
一、查看Writing a New Valgrind Tool2.2.4)



2.2.4. Writing the code


A tool must define at least these four functions:


pre_clo_init() post_clo_init() instrument() fini()




The names can be different to the above, but these are the usual names. The first one is registered using the macro


VG_DETERMINE_INTERFACE_VERSION. The last three are registered using the VG_(basic_tool_funcs) function.


In addition, if a tool wants to use some of the optional services provided by the core, it may have to define other functions and tell the core about them.


2.2.5. Initialisation


Most of the initialisation should be done in pre_clo_init. Only use post_clo_init if a tool provides command line options and must do some initialisation after option processing takes place ("clo" stands for "command line options").


First of all, various "details" need to be set for a tool, using the functions VG_(details_*). Some are all compulsory, some aren’t. Some are used when constructing the startup message, detail_bug_reports_to is used if VG_(tool_panic) is ever called, or a tool assertion fails. Others have other uses.


Second, various "needs" can be set for a tool, using the functions VG_(needs_*). They are mostly booleans, and can be left untouched (they default to False). They determine whether a tool can do various things such as: record, report and suppress errors; process command line options; wrap system calls; record extra information about heap blocks; etc.


For example, if a tool wants the core’s help in recording and reporting errors, it must call VG_(needs_tool_errors) and provide definitions of eight functions for comparing errors, printing out errors, reading suppressions from a suppressions file, etc. While writing these functions requires some work, it’s much less than doing error handling from scratch because the core is doing most of the work.


Third, the tool can indicate which events in core it wants to be notified about, using the functions VG_(track_*). These include things such as heap blocks being allocated, the stack pointer changing, a mutex being locked, etc. If a tool wants to know about this, it should provide a pointer to a function, which will be called when that event happens.


For example, if the tool want to be notified when a new heap block is allocated, it should call VG_(track_new_mem_heap) with an appropriate function pointer, and the assigned function will be called each time this happens.


More information about "details", "needs" and "trackable events" can be found in include/pub_tool_tooliface.h.


2.2.6. Instrumentation


instrument is the interesting one. It allows you to instrument VEX IR, which is Valgrind’s RISC-like intermediate language. VEX IR is described in the comments of the header file VEX/pub/libvex_ir.h.


The easiest way to instrument VEX IR is to insert calls to C functions when interesting things happen. See the tool "Lackey" (lackey/lk_main.c) for a simple example of this, or Cachegrind (cachegrind/cg_main.c) for a more complex example.


2.2.7. Finalisation


This is where you can present the final results, such as a summary of the information collected. Any log files should be written out at this point.


2.2.8. Other Important Information


Please note that the core/tool split infrastructure is quite complex and not brilliantly documented. Here are some important points, but there are undoubtedly many others that I should note but haven’t thought of.


The files include/pub_tool_*.h contain all the types, macros, functions, etc. that a tool should (hopefully) need, and are the only .h files a tool should need to #include. They have a reasonable amount of documentation in it that should hopefully be enough to get you going.


Note that you can’t use anything from the C library (there are deep reasons for this, trust us). Valgrind provides an implementation of a reasonable subset of the C library, details of which are in pub_tool_libc*.h.


When writing a tool, in theory you shouldn’t need to look at any of the code in Valgrind’s core, but in practice it might be useful sometimes to help understand something.


The include/pub_tool_basics.h and VEX/pub/libvex_basictypes.h files have some basic types that are widely used.


Ultimately, the tools distributed (Memcheck, Cachegrind, Lackey, etc.) are probably the best documentation of all, for the moment.


The VG_ macro is used heavily. This just prepends a longer string in front of names to avoid potential namespace clashes. It is defined in include/pub_tool_basics.h.


There are some assorted notes about various aspects of the implementation in docs/internals/. Much of it isn’t that relevant to tool-writers, howe






三、VS2015里查看lackey文件夹的lk_main.c  (拷贝出来头文件)







































IRExpr是ppIRExpr,IRStmt是ppIRStmt,pp是pretty print的意思




IRStmt :== NoOp

| IMark of Addr64 * Int

| AbiHint of IRExpr * Int

| Put of Int * IRExpr

| PutI of IRArray * IRExpr * Int * IRExpr

| WrTmp of IRTemp * IRExpr

| Store of IREndness * IRExpr * IRExpr

| Exit of IRExpr * IRJumpKind * IRConst

| Dirty of IRDirty



IRExpr :== Binder of Int

| Get of Int * IRType

| GetI of IRTemp * IRArray * IRExpr * Int

| RdTmp of IRTemp

| Qop of IROp * IRExpr * IRExpr * IRExpr * IRExpr

| Triop of IROp * IRExpr * IRExpr * IRExpr * IRExpr

| Binop of IROp * IRExpr * IRExpr

| Unop of IROp * IRExpr

| Load of IREndness * IRType * IRExpr

| Const of IRConst

| Mux0X of IRExpr * IRExpr * IRExpr

| CCall of IRCallee * IRType * IRExprVec IRExprVec :== IRExpr | IRExprVec

IREndness :== LittleEndian | BigEndian IRArray :== Int * IRType  *  Int IRTemp :== UInt

IRConst :== Bool | UChar | UShort | UInt | ULong | Double IRJumpKind :== Ijk_Boring | Ijk_Call | Ijk_Ret

| Ijk_ClientReq | Ijk_Yield

| Ijk_EmWarn | Ijk_NoDecode | Ijk_MapFail | Ijk_TInval

| Ijk_NoRedir | Ijk_Trap | Ijk_Sys_syscall | Ijk_Sys_int32

| Ijk_Sys_int128 | Ijk_Sys_sysenter

IRType :== Ity_INVALID | Ity_I1 | Ity_I8 | Ity_I16 | Ity_I32

| Ity_I64 | Ity_I128 | Ity_F32 | Ity_F64 | Ity_V128






gcc -g -Wall hello.c -o hello   编译为可执行文件


valgrind --leak-check=full ./hello  测试


==4832== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==4832== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==4832== Using Valgrind-3.6.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==4832== Command: ./tmp
==4832== Invalid write of size 4      // 内存越界
==4832==    at 0x804843F: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==  Address 0x41a6050 is 0 bytes after a block of size 40 alloc'd
==4832==    at 0x4026864: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236)
==4832==    by 0x8048435: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832== Source and destination overlap in memcpy(0x41a602c, 0x41a6028, 5) // 踩内存
==4832==    at 0x4027BD6: memcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:635)
==4832==    by 0x8048461: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] // 重复释放
==4832==    at 0x4025BF0: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:366)
==4832==    by 0x8048477: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==  Address 0x41a6028 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 40 free'd
==4832==    at 0x4025BF0: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:366)
==4832==    by 0x804846C: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832== Use of uninitialised value of size 4 // 非法指针
==4832==    at 0x804847B: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) //由于非法指针赋值导致的程序崩溃
==4832==  Bad permissions for mapped region at address 0x419FFF4
==4832==    at 0x804847B: test (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832==    by 0x804848D: main (in /home/yanghao/Desktop/testC/testmem/tmp)
==4832== HEAP SUMMARY:
==4832==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==4832==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 2 frees, 40 bytes allocated
==4832== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==4832== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==4832== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==4832== ERROR SUMMARY: 4 errors from 4 contexts (suppressed: 11 from 6)
Segmentation fault




   enum {

      Err_Value, // 使用未初始化变量

      Err_Cond, // 使用未初始化值进行条件跳转

      Err_CoreMem, // 地址中包含未初始化字节

      Err_Addr, // 地址不可读或不可写

      Err_Jump, // 程序运行跳转至非法内存

      Err_RegParam, // Syscall寄存器参数包含未初始化字节

      Err_MemParam, // Syscall堆栈参数包含未初始化或不可寻址字节


      Err_Free, // 释放了非法内存

      Err_FreeMismatch, // new/new[]/malloc的内存没用对应delete/delete[]/free释放

      Err_Overlap, // strcpy/memcpy等函数的src和dest地址有重叠

      Err_Leak, // 内存泄露

      Err_IllegalMempool, // 内存池地址非法

      Err_FishyValue, // 函数参数中带有非法值,如size_t类型传入了负数







#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){

    int a, b[1];

    char* c = malloc(4);

    char* d = malloc(4);

    a = ( a == 0 ? b[0] : b[1] );

    memcpy(c, c+1, 2);

    d[4] = 1;

    free(d); free(d);

    return 0;




# 为了方便把结果输出到test.txt文件中

 valgrind --trace-flags=10000000 ./hello > test.txt 2>&1






valgrind --trace-flags=10000000 --trace-notbelow=1337 --trace-notabove=1375 ./hello > test.txt 2>&1


    0x4005DD:  pushq %rbp

              t0 = GET:I64(56)

              t1 = Sub64(GET:I64(48),0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t1

              STle(t1) = t0

              PUT(184) = 0x4005DE:I64


    0x4005DE:  movq %rsp,%rbp

              PUT(56) = GET:I64(48)

              PUT(184) = 0x4005E1:I64


    0x4005E1:  subq $32, %rsp

              t4 = GET:I64(48)

              t3 = 0x20:I64

              t2 = Sub64(t4,t3)

              PUT(144) = 0x8:I64

              PUT(152) = t4

              PUT(160) = t3

              PUT(48) = t2

              PUT(184) = 0x4005E5:I64


    0x4005E5:  movl $4,%edi

              PUT(72) = 32Uto64(0x4:I32)

              PUT(184) = 0x4005EA:I64


    0x4005EA:  call 0x4004E0

              t5 = Sub64(GET:I64(48),0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t5

              STle(t5) = 0x4005EF:I64

              t6 = 0x4004E0:I64

              ====== AbiHint(Sub64(t5,0x80:I64), 128, t6) ======

              PUT(184) = 0x4004E0:I64


    0x4004E0:  jmp*  2100050(%rip)

              t8 = Add64(0x4004E6:I64,0x200B52:I64)

              t9 = LDle:I64(t8)

              PUT(184) = t9

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Boring



    0x4005EF:  movq %rax,-16(%rbp)

              t0 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0:I64)

              STle(t0) = GET:I64(16)

              PUT(184) = 0x4005F3:I64


    0x4005F3:  movl $4,%edi

              PUT(72) = 32Uto64(0x4:I32)

              PUT(184) = 0x4005F8:I64


    0x4005F8:  call 0x4004E0

              t1 = Sub64(GET:I64(48),0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t1

              STle(t1) = 0x4005FD:I64

              t2 = 0x4004E0:I64

              ====== AbiHint(Sub64(t1,0x80:I64), 128, t2) ======

              PUT(184) = 0x4004E0:I64


    0x4004E0:  jmp*  2100050(%rip)

              t4 = Add64(0x4004E6:I64,0x200B52:I64)

              t5 = LDle:I64(t4)

              PUT(184) = t5

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Boring



    0x4005FD:  movq %rax,-8(%rbp)

              t0 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:I64)

              STle(t0) = GET:I64(16)

              PUT(184) = 0x400601:I64


    0x400601:  cmpl $0, -20(%rbp)

              t4 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEC:I64)

              t3 = LDle:I32(t4)

              t2 = 0x0:I32

              t1 = Sub32(t3,t2)

              PUT(144) = 0x7:I64

              PUT(152) = 32Uto64(t3)

              PUT(160) = 32Uto64(t2)

              PUT(184) = 0x400605:I64


    0x400605:  jne-8 0x40060C 

              if (64to1(amd64g_calculate_condition[mcx=0x13]{0x581243c0}(0x4:I64,GET:I64(144),GET:I64(152),GET:I64(160),GET:I64(168)):I64)) { PUT(184) = 0x400607:I64; exit-Boring }

              PUT(184) = 0x40060C:I64

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Boring


    0x400607:  movl -28(%rbp),%eax

              t0 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE4:I64)

              PUT(16) = 32Uto64(LDle:I32(t0))

              PUT(184) = 0x40060A:I64


    0x40060A:  jmp-8 0x40060F

              PUT(184) = 0x40060F:I64


    0x40060F:  movl %eax,-20(%rbp)

              t1 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEC:I64)

              STle(t1) = 64to32(GET:I64(16))

              PUT(184) = 0x400612:I64


    0x400612:  movq -16(%rbp),%rax

              t2 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0:I64)

              PUT(16) = LDle:I64(t2)

              PUT(184) = 0x400616:I64


    0x400616:  leaq 1(%rax), %rcx

              t3 = Add64(GET:I64(16),0x1:I64)

              PUT(24) = t3

              PUT(184) = 0x40061A:I64


    0x40061A:  movq -16(%rbp),%rax

              t4 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0:I64)

              PUT(16) = LDle:I64(t4)

              PUT(184) = 0x40061E:I64


    0x40061E:  movl $2,%edx

              PUT(32) = 32Uto64(0x2:I32)

              PUT(184) = 0x400623:I64


    0x400623:  movq %rcx,%rsi

              PUT(64) = GET:I64(24)

              PUT(184) = 0x400626:I64


    0x400626:  movq %rax,%rdi

              PUT(72) = GET:I64(16)

              PUT(184) = 0x400629:I64


    0x400629:  call 0x4004D0

              t5 = Sub64(GET:I64(48),0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t5

              STle(t5) = 0x40062E:I64

              t6 = 0x4004D0:I64

              ====== AbiHint(Sub64(t5,0x80:I64), 128, t6) ======

              PUT(184) = 0x4004D0:I64


    0x4004D0:  jmp*  2100058(%rip)

              t8 = Add64(0x4004D6:I64,0x200B5A:I64)

              t9 = LDle:I64(t8)

              PUT(184) = t9

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Boring


    0x40062E:  movq -8(%rbp),%rax

              t0 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:I64)

              PUT(16) = LDle:I64(t0)

              PUT(184) = 0x400632:I64


    0x400632:  addq $4, %rax

              t3 = GET:I64(16)

              t2 = 0x4:I64

              t1 = Add64(t3,t2)

              PUT(144) = 0x4:I64

              PUT(152) = t3

              PUT(160) = t2

              PUT(16) = t1

              PUT(184) = 0x400636:I64


    0x400636:  movb $1, (%rax)

              t4 = GET:I64(16)

              STle(t4) = 0x1:I8

              PUT(184) = 0x400639:I64


    0x400639:  movq -8(%rbp),%rax

              t5 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:I64)

              PUT(16) = LDle:I64(t5)

              PUT(184) = 0x40063D:I64


    0x40063D:  movq %rax,%rdi

              PUT(72) = GET:I64(16)

              PUT(184) = 0x400640:I64


    0x400640:  call 0x4004A0

              t6 = Sub64(GET:I64(48),0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t6

              STle(t6) = 0x400645:I64

              t7 = 0x4004A0:I64

              ====== AbiHint(Sub64(t6,0x80:I64), 128, t7) ======

              PUT(184) = 0x4004A0:I64


    0x4004A0:  jmp*  2100082(%rip)

              t9 = Add64(0x4004A6:I64,0x200B72:I64)

              t10 = LDle:I64(t9)

              PUT(184) = t10

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Boring



    0x400645:  movq -8(%rbp),%rax

              t0 = Add64(GET:I64(56),0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8:I64)

              PUT(16) = LDle:I64(t0)

              PUT(184) = 0x400649:I64


    0x400649:  movq %rax,%rdi

              PUT(72) = GET:I64(16)

              PUT(184) = 0x40064C:I64


    0x40064C:  call 0x4004A0

              t1 = Sub64(GET:I64(48),0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t1

              STle(t1) = 0x400651:I64

              t2 = 0x4004A0:I64

              ====== AbiHint(Sub64(t1,0x80:I64), 128, t2) ======

              PUT(184) = 0x4004A0:I64


    0x4004A0:  jmp*  2100082(%rip)

              t4 = Add64(0x4004A6:I64,0x200B72:I64)

              t5 = LDle:I64(t4)

              PUT(184) = t5

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Boring


    0x400651:  movl $0,%eax

              PUT(16) = 32Uto64(0x0:I32)

              PUT(184) = 0x400656:I64


    0x400656:  leave

              t0 = GET:I64(56)

              PUT(48) = t0

              t1 = LDle:I64(t0)

              PUT(56) = t1

              PUT(48) = Add64(t0,0x8:I64)

              PUT(184) = 0x400657:I64


    0x400657:  ret

              t2 = GET:I64(48)

              t3 = LDle:I64(t2)

              t4 = Add64(t2,0x8:I64)

              PUT(48) = t4

              ====== AbiHint(Sub64(t4,0x80:I64), 128, t3) ======

              PUT(184) = t3

              PUT(184) = GET:I64(184); exit-Return



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根据引用中对互斥锁的描述,互斥锁是用来保护共享资源的。当一个线程获得了互斥锁后,其他线程需要等待,直到锁被释放才能去争抢这个锁。同时,根据引用中的描述,死锁是指两个或多个线程相互等待对方释放资源而无法继续执行的情况。 根据您提供的信息,您的程序在pthread_mutex_lock.c文件的第67行产生了段错误。段错误通常是由于访问了无效的内存地址导致的。可以通过以下步骤来排查和解决这个问题: 1. 检查代码逻辑:仔细检查pthread_mutex_lock.c文件的第67行代码,确保没有对无效的内存地址进行访问或者指针操作。 2. 检查变量的初始化和释放:确保在使用互斥锁之前,正确地初始化了互斥锁并在使用完毕后及时释放掉。使用pthread_mutex_init()函数进行初始化,使用pthread_mutex_destroy()函数进行释放。 3. 检查线程同步:如果在使用互斥锁的过程中涉及到多个线程对共享资源的访问,要确保线程之间的同步和顺序正确。可以使用pthread_mutex_lock()函数进行加锁,使用pthread_mutex_unlock()函数进行解锁。 4. 检查内存错误:使用内存检测工具(如Valgrind)来检查是否存在内存错误,例如使用未初始化的变量或者越界访问数组等。 5. 调试程序:在产生段错误的代码行前后加入打印语句或使用调试工具(如gdb)进行调试,查看具体的变量值和执行流程,以便定位到错误的原因。 请根据以上步骤逐个排查,找到并解决pthread_mutex_lock.c文件第67行产生段错误的问题。


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


