hive (bigdata)> select * from student;
hive (bigdata)> select name from student;
hive (bigdata)> select score+10 from score;
hive (bigdata)> select count(*) count from score;
hive (bigdata)> select max(score) max_score from score;
hive (bigdata)> select sum(score) sum_score from score;
hive (bigdata)> show functions;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score limit 5;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score limit 3,3;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score > 60;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score > 60 and score < 80;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score between 60 and 80;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score is null;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score in(88,100);
- % : 代表任意字符(任意多个或0个)
- _ : 表示一个字符
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where name like %鹏;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score like '6%';
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score like '_6%';
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where score like '%4%';
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where name like '%永%';
hive (bigdata)> select * from score where name rlike '[永]';
select * from score where subject = '数学' and score > 60;
select * from score where subject not in('数学','语文');
#group by
select score.subject,avg(score.score) from score group by subject;
select score.name,avg(score.score) from score group by name;
select score.name,avg(score.score) avg_score from score group by name having avg_score > 70;
having 与 where 不同点:
- where 针对表中的列发挥作用,查询数据;having 针对查询结果中的列发挥作用,筛选数据。
- where 后面不能写分组函数,而 having 后面可以使用分组函数。
- having 只用于 group by 分组统计语句。
hive (bigdata)> select e.id,e.name,d.name,e.position,e.salary from employee e join department d on e.department_id = d.id;
hive (bigdata)> select e.id,e.name,d.name,e.position,e.salary from employee e left join department d on e.department_id = d.id;
hive (bigdata)> select e.id,e.name,d.name,e.position,e.salary from employee e right join department d on e.department_id = d.id;
hive (bigdata)> select e.id,e.name,d.name,e.position,e.salary from employee e full join department d on e.department_id = d.id;
hive (bigdata)> set hive.mapred.mode='strict';
hive (bigdata)> select e.id,e.name,d.name,e.position,e.salary from employee e join department d;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score order by score;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score order by score desc;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score order by score,subject desc;
hive (bigdata)> set mapreduce.job.reduces=4;
hive (bigdata)> select * from score sort by score desc;
#distribute by:类似于MR中分区,先分区后排序
hive (bigdata)> select * from score distribute by subject sort by score desc;
#cluster by
#distribute by+ sort by 可以使用cluster by(只能按照倒序)代替(排序的字段和分区的字段是一样的)
hive (bigdata)> select * from score cluster by subject;
hive (bigdata)> create table student_bucket(id int,name string)
> clustered by(id) into 4 buckets
> row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
hive (bigdata)> load data local inpath '/opt/test/student' into table student_bucket;
hive (bigdata)> set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
hive (bigdata)> insert into table student_bucket select * from student cluster by(id);
对于非常大的数据集,有时用户需要使用的是一个具有代表性的查询结果而不是全部结果。Hive 可以通过对表进行抽样来满足这个需求。
select * from tablename tablesample(bucket x out of y on id);
- y 必须是 table 总 bucket 数的倍数或者因子。hive 根据 y 的大小,决定抽样的比例。
例如,table 总共分了 4 份,当 y=2 时,抽取(4/2=)2 个 bucket 的数据,当 y=8 时,抽取(4/8=)1/2个bucket 的数据。
- x 表示从哪个 bucket 开始抽取。
例如,table 总 bucket 数为4,tablesample(bucket 4 out of 4),表示总共抽取(4/4=)1 个bucket 的数据,抽取第 4 个 bucket 的数据。
x 的值必须小于等于 y 的值,否则会报错