windows下使用vscode远程连接Linux服务器进行开发 - 火星小编 - 博客园
文中括号"()"包含一个数字,表示批注,每一段文本中的批注都会在该段文本后面补充具体内容,可能是名词解释,也可能是笔者关于不确定的翻译结果给出原文参照。此外,原文中有大量出现 Item 这个单词,我翻译为了 物品,但实际上,某些时候,翻译为 数据项 会使语句更通顺,不这么做的原因是,我希望规范名词——参照基于物品的协同过滤 (ItemCF,Item-based Collaborative Filtering)。
We provide a benchmark notebook to illustrate how different algorithms could be evaluated and compared. In this notebook, the MovieLens dataset is split into training/test sets at a 75/25 ratio using a stratified split. A recommendation model is trained using each of the collaborative filtering algorithms below. We utilize empirical parameter values reported in literature here. For ranking metrics we use k=10
(top 10 recommended items). We run the comparison on a Standard NC6s_v2 Azure DSVM (6 vCPUs, 112 GB memory and 1 P100 GPU). Spark ALS is run in local standalone mode. In this table we show the results on Movielens 100k, running the algorithms for 15 epochs.