Simon Video Course Task 2

Lesson 01 - The tasks

This an IELTS training course

training has five steps:

  1. Understand the task : what we need to do?
  2. Break the task into parts: smaller more manageable tasks, eg: introduction, main paragraphs and conclusion.
  3. Methods, techniques.
  4. Lots of practice.
  5. Feedback, measure progress.

Understand the task

Write an essay

  • Minimum 250 words
  • 40 minutes

What it is about?

  • Universal topics: family, help, education and work etc.
  • 4 question types

What is the examiner looking for?

Four scoring criteria (each account for 25%)

  1. Task response: have answer the question?
  2. Coherence and cohesion: well organized, logically written and easy to follow.
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Grammar

Break the task into parts

  • 250 words
  • 4 paragraphs
  • about 13 sentences

Planning: 10 minutes

Introduction (5 minutes)

  • 2 sentences

The main paragraphs ( the main score come from) (20 minutes, 10 for each)

  • 5 sentences each

Conclusion (5 minutes)

  • 1 sentence

Lesson 02 - Introductions


2 sentences (about 30-40 words, don’t write too long introductions, that is a waste of time. You can’t get a high score just for your introduction, focus on the main paragraphs instead.)

  • introduce the topic
  • give a general answer to the question

Four types of question:

  1. Discussion
  2. Opinion
  3. Problem and solution
  4. Two-part question

1. Discussion


Some people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it is better for them to study alone.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  • Topic - study in groups or alone

  • Answer - sometimes better alone, usually better in a group


People have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone.

  • *have paraphrase ‘some people ⋯ \cdots , others’ by writing ‘People have different views about’; *
  • *‘effectiveness’ in stead of ‘more effective’; *
  • ‘as opposed to (instead of / rather than)’ as a way of contrasting .

While there are some benefits to studying independently, l believe that group work is usually more productive.

  • ‘While’ - contrast and compare both sides of this issue.

  • ‘there are advantages to doing something / there are benefits to doing something’

2. Opinion (most difficult type)


Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

!!! our own opinion !!! Don’t write some people XXX, other people XXX.

  • Topic - community service for all teenagers.
  • 3 choices: agree, disagree, or balanced opinion (when possible).

lt is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities.

  • paragraphing what the question is saying.
  1. agree

​ I completely agree that this kind of scheme would be a good idea.

  1. disagree

​ In my opinion, it would be wrong to force teenagers to do any kind of unsalaried work.

  • it would be wrong to force paraphrase compulsory.
  • unsalaried work in stead of unpaid.
  1. balanced opinion (when possible)

maybe like this, however this question is not suit for balanced opinion.

​ While l disagree with the idea of making such programmes compulsory, l do believe that voluntary community service could benefit young people.

3. Problem and solution


Many criminals reoffend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

  • Topic - criminals reoffend.
  • Answer - several reasons, a variety of measures (governments, communities)

the exact answer / solution will be given on the main body, and here we only need to give a brief one.


lt is true that punishments do not always deter criminals from committing more crimes.

  • lt is true that’ we can accept that the problem is true. Simon always use this sentences for Problem and solution questions.

  • deter’ - means stop criminal / stop them of wanting to commit crime

There are various reasons why offenders repeatedly break the law, but governments could certainly take steps to address this issue.

  • don’t give the reason / solution yet.
  • just mentioning there are some reasons.


  • repeatedly break the law’ use ‘repeatedly’ instead of ‘‘continue to’’;
  • break the law’ instead of ‘commit crime’;
  • take steps to address this issue’ instead of ‘measures to tackle this problem’.
4. Two-part question

similar to 3. Problem and solution, it is just two question.


As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

  • Topic - job satisfaction
  • Answer - several factors, unrealistic / impossible

Work plays a central role in our lives, and we would all like to feel fulfilled professionally.

  • work is a major part of their adult life -> Work plays a central role in our lives;
  • job satisfaction ->feel fulfilled professionally

While a variety of factors may lead to job satisfaction, it would be unrealistic to expect everyone to be happy at work.

  • use ‘while’ to introduce a sentences that has two elements;
  • contribute to -> lead to;
  • job satisfaction -> be happy at work.

Summary to Lesson 02

  • A short introduction is better.
  • 2 sentences in 5 minutes (topic + answer)
  • 0
  • 0
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