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create table table_carinfo(
       id number(32) primary key,
       type varchar2(32),
       brand varchar2(64),
       series varchar2(64),
       age varchar2(64),
       displace varchar2(32),
       distance varchar2(64),
       colour varchar2(64),
       cost varchar2(64)


create sequence my_seq increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;
create or replace trigger my_tgr
      before insert on table_carinfo
      for each row 
      next_id number;
      select my_seq.nextval into next_id from dual ;
      :new.id := next_id; 


create table basic_info(
       id number(32) primary key,
       licence_time date,
       mileage varchar2(64),
       displace varchar2(32),
       change_box varchar2(32),
       standard varchar2(32),
       nature varchar2(32),
       colour varchar2(32),
       mainteance varchar2(64),
       year_inspect date,
       business date,
       qiangxian date,
       history varchar2(32),
       vin varchar2(256)


create sequence my_seq2 increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;
create or replace trigger my_tgr2
      before insert on basic_info
      for each row 
      next_id number;
      select my_seq2.nextval into next_id from dual ;
      :new.id := next_id; 


create table peizhi_info(
       id number(32) primary key,
       change_num varchar2(64),
       drive_way varchar2(64),
       youhao varchar2(64),
       jiegou varchar2(64),
       gangshu varchar2(32),
       gonglv varchar2(64),
       jinqi_type varchar2(64)      


create sequence my_seq3 increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;
create or replace trigger my_tgr3
      before insert on peizhi_info
      for each row 
      next_id number;
      select my_seq3.nextval into next_id from dual ;
      :new.id := next_id; 


create table describe_info(
       id number(32) primary key,
       name varchar2(64),
       describe varchar2(256),
       click number(32)


create sequence my_seq4 increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;
create or replace trigger my_tgr4
			before insert on describe_info
			for each row 
			next_id number;
			select my_seq4.nextval into next_id from dual ;
			:new.id := next_id; 



create table sell_info(
       id number(32) primary key,
       name varchar2(64),
       tel varchar2(64),
       didian varchar2(256)


create sequence my_seq5 increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;
create or replace trigger my_tgr5
      before insert on sell_info
      for each row 
      next_id number;
      select my_seq5.nextval into next_id from dual ;
      :new.id := next_id; 


create table img_table(
       id number(32) primary key,
       dizhi1 varchar2(64),
       dizhi2 varchar2(64),
       dizhi3 varchar2(64)     


reate sequence my_seq6 increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;
create or replace trigger my_tgr6
      before insert on img_table
      for each row 
      next_id number;
      select my_seq6.nextval into next_id from dual ;
      :new.id := next_id; 




package com.keshe.util;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class getconnection {
	public Connection getconnection() throws ClassNotFoundException{
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		Statement stmt = null;
		Connection conn=null; 
 		String sql = "select * from ricky_user";
 		PreparedStatement ps = null;
 		int rst ;
 		ResultSet rs = null;
 				String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:XE";//填写自己的地址
 		catch(Exception ex)
 		return conn;
	public static void close(Connection con){
	            try {
	            } catch (Exception e) {
	                // TODO Auto-generated catch block



package com.keshe.javabean;

public class car {
	private String id;
	private String type;
	private String brand;
	private String series;
	private String age;
	private String displace;
	private String distance;
	private String colour;
	private String cost;
	private String licence_time;
	private String change_box;
	private String standard;
	private String nature;
	private String mainteance;
	private String year_inspect;
	private String business;
	private String qiangxian;
	private String history;
	private String vin;
	private String change_num;
	private String drive_way;
	private String youhao;
	private String jiegou;
	private String gangshu;
	private String gonglv;
	private String jinqi_type;
	private String dizhi1;
	private String dizhi2;
	private String dizhi3;
	private String click;
	private String didian;
	private String name;
	private String tel;
	public String getDidian() {
		return didian;
	public void setDidian(String didian) {
		this.didian = didian;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;
	public String getTel() {
		return tel;
	public void setTel(String tel) {
		this.tel = tel;
	public String getClick() {
		return click;
	public void setClick(String click) {
		this.click = click;
	public String getDizhi1() {
		return dizhi1;
	public void setDizhi1(String dizhi1) {
		this.dizhi1 = dizhi1;
	public String getDizhi2() {
		return dizhi2;
	public void setDizhi2(String dizhi2) {
		this.dizhi2 = dizhi2;
	public String getDizhi3() {
		return dizhi3;
	public void setDizhi3(String dizhi3) {
		this.dizhi3 = dizhi3;
	public String getId() {
		return id;
	public void setId(String id) {
		this.id = id;
	public String getType() {
		return type;
	public void setType(String type) {
		this.type = type;
	public String getBrand() {
		return brand;
	public void setBrand(String brand) {
		this.brand = brand;
	public String getSeries() {
		return series;
	public void setSeries(String series) {
		this.series = series;
	public String getAge() {
		return age;
	public void setAge(String age) {
		this.age = age;
	public String getDisplace() {
		return displace;
	public void setDisplace(String displace) {
		this.displace = displace;
	public String getDistance() {
		return distance;
	public void setDistance(String distance) {
		this.distance = distance;
	public String getColour() {
		return colour;
	public void setColour(String colour) {
		this.colour = colour;
	public String getCost() {
		return cost;
	public void setCost(String cost) {
		this.cost = cost;
	public String getLicence_time() {
		return licence_time;
	public void setLicence_time(String licence_time) {
		this.licence_time = licence_time;
	public String getChange_box() {
		return change_box;
	public void setChange_box(String change_box) {
		this.change_box = change_box;
	public String getStandard() {
		return standard;
	public void setStandard(String standard) {
		this.standard = standard;
	public String getNature() {
		return nature;
	public void setNature(String nature) {
		this.nature = nature;
	public String getMainteance() {
		return mainteance;
	public void setMainteance(String mainteance) {
		this.mainteance = mainteance;
	public String getYear_inspect() {
		return year_inspect;
	public void setYear_inspect(String year_inspect) {
		this.year_inspect = year_inspect;
	public String getBusiness() {
		return business;
	public void setBusiness(String business) {
		this.business = business;
	public String getQiangxian() {
		return qiangxian;
	public void setQiangxian(String qiangxian) {
		this.qiangxian = qiangxian;
	public String getHistory() {
		return history;
	public void setHistory(String history) {
		this.history = history;
	public String getVin() {
		return vin;
	public void setVin(String vin) {
		this.vin = vin;
	public String getChange_num() {
		return change_num;
	public void setChange_num(String change_num) {
		this.change_num = change_num;
	public String getDrive_way() {
		return drive_way;
	public void setDrive_way(String drive_way) {
		this.drive_way = drive_way;
	public String getYouhao() {
		return youhao;
	public void setYouhao(String youhao) {
		this.youhao = youhao;
	public String getJiegou() {
		return jiegou;
	public void setJiegou(String jiegou) {
		this.jiegou = jiegou;
	public String getGangshu() {
		return gangshu;
	public void setGangshu(String gangshu) {
		this.gangshu = gangshu;
	public String getGonglv() {
		return gonglv;
	public void setGonglv(String gonglv) {
		this.gonglv = gonglv;
	public String getJinqi_type() {
		return jinqi_type;
	public void setJinqi_type(String jinqi_type) {
		this.jinqi_type = jinqi_type;


package com.keshe.dao;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.keshe.javabean.car;
import com.keshe.util.getconnection;
import com.keshe.util.getconnection;
public class sou {
	Connection conn =null;
    public List<car> findName(String sousuo) throws Exception {
    	String sql="select * from  table_carinfo a inner join basic_info b on a.id=b.id "
        		+ "inner join peizhi_info c on a.id=c.id inner join img_table d on a.id=d.id "
        		+ "inner join sell_info e on a.id=e.id where a.type =?";
    	List<car> all=new ArrayList<car>();
        Connection con=new getconnection().getconnection();
        ResultSet rs=null;
        PreparedStatement ps=null;
        Statement st =null;
    		sql="select * from  table_carinfo a inner join basic_info b on a.id=b.id "
            		+ "inner join peizhi_info c on a.id=c.id inner join img_table d on a.id=d.id "
            		+ "inner join sell_info e on a.id=e.id";
    		st= con.createStatement();
    		rs =st.executeQuery(sql);
    		car car=null;
                car=new car();
            ps.setString(1, sousuo);
            car car=null;
                car=new car();
        return all;


package com.keshe.service;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.keshe.dao.sou;
import com.keshe.javabean.car;

 * Servlet implementation class sousuo
public class sousuo extends HttpServlet {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
     * @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet()
    public sousuo() {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

	 * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
	protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		//String sousuo=request.getParameter("sousuo");
		String sousuo = new String(request.getParameter("sousuo").getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "utf-8"); 
		sou sou=new sou();
		try {
			List<car> all=sou.findName(sousuo);
			request.setAttribute("all", all);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		request.getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);



package com.keshe.service;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.keshe.dao.idsou;
import com.keshe.dao.update;
import com.keshe.javabean.car;

 * Servlet implementation class detailservlet
public class detailservlet extends HttpServlet {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		String id=request.getParameter("id");
		idsou idsou=new idsou();
		try {
			List<car> pro=idsou.findName(id);
			int i =Integer.parseInt(pro.get(0).getClick());
			update up=new update();
			request.setAttribute("pro", pro);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

		request.getRequestDispatcher("/detil.jsp").forward(request, response);

	 * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
	protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub



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						    	for(int i=0;i<c.size();i++){
						    		String id=c.get(i).getId();
							<a href="#" class="single-image video picture">
								<img src=<%=c.get(i).getDizhi1() %> alt="" />

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								<h6 class="title-list-item"><%=c.get(i).getBrand() %>
								<%=c.get(i).getSeries() %></h6>
								<h6 class="title-list-item">车龄<%=c.get(i).getAge() %></h6>
							<div class="detailed">
								<span class="cost"><%=c.get(i).getCost() %>元</span>
								<span><%=c.get(i).getColour() %></span> <br />
								<b><%=c.get(i).getDistance() %>公里</b>	
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					<%List<car> d =(List<car>)request.getAttribute("pro"); %>
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					<%=d.get(0).getSeries() %>
					<%=d.get(0).getDisplace() %></h2>
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									<a class="thumb" name="leaf" href="images/temp/item-1.jpg" title="Title 0">
										<img src=<%=d.get(0).getDizhi1() %> alt="Title #1" />

									<a class="thumb" name="drop" href="images/temp/item-2.jpg" title="Title 1">
										<img src=<%=d.get(0).getDizhi2() %> alt="Title #2" />

									<a class="thumb" name="leaf" href="images/temp/item-3.jpg" title="Title 2">
										<img src=<%=d.get(0).getDizhi2() %> alt="Title #3" />
							</ul><!--/ .thumbs-->

						</div><!--/ #thumbs-->

					</div><!--/ #gallery-->
					<div class="extra">
						<b class="heading">价格:</b>
						<span class="cost"><%=d.get(0).getCost() %></span>
						<ul class="list type-1">
							<li><b>基本信息: </b><span></span></li>
							<li><b>上牌时间: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getLicence_time() %></span></li>
							<li><b>表显里程: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getDistance() %></span></li>
							<li><b>本车排量: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getDisplace() %></span></li>
							<li><b>变速箱: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getChange_box() %></span></li>
							<li><b>排放标准: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getStandard() %></span></li>
							<li><b>车辆性质: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getNature() %></span></li>
							<li><b>维修保养: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getMainteance() %></span></li>
							<li><b>年检到期: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getYear_inspect() %></span></li>
							<li><b>商业险到期: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getBusiness() %></span></li>
							<li><b>交强险到期: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getQiangxian() %></span></li>
							<li><b>车辆VIN码: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getVin() %></span></li>
						<ul class="list type-1">
							<li><b>基本信息: </b><span></span></li>
							<li><b>上牌时间: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getLicence_time() %></span></li>
							<li><b>点击次数: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getClick() %></span></li>
						<ul class="list type-1">
							<li><b>卖家信息: </b><span></span></li>
							<li><b>卖家姓名: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getName() %></span></li>
							<li><b>电话: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getTel()%></span></li>
							<li><b>交易地点: </b><span><%=d.get(0).getDidian()%></span></li>
					</div><!--/ .extra-->					
					<div class="entry-item">
						<h3 class="section-title">VIN Information</h3>
							Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
							Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
							consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
							nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
							mollit anim. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
							magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.
							Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
							nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
							esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt
							in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
							incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
						<div class="entry-tabs">

							<ul class="tabs-nav">

								<li><a href="#tab1">Specifications</a></li>
								<li><a href="#tab2">Safety</a></li>
								<li><a href="#tab3">Convenience</a></li>
								<li><a href="#tab4">Comfort</a></li>
								<li><a href="#tab5">Entertainment</a></li>

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								<div class="tab-content clearfix" id="tab1">
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Body Style: </b><span>SEDAN 4-DR</span></li>
											<li><b>Driveline: </b><span>FWD</span></li>
											<li><b>Fuel Economy-city: </b><span>30-32 miles/gallon</span></li>
											<li><b>Anti-Brake System: </b><span>Non-ABS | 4-Wheel | ABS</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Brake Type: </b><span>Disc</span></li>
											<li><b>Turning Diameter: </b><span>36.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Suspension: </b><span>Semi</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Spring Type: </b><span>Coil</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Headroom: </b><span>39.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Legroom: </b><span>41.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Shoulder Room: </b><span>53.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Hip Room: </b><span>51.90 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Curb Weight-automatic: </b><span>2568 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Overall Length: </b><span>178.30 in.</span></li>
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Overall Height: </b><span>58.50 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Ground Clearance: </b><span>5.70 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Track Front: </b><span>58.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Standard Seating: </b><span>5</span></li>
											<li><b>Cargo Volume: </b><span>13.60 ft.</span></li>
											<li><b>Maximum Towing: </b><span>1500 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Basic-distance: </b><span>36.000 mile</span></li>
											<li><b>Engine Type: </b><span>1.8L L4 DOHC 16V</span></li>
								</div><!--/ .tab-content -->

								<div class="tab-content clearfix" id="tab2">
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Fuel Economy-city: </b><span>30-32 miles/gallon</span></li>
											<li><b>Anti-Brake System: </b><span>Non-ABS | 4-Wheel | ABS</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Brake Type: </b><span>Disc</span></li>
											<li><b>Turning Diameter: </b><span>36.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Suspension: </b><span>Semi</span></li>
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Overall Height: </b><span>58.50 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Ground Clearance: </b><span>5.70 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Track Front: </b><span>58.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Standard Seating: </b><span>5</span></li>
											<li><b>Cargo Volume: </b><span>13.60 ft.</span></li>
											<li><b>Maximum Towing: </b><span>1500 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Basic-distance: </b><span>36.000 mile</span></li>
											<li><b>Engine Type: </b><span>1.8L L4 DOHC 16V</span></li>
								</div><!--/ .tab-content -->

								<div class="tab-content clearfix" id="tab3">
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Body Style: </b><span>SEDAN 4-DR</span></li>
											<li><b>Driveline: </b><span>FWD</span></li>
											<li><b>Fuel Economy-city: </b><span>30-32 miles/gallon</span></li>
											<li><b>Anti-Brake System: </b><span>Non-ABS | 4-Wheel | ABS</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Suspension: </b><span>Semi</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Spring Type: </b><span>Coil</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Headroom: </b><span>39.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Legroom: </b><span>41.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Shoulder Room: </b><span>53.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Hip Room: </b><span>51.90 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Curb Weight-automatic: </b><span>2568 lbs</span></li>
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Cargo Volume: </b><span>13.60 ft.</span></li>
											<li><b>Maximum Towing: </b><span>1500 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Basic-distance: </b><span>36.000 mile</span></li>
											<li><b>Engine Type: </b><span>1.8L L4 DOHC 16V</span></li>
								</div><!--/ .tab-content -->

								<div class="tab-content clearfix" id="tab4">
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Rear Suspension: </b><span>Semi</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Spring Type: </b><span>Coil</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Headroom: </b><span>39.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Legroom: </b><span>41.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Shoulder Room: </b><span>53.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Hip Room: </b><span>51.90 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Curb Weight-automatic: </b><span>2568 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Overall Length: </b><span>178.30 in.</span></li>
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Overall Height: </b><span>58.50 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Ground Clearance: </b><span>5.70 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Track Front: </b><span>58.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Standard Seating: </b><span>5</span></li>
											<li><b>Cargo Volume: </b><span>13.60 ft.</span></li>
											<li><b>Maximum Towing: </b><span>1500 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Basic-distance: </b><span>36.000 mile</span></li>
											<li><b>Engine Type: </b><span>1.8L L4 DOHC 16V</span></li>
								</div><!--/ .tab-content -->

								<div class="tab-content clearfix" id="tab5">
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Body Style: </b><span>SEDAN 4-DR</span></li>
											<li><b>Driveline: </b><span>FWD</span></li>
											<li><b>Fuel Economy-city: </b><span>30-32 miles/gallon</span></li>
											<li><b>Anti-Brake System: </b><span>Non-ABS | 4-Wheel | ABS</span></li>
											<li><b>Rear Spring Type: </b><span>Coil</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Headroom: </b><span>39.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Legroom: </b><span>41.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Shoulder Room: </b><span>53.10 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Front Hip Room: </b><span>51.90 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Curb Weight-automatic: </b><span>2568 lbs</span></li>
									<div class="five columns">
										<ul class="list type-1">
											<li><b>Track Front: </b><span>58.30 in.</span></li>
											<li><b>Standard Seating: </b><span>5</span></li>
											<li><b>Cargo Volume: </b><span>13.60 ft.</span></li>
											<li><b>Maximum Towing: </b><span>1500 lbs</span></li>
											<li><b>Basic-distance: </b><span>36.000 mile</span></li>
											<li><b>Engine Type: </b><span>1.8L L4 DOHC 16V</span></li>
								</div><!--/ .tab-content -->

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	/* -------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Login Form
	/* -------------------------------------------------- */
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	/* -------------------------------------------------- */

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	/*	Buttons
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	/* -------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Forms
	/* -------------------------------------------------- */

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	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Alert Boxes
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Layout
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Header
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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	/* -------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Main Navigation
	/* -------------------------------------------------- */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Home
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	/* -------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Top Panel
	/* -------------------------------------------------- */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Contact Us
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Sidebar
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/*	Footer
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Media Queries
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* Smaller than standard 960 (devices and browsers) */
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			/*	Loan Calculator
			/* -------------------------------------------------- */

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/* All Mobile Sizes (devices and browser) */
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/* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */
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			width: 200px;

		.recent-list-cars li:nth-child(2n) {margin-right: 0 !important;}
		.recent-list-cars li:nth-child(3n) {margin-right: 20px;}
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Blog
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
		/*	One Item
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */

		.item .gallery {
			float: none;
			margin-right: 0;
			width: 100%;
			#gallery div.slideshow-container {height: 280px;}

				.item .list-image li {width: 132px;}
				.item .list-image li:nth-child(3n) {margin-right: 0;}
					.item .gallery .advance-link img {width: 420px;}
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Widgets
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
		/*	Content Tabs
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
			ul.tabs-nav li a {padding: 6px 7px;}

/* Mobile Portrait Size to Mobile Landscape Size (devices and browsers) */
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
		/*	General Classes
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
		.single-image {
			float: none;
			margin: 0 0 20px 0 !important;
			text-align: center;
			.single-image img {display: inline-block;}
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
		/*	One Item
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */

		.item .gallery {
			float: none;
			margin-right: 0;
			width: 100%;
			#gallery div.slideshow-container {height: 205px;}

				.item .list-image li {width: 124px;}
				.item .list-image li:nth-child(2n) {margin-right: 0;}

					.item .gallery .advance-link img {width: 260px;}	
					div.slideshow a.advance-link {
						width: 260px !important;
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*	Widgets
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
		/*	Content Tabs
		/* -------------------------------------------------- */
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			ul.tabs-nav li a {
				-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
				   -moz-border-radius: 3px;
						border-radius: 3px;
				padding: 6px 7px;
			ul.tabs-nav li.active a {border-bottom-color: #dddcdc;}



* Skeleton V1.2
* Copyright 2011, Dave Gamache
* www.getskeleton.com
* Free to use under the MIT license.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* 6/20/2012

/* Table of Contents
    #Base 960 Grid
    #Tablet (Portrait)
    #Mobile (Portrait)
    #Mobile (Landscape)
    #Clearing */

/* #Base 960 Grid
================================================== */

    .container                                  { position: relative; width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; }
	.container.content							{ width: 940px; }
    .container .column,
    .container .columns                         { float: left; display: inline; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; }
    .row                                        { margin-bottom: 20px; }

    /* Nested Column Classes */
    .column.alpha, .columns.alpha               { margin-left: 0; }
    .column.omega, .columns.omega               { margin-right: 0; }

    /* Base Grid */
    .container .one.column,
    .container .one.columns                     { width: 40px;  }
    .container .two.columns                     { width: 100px; }
    .container .three.columns                   { width: 160px; }
    .container .four.columns                    { width: 220px; }
    .container .five.columns                    { width: 280px; }
    .container .six.columns                     { width: 340px; }
    .container .seven.columns                   { width: 400px; }
    .container .eight.columns                   { width: 460px; }
    .container .nine.columns                    { width: 520px; }
    .container .ten.columns                     { width: 580px; }
    .container .eleven.columns                  { width: 640px; }
    .container .twelve.columns                  { width: 700px; }
    .container .thirteen.columns                { width: 760px; }
    .container .fourteen.columns                { width: 820px; }
    .container .fifteen.columns                 { width: 880px; }
    .container .sixteen.columns                 { width: 940px; }

    .container .one-third.column                { width: 300px; }
    .container .two-thirds.column               { width: 620px; }

    /* Offsets */
    .container .offset-by-one                   { padding-left: 60px;  }
    .container .offset-by-two                   { padding-left: 120px; }
    .container .offset-by-three                 { padding-left: 180px; }
    .container .offset-by-four                  { padding-left: 240px; }
    .container .offset-by-five                  { padding-left: 300px; }
    .container .offset-by-six                   { padding-left: 360px; }
    .container .offset-by-seven                 { padding-left: 420px; }
    .container .offset-by-eight                 { padding-left: 480px; }
    .container .offset-by-nine                  { padding-left: 540px; }
    .container .offset-by-ten                   { padding-left: 600px; }
    .container .offset-by-eleven                { padding-left: 660px; }
    .container .offset-by-twelve                { padding-left: 720px; }
    .container .offset-by-thirteen              { padding-left: 780px; }
    .container .offset-by-fourteen              { padding-left: 840px; }
    .container .offset-by-fifteen               { padding-left: 900px; }

/* #Tablet (Portrait)
================================================== */

    /* Note: Design for a width of 768px */

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) {
        .container                                  { width: 748px; }
		.container.content							{ width: 728px; }
        .container .column,
        .container .columns                         { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;  }
        .column.alpha, .columns.alpha               { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 10px; }
        .column.omega, .columns.omega               { margin-right: 0; margin-left: 10px; }
        .alpha.omega                                { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }

        .container .one.column,
        .container .one.columns                     { width: 28px; }
        .container .two.columns                     { width: 76px; }
        .container .three.columns                   { width: 124px; }
        .container .four.columns                    { width: 167px; }
        .container .five.columns                    { width: 220px; }
        .container .six.columns                     { width: 268px; }
        .container .seven.columns                   { width: 316px; }
        .container .eight.columns                   { width: 354px; }
        .container .nine.columns                    { width: 412px; }
        .container .ten.columns                     { width: 460px; }
        .container .eleven.columns                  { width: 488px; }
        .container .twelve.columns                  { width: 541px; }
        .container .thirteen.columns                { width: 604px; }
        .container .fourteen.columns                { width: 652px; }
        .container .fifteen.columns                 { width: 700px; }
        .container .sixteen.columns                 { width: 748px; }

        .container .one-third.column                { width: 236px; }
        .container .two-thirds.column               { width: 492px; }

        /* Offsets */
        .container .offset-by-one                   { padding-left: 48px; }
        .container .offset-by-two                   { padding-left: 96px; }
        .container .offset-by-three                 { padding-left: 144px; }
        .container .offset-by-four                  { padding-left: 192px; }
        .container .offset-by-five                  { padding-left: 240px; }
        .container .offset-by-six                   { padding-left: 288px; }
        .container .offset-by-seven                 { padding-left: 336px; }
        .container .offset-by-eight                 { padding-left: 384px; }
        .container .offset-by-nine                  { padding-left: 432px; }
        .container .offset-by-ten                   { padding-left: 480px; }
        .container .offset-by-eleven                { padding-left: 528px; }
        .container .offset-by-twelve                { padding-left: 576px; }
        .container .offset-by-thirteen              { padding-left: 624px; }
        .container .offset-by-fourteen              { padding-left: 672px; }
        .container .offset-by-fifteen               { padding-left: 720px; }

/*  #Mobile (Portrait)
================================================== */

    /* Note: Design for a width of 320px */

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .container { width: 260px; }
		.container.content	{ width: 260px; }
        .container .columns,
        .container .column { margin: 0; }

        .container .one.column,
        .container .one.columns,
        .container .two.columns,
        .container .three.columns,
        .container .four.columns,
        .container .five.columns,
        .container .six.columns,
        .container .seven.columns,
        .container .eight.columns,
        .container .nine.columns,
        .container .ten.columns,
        .container .eleven.columns,
        .container .twelve.columns,
        .container .thirteen.columns,
        .container .fourteen.columns,
        .container .fifteen.columns,
        .container .sixteen.columns,
        .container .one-third.column,
        .container .two-thirds.column  { width: 260px; }

        /* Offsets */
        .container .offset-by-one,
        .container .offset-by-two,
        .container .offset-by-three,
        .container .offset-by-four,
        .container .offset-by-five,
        .container .offset-by-six,
        .container .offset-by-seven,
        .container .offset-by-eight,
        .container .offset-by-nine,
        .container .offset-by-ten,
        .container .offset-by-eleven,
        .container .offset-by-twelve,
        .container .offset-by-thirteen,
        .container .offset-by-fourteen,
        .container .offset-by-fifteen { padding-left: 0; }


/* #Mobile (Landscape)
================================================== */

    /* Note: Design for a width of 480px */

    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
        .container { width: 420px; }
		.container.content	{ width: 420px; }
        .container .columns,
        .container .column { margin: 0; }

        .container .one.column,
        .container .one.columns,
        .container .two.columns,
        .container .three.columns,
        .container .four.columns,
        .container .five.columns,
        .container .six.columns,
        .container .seven.columns,
        .container .eight.columns,
        .container .nine.columns,
        .container .ten.columns,
        .container .eleven.columns,
        .container .twelve.columns,
        .container .thirteen.columns,
        .container .fourteen.columns,
        .container .fifteen.columns,
        .container .sixteen.columns,
        .container .one-third.column,
        .container .two-thirds.column { width: 420px; }

/* #Clearing
================================================== */

    /* Self Clearing Goodness */
    .container:after { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }

    /* Use clearfix class on parent to clear nested columns,
    or wrap each row of columns in a <div class="row"> */
    .row:after {
      content: '\0020';
      display: block;
      overflow: hidden;
      visibility: hidden;
      width: 0;
      height: 0; }
    .clearfix:after {
      clear: both; }
    .clearfix {
      zoom: 1; }

    /* You can also use a <br class="clear" /> to clear columns */
    .clear {
      clear: both;
      display: block;
      overflow: hidden;
      visibility: hidden;
      width: 0;
      height: 0;


div.controls {
	margin-top: 5px;
	height: 23px;

div.controls a {padding: 5px;}
div.ss-controls {float: left;}
div.nav-controls {float: right;}

div.slideshow-container {
	position: relative;
	clear: both;
	height: 305px;

.slideshow {margin-top: -5px;}

div.loader {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	background-image: url(../images/preloader.gif);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;
	width: 100%;
	height: 280px;

div.slideshow span.image-wrapper {
	display: block;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;

div.slideshow a.advance-link {
	display: block;
    height: 320px;
    text-align: center;
    width: 460px;

div.slideshow a.advance-link img {
	width: 460px;

div.slideshow a.advance-link:hover,
div.slideshow a.advance-link:active,
div.slideshow a.advance-link:visited {
	text-decoration: none;

ul.thumbs {
	clear: both;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

	ul.thumbs li {
		float: left;
		padding: 0;
		margin: 5px 10px 5px 0;
		list-style: none;
		ul.thumbs li.selected a.thumb img {
			opacity: 1;
			filter: alpha(opacity = 100);

			ul.thumbs img {
				opacity: .7;
				filter: alpha(opacity = 70);

	div.navigation div.top {
		margin-bottom: 12px;
		height: 11px;

		div.navigation div.bottom {
			margin-top: 12px;

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					display: block;
					float: left;
					margin-right: 2px;
					padding: 4px 7px 2px 7px;
					border: 1px solid #ccc;

				div.pagination a:hover {
					background-color: #eee;
					text-decoration: none;

					div.pagination span.current {
						font-weight: bold;
						background-color: #000;
						border-color: #000;
						color: #fff;

					div.pagination span.ellipsis {
						border: none;
						padding: 5px 0 3px 2px;





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