Blue Fox Arm Assembly Internals and Reverse Engineering(ARM逆向)读书笔记-01-Introduction

Blue Fox Arm Assembly Internals and Reverse Engineering读书笔记
01-Blue Fox 读书笔记-01-Introduction
02-Blue Fox 读书笔记-02-Part 1_Chapter 1_Introduction to ReverseEngineering


  • This book was originally supposed to contain an overview of the Arm instruction set, chapters on reverse engineering, and chapters on exploit miti- gation internals and bypass techniques. The publisher and I soon realized that covering these topics to a satisfactory extent would make this book about 1,000 pages long. For this reason, we decided to split it into two books: Blue Fox and Red Fox.


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Red Fox: Vulnerability Analysis and Exploit Mitigation Internals for Mobile and IoT
Expected publication May 29, 2024

  • The Blue Fox edition covers the analyst view; teaching you everything you need to know to get started in reverse engineering. Without a solid under- standing of the fundamentals, you can’t move to more advanced topics such as vulnerability analysis and exploit development. The Red Fox edition will cover the offensive security view: understanding exploit mitigation internals, bypass techniques, and common vulnerability patterns.

1 《蓝狐》版涵盖了分析师的视角;教授你开始逆向工程所需的一切知识。如果没有扎实的基础知识,你无法进入更高级的主题,如漏洞分析和漏洞开发。

  • Security researchers who are used to reverse engineering x86/64 binaries but want to adopt to the new era of Arm-powered devices are having a hard time finding digestible resources on the Arm instruction set, especially in the context of reverse engineering or binary analysis. Arm’s architecture reference manual can be both overwhelming and discouraging. In this day and age, nobody has time to read a 12,000-page deeply technical document, let alone identify the most relevant or most commonly used instructions and memorize them. The truth is that you don’t need to know every single Arm instruction to be able to reverse engineer an Arm binary. Many instructions have very specific use cases that you may or may not ever encounter during your analysis.


  • If you’re a beginner in reverse engineering, it is important to understand the binary’s file format, its sections, how it compiles from source code into machine code, and the environment it depends on. Because of limited space and time, this book cannot cover every file format and operating system. It instead focuses on Linux environments and the ELF file format. The good news is, regardless of platform or file format, Arm instructions are Arm instructions. Even if you reverse engineer an Arm binary compiled for macOS or Windows, the meaning of the instructions themselves remains the same.



  • This book begins with an introduction explaining what instructions are and where they come from. In the second chapter, you will learn about the ELF file format and its sections, along with a basic overview of the compilation process. Since binary analysis would be incomplete without understanding the context they are executed in, the third chapter provides an overview of operating system fundamentals.


  • With this background knowledge, you are well prepared to delve into the Arm architecture in Chapter 4. You can find the most common data processing instructions in Chapter 5, followed by an overview of memory access instructions in Chapter 6. These instructions are a significant part of the Arm architecture, which is also referred to as a Load/Store architecture. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss conditional execution and control flow, which are crucial components of reverse engineering.


  • Chapter 9 is where it starts to get particularly interesting for reverse engineers. Knowing the different types of Arm environments is crucial, especially when you perform dynamic analysis and need to analyze binaries during execution.


  • With the information provided so far, you are already well equipped for your next reverse engineering adventure. To get you started, Chapter 10 includes an overview of the most common static analysis tools, followed by small practical static analysis examples you can follow step-by-step.


  • Reverse engineering would be boring without dynamic analysis to observe how a program behaves during execution. In Chapter 11, you will learn about the most common dynamic analysis tools as well as examples of useful commands you can use during your analysis. This chapter concludes with two practical debugging examples: debugging a memory corruption vulnerability and debugging a process in GDB.


  • Reverse engineering is an invaluable skill for malware analysts, but they also need to be familiar with the environment a given malware sample was compiled for. To get you started in this area, this book includes a chapter on analyzing arm64 macOS malware (Chapter 12) written by Patrick Wardle, who is also the author of The Art of Mac Malware.3 Unlike previous chapters, this chapter does not focus on Arm assembly. Instead, it introduces you to common anti-analysis techniques that macOS malware uses to avoid being analyzed. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to macOS malware compatible with Apple Silicon (M1/M2) so that anyone interested in hunting and analyzing Arm-based macOS malware can get a head start.

逆向工程对于恶意软件分析师是一项宝贵的技能,但他们还需要熟悉给定的恶意软件样本所编译的环境。为了帮助您在这个领域入门,这本书包括了一个关于分析arm64 macOS恶意软件的章节(第十二章),由Patrick Wardle编写,他也是《Mac恶意软件的艺术》的作者。与前面的章节不同,这一章并不集中于Arm汇编。相反,它向你介绍了macOS恶意软件常用的反分析技巧,用于避免被分析。这一章的目的是为了提供一个与Apple Silicon(M1/M2)兼容的macOS恶意软件的介绍,这样任何对追踪和分析基于Arm的macOS恶意软件感兴趣的人都可以有一个良好的开端。




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