.starmap()的功能

  • 创建一个进程池,进程池中有多个进程,多个进程可以并行执行任务,以缩短任务处理时间。

2. Pool.starmap()与Pool.starmap_async()的区别

  • 相同点
    • starmap_async()和starmap()都可以用来发出带有多个参数调用进程池中的函数的任务。(Both the starmap_async() and starmap() may be used to issue tasks that call a function in the process pool with more than one argument.)
  • 区别
    • starmap_async()函数不会阻塞,而starmap()函数会阻塞。
    • starmap_async()函数返回AsyncResult,而starmap()函数返回目标函数返回值的可迭代对象
    • starmap_async()函数可以对返回值和错误执行回调函数,而starmap()函数不支持回调函数。


1. 定义任务处理函数

from random import random
from time import sleep
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import multiprocessing
import time, datetime
# task executed in a worker process
def task(x, y):
    t1 = str([11:]
    z = x*y
    sleep(1)   # block for a moment
    t2 = str([11:]
    # report a message
    identifier = multiprocessing.current_process().name
    print(f'Task {identifier}, start time: {t1}, end time: {t2}', flush=True)
    # return the generated value
    return z

2. Pool.starmap_async()定义和配置进程池,并行执行任务

# create and configure the process pool
with Pool() as pool:
    # prepare arguments
    items = [(i, random()) for i in range(10)]
    # issues tasks to process pool
    result = pool.starmap_async(task, items)
    # iterate results
    for result in result.get():
        print(f'Got result: {result}', flush=True)
# process pool is closed automatically

3. Pool.starmap()定义和配置进程池,并行执行任务

# create and configure the process pool
with Pool() as pool:
    # prepare arguments
    items = [(i, random()) for i in range(10)]
    # issues tasks to process pool
    result = pool.starmap_async(task, items)
# process pool is closed automatically

4. 测试,并分析结果

  • 串行 运行任务测试

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        t1 = time.time()
        items = [(i, random()) for i in range(10)]
        for item in items:
            z = task(item[0], item[1])
        t2 = time.time()
        print(f'Done. ({(1E3 * (t2 - t1)):.1f}ms) Process.')

    运行时间 time=10014.4 ms,结果如下:

    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:41.896662, end time: 13:25:42.897968
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:42.898297, end time: 13:25:43.899823
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:43.900057, end time: 13:25:44.900915
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:44.901269, end time: 13:25:45.902550
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:45.902764, end time: 13:25:46.904421
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:46.904628, end time: 13:25:47.905779
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:47.905974, end time: 13:25:48.906658
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:48.906912, end time: 13:25:49.908484
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:49.908724, end time: 13:25:50.910294
    Task MainProcess, start time: 13:25:50.910528, end time: 13:25:51.910837
    Done. (10014.4ms) Process.
  • 并行 运行任务测试

    • Pool.starmap_async() 设置 4个 进程并行

      # protect the entry point
      if __name__ == '__main__':
          t1 = time.time()
          # create and configure the process pool
          with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
              # prepare arguments
              items = [(i, random()) for i in range(10)]
              # issues tasks to process pool
              result = pool.starmap_async(task, items)
              # iterate results
              for result in result.get():
                  print(f'Got result: {result}', flush=True)      
          # process pool is closed automatically
          t2 = time.time()
          print(f'Done. ({(1E3 * (t2 - t1)):.1f}ms) Process.')

      运行时间 time=3027.1ms,结果如下:

      Task ForkPoolWorker-4, start time: 13:33:24.838418, end time: 13:33:25.839684
      Task ForkPoolWorker-3, start time: 13:33:24.838547, end time: 13:33:25.839684
      Task ForkPoolWorker-2, start time: 13:33:24.838292, end time: 13:33:25.839684
      Task ForkPoolWorker-1, start time: 13:33:24.838231, end time: 13:33:25.839684
      Task ForkPoolWorker-3, start time: 13:33:25.840190, end time: 13:33:26.841160
      Task ForkPoolWorker-2, start time: 13:33:25.840530, end time: 13:33:26.841349
      Task ForkPoolWorker-1, start time: 13:33:25.840703, end time: 13:33:26.841380
      Task ForkPoolWorker-4, start time: 13:33:25.840296, end time: 13:33:26.841381
      Task ForkPoolWorker-3, start time: 13:33:26.841865, end time: 13:33:27.842449
      Task ForkPoolWorker-2, start time: 13:33:26.841977, end time: 13:33:27.843139
      Got result: 0.0
      Got result: 0.07020127371886742
      Got result: 1.1256784597006964
      Got result: 1.5461355349791022
      Got result: 0.8560855815072403
      Got result: 3.882912015620671
      Got result: 1.7547963496144667
      Got result: 1.0103926687967728
      Got result: 4.760893202587357
      Got result: 4.2627716915139695
      Done. (3027.1ms) Process.
    • Pool.starmap() 设置 4个 进程并行

        # protect the entry point
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            t1 = time.time()
            # create and configure the process pool
            with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
                # prepare arguments
                items = [(i, random()) for i in range(10)]
                # issues tasks to process pool
                result = pool.starmap(task, items)
            # process pool is closed automatically
        t2 = time.time()
        print(f'Done. ({(1E3 * (t2 - t1)):.1f}ms) Process.')

      运行时间 time=3026.7ms,结果如下:

      Task ForkPoolWorker-1, start time: 13:41:59.417044, end time: 13:42:00.418067
      Task ForkPoolWorker-4, start time: 13:41:59.417248, end time: 13:42:00.418067
      Task ForkPoolWorker-2, start time: 13:41:59.417206, end time: 13:42:00.418067
      Task ForkPoolWorker-3, start time: 13:41:59.417213, end time: 13:42:00.418067
      Task ForkPoolWorker-4, start time: 13:42:00.418833, end time: 13:42:01.419987
      Task ForkPoolWorker-2, start time: 13:42:00.419155, end time: 13:42:01.420250
      Task ForkPoolWorker-1, start time: 13:42:00.419356, end time: 13:42:01.420633
      Task ForkPoolWorker-3, start time: 13:42:00.419487, end time: 13:42:01.420784
      Task ForkPoolWorker-4, start time: 13:42:01.420545, end time: 13:42:02.421670
      Task ForkPoolWorker-2, start time: 13:42:01.421409, end time: 13:42:02.422508
      [0.0, 0.22916987317496185, 1.48514094188553, 2.6743708768075924, 1.5402186086037761, 4.265952360897589, 0.8526580381048074, 3.806662622060956, 0.8377934521648509, 6.092057694481896]
      Done. (3026.7ms) Process.
  • 更多详细描述见 Multiprocessing Pool.starmap_async() in Python

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`pool.apply_async()` 是 Python `multiprocessing` 模块中的一个方法,用于向进程池中提交异步任务。 其语法如下: ```python apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback[, error_callback]]]]) ``` 其中,`func` 是要执行的任务函数,`args` 是要传入任务函数的参数,`kwds` 是要传入任务函数的关键字参数。`callback` 是任务执行完成后要调用的回调函数,`error_callback` 是任务执行发生错误时要调用的回调函数。 `apply_async()` 方法会立即返回一个 `AsyncResult` 对象,这个对象可以用来获取任务执行的结果或者等待任务执行完成。可以使用 `get()` 方法来获取任务的结果,或者使用 `wait()` 方法等待任务执行完成。 下面是一个使用 `pool.apply_async()` 方法的示例代码: ```python import multiprocessing def worker(num): """子进程要执行的任务""" result = num * 2 return result if __name__ == '__main__': # 创建进程池 pool = multiprocessing.Pool() # 提交任务到进程池中 results = [] for i in range(5): result = pool.apply_async(worker, args=(i,)) results.append(result) # 关闭进程池 pool.close() # 等待所有进程完成任务 pool.join() # 输出结果 for result in results: print(result.get()) ``` 在这个示例中,首先创建了一个进程池 `pool`,然后使用 `apply_async()` 方法向进程池提交任务,每个任务都会调用 `worker()` 函数,计算结果并返回。在提交完所有任务后,关闭进程池并等待所有进程完成任务。最后,遍历任务结果并输出。


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