
title: 深入解析fabric的peer命令(二)分析chaincode包
date: 2023/5/30 10:24
tags: fabric区块链
categories: 区块链




├── chaincode.go
├── common.go
├── common_test.go
├── flags_test.go
├── install.go
├── install_test.go
├── instantiate.go
├── instantiate_test.go
├── invoke.go
├── invoke_test.go
├── list.go
├── list_test.go
├── mock
│   ├── deliver_client.go
│   ├── deliver.go
│   └── signer_serializer.go
├── package.go
├── package_test.go
├── query.go
├── query_test.go
├── signpackage.go
├── signpackage_test.go
├── testdata
│   ├── connectionprofile-uneven.yaml
│   ├── connectionprofile.yaml
│   └── src
│       └── chaincodes
│           └── noop
│               └── chaincode.go
├── upgrade.go
└── upgrade_test.go


peer chaincode query -C winechannel -n mycontract -c '{"Args":["GetAllWines"]}'

chaincode.go和query.go 是关键!


Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package chaincode

import (


const (
        chainFuncName = "chaincode"
        chainCmdDes   = "Operate a chaincode: install|instantiate|invoke|package|query|signpackage|upgrade|list."

var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("chaincodeCmd")

// XXX This is a terrible singleton hack, however
// it simply making a latent dependency explicit.
// It should be removed along with the other package
// scoped variables
var platformRegistry = packaging.NewRegistry(packaging.SupportedPlatforms...)

func addFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
        flags := cmd.PersistentFlags()
        flags.StringVarP(&transient, "transient", "", "", "Transient map of arguments in JSON encoding")

// Cmd returns the cobra command for Chaincode
func Cmd(cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory, cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) *cobra.Command {

        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(installCmd(cf, nil, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(instantiateCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(invokeCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(packageCmd(cf, nil, nil, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(queryCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(signpackageCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(upgradeCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(listCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))

        return chaincodeCmd

// Chaincode-related variables.
var (
        chaincodeLang         string
        chaincodeCtorJSON     string
        chaincodePath         string
        chaincodeName         string
        chaincodeUsr          string // Not used
        chaincodeQueryRaw     bool
        chaincodeQueryHex     bool
        channelID             string
        chaincodeVersion      string
        policy                string
        escc                  string
        vscc                  string
        policyMarshalled      []byte
        transient             string
        isInit                bool
        collectionsConfigFile string
        collectionConfigBytes []byte
        peerAddresses         []string
        tlsRootCertFiles      []string
        connectionProfile     string
        waitForEvent          bool
        waitForEventTimeout   time.Duration

var chaincodeCmd = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   chainFuncName,
        Short: fmt.Sprint(chainCmdDes),
        Long:  fmt.Sprint(chainCmdDes),
        PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
                common.InitCmd(cmd, args)
                common.SetOrdererEnv(cmd, args)

var flags *pflag.FlagSet

func init() {

// Explicitly define a method to facilitate tests
func resetFlags() {
        flags = &pflag.FlagSet{}

        flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeLang, "lang", "l", "golang",
                fmt.Sprintf("Language the %s is written in", chainFuncName))
        flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeCtorJSON, "ctor", "c", "{}",
                fmt.Sprintf("Constructor message for the %s in JSON format", chainFuncName))
        flags.StringVarP(&chaincodePath, "path", "p", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                fmt.Sprintf("Path to %s", chainFuncName))
        flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeName, "name", "n", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "Name of the chaincode")
        flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeVersion, "version", "v", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "Version of the chaincode specified in install/instantiate/upgrade commands")
        flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeUsr, "username", "u", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "Username for chaincode operations when security is enabled")
        flags.StringVarP(&channelID, "channelID", "C", "",
                "The channel on which this command should be executed")
        flags.StringVarP(&policy, "policy", "P", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "The endorsement policy associated to this chaincode")
        flags.StringVarP(&escc, "escc", "E", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "The name of the endorsement system chaincode to be used for this chaincode")
        flags.StringVarP(&vscc, "vscc", "V", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "The name of the verification system chaincode to be used for this chaincode")
        flags.BoolVarP(&isInit, "isInit", "I", false,
                "Is this invocation for init (useful for supporting legacy chaincodes in the new lifecycle)")
        flags.BoolVarP(&getInstalledChaincodes, "installed", "", false,
                "Get the installed chaincodes on a peer")
        flags.BoolVarP(&getInstantiatedChaincodes, "instantiated", "", false,
                "Get the instantiated chaincodes on a channel")
        flags.StringVar(&collectionsConfigFile, "collections-config", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "The fully qualified path to the collection JSON file including the file name")
        flags.StringArrayVarP(&peerAddresses, "peerAddresses", "", []string{common.UndefinedParamValue},
                "The addresses of the peers to connect to")
        flags.StringArrayVarP(&tlsRootCertFiles, "tlsRootCertFiles", "", []string{common.UndefinedParamValue},
                "If TLS is enabled, the paths to the TLS root cert files of the peers to connect to. The order and number of certs specified should match the --peerAddresses flag")
        flags.StringVarP(&connectionProfile, "connectionProfile", "", common.UndefinedParamValue,
                "Connection profile that provides the necessary connection information for the network. Note: currently only supported for providing peer connection information")
        flags.BoolVar(&waitForEvent, "waitForEvent", false,
                "Whether to wait for the event from each peer's deliver filtered service signifying that the 'invoke' transaction has been committed successfully")
        flags.DurationVar(&waitForEventTimeout, "waitForEventTimeout", 30*time.Second,
                "Time to wait for the event from each peer's deliver filtered service signifying that the 'invoke' transaction has been committed successfully")
        flags.BoolVarP(&createSignedCCDepSpec, "cc-package", "s", false,
                "create CC deployment spec for owner endorsements instead of raw CC deployment spec")
        flags.BoolVarP(&signCCDepSpec, "sign", "S", false,
                "if creating CC deployment spec package for owner endorsements, also sign it with local MSP")
        flags.StringVarP(&instantiationPolicy, "instantiate-policy", "i", "",
                "instantiation policy for the chaincode")

func attachFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, names []string) {
        cmdFlags := cmd.Flags()
        for _, name := range names {
                if flag := flags.Lookup(name); flag != nil {
                } else {
                        logger.Fatalf("Could not find flag '%s' to attach to command '%s'", name, cmd.Name())
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package chaincode

import (


var chaincodeQueryCmd *cobra.Command

// queryCmd returns the cobra command for Chaincode Query
func queryCmd(cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory, cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) *cobra.Command {
        chaincodeQueryCmd = &cobra.Command{
                Use:       "query",
                Short:     fmt.Sprintf("Query using the specified %s.", chainFuncName),
                Long:      fmt.Sprintf("Get endorsed result of %s function call and print it. It won't generate transaction.", chainFuncName),
                ValidArgs: []string{"1"},
                RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
                        return chaincodeQuery(cmd, cf, cryptoProvider)
        flagList := []string{
        attachFlags(chaincodeQueryCmd, flagList)

        chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryRaw, "raw", "r", false,
                "If true, output the query value as raw bytes, otherwise format as a printable string")
        chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryHex, "hex", "x", false,
                "If true, output the query value byte array in hexadecimal. Incompatible with --raw")

        return chaincodeQueryCmd

func chaincodeQuery(cmd *cobra.Command, cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory, cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) error {
        if channelID == "" {
                return errors.New("The required parameter 'channelID' is empty. Rerun the command with -C flag")
        // Parsing of the command line is done so silence cmd usage
        cmd.SilenceUsage = true

        var err error
        if cf == nil {
                cf, err = InitCmdFactory(cmd.Name(), true, false, cryptoProvider)
                if err != nil {
                        return err

        return chaincodeInvokeOrQuery(cmd, false, cf)


  1. 导入依赖包:
import (


这部分代码导入了需要使用的包。import 关键字后面的括号里是导入的包的路径。

  1. 常量和全局变量:
const (
        chainFuncName = "chaincode"
        chainCmdDes   = "Operate a chaincode: install|instantiate|invoke|package|query|signpackage|upgrade|list."

var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("chaincodeCmd")
var platformRegistry = packaging.NewRegistry(packaging.SupportedPlatforms...)

这里定义了一个常量 chainFuncName 和一个变量 chainCmdDesloggerplatformRegistry 是全局变量。

  1. 辅助函数:
func addFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
        flags := cmd.PersistentFlags()
        flags.StringVarP(&transient, "transient", "", "", "Transient map of arguments in JSON encoding")

这是一个名为 addFlags 的函数。它接受一个 *cobra.Command 类型的参数 cmd。在函数内部,它调用 common.AddOrdererFlags(cmd)cmd.PersistentFlags() 函数,然后使用 flags.StringVarP() 函数将一个标志 transient 添加到 cmd 中。

  1. Cmd 函数:
func Cmd(cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory, cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) *cobra.Command {

        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(installCmd(cf, nil, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(instantiateCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(invokeCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(packageCmd(cf, nil, nil, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(queryCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(signpackageCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(upgradeCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))
        chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(listCmd(cf, cryptoProvider))

        return chaincodeCmd

这是一个名为 Cmd 的函数。它接受两个参数:cf*ChaincodeCmdFactory 类型,cryptoProviderbccsp.BCCSP 类型。该函数返回一个 *cobra.Command 类型的指针。

  • 在函数内部,调用 addFlags(chaincodeCmd) 函数为 chaincodeCmd 添加标志。
  • 使用 chaincodeCmd.AddCommand() 函数将多个命令添加到 chaincodeCmd 中,这些命令包括 installCmdinstantiateCmdinvokeCmdpackageCmdqueryCmdsignpackageCmdupgradeCmdlistCmd
  • 返回 chaincodeCmd
var (
        chaincodeLang         string
        chaincodeCtorJSON     string
        chaincodePath         string
        chaincodeName         string
        chaincodeUsr          string // Not used
        chaincodeQueryRaw     bool
        chaincodeQueryHex     bool
        channelID             string
        chaincodeVersion      string
        policy                string
        escc                  string
        vscc                  string
        policyMarshalled      []byte
        transient             string
        isInit                bool
        collectionsConfigFile string
        collectionConfigBytes []byte
        peerAddresses         []string
        tlsRootCertFiles      []string
        connectionProfile     string
        waitForEvent          bool
        waitForEventTimeout   time.Duration


  1. chaincodeCmd 命令:
var chaincodeCmd = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   chainFuncName,
        Short: fmt.Sprint(chainCmdDes),
        Long:  fmt.Sprint(chainCmdDes),
        PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
                common.InitCmd(cmd, args)
                common.SetOrdererEnv(cmd, args)

这是一个名为 chaincodeCmd 的命令。它是一个 *cobra.Command 类型的变量。在这个命令的定义中,我们指定了 UseShortLong 字段来描述命令的用法和说明。此外,我们还定义了一个 PersistentPreRun 回调函数,在命令运行之前会执行这个函数。

  1. flags 变量和 resetFlags 函数:
var flags *pflag.FlagSet

func init() {

func resetFlags() {
        flags = &pflag.FlagSet{}

        // 标志的定义
        // ...

这里定义了一个 flags 变量,它是 pflag.FlagSet 类型的指针。在 init 函数中,调用了 resetFlags 函数,该函数将 flags 设置为一个新的 FlagSet 对象。

  1. attachFlags 函数:
func attachFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, names []string) {
        cmdFlags := cmd.Flags()
        for _, name := range names {
                if flag := flags.Lookup(name); flag != nil {
                } else {
                        logger.Fatalf("Could not find flag '%s' to attach to command '%s'", name, cmd.Name())

这是一个名为 attachFlags 的函数。它接受一个 *cobra.Command 类型的参数 cmd 和一个字符串切片 names。函数内部通过 cmd.Flags() 获取命令的标志集合,并循环遍历 names,然后通过 flags.Lookup() 函数查找对应的标志,并将其添加到命令的标志集合中。


  1. 导入依赖包:
import (


这部分代码导入了需要使用的包。import 关键字后面的括号里是导入的包的路径。

  1. 声明全局变量:
var chaincodeQueryCmd *cobra.Command

这里声明了一个全局变量 chaincodeQueryCmd,它是一个指向 cobra.Command 类型的指针。

  1. queryCmd 函数:
func queryCmd(cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory, cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) *cobra.Command {
        chaincodeQueryCmd = &cobra.Command{
                Use:       "query",
                Short:     fmt.Sprintf("Query using the specified %s.", chainFuncName),
                Long:      fmt.Sprintf("Get endorsed result of %s function call and print it. It won't generate transaction.", chainFuncName),
                ValidArgs: []string{"1"},
                RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
                        return chaincodeQuery(cmd, cf, cryptoProvider)
        flagList := []string{
        attachFlags(chaincodeQueryCmd, flagList)

        chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryRaw, "raw", "r", false,
                "If true, output the query value as raw bytes, otherwise format as a printable string")
        chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&chaincodeQueryHex, "hex", "x", false,
                "If true, output the query value byte array in hexadecimal. Incompatible with --raw")

        return chaincodeQueryCmd

这是一个名为 queryCmd 的函数。它接受两个参数:cfcryptoProvider,并返回一个 *cobra.Command 类型的指针。

  • 函数内部创建了一个新的 cobra.Command 实例,并将其赋值给 chaincodeQueryCmd 变量。Use 字段表示命令的名称为 “query”,Short 字段提供了对该命令的简短描述,Long 字段提供了更详细的描述,ValidArgs 字段指定了有效的参数列表。

  • RunE 字段中定义了一个匿名函数,该函数将调用 chaincodeQuery 函数并返回其结果。

  • 通过 attachFlags 函数将一组标志(flagList)附加到 chaincodeQueryCmd 中。

  • 使用 chaincodeQueryCmd.Flags().BoolVarP() 函数定义了两个布尔类型的标志:chaincodeQueryRawchaincodeQueryHex

  1. chaincodeQuery 函数:
func chaincodeQuery(cmd *cobra.Command, cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory, cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) error {
        if channelID == "" {
                return errors.New("The required parameter 'channelID' is empty. Rerun the command with

 -C flag")
        // Parsing of the command line is done so silence cmd usage
        cmd.SilenceUsage = true

        var err error
        if cf == nil {
                cf, err = InitCmdFactory(cmd.Name(), true, false, cryptoProvider)
                if err != nil {
                        return err

        return chaincodeInvokeOrQuery(cmd, false, cf)

这是一个名为 chaincodeQuery 的函数。它接受三个参数:cmd 是一个 *cobra.Command 类型,cf*ChaincodeCmdFactory 类型,cryptoProviderbccsp.BCCSP 类型。该函数返回一个 error 类型的值。

  • 首先,检查 channelID 是否为空字符串,如果为空,则返回一个错误。
  • 设置 cmd.SilenceUsagetrue,以静默输出命令使用说明。
  • 如果 cfnil,则调用 InitCmdFactory 函数初始化 cf,并将其赋值给 cf 变量。
  • 调用 chaincodeInvokeOrQuery 函数执行链码的调用或查询操作,并返回其结果。



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钱包余额 0


