In one very cold morning, Mark decides to rob a bank. But while trying hacking into the security system, he found that it is locked by some random value. He also found a pattern on the random number, that is if he chops off the last digit of a number A, he gets a new number B. Then he calculates (A-B). He checked the first few numbers of the security system which exactly equals (A-B). Being very excited to have found the pattern, he learns that there are like 500 levels on the security system. He calculated all those numbers by hand but took a lot of time. As a sign of his accomplishment he left a note on the vault stating the pattern. You were the first officer on the crime scene and you’ve obtained the note. So if you can figure out A from (A-B), you can rob the bank very quick!
By the way, Mark succeeded in robbing the bank but had a heart attack on the