cesium 中添加、隐藏、删除热力图

在cesium 三维地图中我们用到人口热力图更加直观显示数据分布情况

参考 https://www.npmjs.com/package/cesium-heatmap?activeTab=readme


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Cesium Demo</title>
  <!-- 自己官网下载挥着使用下方 在线js -->
  <script src="./Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
  <script src="./Cesium/CesiumHeatmap.js"></script>

  <!-- <script src="https://cesium.com/downloads/cesiumjs/releases/1.118/Build/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script> -->
    @import url('Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css');

    /* @import url(https://cesium.com/downloads/cesiumjs/releases/1.118/Build/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css); */
    #cesiumContainer {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      overflow: hidden;

    .btn_group {
      position: fixed;
      left: 0;
      top: 0;
      z-index: 3;

  <div class="btn_group">
    <button class="create">创建</button>
    <button class="hide">隐藏</button>
    <button class="delete">删除</button>
  <div id="cesiumContainer"></div>

    let ACToken = '你自己的 cesium token';
    Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = ACToken;
    const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
      // 根据自己的情况设置对用的配置项
      animation: false,  //时间轴动画控件 
      baseLayerPicker: false,
      fullscreenButton: true,
      homeButton: false, // home键值,返回初始地图
      // infoBox: true,
      navigationHelpButton: false,    //是否显示右上角的帮助按钮 
      navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible: false,  // 导航说明显示
      requestRenderMode: true,
      // maximumRenderTimeChange : 200,
      sceneModePicker: false,         //是否显示3D/2D选择器 
      sceneMode: Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE3D, //显示三维地图
      shouldAnimate: true, // 动画效果展示
      shadows: true, //光照后的阴影效果
      terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain({
        requestVertexNormals: false,
        requestWaterMask: false, // 动态水流
      timeline: false,                 //时间轴控件 
      vrButton: false,
    // let pInfoStatusBar = new xt3d.SceneControl.PositionInfoStatusBar(viewer);

	// 热力区域范围,一个矩形区域,如果你不好确定,直接用 下方 data 中最小、最大经纬度
    let bounds = {  
      west: 115.88867461317612, // 西
      east: 117.42520967681416, // 东
      south: 39.515669885977225, // 南方
      north: 40.628930577792865 // 北
    // 将地图视角固定到该范围方便查看热力图数据
      destination: Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(bounds.west, bounds.south, bounds.east, bounds.north)

    // init heatmap
    let heatMap = CesiumHeatmap.create(
      viewer, // 对应 初始化 cesium的 vieer
      bounds, //热力图的区域范围
      params = {
        // 热力图的百分比颜色显示
        // "gradient": {
        //     "0.05": "rgb(0,0,255)",
        //     "0.25": "rgb(0 255 127)",
        //     "0.45": "rgb(0,255,0)",
        //     "0.65": "rgb(255 255 0)",
        //     "0.85": "rgb(255 165 0)",
        //     "1.00": "rgb(255,0,0)"
        // },
        radius: 100, // 热点半径
        blur: 0.75, //模糊尺寸
        maxOpacity: 0.85, // 最大不透明度
        minOpacity: 0.16,  //最小不透明度

    // 随机热力图数据
    let data = [
      { "x": 116.18489662381741, "y": 39.9873086960114, "value": 10 },
      { "x": 116.38303264743074, "y": 39.924417004370575, "value": 11 },
      { "x": 116.28140313086581, "y": 39.80950560881486, "value": 12 },
      // ......

    let valueMin = 0;  // 最小热力值
    let valueMax = 50;  // 最大热力值

    const oCreate = document.querySelector('.create');
    const oHide = document.querySelector('.hide');
    const oDelete = document.querySelector('.delete');
    let isShow = true; // 是否显示热力图数据

	 // 创建热力图
    oCreate.addEventListener('click', () => {
      isShow = true;
      heatMap.setWGS84Data(valueMin, valueMax, data);
    // 隐藏热力图
    oHide.addEventListener('click', () => {
      isShow = !isShow;
    // 删除热力图(原本CesiumHeatmap.js 中无 delete 方法,是自己在原型上添加的删除)
    oDelete.addEventListener('click', () => {
      isShow = false;



CesiumHeatmap.js 文件

 *  CesiumHeatmap.js v0.1 | Cesium Heatmap Library
 *  Works with heatmap.js v2.0.0: http://www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/
(function (window) {
	'use strict';

	function define_CesiumHeatmap() {
		var CesiumHeatmap = {
			defaults: {
				useEntitiesIfAvailable: true, //whether to use entities if a Viewer is supplied or always use an ImageryProvider
				minCanvasSize: 700,           // minimum size (in pixels) for the heatmap canvas
				maxCanvasSize: 2000,          // maximum size (in pixels) for the heatmap canvas
				radiusFactor: 60,             // data point size factor used if no radius is given (the greater of height and width divided by this number yields the used radius)
				spacingFactor: 1.5,           // extra space around the borders (point radius multiplied by this number yields the spacing)
				maxOpacity: 0.8,              // the maximum opacity used if not given in the heatmap options object
				minOpacity: 0.1,              // the minimum opacity used if not given in the heatmap options object
				blur: 0.85,                   // the blur used if not given in the heatmap options object
				gradient: {                   // the gradient used if not given in the heatmap options object
					'.3': 'blue',
					'.65': 'yellow',
					'.8': 'orange',
					'.95': 'red'

		/*  Create a CesiumHeatmap instance
		 *  cesium:  the CesiumWidget or Viewer instance
		 *  bb:      the WGS84 bounding box like {north, east, south, west}
		 *  options: a heatmap.js options object (see http://www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/docs.html#h337-create)
		CesiumHeatmap.create = function (cesium, bb, options) {
			var instance = new CHInstance(cesium, bb, options);
			return instance;

		CesiumHeatmap._getContainer = function (width, height, id) {
			var c = document.createElement("div");
			if (id) {
				c.setAttribute("id", id);
			c.setAttribute("style", "width: " + width + "px; height: " + height + "px; margin: 0px; display: none;");
			return c;

		CesiumHeatmap._getImageryProvider = function (instance) {
			//var n = (new Date()).getTime();
			var d = instance._heatmap.getDataURL();
			//console.log("Create data URL: " + ((new Date()).getTime() - n));

			//var n = (new Date()).getTime();
			var imgprov = new Cesium.SingleTileImageryProvider({
				url: d,
				rectangle: instance._rectangle
			//console.log("Create imageryprovider: " + ((new Date()).getTime() - n));

			imgprov._tilingScheme = new Cesium.WebMercatorTilingScheme({
				rectangleSouthwestInMeters: new Cesium.Cartesian2(instance._mbounds.west, instance._mbounds.south),
				rectangleNortheastInMeters: new Cesium.Cartesian2(instance._mbounds.east, instance._mbounds.north)

			return imgprov;

		CesiumHeatmap._getID = function (len) {
			var text = "";
			var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";

			for (var i = 0; i < ((len) ? len : 8); i++)
				text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));

			return text;

		var WMP = new Cesium.WebMercatorProjection();

		/*  Convert a WGS84 location into a mercator location
		 *  p: the WGS84 location like {x: lon, y: lat}
		CesiumHeatmap.wgs84ToMercator = function (p) {
			var mp = WMP.project(Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(p.x, p.y));
			return {
				x: mp.x,
				y: mp.y

		/*  Convert a WGS84 bounding box into a mercator bounding box
		 *  bb: the WGS84 bounding box like {north, east, south, west}
		CesiumHeatmap.wgs84ToMercatorBB = function (bb) {
			var sw = WMP.project(Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(bb.west, bb.south));
			var ne = WMP.project(Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(bb.east, bb.north));
			return {
				north: ne.y,
				east: ne.x,
				south: sw.y,
				west: sw.x

		/*  Convert a mercator location into a WGS84 location
		 *  p: the mercator lcation like {x, y}
		CesiumHeatmap.mercatorToWgs84 = function (p) {
			var wp = WMP.unproject(new Cesium.Cartesian3(p.x, p.y));
			return {
				x: wp.longitude,
				y: wp.latitude

		/*  Convert a mercator bounding box into a WGS84 bounding box
		 *  bb: the mercator bounding box like {north, east, south, west}
		CesiumHeatmap.mercatorToWgs84BB = function (bb) {
			var sw = WMP.unproject(new Cesium.Cartesian3(bb.west, bb.south));
			var ne = WMP.unproject(new Cesium.Cartesian3(bb.east, bb.north));
			return {
				north: this.rad2deg(ne.latitude),
				east: this.rad2deg(ne.longitude),
				south: this.rad2deg(sw.latitude),
				west: this.rad2deg(sw.longitude)

		/*  Convert degrees into radians
		 *  d: the degrees to be converted to radians
		CesiumHeatmap.deg2rad = function (d) {
			var r = d * (Math.PI / 180.0);
			return r;

		/*  Convert radians into degrees
		 *  r: the radians to be converted to degrees
		CesiumHeatmap.rad2deg = function (r) {
			var d = r / (Math.PI / 180.0);
			return d;

		return CesiumHeatmap;

	if (typeof(CesiumHeatmap) === 'undefined') {
		window.CesiumHeatmap = define_CesiumHeatmap();
	} else {
		console.log("CesiumHeatmap already defined.");

/*  Initiate a CesiumHeatmap instance
 *  c:  CesiumWidget instance
 *  bb: a WGS84 bounding box like {north, east, south, west}
 *  o:  a heatmap.js options object (see http://www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/docs.html#h337-create)
function CHInstance(c, bb, o) {
	if (!bb) {
		return null;
	if (!o) {
		o = {};

	this._cesium = c;
	this._options = o;
	this._id = CesiumHeatmap._getID();

	this._options.gradient = ((this._options.gradient) ? this._options.gradient : CesiumHeatmap.defaults.gradient);
	this._options.maxOpacity = ((this._options.maxOpacity) ? this._options.maxOpacity : CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxOpacity);
	this._options.minOpacity = ((this._options.minOpacity) ? this._options.minOpacity : CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minOpacity);
	this._options.blur = ((this._options.blur) ? this._options.blur : CesiumHeatmap.defaults.blur);

	this._mbounds = CesiumHeatmap.wgs84ToMercatorBB(bb);

	this._options.radius = Math.round((this._options.radius) ? this._options.radius : ((this.width > this.height) ? this.width / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.radiusFactor : this.height / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.radiusFactor));

	this._spacing = this._options.radius * CesiumHeatmap.defaults.spacingFactor;
	this._xoffset = this._mbounds.west;
	this._yoffset = this._mbounds.south;

	this.width = Math.round(this.width + this._spacing * 2);
	this.height = Math.round(this.height + this._spacing * 2);

	this._mbounds.west -= this._spacing * this._factor;
	this._mbounds.east += this._spacing * this._factor;
	this._mbounds.south -= this._spacing * this._factor;
	this._mbounds.north += this._spacing * this._factor;

	this.bounds = CesiumHeatmap.mercatorToWgs84BB(this._mbounds);

	this._rectangle = Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(this.bounds.west, this.bounds.south, this.bounds.east, this.bounds.north);
	this._container = CesiumHeatmap._getContainer(this.width, this.height, this._id);
	this._options.container = this._container;
	this._heatmap = h337.create(this._options);
	this._container.children[0].setAttribute("id", this._id + "-hm");

/*  Convert a WGS84 location to the corresponding heatmap location
 *  p: a WGS84 location like {x:lon, y:lat}
CHInstance.prototype.wgs84PointToHeatmapPoint = function (p) {
	return this.mercatorPointToHeatmapPoint(CesiumHeatmap.wgs84ToMercator(p));

/*  Convert a mercator location to the corresponding heatmap location
 *  p: a WGS84 location like {x: lon, y:lat}
CHInstance.prototype.mercatorPointToHeatmapPoint = function (p) {
	var pn = {};

	pn.x = Math.round((p.x - this._xoffset) / this._factor + this._spacing);
	pn.y = Math.round((p.y - this._yoffset) / this._factor + this._spacing);
	pn.y = this.height - pn.y;

	return pn;

CHInstance.prototype._setWidthAndHeight = function (mbb) {
	this.width = ((mbb.east > 0 && mbb.west < 0) ? mbb.east + Math.abs(mbb.west) : Math.abs(mbb.east - mbb.west));
	this.height = ((mbb.north > 0 && mbb.south < 0) ? mbb.north + Math.abs(mbb.south) : Math.abs(mbb.north - mbb.south));
	this._factor = 1;

	if (this.width > this.height && this.width > CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize) {
		this._factor = this.width / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize;

		if (this.height / this._factor < CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize) {
			this._factor = this.height / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize;
	} else if (this.height > this.width && this.height > CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize) {
		this._factor = this.height / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize;

		if (this.width / this._factor < CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize) {
			this._factor = this.width / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize;
	} else if (this.width < this.height && this.width < CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize) {
		this._factor = this.width / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize;

		if (this.height / this._factor > CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize) {
			this._factor = this.height / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize;
	} else if (this.height < this.width && this.height < CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize) {
		this._factor = this.height / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.minCanvasSize;

		if (this.width / this._factor > CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize) {
			this._factor = this.width / CesiumHeatmap.defaults.maxCanvasSize;

	this.width = this.width / this._factor;
	this.height = this.height / this._factor;

/*  Set an array of heatmap locations
 *  min:  the minimum allowed value for the data values
 *  max:  the maximum allowed value for the data values
 *  data: an array of data points in heatmap coordinates and values like {x, y, value}
CHInstance.prototype.setData = function (min, max, data) {
	if (data && data.length > 0 && min !== null && min !== false && max !== null && max !== false) {
			min: min,
			max: max,
			data: data

		return true;

	return false;

/*  Set an array of WGS84 locations
 *  min:  the minimum allowed value for the data values
 *  max:  the maximum allowed value for the data values
 *  data: an array of data points in WGS84 coordinates and values like { x:lon, y:lat, value }
CHInstance.prototype.setWGS84Data = function (min, max, data) {
	if (data && data.length > 0 && min !== null && min !== false && max !== null && max !== false) {
		var convdata = [];

		for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			var gp = data[i];

			var hp = this.wgs84PointToHeatmapPoint(gp);
			if (gp.value || gp.value === 0) {
				hp.value = gp.value;


		return this.setData(min, max, convdata);

	return false;

/*  Set whether or not the heatmap is shown on the map
 *  s: true means the heatmap is shown, false means the heatmap is hidden
CHInstance.prototype.show = function (s) {
	if (this._layer) {
		this._layer.show = s;

CHInstance.prototype.delete = function (s) {
  if(!this._layer) {
	if (CesiumHeatmap.defaults.useEntitiesIfAvailable && this._cesium.entities) {
	} else {
  this._layer.show = false;
  this._layer = null;

/*  Update/(re)draw the heatmap
CHInstance.prototype.updateLayer = function () {

	// only works with a Viewer instance since the cesiumWidget
	// instance doesn't contain an entities property
	if (CesiumHeatmap.defaults.useEntitiesIfAvailable && this._cesium.entities) {
		if (this._layer) {

		// Work around issue with material rendering in Cesium
		// provided by https://github.com/criis
		material = new Cesium.ImageMaterialProperty({
			image: this._heatmap._renderer.canvas,
		if (Cesium.VERSION >= "1.21") {
			material.transparent = true;
		} else if (Cesium.VERSION >= "1.16") {
			material.alpha = 0.99;

		this._layer = this._cesium.entities.add({
			show: true,
			rectangle: {
				coordinates: this._rectangle,
				material: material
	} else {
		if (this._layer) {

		this._layer = this._cesium.scene.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(CesiumHeatmap._getImageryProvider(this));

 *  heatmap.js v2.0.0 | JavaScript Heatmap Library: http://www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/
 *  Copyright 2008-2014 Patrick Wied <heatmapjs@patrick-wied.at> - All rights reserved.
 *  Dual licensed under MIT and Beerware license
 *  :: 2014-10-31 21:16
(function (a, b, c) {
	if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
		module.exports = c()
	} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
	} else {
		b[a] = c()
})("h337", this, function () {
	var a = {
		defaultRadius: 40,
		defaultRenderer: "canvas2d",
		defaultGradient: {.25: "rgb(0,0,255)", .55: "rgb(0,255,0)", .85: "yellow", 1: "rgb(255,0,0)"},
		defaultMaxOpacity: 1,
		defaultMinOpacity: 0,
		defaultBlur: .85,
		defaultXField: "x",
		defaultYField: "y",
		defaultValueField: "value",
		plugins: {}
	var b = function h() {
		var b = function d(a) {
			this._coordinator = {};
			this._data = [];
			this._radi = [];
			this._min = 0;
			this._max = 1;
			this._xField = a["xField"] || a.defaultXField;
			this._yField = a["yField"] || a.defaultYField;
			this._valueField = a["valueField"] || a.defaultValueField;
			if (a["radius"]) {
				this._cfgRadius = a["radius"]
		var c = a.defaultRadius;
		b.prototype = {
			_organiseData: function (a, b) {
				var d = a[this._xField];
				var e = a[this._yField];
				var f = this._radi;
				var g = this._data;
				var h = this._max;
				var i = this._min;
				var j = a[this._valueField] || 1;
				var k = a.radius || this._cfgRadius || c;
				if (!g[d]) {
					g[d] = [];
					f[d] = []
				if (!g[d][e]) {
					g[d][e] = j;
					f[d][e] = k
				} else {
					g[d][e] += j
				if (g[d][e] > h) {
					if (!b) {
						this._max = g[d][e]
					} else {
					return false
				} else {
					return {x: d, y: e, value: j, radius: k, min: i, max: h}
			}, _unOrganizeData: function () {
				var a = [];
				var b = this._data;
				var c = this._radi;
				for (var d in b) {
					for (var e in b[d]) {
						a.push({x: d, y: e, radius: c[d][e], value: b[d][e]})
				return {min: this._min, max: this._max, data: a}
			}, _onExtremaChange: function () {
				this._coordinator.emit("extremachange", {min: this._min, max: this._max})
			}, addData: function () {
				if (arguments[0].length > 0) {
					var a = arguments[0];
					var b = a.length;
					while (b--) {
						this.addData.call(this, a[b])
				} else {
					var c = this._organiseData(arguments[0], true);
					if (c) {
						this._coordinator.emit("renderpartial", {min: this._min, max: this._max, data: [c]})
				return this
			}, setData: function (a) {
				var b = a.data;
				var c = b.length;
				this._data = [];
				this._radi = [];
				for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) {
					this._organiseData(b[d], false)
				this._max = a.max;
				this._min = a.min || 0;
				this._coordinator.emit("renderall", this._getInternalData());
				return this
			}, removeData: function () {
			}, setDataMax: function (a) {
				this._max = a;
				this._coordinator.emit("renderall", this._getInternalData());
				return this
			}, setDataMin: function (a) {
				this._min = a;
				this._coordinator.emit("renderall", this._getInternalData());
				return this
			}, setCoordinator: function (a) {
				this._coordinator = a
			}, _getInternalData: function () {
				return {max: this._max, min: this._min, data: this._data, radi: this._radi}
			}, getData: function () {
				return this._unOrganizeData()
		return b
	var c = function i() {
		var a = function (a) {
			var b = a.gradient || a.defaultGradient;
			var c = document.createElement("canvas");
			var d = c.getContext("2d");
			c.width = 256;
			c.height = 1;
			var e = d.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 256, 1);
			for (var f in b) {
				e.addColorStop(f, b[f])
			d.fillStyle = e;
			d.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 1);
			return d.getImageData(0, 0, 256, 1).data
		var b = function (a, b) {
			var c = document.createElement("canvas");
			var d = c.getContext("2d");
			var e = a;
			var f = a;
			c.width = c.height = a * 2;
			if (b == 1) {
				d.arc(e, f, a, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
				d.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";
			} else {
				var g = d.createRadialGradient(e, f, a * b, e, f, a);
				g.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0,0,0,1)");
				g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0,0,0,0)");
				d.fillStyle = g;
				d.fillRect(0, 0, 2 * a, 2 * a)
			return c
		var c = function (a) {
			var b = [];
			var c = a.min;
			var d = a.max;
			var e = a.radi;
			var a = a.data;
			var f = Object.keys(a);
			var g = f.length;
			while (g--) {
				var h = f[g];
				var i = Object.keys(a[h]);
				var j = i.length;
				while (j--) {
					var k = i[j];
					var l = a[h][k];
					var m = e[h][k];
					b.push({x: h, y: k, value: l, radius: m})
			return {min: c, max: d, data: b}

		function d(b) {
			var c = b.container;
			var d = this.shadowCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
			var e = this.canvas = b.canvas || document.createElement("canvas");
			var f = this._renderBoundaries = [1e4, 1e4, 0, 0];
			var g = getComputedStyle(b.container) || {};
			e.className = "heatmap-canvas";
			this._width = e.width = d.width = +g.width.replace(/px/, "");
			this._height = e.height = d.height = +g.height.replace(/px/, "");
			this.shadowCtx = d.getContext("2d");
			this.ctx = e.getContext("2d");
			e.style.cssText = d.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;";
			c.style.position = "relative";
			this._palette = a(b);
			this._templates = {};

		d.prototype = {
			renderPartial: function (a) {
			}, renderAll: function (a) {
			}, _updateGradient: function (b) {
				this._palette = a(b)
			}, updateConfig: function (a) {
				if (a["gradient"]) {
			}, setDimensions: function (a, b) {
				this._width = a;
				this._height = b;
				this.canvas.width = this.shadowCanvas.width = a;
				this.canvas.height = this.shadowCanvas.height = b
			}, _clear: function () {
				this.shadowCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height);
				this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height)
			}, _setStyles: function (a) {
				this._blur = a.blur == 0 ? 0 : a.blur || a.defaultBlur;
				if (a.backgroundColor) {
					this.canvas.style.backgroundColor = a.backgroundColor
				this._opacity = (a.opacity || 0) * 255;
				this._maxOpacity = (a.maxOpacity || a.defaultMaxOpacity) * 255;
				this._minOpacity = (a.minOpacity || a.defaultMinOpacity) * 255;
				this._useGradientOpacity = !!a.useGradientOpacity
			}, _drawAlpha: function (a) {
				var c = this._min = a.min;
				var d = this._max = a.max;
				var a = a.data || [];
				var e = a.length;
				var f = 1 - this._blur;
				while (e--) {
					var g = a[e];
					var h = g.x;
					var i = g.y;
					var j = g.radius;
					var k = Math.min(g.value, d);
					var l = h - j;
					var m = i - j;
					var n = this.shadowCtx;
					var o;
					if (!this._templates[j]) {
						this._templates[j] = o = b(j, f)
					} else {
						o = this._templates[j]
					n.globalAlpha = (k - c) / (d - c);
					n.drawImage(o, l, m);
					if (l < this._renderBoundaries[0]) {
						this._renderBoundaries[0] = l
					if (m < this._renderBoundaries[1]) {
						this._renderBoundaries[1] = m
					if (l + 2 * j > this._renderBoundaries[2]) {
						this._renderBoundaries[2] = l + 2 * j
					if (m + 2 * j > this._renderBoundaries[3]) {
						this._renderBoundaries[3] = m + 2 * j
			}, _colorize: function () {
				var a = this._renderBoundaries[0];
				var b = this._renderBoundaries[1];
				var c = this._renderBoundaries[2] - a;
				var d = this._renderBoundaries[3] - b;
				var e = this._width;
				var f = this._height;
				var g = this._opacity;
				var h = this._maxOpacity;
				var i = this._minOpacity;
				var j = this._useGradientOpacity;
				if (a < 0) {
					a = 0
				if (b < 0) {
					b = 0
				if (a + c > e) {
					c = e - a
				if (b + d > f) {
					d = f - b
				var k = this.shadowCtx.getImageData(a, b, c, d);
				var l = k.data;
				var m = l.length;
				var n = this._palette;
				for (var o = 3; o < m; o += 4) {
					var p = l[o];
					var q = p * 4;
					if (!q) {
					var r;
					if (g > 0) {
						r = g
					} else {
						if (p < h) {
							if (p < i) {
								r = i
							} else {
								r = p
						} else {
							r = h
					l[o - 3] = n[q];
					l[o - 2] = n[q + 1];
					l[o - 1] = n[q + 2];
					l[o] = j ? n[q + 3] : r
				k.data = l;
				this.ctx.putImageData(k, a, b);
				this._renderBoundaries = [1e3, 1e3, 0, 0]
			}, getValueAt: function (a) {
				var b;
				var c = this.shadowCtx;
				var d = c.getImageData(a.x, a.y, 1, 1);
				var e = d.data[3];
				var f = this._max;
				var g = this._min;
				b = Math.abs(f - g) * (e / 255) >> 0;
				return b
			}, getDataURL: function () {
				return this.canvas.toDataURL()
		return d
	var d = function j() {
		var b = false;
		if (a["defaultRenderer"] === "canvas2d") {
			b = c
		return b
	var e = {
		merge: function () {
			var a = {};
			var b = arguments.length;
			for (var c = 0; c < b; c++) {
				var d = arguments[c];
				for (var e in d) {
					a[e] = d[e]
			return a
	var f = function k() {
		var c = function h() {
			function a() {
				this.cStore = {}

			a.prototype = {
				on: function (a, b, c) {
					var d = this.cStore;
					if (!d[a]) {
						d[a] = []
					d[a].push(function (a) {
						return b.call(c, a)
				}, emit: function (a, b) {
					var c = this.cStore;
					if (c[a]) {
						var d = c[a].length;
						for (var e = 0; e < d; e++) {
							var f = c[a][e];
			return a
		var f = function (a) {
			var b = a._renderer;
			var c = a._coordinator;
			var d = a._store;
			c.on("renderpartial", b.renderPartial, b);
			c.on("renderall", b.renderAll, b);
			c.on("extremachange", function (b) {
				a._config.onExtremaChange && a._config.onExtremaChange({
					min: b.min,
					max: b.max,
					gradient: a._config["gradient"] || a._config["defaultGradient"]

		function g() {
			var g = this._config = e.merge(a, arguments[0] || {});
			this._coordinator = new c;
			if (g["plugin"]) {
				var h = g["plugin"];
				if (!a.plugins[h]) {
					throw new Error("Plugin '" + h + "' not found. Maybe it was not registered.")
				} else {
					var i = a.plugins[h];
					this._renderer = new i.renderer(g);
					this._store = new i.store(g)
			} else {
				this._renderer = new d(g);
				this._store = new b(g)

		g.prototype = {
			addData: function () {
				this._store.addData.apply(this._store, arguments);
				return this
			}, removeData: function () {
				this._store.removeData && this._store.removeData.apply(this._store, arguments);
				return this
			}, setData: function () {
				this._store.setData.apply(this._store, arguments);
				return this
			}, setDataMax: function () {
				this._store.setDataMax.apply(this._store, arguments);
				return this
			}, setDataMin: function () {
				this._store.setDataMin.apply(this._store, arguments);
				return this
			}, configure: function (a) {
				this._config = e.merge(this._config, a);
				this._coordinator.emit("renderall", this._store._getInternalData());
				return this
			}, repaint: function () {
				this._coordinator.emit("renderall", this._store._getInternalData());
				return this
			}, getData: function () {
				return this._store.getData()
			}, getDataURL: function () {
				return this._renderer.getDataURL()
			}, getValueAt: function (a) {
				if (this._store.getValueAt) {
					return this._store.getValueAt(a)
				} else if (this._renderer.getValueAt) {
					return this._renderer.getValueAt(a)
				} else {
					return null
		return g
	var g = {
		create: function (a) {
			return new f(a)
		}, register: function (b, c) {
			a.plugins[b] = c
	return g
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Cesium是一个用于构建基于Web的地球和地理应用程序的开源JavaScript库。它提供了丰富的功能,包括可视化地图、三维场景和各种地理信息的呈现。在Cesium,要实现立体热力图,我们可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 数据准备:首先,我们需要准备热力图所需的数据。这些数据可以是一组带有位置和强度信息的点或网格数据。点数据可以是经纬度坐标或三维笛卡尔坐标。 2. 加载场景:在Cesium创建一个基本的地球场景。你可以选择使用默认的全球地形和图像或加载自定义的地形和图层。 3. 创建热力图:使用Cesium的实体(Entity)或其他图元,将准备好的数据添加到场景。可以为每个数据点或网格创建一个实体,并设置其位置、尺寸和颜色等属性。 4. 绘制热力效果:为了实现立体热力图,可以使用一些渐变色或其他颜色映射方案来表示不同强度的数据。可以使用Cesium的材质(Material)和着色器(Shader)来实现自定义的颜色渐变效果。 5. 交互和控制:在场景添加交互和控制功能,以便用户可以缩放、旋转和平移热力图,以及根据需求显示或隐藏热力图。 6. 其他可选功能:根据需要,可以添加其他功能,如鼠标悬停显示数据信息、点击交互以及动画效果等。 总之,通过Cesium,我们可以方便地实现立体热力图,只需准备好数据并进行相应的设置和调整即可。这样的热力图可以在三维场景以立体的方式呈现,提供更直观的信息表达和交互体验。




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