
1. 维他力量
# 这关会教你怎么定义你自己的函数。​
# 放在函数内的代码并不会立刻执行, 而是先保存好, 以备后用.​
# 这个函数会让你的英雄收集最近的金币。​
def pickUpNearestCoin():
    items = hero.findItems()
    nearestCoin = hero.findNearest(items)
    if nearestCoin:

# 这个函数会让你的英雄召唤一个士兵。​
def summonSoldier():
    # 在这里写下代码:当你有足够金币时召唤士兵
    if >= hero.costOf("soldier"):

# 这个函数会命令你的士兵攻击最近的敌人​
def commandSoldiers():
    for soldier in hero.findFriends():
        enemy = soldier.findNearestEnemy()
        if enemy:
            hero.command(soldier, "attack", enemy)

while True:
    # 在你的循环里,你可以"调用"你在上面定义的函数
    # 下面几行代码会让 "pickUpNearestCoin" 函数里的代码被执行。
    # 在这里调用 summonSoldier
    # 在这里调用 commandSoldiers

2. 双生花
# 如果花匠受伤了,双生花会缩小!​

def summonSoldiers():
    if >= hero.costOf("soldier"):

# 定义函数:commandSoldiers​
def commandSoldiers():
    for soldier in hero.findByType("soldier"):
        enemy = soldier.findNearestEnemy()
        if enemy:
            hero.command(soldier, "attack", enemy)

# 定义函数:pickUpNearestCoin​
def pickUpNearestCoin():
    coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
    if coin:

peasant = hero.findByType("peasant")[0]

while True:

3. 猎手和猎物
# Ogres對你的馴鹿虎視眈眈!​
# 當召喚士兵攻擊時,記得讓弓箭手保持在後方。​

def pickUpCoin():
    # 收集金幣
    coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
    if coin:

def summonTroops():
    # 如果有金幣,那就召喚士兵吧。
    if hero.costOf('soldier') <=
# 這個函式有一個主目,稱為 soldier​
# 主目就像參數。​
# 主目的值在被呼叫時會是固定的。​
def commandSoldier(soldier):
    # 士兵應該攻擊敵人。
    enemy = soldier.findNearestEnemy()
    if enemy:
        hero.command(soldier, "attack", enemy)

# 寫一條命令弓箭手的函式來告訴弓箭手做什麼!​
# 當被呼叫時,應該要有一個主目傳達給弓箭手,讓他跳至這個函式。​
# 弓箭手只能攻擊25公尺內的敵人,否則不會動作。​
def commandArcher(archer):
    enemy = archer.findNearestEnemy()
    if enemy and archer.distanceTo(enemy) < 25:
        hero.command(archer, "attack", enemy)
        hero.command(archer, "move", archer.pos)

while True:
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    for friend in friends:
        if friend.type == "soldier":
            # 這個盟友會被分配到在"士兵命令"裡參數指定的士兵中。
        elif friend.type == "archer":
            # 確定你有命令你的弓箭手

4. 收割火焰
# 目标是生存30秒,并且保持地雷完好至少30秒。​

def chooseStrategy():
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    # 如果你可以召唤一个格里芬骑士,返回 "griffin-rider"
    if >= hero.costOf("griffin-rider"):
        return "griffin-rider"
    fangriders = hero.findByType("fangrider")
    for i in range(len(fangriders)):
        fangrider = fangriders[i]
        if fangrider.pos.x < 38:
            return "fight-back"
    # 否则,返回 "collect-coins"
    return "collect-coins"

def commandAttack():
    # 命令你的狮鹫骑士攻击食人魔。
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    for i in range(len(friends)):
        friend = friends[i]
        enemy = friend.findNearest(enemies)
        if enemy:
            hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)
def pickUpCoin():
    # 收集硬币
    coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
    if coin:
def heroAttack():
    # 你的英雄应该攻击对方的骑士,跨过雷区的那些。
    enemy = hero.findNearest(hero.findByType("fangrider"))
    if enemy and hero.distanceTo(enemy) < 15:
while True:
    strategy = chooseStrategy()
    # 调用一个函数,取决于目前决定要做什么。
    if strategy is "griffin-rider":
    elif strategy is "fight-back":
    elif strategy is "collect-coins":

5. 劳心劳力
# 食人魔巫师为您准备了一坨惊喜。​

# 定义一个 chooseTarget 函数,让它接受friend 参数输入​
# 返回要攻击的目标,根据士兵的类型。​
# 士兵应该攻击巫师,弓箭手应该攻击最近的敌人。​
def chooseTarget(friend):
    target = None
    if friend.type == "archer":
        enemies = hero.findEnemies()
        target = friend.findNearest(enemies)
    if friend.type == "soldier":
        witches = hero.findByType("witch")
        target = friend.findNearest(witches)
    return target

while True:
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    for friend in friends:
        # 用你的 chooseTarget 函数决定要攻击什么。
        enemy = chooseTarget(friend)
        if enemy:
            hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)

6. 联合做战
# 练习用取模从数组中循环取值​

# 在数组array中编排好兵种组合​
summonTypes = ["soldier", "archer"]

def summonTroops():
    # 用%取模来循环预设的征兵方案 len(self.built)    
    type = summonTypes[len(hero.built) % len(summonTypes)]
    if(hero.costOf(type) <=
def gatherCoins():
    items = hero.findItems()
    item = hero.findNearest(items)
    if item:

def commandTroops():
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    for i in range(len(friends)):
        friend = friends[i]
        enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()
        if enemy:
            hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)

while True:

7. Steelclaw Gap
# This level introduces the % operator, also known as the modulo operator.​
# a % b returns the remainder of a divided by b​
# This can be used to wrap around to the beginning of an array when an index might be greater than the length​

defendPoints = [{"x": 35, "y": 63},{"x": 61, "y": 63},{"x": 32, "y": 26},{"x": 64, "y": 26}]

summonTypes = ["soldier","soldier","soldier","soldier","archer","archer","archer","archer"]

# You start with 360 gold to build a mixture of soldiers and archers.​
# self.built is an array of the troops you have built, ever.​
# Here we use "len(self.built) % len(summonTypes)" to wrap around the summonTypes array​

def summonTroops():
    type = summonTypes[len(hero.built) % len(summonTypes)]
    if >= hero.costOf(type):

def commandTroops():
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    for i in range(len(friends)):
        friend = friends[i]
        # Use % to wrap around defendPoints based on friendIndex
        point = defendPoints[i % len(defendPoints)]
        # Command your minion to defend the defendPoint
        hero.command(friend, "defend", point)

while True:

8. 戒指运送人
# <%= intro %>​
# <%= intro2 %>​
# <%= circle %>​
# <%= help %>​

# <%= soldier_offset %>​
# <%= arg1 %>​
# <%= arg2 %>​
def findSoldierOffset(soldiers, i):
    soldier = soldiers[i]
    angle = i * 360 / len(soldiers)
    return radialToCartesian(5, angle)

# <%= radial %>​
def radialToCartesian(radius, degrees):
    radians = Math.PI / 180 * degrees
    xOffset = radius * Math.cos(radians)
    yOffset = radius * Math.sin(radians)
    return {"x": xOffset, "y": yOffset}

peasant = hero.findByType("peasant")[0]

# <%= find_soldiers %>​
soldiers = hero.findByType("soldier")
while True:
    # <%= loop_soldiers_py %>
    for i in range(len(soldiers)):
        # <%= find_offset %>
        offset = findSoldierOffset(soldiers,i)
        # <%= add_offset %>
        x = peasant.pos.x + offset.x
        y = peasant.pos.y + offset.y
        moveTo = {"x": x, "y": y }
        # <%= command %>
        hero.command(soldiers[i], "move", moveTo)

    # <%= hero %>
    hero.move({"x": hero.pos.x + 0.2, "y": hero.pos.y})

9. Library Tactician
# Hushbaum has been ambushed by ogres!​
# She is busy healing her soldiers, you should command them to fight!​
# The ogres will send more troops if they think they can get to Hushbaum or your archers, so keep them inside the circle!​

# Soldiers spread out in a circle and defend.​
def commandSoldier(soldier, soldierIndex, numSoldiers):
    angle = Math.PI * 2 * soldierIndex / numSoldiers
    defendPos = {"x": 41, "y": 40}
    defendPos.x += 10 * Math.cos(angle)
    defendPos.y += 10 * Math.sin(angle)
    hero.command(soldier, "defend", defendPos);

# Find the strongest target (most health)​
# This function returns something! When you call the function, you will get some value back.​
def findStrongestTarget():
    mostHealth = 0
    bestTarget = None
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    # Figure out which enemy has the most health, and set bestTarget to be that enemy.
    for i in range(len(enemies)):
        enemy = enemies[i]
        if > mostHealth:
            bestTarget = enemy
            mostHealth =
    # Only focus archers' fire if there is a big ogre.
    if bestTarget and > 15:
        return bestTarget
        return None

# If the strongestTarget has more than 15 health, attack that target. Otherwise, attack the nearest target.​
def commandArcher(archer):
    nearest = archer.findNearestEnemy()
    if archerTarget:
        hero.command(archer, "attack", archerTarget)
    elif nearest:
        hero.command(archer, "attack", nearest)

archerTarget = None

while True:
    # If archerTarget is defeated or doesn't exist, find a new one.
    if not archerTarget or <= 0:
        # Set archerTarget to be the target that is returned by findStrongestTarget()
        archerTarget = findStrongestTarget()

    friends = hero.findFriends()
    soldiers = hero.findByType("soldier")
    # Create a variable containing your archers.
    archers = hero.findByType("archer")
    for i in range(len(soldiers)):
        soldier = soldiers[i]
        commandSoldier(soldier, i, len(soldiers));

    # use commandArcher() to command your archers
    for i in range(len(archers)):
        archer = archers[i]

10. The Geometry of Flowers
# You now have the Ring of Flowers! You can do:​
# toggleFlowers(True/False) - turns flowers on or off.​
# setFlowerColor("random") - can also be "pink", "red", "blue", "purple", "yellow", or "white".​

# Here are some functions for drawing shapes:​
# x, y - center of the shape​
# size - size of the shape (radius, side length)​
def drawCircle(x, y, size):
    angle = 0
    while angle <= Math.PI * 2:
        newX = x + (size * Math.cos(angle))
        newY = y + (size * Math.sin(angle))
        hero.moveXY(newX, newY)
        angle += 0.2

def drawSquare(x, y, size):
    cornerOffset = size / 2
    hero.moveXY(x - cornerOffset, y - cornerOffset)
    hero.moveXY(x + cornerOffset, y - cornerOffset)
    hero.moveXY(x + cornerOffset, y + cornerOffset)
    hero.moveXY(x - cornerOffset, y + cornerOffset)
    hero.moveXY(x - cornerOffset, y - cornerOffset)

redX = {"x": 28, "y": 36}
whiteX = {"x": 44, "y": 36}

# Pick a color.​

# Draw a size 10 circle at the redX.​
drawCircle(redX.x, redX.y, 10)

# Change the color!​

# Draw a size 10 square at the whiteX.​
drawSquare(whiteX.x, whiteX.y, 10)

# Now experiment with drawing whatever you want!​

11. The Spy Among Us
# The inner gate can hold for a long time.​
# However, one of these peasants is an OGRE SPY!​
# There is a hint! The spy's name has the letter "z"​

# This function checks for a specific letter in a word.​
# A string is just an array! Loop over it like an array​
def letterInWord(word, letter):
    for i in range(len(word)):
        character = word[i]
        # If character is equal to letter, return True
        if character == letter:
            return True
    # The letter isn't in the word, so return False
    return False

spyLetter = "z"
friends = hero.findFriends()

for friend in friends:
    friendName =
    if letterInWord(friendName, spyLetter):
        # Reveal the spy!
        hero.say(friendName + " is a spy!")
        hero.say(friendName + " is a friend.")

12. 以我的名义
# <%= choose_chest %>​
# <%= use_name %>​
# <%= chest_is_letter %>​

# <%= function_index_letter %>​
def letterIndex(word, letter):
    # <%= step_word_indexes %>
    for i in range(len(word)):
        char = word[i]
        # <%= return_index_if_true %>
        if char == letter:
            # <%= return_index %>
            return i
    # <%= if_nothing %>
    return 0

ogreLetter = "z"
shaman = hero.findByType("thoktar")[0]

# <%= find_index_and_use %>​
chestIndex = letterIndex(, ogreLetter)
hero.moveXY(16 + chestIndex * 8, 36)

13. Highlanders
# You must defeat the ogres​
# But they are using black magic!​
# Only the highlander soldiers are immune.​
# Find highlanders, their names always contain "mac"​

highlanderName = "mac"

# This function should search for a string inside of a word:​
def wordInString(string, word):
    lenString = len(string)
    lenWord = len(word)
    # Step through indexes (i) from 0 to (lenString - lenWord)
    for i in range(0, lenString - lenWord):
        # For each of them through indexes (j) of the word length
        for j in range(lenWord):
            # If [i + j]th letter of the string is not equal [j]th letter of world, then break loop
            if string[i+j] != word[j]:
            # if [j]th is the last letter of the word (j == lenWord - 1), then return True.
            elif j == lenWord - 1:
                return True
    # If loops are ended then the word is not inside the string. Return False.
    return False

# Look at your soldiers and choose highlanders only​
soldiers = hero.findFriends()
for soldier in soldiers:
    if wordInString(, highlanderName):
        hero.say( + " be ready.")
# ​

14. Perimeter Defense
# We need to build guard towers around the village.​
# Each peasant can build one tower.​
# Show them the place to build.​
# These towers are automatic and will attack ALL units outside the town.​

# First move along the north border (y=60) from x=40 to x=80 with the step 20.​
# `range` doesn't include the second edge.​
for x in range(40, 81, 20):
    # Move at each point and say anything.
    hero.moveXY(x, 60)
# Next move along the east border (x=80) from y=40 to y=20 with the negative step -20.​
for y in range(40, 19, -20):
    hero.moveXY(80, y)
# Continue for the two remaining borders.​
# Next the south border (y=20) from x=60 to x=20 with the negative step -20.​
for x in range(60, 19, -20):
    hero.moveXY(x, 20)
# Next the west border (x=20) from y=40 to y=60 with the step 20.​
for y in range(40, 61, 20):
    hero.moveXY(20, y)

# Don't forget hide inside the village.​
hero.moveXY(50, 40)

15. Dangerous Tracks
# Protect the village with fire traps.​
# Mine all passages in four directions.​
# You have 80 seconds before the ogres attack.​

# Build traps on the line y=114 from x=40 to x=112 with step=24.​
def buildNorthLine():
    for x in range(40, 113, 24):
        hero.buildXY("fire-trap", x, 114)

# Build traps on the line x=140 from y=110 to y=38 with step=18.​
def buildEastLine():
    # Complete this function:
    for y in range(110, 37, -18):
        hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 140, y)

# Build traps on the line y=22 from x=132 to x=32 with step=20.​
def buildSouthLine():
    # Complete this function:
    for x in range(132, 31, -20):
        hero.buildXY("fire-trap", x, 22)

# Build traps on the line x=20 from y=28 to y=108 with step=16.​
def buildWestLine():
    # Complete this function:
    for y in range(28, 109, 16):
        hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 20, y)

hero.moveXY(40, 94);

16. Resource Valleys
# Collect all the coins!​
# The peasants are unable to get the coins from other areas​
# However, each area only spawns a certain value of coin!​
# Filter through all the items and command the peasants accordingly.​

def commandPeasant(peasant, coins):
    # Command the peasant to the nearest of their array
    coin = peasant.findNearest(coins)
    if coin:
        hero.command(peasant, "move", coin.pos)

friends = hero.findFriends()
peasants = {
    "Aurum": friends[0],
    "Argentum": friends[1],
    "Cuprum": friends[2]

while True:
    items = hero.findItems()
    goldCoins = []
    silverCoins = []
    bronzeCoins = []
    for item in items:
        if item.value == 3:
        # Put bronze and silver coins in their approriate array:
        elif item.value == 2:
        elif item.value == 1:
    commandPeasant(peasants.Aurum, goldCoins)
    commandPeasant(peasants.Argentum, silverCoins)
    commandPeasant(peasants.Cuprum, bronzeCoins)

17. Flawless Pairs
# Collect 4 pairs of gems.​
# Each pair must contain equal valued gems.​

# This function returns two items with the same value.​
def findValuePair(items):
    # Check each possible pair in the array.
    # Iterate indexes 'i' from 0 to the last one.
    for i in range(len(items)):
        itemI = items[i]
        # Iterate indexes 'j' from 0 to the last.
        for j in range(len(items)):
            # If it's the same element, then skip it.
            if i == j:
            itemJ = items[j]
            # If we found a pair with two equal gems, then return them.
            if items[i].value == items[j].value:
                return [items[i], items[j]]
    # Return an empty array if no pair exists.
    return None

while True:
    gems = hero.findItems()
    gemPair = findValuePair(gems)
    # If the gemPair exists, collect the gems!
    if gemPair:
        gemA = gemPair[0]
        gemB = gemPair[1]
        # Move to the first gem.
        hero.moveXY(gemA.pos.x, gemA.pos.y)
        # Return to get the haste from the wizard.
        hero.moveXY(40, 44)
        # Then move to the second gem.
        hero.moveXY(gemB.pos.x, gemB.pos.y)
        # Return to get the haste from the wizard.
        hero.moveXY(40, 44)

18. Twins Power
# There are four pairs of twins, they should pray by pairs.​
# You need to find twins and call them.​

# Twins have the same names, only the last letter is different.​
# This function checks if the pair of units are twins.​
def areTwins(unit1, unit2):
    name1 =
    name2 =
    if name1.length != name2.length:
        return False
    for i in range(name1.length - 1):
        if name1[i] != name2[i]:
            return False
    return True

# Iterate over all pairs of paladins and​
#  say() their name by pairs if they are twins.​
friends = hero.findFriends()
for f1 in range(friends.length):
    for f2 in range(friends.length):
        if f1 != f2 and areTwins(friends[f1], friends[f2]):
            hero.say(friends[f1].id + " " + friends[f2].id)

# When twins are in their spots, lure the ogre.​
# Don't be afraid of beams - they are dangerous only for ogres.​
hero.moveXY(64, 36)
hero.moveXY(14, 36)

19. Think Ahead
# You need to distract "Big Bertha" until you special squad arrives.​
# The cannon shoots at the pair of soldiers closest to each other.​

# This function finds the pair of units​
# with the minimum distance between them.​
def findNearestPair(units):
    minDistance = 9001
    nearestPair = ["Nobody", "Nobody"]
    # You need to check and compare all pairs of units.
    # Iterate all units with indexes "i" from 0 to "len(units)".
    for i in range(len(units)):
        # Iterate all units again with indexes "j".
        for j in range(len(units)):    
            # If "i" is equal to "j", then skip (continue).
            if i == j:
            # Find the distance between the i-th and j-th units.
            distance = units[i].distanceTo(units[j])
            # If the distance less than 'minDistance':
            if (distance < minDistance):
                # Reassign 'minDistance' with the new distance.
                minDistance = distance
                # Reassign 'nearestPair' to the names
                # of the current pair of units.
                nearestPair = [units[i], units[j]]
    return nearestPair

while True:
    soldiers = hero.findByType("soldier")
    # We know when the cannon shoots.
    if hero.time % 8 == 5:
        # Find which pair of soldiers in danger and protect them.
        pairOfNames = findNearestPair(soldiers)
        # Say the soldier's names and wizards will protect them.
        hero.say(pairOfNames[0] + " " + pairOfNames[1])

20. Grid Search
# The treasure somewhere between trees.​
# The coordinates are 'x: ?0, y: ?0'. ​
# Move at all potential points and show to peasants where to dig.​

leftBorder = 20
rightBorder = 61
bottomBorder = 20
topBorder = 51
step = 10

# Iterate X coordinates from the left to right border with step 10.​
for x in range(leftBorder, rightBorder, step):
    # Use a nested loop to iterate through Y coordinates for each X.
    # Iterate y coordinates from the bottom to top border with step 10.
    for y in range(bottomBorder, topBorder, step):
        # Move to the point with coordinates X, Y and say anything.
        hero.moveXY(x, y)
        hero.say("Try here!")

# Allow peasants to check the last point.​
hero.moveXY(20, 10)

21. Grid Minefield
# The ogre formation is marching at the village.​
# We have 90 seconds to build a minefield.​
# We'll use their strict formation against them.​

# Use nested loops to build the grid minefield.​
# First iterate x coordinates from 12 to 60 with step 8.​
for x in range(12, 12 + 8 * 6, 8):
    # For each x iterate y cordinates from 12 to 68 with step 8.
    for y in range(12, 12 + 8 * 7, 8):
        # For each point build "fire-trap" there.
        hero.buildXY("fire-trap", x, y)
    # After each column, it's better to move right to avoid own traps.
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 8, hero.pos.y)

# Now wait and watch the coming ogres.​
# <= near_blow %>​
# Just move at the nearest mine when it's the time.​
while True:
    nearest = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
    if nearest and hero.distanceTo(nearest) < 20:
        hero.moveXY(52, 53)

22. To Arms!
# Ogres are going to attack soon.​
# Move near each of tents (to the X marks)​
# say() something at each X to wake your soldiers.​
# Beware: leave the camp when the battle begins!​
# Ogres will send reinforcements if they see the hero.​

# The sergeant knows the distance between tents.​
sergeant =  hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())

# The distances between the X marks.​
stepX = sergeant.tentDistanceX
stepY = sergeant.tentDistanceY
# The number of tents.​
tentsInRow = 5
tentsInColumn = 4

# The first tent mark has constant coordinates.​
firstX = 10
firstY = 14

# Use nested loops and visit all 20 tents.​
# IMPORTANT: move row by row - it's faster.​
for y in range(firstY, firstY + stepY * 4, stepY):
    for x in range(firstX, firstX + stepX * 5, stepX):
        # Move at the marks near tents and say anything.
        hero.moveXY(x, y)
        hero.say("Wake UP!")

# Now watch the battle.​

23. Power Points
# You need to find and destroy 3 skeletons.​
# Skeletons and items are summoned at points of power.​
# Move to a point and say the spell: "VENI".​
# To find the required points, use the wizard's map.​
# 0s are bad points. Positive numbers are good.​

spell = "VENI"
# The map of points is a 2D array of numbers.​
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
powerMap = wizard.powerMap

# This function converts grid into x-y coordinates.​
def convert(row, col):
    return {'x': 16 + col * 12, 'y': 16 + row * 12}

# Loop through the powerMap to find positive numbers.​
# First, loop through indexes of rows.​
for i in range(len(powerMap)):
    # Each row is an array. Iterate through it.
    for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
        # Get the value of the i row and j column.
        pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
        # If it's a positive number:
        if powerMap[i][j] > 0:
            # Use convert to get XY coordinates.
            coor = convert(i, j)
            # Move there, say "VENI" and be prepared!
            hero.moveXY(coor['x'], coor['y'])
            enemy = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
            while enemy and > 0:
            item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
            if item:
                hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)

24. Danger Valley
# Ogres have taken some peasants hostage!​
# The scouts have given you intel for an ambush.​
# this.grid holds an array of arrays.​
# Inside the sub-arrays, 0 is a peasant, 1 is an ogre.​
# Use this information to setup fire-traps.​

# Remember the containing array is just an array!​
# Iterate over all the elements of this array.​
for i in range(len(hero.grid)):
    row = hero.grid[i]
    # Now, row is just another array!
    # Iterate over all the tiles in this array:
    for j in range(len(row)):
        # Check if the tile at i, j is 1 to build:
        tile = row[j]
        if tile is 1:
            hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 36 + 6 * j, 20 + 6 * i)
# Finally, retreat back to cover.​
hero.moveXY(29, 55)

25. Sleepwalkers
# Our sleepwalking peasants are returning.​
# But sleeping yetis are also coming.​
# Build fences to let peasants through and stop yetis.​

# Senick's prepared the grid map how to build fences.​
hunter = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
fenceMap = hunter.getMap()

# This function converts grid into XY coordinates.​
def convertCoor(row, col):
    return {'x': 34 + col * 4, 'y': 26 + row * 4}

# Iterate over fenceMap and build at fence at all 1s.​
for i in range(len(fenceMap)):
    for j in range(len(fenceMap[i])):
        if fenceMap[i][j]:
            pos = convertCoor(i, j)
            hero.moveXY(pos['x'], pos['y'])
            hero.buildXY("fence", pos['x'], pos['y'])

# Move back to the village after building the fences.​
hero.moveXY(29, 17)

26. Cannon Landing Force
# We should send soldiers to defend the village.​
# Also we need clear out old fire traps.​
# For both of those goals we'll use the artillery!​
# The artillery can launch soldiers and anti-traps.​

# The scout prepared a map of the landing zone.​
# The map is a 2D array where cells are strings.​
landingMap = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends()).landingMap

# Tell the cannons the row, column, and target type.​
# To get the element, use array[i][j]​
# First, let's look at row 0 and column 0.​
cell = landingMap[0][0]
# Next, say the coordinates and what's there.​
hero.say("row 0 column 0 " + cell)

# Next cell is the 3rd row and the 2nd column.​
hero.say("row 3 column 2 " + landingMap[3][2])

# Now do it yourself for the next point:​
hero.say("row 2 column 1 " + landingMap[2][1]);
# The 1st row and 0th column.​
hero.say("row 1 column 0 " + landingMap[1][0]);
# The 0th row and 2nd column.​
hero.say("row 0 column 2 " + landingMap[0][2]);
# The 1st row and 3rd column.​
hero.say("row 1 column 3 " + landingMap[1][3]);

27. Snowdrops
# We need to clear the forest of traps!​
# The scout prepared a map of the forest.​
# But be careful where you shoot! Don't start a fire.​

# Get the map of the forest.​
forestMap = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends()).forestMap

# The map is a 2D array where 0 is a trap.​
# The first sure shot.​
hero.say("Row " + 0 + " Column " + 1 + " Fire!")

# But for the next points, check before shooting.​
# There are an array of points to check.​
cells = [{"row": 0, "col": 4}, {"row": 1, "col": 0}, {"row": 1, "col": 2}, {"row": 1, "col": 4},
    {"row": 2, "col": 1}, {"row": 2, "col": 3}, {"row": 2, "col": 5}, {"row": 3, "col": 0},
    {"row": 3, "col": 2}, {"row": 3, "col": 4}, {"row": 4, "col": 1}, {"row": 4, "col": 2},
    {"row": 4, "col": 3}, {"row": 5, "col": 0}, {"row": 5, "col": 3}, {"row": 5, "col": 5},
    {"row": 6, "col": 1}, {"row": 6, "col": 3}, {"row": 6, "col": 4}, {"row": 7, "col": 0}];

for cell in cells:
    row = cell["row"]
    col = cell["col"]
    # If row is less than forestMap length:
    if row < len(forestMap):
        # If col is less than forestMap[row] length:
        if col < len(forestMap[row]):
            # Now, we know the cell exists.
            # If it is 0, say where to shoot:
            if forestMap[row][col] == 0:
                hero.say("Row " + row + " Column " + col + " Fire!")

28. Reindeer Wakeup
# This array contains the status for each reindeer.​
deerStatus = [ 'asleep', 'asleep', 'asleep', 'asleep', 'asleep' ]

# And this array contains our reindeer.​
friends = hero.findFriends()

# Loop through the reindeer and find the awake ones:​
for deerIndex in range(len(friends)):
    reindeer = friends[deerIndex]

    # Reindeer with y position > 30 aren't in a pen.
    # If so, set the reindeer's entry to "awake".
    if reindeer.pos.y > 30:
        deerStatus[deerIndex] = 'awake'

# Loop through statuses and report to Merek.​
for statusIndex in range(len(deerStatus)):
    # Tell Merek the reindeer index and its status.
    # Say something like "Reindeer 2 is asleep".
    hero.say('Reindeer ' + statusIndex + ' is ' + deerStatus[statusIndex])

29. Reindeer Spotter
# This array contains each of the pen's positions.​
penPositions = [ {'x':20,'y':24}, {'x':28,'y':24}, {'x':36,'y':24}, {'x':44,'y':24}, {'x':52,'y':24} ]

# This array is used to track which reindeer is in it.​
penOccupants = [ 'empty', 'empty', 'empty', 'empty', 'empty' ]

# And this array contains our reindeer.​
friends = hero.findFriends()

# Figure out which reindeer are already in their pens.​
for deerIndex in range(len(friends)):
    reindeer = friends[deerIndex]

    # Check each pen if it matches a reindeer's pos.
    for penIndex in range(len(penPositions)):
        penPos = penPositions[penIndex]

        if penPos.x == reindeer.pos.x and penPos.y == reindeer.pos.y:
            # Put the id in penOccupants at penIndex.
            penOccupants[penIndex] =
            # break out of the inner loop here.

# Tell Merek what's in each pen.​
for occIndex in range(len(penOccupants)):
    # Tell Merek the pen index and the occupant.
    # Say something like "Pen 3 is Dasher"
    hero.say('Pen ' + occIndex + ' is ' + penOccupants[occIndex])

30. Reindeer Tender
# This is the array of pen positions​
penPositions = [ {"x":20,"y":24}, {"x":28,"y":24}, {"x":36,"y":24}, {"x":44,"y":24}, {"x":52,"y":24} ]

# Use this array to keep track of each pen's reindeer.​
penOccupants = [ None, None, None, None, None, ]

# And this array contains our reindeer.​
friends = hero.findFriends()

# Figure out which reindeer are already in their pens.​
for deerIndex in range(len(friends)):
    reindeer = friends[deerIndex]

    # For each position check if it matches a reindeer.
    for penIndex in range(len(penPositions)):
        penPos = penPositions[penIndex]

        if penPos.x == reindeer.pos.x and penPos.y == reindeer.pos.y:
            # Put the reindeer in occupants at penIndex
            penOccupants[penIndex] = reindeer
            # Remove the reindeer from the friends array.
            friends[deerIndex] = None
            # break out of the inner loop here:

# Assign the remaining reindeer to new positions.​
for deerIndex in range(len(friends)):
    # If the reindeer is null, use continue:
    reindeer = friends[deerIndex]
    if not reindeer:

    # Look for the first pen with nothing.
    for occIndex in range(len(penOccupants)):
        # If there is nothing, the pen is open:
        if not penOccupants[occIndex]:
            # Put the reindeer in the occupants array.
            penOccupants[occIndex] = reindeer
            # Command the reindeer to move to the pen.
            hero.command(reindeer, 'move', penPositions[occIndex])
            # break out early so we don't reassign:

31. Ritual of Rectangling
# We must summon the Ancient Warrior for this ogre!​
# Four paladins must form a rectangle.​
# But the rectangle needs a specific area and perimeter​
# Paladins will keep moving, say the spell when ready.​
# It is hard to be precise, but almost equal is good.​

# This function should compare valueA and B within 3%.​
def almostEqual(valueA, valueB):
    # Check if valueA is > 0.97 and < 1.03 of valueB.
    if valueA > 0.97 * valueB and valueA < 1.03 * valueB:
        return True
    # As a default, just check equality.
    return valueA == valueB

# This function should calculate the perimeter:​
def perimeter(side1, side2):
    # The perimeter is the sum of all four sides.
    return side1 * 2 + side2 * 2

# This function should calculate the perimeter:​
def area(side1, side2):
    # The area of a rectangle is the product of 2 sides
    return side1 * side2

# Required summoning values for area and perimeter:​
requiredPerimeter = 104
requiredArea = 660

# We will use this unit as a base for our calculations:​
base = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())

while True:
    sideSN = base.distanceTo("Femae")
    sideWE = base.distanceTo("Illumina")
    currentPerimeter = perimeter(sideSN, sideWE)
    currentArea = area(sideSN, sideWE)
    if almostEqual(currentArea, requiredArea) and almostEqual(currentPerimeter, requiredPerimeter):

32. Square Shield
# Incoming yeti attack!​
# Use your paladins to form a square!​
# Command Illumina and Vaelia to move to the corners of the square.​

def findByName(name, thangs):
    for i in range(len(thangs)):
        thang = thangs[i]
        if == name:
            return thang
    return None

friends = hero.findFriends()
celadia = findByName("Celadia", friends)
dedalia = findByName("Dedalia", friends)
sideLength = celadia.distanceTo(dedalia)

# First find the remaining paladins and assign them to variables:​
vaelia = findByName("Vaelia", friends)
illumina = findByName("Illumina", friends)
# Command both to move to the corners of the square.​
# Remember squares have equal-length sides!​
hero.command(vaelia, "move", {"x": celadia.pos.x, "y": celadia.pos.y - sideLength})
hero.command(illumina, "move", {"x": celadia.pos.x + sideLength, "y": celadia.pos.y - sideLength})

33. Bits And Trits

# Incoming Ogre Brawlers!​
# Make use of a Robot Walker to dispatch these enemies.​
# The Robot Walker requires commands as strings.​
# The first part will the enemy's health in ternary.​
# The second part will be the enemy's type as binary.​

def toTernary(number):
    # Start with an empty string.
    string = ""
    # Then, while the number isn't zero:
    while number != 0:
        # We grab the remainder of our number.
        remainder = number % 3
        # This is our iterator method. 'number' decrements here.
        number = (number - remainder) / 3
        # Append the string to the remainder.
        string = remainder + string
    # Finally we want to return our constructed string.
    return string
def toBinary(number):
    string = ""
    # Go through the steps again:
        # Get remainder, decrement, and append string.
    # Remember that binary is another way of saying '2'!
    while number != 0:
        remainder = number % 2
        number = (number - remainder) / 2
        string = remainder + string
    return string

while True:
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    dangerous = findMostDangerous(enemies)
    if dangerous:
        # The way the robot takes commands is in the form of:
        # ternary(enemyHealth) + " " + binary(enemyType)
        hero.say(toTernary( + " " + toBinary(dangerous.type))

# In this level the Ogre Brawlers are more powerful if they have more health.​
def findMostDangerous(enemies):
    mostDangerous = None
    mostHealth = 0
    for i in range(len(enemies)):
        enemy = enemies[i]
        if > mostHealth:
            mostDangerous = enemy
            mostHealth =
    return mostDangerous

CodeCombat 是一个通过玩游戏来学习编程的网站,也是GitHub上最大的开源CoffeeScript(一种脚本语言,类似JavaScript)项目,构筑在几十个开源项目之上的,有上千程序员和玩家为其编写程序、测试游戏。到目前为止,已经翻译成17种国外语言。       它是一款多人编码游戏,该款游戏的任务就是教会大家如何编程,并且通过游戏来提升开发者的技能水平。因为开源,我们可以为孩子们定制我们希望的样式。人们不需要任何编程知识即可了解程序的运行逻辑,并编出实用的代码。      游戏总共超过9千关,每个步骤都会有语音操作提示(非中文),无论你是新手还是编程精英都可以加入到这款游戏中。最重要的是,你是写代码执行游戏。你要扮演得是一名非常有力量的魔法师,要通过你写代码魔法,让你的人去消灭怪兽(其实是怪物)。看起来像是塔防游戏——《王城保卫战》,但却是一款即时战略游戏。每关都会有对话讲解如何操作(遗憾没有中文)左侧是游戏界面,右侧是代码界面,通过在右侧输入关键语句代码,控制左侧角色的移动和攻击等动作。前几关非常简单,几行“上下左右”和“攻击”的代码即可完成通关。每关结束后都有个回顾,告诉你在上一关学到了什么。当输入错误,比如大小写错误,在代码下方会提示具体的出错信息,玩家可以据此Debug。第二关中,你要先去右边吃蘑菇变强,再去击杀怪物。(点击图片查看具体代码,其实向右移动一步即可迟到蘑菇,代码中是两步)第三关,在击杀第一个怪物后,角色的血也不多了,所以要先去下方喝药瓶。下去喝药瓶,输入代码按回车,角色就会照做。第四关前N关都是编程中最基本的顺序语句,随着关数的提升,像“if…else,then”等判断、循环语句也会逐渐加入,可玩性越来越高。玩家在不知不觉也就具备了编程思维。 标签:编程游戏
评论 3




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