参考:mahuifa-QMDemo、yundiantech-VideoPlayer、ChatGPT 3.5
本文实现了一个简易的视频播放器,UI 用的 Qt,视频解析用的是 FFmpeg,渲染用的是 Qt 的 OpenGL 模块。
能力有限,之前从未接触过音视频和 OpenGL 相关,本文代码大部分都是参照 mahuifa
和 yundiantech
本文代码实现基于 FFmpeg 解析出来的 YUV420p 数据,色彩空间是 BT 709 标准,对于其他其他数据类型本文代码解析出来可能会有问题,需要对相关部分进行修改。
- Qt 5.12.12
- FFmpeg 6.1.1:FFmpeg 6.1.1
- Visual Studio 2017 Release x64
- Windows SDK 10.17763.0
- 多线程实现:使用两个子线程,一个子线程负责读取视频帧,另一个子线程负责解码视频帧,然后主线程负责视频帧渲染。
- 视频播放控制:FFmpeg 内部有一个自己的时间,每一帧数据也都对应一个时间。记录视频开始时间,帧数据对应的时间到了,即渲染对应的帧数据。
- MCVideoPlayer:负责读取和解码视频帧,FFmpeg 相关实现都是在这个类中实现
- MCVideoFrame:存放解码后的 YUV 数据
- MCVideoWidget:OpenGL 渲染类
- MCVideoPlayTest:视频播放器测试类
FFmpeg 解析视频
从打开视频输入,到获取视频流,最后再打开解码器,一步步实现视频解析。bool MCVideoPlayer::openVideo() { if (m_videoFilePath.isEmpty()) { printLog("the video file path is empty", true); return false; } // 分配视频格式 IO 上下文 m_pFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context(); if (nullptr == m_pFormatContext) { printLog("open video failed to avformat_alloc_context", true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 中文路径先转 utf-8 再转成 const char*,否则有一定概率 avformat_open_input 执行失败 QByteArray videoFilePathUtf8 = m_videoFilePath.toUtf8(); const char* videoFilePath = videoFilePathUtf8.constData(); printLog(QString("video file path %1").arg(m_videoFilePath)); // 打开视频文件 int result = avformat_open_input(&m_pFormatContext, videoFilePath, nullptr, nullptr); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avformat_open_input, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 读取视频流信息 result = avformat_find_stream_info(m_pFormatContext, nullptr); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avformat_find_stream_info, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 查找视频流索引 m_videoIndex = -1; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_pFormatContext->nb_streams; ++index) { if (AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO == m_pFormatContext->streams[index]->codecpar->codec_type) { m_videoIndex = index; break; } } if (m_videoIndex < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to find video index"), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 计算视频总时长 emit sigDurationChanged(m_pFormatContext->duration / m_msecondTimeBase); printLog(QString("video duration %1").arg(m_pFormatContext->duration / m_msecondTimeBase)); // 通过视频流索引读取视频流 m_pVideoStream = m_pFormatContext->streams[m_videoIndex]; // 视频帧率 m_videoFrameRate = 0.0; if (0 != m_pVideoStream->avg_frame_rate.den) { m_videoFrameRate = m_pVideoStream->avg_frame_rate.num * 1.0 / m_pVideoStream->avg_frame_rate.den; } printLog(QString("video frame rate %1").arg(m_videoFrameRate)); m_oneFrameTime = 0; if (0 < m_videoFrameRate) { m_oneFrameTime = m_msecondTimeBase / m_videoFrameRate; } // 视频总帧数 int totalFrames = m_pVideoStream->nb_frames; printLog(QString("video frame number %1").arg(totalFrames)); // 查找视频解码器 const AVCodec* pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_pVideoStream->codecpar->codec_id); if (nullptr == pCodec) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_find_decoder, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 创建解码器上下文,并设置默认值 m_pCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec); if (nullptr == m_pCodecContext) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_alloc_context3, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 使用视频流的 codecpar 为解码器上下文赋值 result = avcodec_parameters_to_context(m_pCodecContext, m_pVideoStream->codecpar); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_parameters_to_context, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 打开解码器 result = avcodec_open2(m_pCodecContext, nullptr, nullptr); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_open2, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 使用 8 线程解码 m_pCodecContext->thread_count = 8; printLog(QString("video open finished")); return true; }
读取视频帧,把读取到的数据包添加到数据列表中。AVPacket* pPacket = av_packet_alloc(); if (av_read_frame(m_pFormatContext, pPacket) < 0) { if (!m_isReadFinished) { // 读取完成 m_isReadFinished = true; printLog(QString("video read finished %1").arg(m_readFrameCount)); } if (m_isStopped) { // 读取完成,并且停止,可以退出读取循环 av_packet_unref(pPacket); break; } // 前几帧数据 avcodec_receive_frame 报错,返回 EAGAIN 值,是因为数据太少,解码器需要足够的数据合成帧 // 所以在读取完成但是未解码完成后,发送空包到解码器,否则最后几帧解析不到 addPacket(pPacket); } else { // 读取到的视频数据包添加到视频数据列表 if (m_videoIndex == pPacket->stream_index) { addPacket(pPacket); ++m_readFrameCount; } else { av_packet_unref(pPacket); } }
先从数据列表中取出数据包,然后把数据包发送到解码器,解码器接收数据包,// 取出数据包 AVPacket* pPacket = m_listVideoPackets.first(); m_listVideoPackets.removeFirst(); // 把数据发送到解码器 avcodec_send_packet(m_pCodecContext, pPacket); // 解码器接收数据包 avcodec_receive_frame(m_pCodecContext, pFrame);
数据转换,图像且切片缩放// 视频帧率 AVFrame* pFrame = nullptr; AVFrame* pFrameYUV = nullptr; // 解码后的 YUV 数据 uint8_t* pYUVBuffer = nullptr; // 视频格式转换上下文 SwsContext* pSwsContext = nullptr; // 按 1 字节进行内存对齐,得到的内存大小最接近实际大小 int yuvSize = av_image_get_buffer_size(AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, videoWidth, videoHeight, 1); unsigned int byteCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(yuvSize); pYUVBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(av_malloc(byteCount * sizeof(uint8_t))); av_image_fill_arrays(pFrameYUV->data, pFrameYUV->linesize, pYUVBuffer, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, videoWidth, videoHeight, 1); // 将解码后的数据转换成 AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P pSwsContext = sws_getContext(videoWidth, videoHeight, (AVPixelFormat)pFrame->format, videoWidth, videoHeight, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
跳转视频,然后重新读取视频帧,重新解码视频帧。// 根据时间,和一帧所用的时间,计算结果 seekTarget 即跳转目标帧的编号 AVRational rational = { 1, m_msecondTimeBase }; int seekTarget = av_rescale_q(m_seekTime, rational, m_pVideoStream->time_base); av_seek_frame(m_pFormatContext, m_videoIndex, seekTarget, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
动态库项目 MCWidge
#pragma once #include <QtCore/qglobal.h> #ifndef BUILD_STATIC # if defined(MCWIDGET_LIB) # define MCWIDGET_EXPORT Q_DECL_EXPORT # else # define MCWIDGET_EXPORT Q_DECL_IMPORT # endif #else # define MCWIDGET_EXPORT #endif #define MCWIDGET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace MCWidget { #define MCWIDGET_END_NAMESPACE }; #define USE_MCWIDGET_NAMESPACE using namespace MCWidget;
#pragma once #include "MCWidget_Global.h" #include "MCVideoFrame.h" #include <QObject> #include <QMutex> extern "C" { #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" #include "libavutil/avutil.h" #include <libavutil/time.h> #include "libswscale/swscale.h" #include "libavutil/imgutils.h" } MCWIDGET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class MCWIDGET_EXPORT MCVideoPlayer : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum VideoState { StoppedState, PlayingState }; MCVideoPlayer(QObject* parent); ~MCVideoPlayer(); // 设置视频文件路径 void setVideoFilePath(const QString& filePath); // 播放视频 void playVideo(); // 播放一帧视频 void playOneFrame(int frameTime); // 停止视频 void stopVideo(); // 跳转视频 void seekVideo(int seekTime); // 获取视频播放状态 VideoState getState(); int getCurrentTime(); // 设置日志启用状态 void setLogEnabled(bool enabled); signals: // 视频总时长变化 void sigDurationChanged(int msecond); // 视频帧变化 void sigFrameChanged(std::shared_ptr<MCVideoFrame> frame); // 视频播放状态变化 void sigStateChanged(VideoState state); private: // 打开视频 bool openVideo(); // 关闭视频 void closeVideo(); // 读取视频 bool readVideo(); // 解码视频 void decodeVideo(); // 添加数据包到列表 void addPacket(AVPacket* pPacket); // 清空数据包对流 void clearPacketList(); // 打印日志 void printLog(const QString& log, bool isError = false); private: QString m_videoFilePath { "" }; // 视频路径 VideoState m_state { StoppedState }; // 视频播放状态 AVFormatContext* m_pFormatContext { nullptr }; // 视频格式 IO 上下文 AVStream* m_pVideoStream { nullptr }; // 视频流 AVCodecContext* m_pCodecContext { nullptr }; // 解码器上下文 bool m_isStopped { false }; // 视频播放状态 bool m_isReadFinished { false }; // 读取视频状态 bool m_isReadThreadFinished { true }; // 读取视频线程状态 bool m_isDecodeFinished { false }; // 解码视频状态 bool m_isDecodeThreadFinished { true }; // 解码视频线程状态 bool m_seekRequestFlag { false }; // 跳转请求标志 bool m_seekFrameFlag { false }; // 跳转执行标志 bool m_decodeOneFrameRequsetFlag { false }; // 解码一帧请求标志 bool m_decodeOneFrameFlag { false }; // 解码一帧完成标志 bool m_isLogEnabled { false }; // 日志启用状态 int m_videoIndex { -1 }; // 视频流索引 int m_oneFrameTime { 0 }; // 视频一帧时间 double m_videoFrameRate { 0.0 }; // 视频帧率 int m_videoStartTime { 0 }; // 视频开始时间 int m_currentFrameIndex { 0 }; // 当前视频帧索引 int m_currentTime { 0 }; // 当前视频播放进度时间 int m_seekTime { 0 }; // 跳转时间 int m_seekVideoStartTime { 0 }; // 跳转时视频开始时间位置 int m_readFrameCount { 0 }; // 读取视频帧数量 QList<AVPacket*> m_listVideoPackets; // 视频数据包列表 QMutex m_mutex; // 互斥锁 const int m_msecondTimeBase { 1000 }; // 单位转换,毫秒 const char* m_flushFlagChar { "FLUSH_FLAG" }; // 视频 buffer 刷新标志字符 const int m_videoReadLimitNumber { 500 }; // 视频读取限制数量 }; MCWIDGET_END_NAMESPACE
#include "MCVideoPlayer.h" USE_MCWIDGET_NAMESPACE #include <QDebug> #include <QByteArray> #include <thread> #include <Windows.h> MCVideoPlayer::MCVideoPlayer(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { qRegisterMetaType<std::shared_ptr<MCVideoFrame>>("std::shared_ptr<MCVideoFrame>"); qRegisterMetaType<MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState>("VideoState"); setLogEnabled(true); } MCVideoPlayer::~MCVideoPlayer() { stopVideo(); } void MCVideoPlayer::setVideoFilePath(const QString& filePath) { m_videoFilePath = filePath; } void MCVideoPlayer::playVideo() { if (m_isReadThreadFinished) { std::thread(&MCVideoPlayer::readVideo, this).detach(); } else { QString state = QString("video play failed, state %1, read thread state %2").arg(m_state).arg(m_isReadThreadFinished); printLog(state, true); } } void MCVideoPlayer::playOneFrame(int frameTime) { // 视频停止状态下跳转视频,只解码一帧数据 // 确保读取线程停止,否则会因为冲突导致崩溃 if (m_isReadThreadFinished && !m_seekRequestFlag) { m_seekRequestFlag = true; m_seekTime = frameTime; m_decodeOneFrameRequsetFlag = true; playVideo(); } } void MCVideoPlayer::stopVideo() { m_isStopped = true; while (!m_isReadThreadFinished) { Sleep(1); } } void MCVideoPlayer::seekVideo(int seekTime) { if (!m_seekRequestFlag) { m_seekRequestFlag = true; m_seekTime = seekTime; } } MCVideoPlayer::VideoState MCVideoPlayer::getState() { return m_state; } int MCVideoPlayer::getCurrentTime() { // 跳转阶段返回跳转时间 if (m_seekRequestFlag || m_seekFrameFlag) { return m_seekTime; } return m_currentTime; } void MCVideoPlayer::setLogEnabled(bool enabled) { m_isLogEnabled = enabled; } bool MCVideoPlayer::openVideo() { if (m_videoFilePath.isEmpty()) { printLog("the video file path is empty", true); return false; } // 分配视频格式 IO 上下文 m_pFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context(); if (nullptr == m_pFormatContext) { printLog("open video failed to avformat_alloc_context", true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 中文路径先转 utf-8 再转成 const char*,否则有一定概率 avformat_open_input 执行失败 QByteArray videoFilePathUtf8 = m_videoFilePath.toUtf8(); const char* videoFilePath = videoFilePathUtf8.constData(); printLog(QString("video file path %1").arg(m_videoFilePath)); // 打开视频文件 int result = avformat_open_input(&m_pFormatContext, videoFilePath, nullptr, nullptr); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avformat_open_input, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 读取视频流信息 result = avformat_find_stream_info(m_pFormatContext, nullptr); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avformat_find_stream_info, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 查找视频流索引 m_videoIndex = -1; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_pFormatContext->nb_streams; ++index) { if (AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO == m_pFormatContext->streams[index]->codecpar->codec_type) { m_videoIndex = index; break; } } if (m_videoIndex < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to find video index"), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 计算视频总时长 emit sigDurationChanged(m_pFormatContext->duration / m_msecondTimeBase); printLog(QString("video duration %1").arg(m_pFormatContext->duration / m_msecondTimeBase)); // 通过视频流索引读取视频流 m_pVideoStream = m_pFormatContext->streams[m_videoIndex]; // 视频帧率 m_videoFrameRate = 0.0; if (0 != m_pVideoStream->avg_frame_rate.den) { m_videoFrameRate = m_pVideoStream->avg_frame_rate.num * 1.0 / m_pVideoStream->avg_frame_rate.den; } printLog(QString("video frame rate %1").arg(m_videoFrameRate)); m_oneFrameTime = 0; if (0 < m_videoFrameRate) { m_oneFrameTime = m_msecondTimeBase / m_videoFrameRate; } // 视频总帧数 int totalFrames = m_pVideoStream->nb_frames; printLog(QString("video frame number %1").arg(totalFrames)); // 查找视频解码器 const AVCodec* pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_pVideoStream->codecpar->codec_id); if (nullptr == pCodec) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_find_decoder, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 创建解码器上下文,并设置默认值 m_pCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec); if (nullptr == m_pCodecContext) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_alloc_context3, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 使用视频流的 codecpar 为解码器上下文赋值 result = avcodec_parameters_to_context(m_pCodecContext, m_pVideoStream->codecpar); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_parameters_to_context, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 打开解码器 result = avcodec_open2(m_pCodecContext, nullptr, nullptr); if (result < 0) { printLog(QString("open video failed to avcodec_open2, error code %1").arg(result), true); closeVideo(); return false; } // 使用 8 线程解码 m_pCodecContext->thread_count = 8; printLog(QString("video open finished")); return true; } void MCVideoPlayer::closeVideo() { if (nullptr != m_pCodecContext) { avcodec_close(m_pCodecContext); m_pCodecContext = nullptr; } avformat_close_input(&m_pFormatContext); // 析构 m_pFormatContext 的时候会同时析构 m_pVideoStream avformat_free_context(m_pFormatContext); m_pVideoStream = nullptr; } bool MCVideoPlayer::readVideo() { if (!openVideo()) { return false; } // 更新播放状态 m_isStopped = false; // 状态重置 m_isReadFinished = false; m_isReadThreadFinished = false; m_readFrameCount = 0; // 解码器打开后,创建新的线程,解码视频数据包 std::thread(&MCVideoPlayer::decodeVideo, this).detach(); if (!m_decodeOneFrameRequsetFlag) { // 切换视频状态为正在播放状态 m_state = VideoState::PlayingState; emit sigStateChanged(m_state); } // 记录视频开始时间 m_videoStartTime = av_gettime() / m_msecondTimeBase; m_seekVideoStartTime = m_videoStartTime; // 读取视频数据循环 while (1) { if (m_isStopped) { // 视频停止,退出读取 break; } if (m_seekRequestFlag) { // 根据时间,和一帧所用的时间,计算结果 seekTarget 即跳转目标帧的编号 AVRational rational = { 1, m_msecondTimeBase }; int seekTarget = av_rescale_q(m_seekTime, rational, m_pVideoStream->time_base); if (av_seek_frame(m_pFormatContext, m_videoIndex, seekTarget, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) { printLog("read video failed to av_seek_frame", true); } else { printLog(QString("read video seek %1").arg(m_seekTime)); // 跳转视频,在视频数据列表里添加一个新的 AVPacket,并把 data 赋值为 "FLUSH_FLAG" 以做标记 AVPacket* pPacket = av_packet_alloc(); av_new_packet(pPacket, strlen(m_flushFlagChar) + 1); strcpy((char*)pPacket->data, m_flushFlagChar); clearPacketList(); addPacket(pPacket); // 记录跳转开始时间 m_seekVideoStartTime = av_gettime() / m_msecondTimeBase - m_seekTime; // 重置读取帧计数 m_readFrameCount = 0; // 更新跳转执行标志 m_seekFrameFlag = true; // 更新读取视频状态为未完成状态 m_isReadFinished = false; } m_seekRequestFlag = false; } // 视频数据包列表数据包个数超过一定值,就暂停读取数据,等待数据解码,以防内存不足问题 if (m_videoReadLimitNumber < m_listVideoPackets.size()) { Sleep(1); continue; } AVPacket* pPacket = av_packet_alloc(); if (av_read_frame(m_pFormatContext, pPacket) < 0) { if (!m_isReadFinished) { // 读取完成 m_isReadFinished = true; printLog(QString("video read finished %1").arg(m_readFrameCount)); } if (m_isStopped) { // 读取完成,并且停止,可以退出读取循环 av_packet_unref(pPacket); break; } // 前几帧数据 avcodec_receive_frame 报错,返回 EAGAIN 值,是因为数据太少,解码器需要足够的数据合成帧 // 所以在读取完成但是未解码完成后,发送空包到解码器,否则最后几帧解析不到 addPacket(pPacket); } else { // 读取到的视频数据包添加到视频数据列表 if (m_videoIndex == pPacket->stream_index) { addPacket(pPacket); ++m_readFrameCount; } else { av_packet_unref(pPacket); } } } // 清除数据 clearPacketList(); // 确保解码线程结束,再停止线程 while (!m_isDecodeThreadFinished) { Sleep(1); } // 停止播放 if (VideoState::StoppedState != m_state) { // 切换视频状态为正在播放状态 m_state = VideoState::StoppedState; emit sigStateChanged(m_state); } // 关闭视频,析构指针 closeVideo(); printLog("video read thread exit"); // 读取线程结束 m_isReadFinished = false; m_isReadThreadFinished = true; m_readFrameCount = 0; return true; } void MCVideoPlayer::decodeVideo() { // 重置解码线程完成状态 m_isDecodeFinished = false; m_isDecodeThreadFinished = false; m_currentFrameIndex = 0; // 视频宽度、高度 int videoWidth = 0; int videoHeight = 0; // 当前视频帧编号 int currentFrameIndex = 0; // 当前视频帧时间 double currentFrameTime = 0; // 视频帧率 AVFrame* pFrame = nullptr; AVFrame* pFrameYUV = nullptr; // 解码后的 YUV 数据 uint8_t* pYUVBuffer = nullptr; // 视频格式转换上下文 SwsContext* pSwsContext = nullptr; // 分配 AVFrame,字段设置为默认值 pFrame = av_frame_alloc(); // 解码视频数据循环 while (1) { if (m_isStopped) { // 视频停止,退出解码 break; } if (m_decodeOneFrameFlag) { // 一帧视频数据解码完成,退出循环 printLog("video decode one frame finished"); m_decodeOneFrameFlag = false; break; } // 读取数据包 m_mutex.lock(); if (m_listVideoPackets.isEmpty()) { m_mutex.unlock(); // 视频数据列表为空,但未读取完成,等待读取视频数据 Sleep(1); continue; } AVPacket* pPacket = m_listVideoPackets.first(); m_listVideoPackets.removeFirst(); m_mutex.unlock(); // 遇到视频跳转的标志视频数据包,刷新数据缓冲,继续解码下一个视频数据包 if (nullptr != pPacket->data && 0 == strcmp((char*)pPacket->data, m_flushFlagChar)) { printLog("decode video flush buffer"); avcodec_flush_buffers(m_pCodecContext); av_packet_unref(pPacket); // 更新视频开始时间 m_videoStartTime = m_seekVideoStartTime; // seek 之后,av_read_frame 读取内容依旧从第一帧开始,m_currentFrameIndex 重置为 0 m_currentFrameIndex = 0; continue; } // 将数据包传送到解码器 avcodec_send_packet(m_pCodecContext, pPacket); if (avcodec_receive_frame(m_pCodecContext, pFrame) < 0) { if (m_isReadFinished && nullptr == pPacket->data) { // 视频数据列表为空,并且读取完成,视频解码完成,退出循环 printLog("video decode finished"); break; } // 视频数据包接收 av_packet_unref(pPacket); continue; } ++m_currentFrameIndex; // 计算当前帧对应的时间 currentFrameTime = m_currentFrameIndex * m_oneFrameTime; if (m_seekFrameFlag) { // 跳转触发时,如果 m_seekVideoStartTime != m_videoStartTime,则表示当前还在读取跳转前的数据帧 // 舍弃跳转前的帧,直接 continue if (m_seekVideoStartTime != m_videoStartTime) { av_packet_unref(pPacket); continue; } // 跳转触发,刷新解码器缓冲区后解码的数据帧 // 没到跳转时刻,就 continue,等到执行到跳转时刻 if (currentFrameTime < m_seekTime) { // 跳转未完成,未到跳转时刻 av_packet_unref(pPacket); continue; } else { // 跳转完成,清除跳转标志 m_seekFrameFlag = false; } } // 等待循环,等待当前帧对应的时间到来 while (1) { // 跳转触发时,在延时循环内,退出 if (m_seekFrameFlag) { break; } // 根据开始时间,计算当前时间 m_currentTime = av_gettime() / m_msecondTimeBase - m_videoStartTime; if (currentFrameTime <= m_currentTime) { // 跳转一帧,捕获到了这一帧,更新状态 if (m_decodeOneFrameRequsetFlag) { m_decodeOneFrameRequsetFlag = false; m_decodeOneFrameFlag = true; } break; } // 当前时间未到当前视频帧对应的时间,等待 Sleep(1); continue; } // 跳转触发时,在延时循环外,继续解码下一帧 if (m_seekFrameFlag) { av_packet_unref(pPacket); continue; } if (pFrame->width != videoWidth || pFrame->height != videoHeight) { videoWidth = pFrame->width; videoHeight = pFrame->height; if (nullptr != pFrameYUV) { av_free(pFrameYUV); } if (nullptr != pYUVBuffer) { av_free(pYUVBuffer); } if (nullptr != pSwsContext) { sws_freeContext(pSwsContext); } pFrameYUV = av_frame_alloc(); // 按 1 字节进行内存对齐,得到的内存大小最接近实际大小 int yuvSize = av_image_get_buffer_size(AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, videoWidth, videoHeight, 1); unsigned int byteCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(yuvSize); pYUVBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(av_malloc(byteCount * sizeof(uint8_t))); av_image_fill_arrays(pFrameYUV->data, pFrameYUV->linesize, pYUVBuffer, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, videoWidth, videoHeight, 1); // 将解码后的数据转换成 AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P pSwsContext = sws_getContext(videoWidth, videoHeight, (AVPixelFormat)pFrame->format, videoWidth, videoHeight, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } sws_scale(pSwsContext, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize, 0, videoHeight, pFrameYUV->data, pFrameYUV->linesize); std::shared_ptr<MCVideoFrame> pVideoFrame = std::make_shared<MCVideoFrame>(); pVideoFrame.get()->setYUVData(pYUVBuffer, videoWidth, videoHeight); // 跳转触发时,在渲染信号前,继续解码下一帧 if (m_seekFrameFlag) { av_packet_unref(pPacket); continue; } emit sigFrameChanged(pVideoFrame); av_packet_unref(pPacket); } av_free(pFrame); if (nullptr != pFrameYUV) { av_free(pFrameYUV); } if (nullptr != pYUVBuffer) { av_free(pYUVBuffer); } if (nullptr != pSwsContext) { sws_freeContext(pSwsContext); } if (!m_isStopped) { m_isStopped = true; } printLog("video decode thread exit"); // 解码线程结束 m_isDecodeFinished = true; m_isDecodeThreadFinished = true; } void MCVideoPlayer::addPacket(AVPacket* pPacket) { m_mutex.lock(); m_listVideoPackets << pPacket; m_mutex.unlock(); return; } void MCVideoPlayer::clearPacketList() { m_mutex.lock(); for (AVPacket* pPacket : m_listVideoPackets) { av_packet_unref(pPacket); } m_listVideoPackets.clear(); m_mutex.unlock(); } void MCVideoPlayer::printLog(const QString& log, bool isError) { if (m_isLogEnabled) { if (isError) { qCritical() << QString("The video player error: %1").arg(log); } else { qInfo() << QString("The video player: %1").arg(log); } } }
#pragma once #include "MCWidget_Global.h" #include "MCVideoFrame.h" #include <QOpenGLWidget> #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> #include <QOpenGLFunctions> #include <QOpenGLTexture> MCWIDGET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class MCWIDGET_EXPORT MCVideoWidget : public QOpenGLWidget, public QOpenGLFunctions { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MCVideoWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags()); ~MCVideoWidget(); void updateFrame(std::shared_ptr<MCWidget::MCVideoFrame> frame); private: void updateGLVertex(int windowWidth, int widowHeight); protected: void initializeGL() override; void resizeGL(int width, int height) override; void paintGL() override; private: QOpenGLShader* m_pVertexShader; // 顶点着色器 QOpenGLShader* m_pFragmentShader; // 片段着色器 QOpenGLShaderProgram* m_pShaderProgram; // 着色器程序 GLfloat* m_pVertexVertices; // 顶点矩阵 GLuint m_textureIdY; // Y 纹理对象 id GLuint m_textureIdU; // U 纹理对象 id GLuint m_textureIdV; // V 纹理对象 id GLuint m_textureUniformY; // Y 纹理位置 GLuint m_textureUniformU; // U 纹理位置 GLuint m_textureUniformV; // V 纹理位置 int m_videoWidth; // 视频宽度 int m_videoHeight; // 视频高度 std::shared_ptr<MCWidget::MCVideoFrame> m_pVideoFrame; }; MCWIDGET_END_NAMESPACE
#include "MCVideoWidget.h" USE_MCWIDGET_NAMESPACE // 顶点矩阵 static const GLfloat s_vertexVertices[] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; // 纹理矩阵 static const GLfloat s_textureVertices[] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, }; MCVideoWidget::MCVideoWidget(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QOpenGLWidget(parent, f) { m_pVertexShader = nullptr; m_pFragmentShader = nullptr; m_pShaderProgram = nullptr; m_pVertexVertices = new GLfloat[8]; m_textureIdY = 0; m_textureIdU = 0; m_textureIdV = 0; m_textureUniformY = 0; m_textureUniformU = 0; m_textureUniformV = 0; m_videoHeight = 0; m_videoWidth = 0; m_pVideoFrame = nullptr; } MCVideoWidget::~MCVideoWidget() { // 确保当前 OpenGL 上下文是有效的 makeCurrent(); delete m_pShaderProgram; delete[] m_pVertexVertices; // 清理完成后释放当前上下文 doneCurrent(); m_pVideoFrame = nullptr; } void MCVideoWidget::updateFrame(std::shared_ptr<MCWidget::MCVideoFrame> frame) { int width = frame.get()->getWidth(); int height = frame.get()->getHeight(); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } m_pVideoFrame = frame; if (m_videoWidth != width || m_videoHeight != height) { m_videoWidth = width; m_videoHeight = height; updateGLVertex(this->width(), this->height()); } update(); } void MCVideoWidget::initializeGL() { initializeOpenGLFunctions(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // 顶点着色器 m_pVertexShader = new QOpenGLShader(QOpenGLShader::Vertex, this); const char* vsrc = "attribute vec4 vertexIn; \n" "attribute vec2 textureIn; \n" "varying vec2 textureOut; \n" "void main(void) \n" "{ \n" " gl_Position = vertexIn; \n" " textureOut = textureIn; \n" "}"; m_pVertexShader->compileSourceCode(vsrc); // 片段着色器 m_pFragmentShader = new QOpenGLShader(QOpenGLShader::Fragment, this); const char* fsrc = "#ifdef GL_ES \n" "precision mediump float; \n" "#endif \n" "varying vec2 textureOut; \n" "uniform sampler2D tex_y; \n" "uniform sampler2D tex_u; \n" "uniform sampler2D tex_v; \n" "void main(void) \n" "{ \n" " vec3 yuv; \n" " vec3 rgb; \n" " yuv.x = texture2D(tex_y, textureOut).r; \n" " yuv.y = texture2D(tex_u, textureOut).r - 0.5; \n" " yuv.z = texture2D(tex_v, textureOut).r - 0.5; \n" " rgb = mat3( 1, 1, 1, \ 0, -0.187324, 1.8556, \ 1.5748, -0.468124, 0 ) * yuv; \n" " gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1); \n" "}"; m_pFragmentShader->compileSourceCode(fsrc); // 创建着色器程序容器 m_pShaderProgram = new QOpenGLShaderProgram(); // 将顶点着色器添加到程序容器 m_pShaderProgram->addShader(m_pVertexShader); // 将片段着色器添加到程序容器 m_pShaderProgram->addShader(m_pFragmentShader); // 绑定顶点属性 m_pShaderProgram->bindAttributeLocation("vertexIn", 3); // 绑定纹理属性 m_pShaderProgram->bindAttributeLocation("textureIn", 4); // 链接着色器程序 m_pShaderProgram->link(); // 激活所有链接 m_pShaderProgram->bind(); // 读取着色器中的数据变量 tex_y, tex_u, tex_v 的位置 m_textureUniformY = m_pShaderProgram->uniformLocation("tex_y"); m_textureUniformU = m_pShaderProgram->uniformLocation("tex_u"); m_textureUniformV = m_pShaderProgram->uniformLocation("tex_v"); // 生成纹理,获取 Y 纹理索引值 glGenTextures(1, &m_textureIdY); // 生成纹理,获取 U 纹理索引值 glGenTextures(1, &m_textureIdU); // 生成纹理,获取 V 纹理索引值 glGenTextures(1, &m_textureIdV); // 设置 Y 纹理参数 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureIdY); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // 设置 U 纹理参数 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureIdU); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // 设置 V 纹理参数 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureIdV); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // 设置读取的 YUV 数据为 1 字节对齐, glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); // 设置清除颜色 glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); updateGLVertex(this->width(), this->height()); } void MCVideoWidget::updateGLVertex(int windowWidth, int widowHeight) { if (m_videoWidth <= 0 || m_videoHeight <= 0) { memcpy(m_pVertexVertices, s_vertexVertices, sizeof(s_vertexVertices)); // 设置顶点矩阵值以及格式 glVertexAttribPointer(3, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, m_pVertexVertices); // 设置纹理矩阵值以及格式 glVertexAttribPointer(4, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, s_textureVertices); // 启用顶点属性 glEnableVertexAttribArray(3); // 启用纹理属性 glEnableVertexAttribArray(4); } else { // 以宽度为基准缩放视频 int width = windowWidth; int height = m_videoHeight * width / m_videoWidth; int x = this->width() - width; int y = this->height() - height; x /= 2; y /= 2; // 显示不全时则以高度为基准缩放视频 if (y < 0) { height = widowHeight; width = m_videoWidth * height / m_videoHeight; x = this->width() - width; y = this->height() - height; x /= 2; y /= 2; } float index_x = x * 1.0 / windowWidth * 2.0 - 1.0; float index_x_1 = index_x * -1.0; float index_x_2 = index_x; float index_y = y * 1.0 / widowHeight * 2.0 - 1.0; float index_y_1 = index_y * -1.0; float index_y_2 = index_y; const GLfloat vertexVertices[] = { index_x_2, index_y_2, index_x_1, index_y_2, index_x_2, index_y_1, index_x_1, index_y_1, }; memcpy(m_pVertexVertices, vertexVertices, sizeof(vertexVertices)); // 设置顶点矩阵值以及格式 glVertexAttribPointer(3, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, m_pVertexVertices); // 设置纹理矩阵值以及格式 glVertexAttribPointer(4, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, s_textureVertices); // 启用顶点属性 glEnableVertexAttribArray(3); // 启用纹理属性 glEnableVertexAttribArray(4); } } void MCVideoWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height) { if (height == 0) { height = 1; } // 设置视口 glViewport(0, 0, width, height); updateGLVertex(width, height); } void MCVideoWidget::paintGL() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if (nullptr != m_pVideoFrame.get()) { uint8_t* pYUVData = m_pVideoFrame.get()->getYUVData(); if (nullptr != pYUVData) { m_pShaderProgram->bind(); // 加载 Y 数据纹理 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureIdY); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, m_videoWidth, m_videoHeight, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pYUVData); // 加载 U 数据纹理 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureIdU); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, m_videoWidth / 2, m_videoHeight / 2, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (char*)pYUVData + m_videoWidth * m_videoHeight); // 加载 V 数据纹理 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE2); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureIdV); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, m_videoWidth / 2, m_videoHeight / 2, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (char*)pYUVData + m_videoWidth * m_videoHeight * 5 / 4); // 指定 Y 纹理要使用新值 glUniform1i(m_textureUniformY, 0); // 指定 U 纹理要使用新值 glUniform1i(m_textureUniformU, 1); // 指定 V 纹理要使用新值 glUniform1i(m_textureUniformV, 2); // 使用顶点数组方式绘制图形 glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); m_pShaderProgram->release(); } } }
#pragma once #include "MCWidget_Global.h" #include <QObject> MCWIDGET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class MCWIDGET_EXPORT MCVideoFrame : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: MCVideoFrame(QObject* parent = nullptr); ~MCVideoFrame(); void setYUVData(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height); uint8_t* getYUVData(); int getWidth(); int getHeight(); private: void freeData(); private: uint8_t* m_YUVData { nullptr }; int m_width { 0 }; int m_height { 0 }; }; MCWIDGET_END_NAMESPACE
#include "MCVideoFrame.h" USE_MCWIDGET_NAMESPACE MCVideoFrame::MCVideoFrame(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) {} MCVideoFrame::~MCVideoFrame() { freeData(); } void MCVideoFrame::setYUVData(const uint8_t* data, int width, int height) { freeData(); m_width = width; m_height = height; int dataSize = width * height * 3 / 2; m_YUVData = (uint8_t*)malloc(dataSize); memcpy(m_YUVData, data, dataSize); } uint8_t* MCVideoFrame::getYUVData() { return m_YUVData; } int MCVideoFrame::getWidth() { return m_width; } int MCVideoFrame::getHeight() { return m_height; } void MCVideoFrame::freeData() { if (nullptr != m_YUVData) { free(m_YUVData); m_YUVData = nullptr; } }
主工程项目 MCVideoPlayTest
#include "MCVideoPlayTest.h" #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MCVideoPlayTest w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }
#pragma once #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow> #include <QTimer> #include "MCWidget/MCVideoPlayer.h" #include "MCWidget/MCVideoWidget.h" #include "MCWidget/MCVideoFrame.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Ui { class MCVideoPlayTest; }; QT_END_NAMESPACE class MCVideoPlayTest : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MCVideoPlayTest(QWidget* parent = nullptr); ~MCVideoPlayTest(); private slots: void timerTimeOut(); void videoPlayOrStop(); void videoSeek(int seekTime); void videoDurationChanged(int msecond); void videoFrameChanged(std::shared_ptr<MCWidget::MCVideoFrame> frame); void videoStateChanged(MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState state); private: QString getTimeString(int msecond); private: Ui::MCVideoPlayTest* ui { nullptr }; MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer* m_pVideoPlayer { nullptr }; MCWidget::MCVideoWidget* m_pVideoWidget { nullptr }; QTimer* m_pTimer { nullptr }; };
#include "MCVideoPlayTest.h" #include "ui_MCVideoPlayTest.h" MCVideoPlayTest::MCVideoPlayTest(QWidget* parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MCVideoPlayTest()) { ui->setupUi(this); m_pVideoWidget = new MCWidget::MCVideoWidget(ui->wgtVideo); ui->hLayoutVideo->addWidget(m_pVideoWidget); ui->sliderTime->setValueByCliucked(true); m_pVideoPlayer = new MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer(this); m_pVideoPlayer->setVideoFilePath(QString::fromLocal8Bit("")); m_pTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_pTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MCVideoPlayTest::timerTimeOut); m_pTimer->setInterval(500); // 视频播放、停止 connect(ui->btnPlayOrStop, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MCVideoPlayTest::videoPlayOrStop); // 视频跳转 connect(ui->sliderTime, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &MCVideoPlayTest::videoSeek); // 视频总时长更新 connect(m_pVideoPlayer, &MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::sigDurationChanged, this, &MCVideoPlayTest::videoDurationChanged); // 视频数据帧更新 connect(m_pVideoPlayer, &MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::sigFrameChanged, this, &MCVideoPlayTest::videoFrameChanged); // 视频播放状态更新 connect(m_pVideoPlayer, &MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::sigStateChanged, this, &MCVideoPlayTest::videoStateChanged); } MCVideoPlayTest::~MCVideoPlayTest() { delete ui; } void MCVideoPlayTest::timerTimeOut() { int currentTime = m_pVideoPlayer->getCurrentTime(); ui->sliderTime->blockSignals(true); ui->sliderTime->setValue(currentTime); ui->sliderTime->blockSignals(false); ui->labelCurrentTime->setText(getTimeString(currentTime)); } void MCVideoPlayTest::videoPlayOrStop() { MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState state = m_pVideoPlayer->getState(); if (MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState::StoppedState == state) { int min = ui->sliderTime->minimum(); int max = ui->sliderTime->maximum(); int value = ui->sliderTime->value(); if (min != value && max != value) { m_pVideoPlayer->seekVideo(value); } m_pVideoPlayer->playVideo(); } else { m_pVideoPlayer->stopVideo(); } } void MCVideoPlayTest::videoSeek(int seekTime) { if (MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState::StoppedState == m_pVideoPlayer->getState()) { m_pVideoPlayer->playOneFrame(seekTime); } else { m_pVideoPlayer->seekVideo(seekTime); } ui->labelCurrentTime->setText(getTimeString(seekTime)); } void MCVideoPlayTest::videoDurationChanged(int msecond) { ui->sliderTime->setRange(0, msecond); ui->labelTotalTime->setText(getTimeString(msecond)); } void MCVideoPlayTest::videoFrameChanged(std::shared_ptr<MCWidget::MCVideoFrame> frame) { m_pVideoWidget->updateFrame(frame); } void MCVideoPlayTest::videoStateChanged(MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState state) { if (MCWidget::MCVideoPlayer::VideoState::PlayingState == state) { ui->btnPlayOrStop->setText("stop"); m_pTimer->start(); } else { ui->btnPlayOrStop->setText("play"); m_pTimer->stop(); timerTimeOut(); } } QString MCVideoPlayTest::getTimeString(int msecond) { int hours = msecond / 3600000; int mseconds = msecond % 3600000; int minutes = mseconds / 60000; mseconds = mseconds % 60000; int seconds = mseconds / 1000; return QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(hours, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(seconds, 2, 10, QChar('0')); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ui version="4.0"> <class>MCVideoPlayTest</class> <widget class="QMainWindow" name="MCVideoPlayTest"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <width>1422</width> <height>600</height> </rect> </property> <property name="windowTitle"> <string>MCVideoPlayer</string> </property> <widget class="QWidget" name="centralWidget"> <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout" stretch="1,0"> <property name="spacing"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="leftMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="topMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="rightMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="bottomMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <item> <widget class="QWidget" name="wgtVideo" native="true"> <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="hLayoutVideo"> <property name="spacing"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="leftMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="rightMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> <property name="bottomMargin"> <number>0</number> </property> </layout> </widget> </item> <item> <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout" stretch="0,0,0,0"> <item> <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnPlayOrStop"> <property name="text"> <string>play</string> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <widget class="QLabel" name="labelCurrentTime"> <property name="text"> <string>00:00:00</string> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <widget class="QLabel" name="labelTotalTime"> <property name="text"> <string>00:00:00</string> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <widget class="MCWidget::MCSlider" name="sliderTime"> <property name="orientation"> <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum> </property> </widget> </item> </layout> </item> </layout> </widget> </widget> <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/> <customwidgets> <customwidget> <class>MCWidget::MCSlider</class> <extends>QSlider</extends> <header>MCWidget/MCSlider.h</header> </customwidget> </customwidgets> <resources/> <connections/> </ui>