C++ Prime Plus(第6版) 第3章 学习笔记

3.1 简单变量



int b;

b = 5;

找到一个能存储整数的内存 将内存单元标记为b 将5复制到内存单元中 可以使用b来访问该内存单元 使用&来检索b的内存地址

3.1.1 变量名

数字 字母字符 下划线 不能以数字开头 区分大小写 以 __ 或者 _和大写字母 开头的被保留实现

3.1.2 整型

char、 short、 int、 long 、long long  

3.1.3 整型short、int、long和long long 

1字节(byte) = 8位(bit)

1KB = 1024字节  1MB = 1024KB

short 至少 16位

int 至少与 short 一样长

long 至少 32位 至少与 int 一样长

long long 至少 64位 至少与 long 一样长

sizeof 返回 字节长度


int owls = 101;

int wrens(432);

short year; year = 1492;

int hamburgers = {24};

int emus{7};

int rocs = {};

int psychics {};

3.1.4 无符号整型


3.1.5 选择整型类型

大于16位 使用long


3.1.6 整型字面值

0X/0x42(hex)   042(octual)    42(decimal)


cout << hex; //以16进制显示

cout << oct;

3.1.7 C++如何确定常量类型


看后缀 ul/uL/UL  = unsigned long ll/LL = long long  ull Ull uLL ULL = unsigned long long 

3.1.8 char类型:字符和小整数

存储字符 char类型是另一种整型

char ch;

cin >> ch;  //输入M

cout << ch;   //输出M

cin 将M转化为 77 ; cout 将77转化为M


3.1.9 bool类型

true(非0) / false(0) 

int ans = true; // 将Bool类型转换为int类型 1

bool start = -100; // 将Int类型转化为bool类型 true

3.2 const限定符

const int Months = 12;


常见写法 首字母大写 或者 全部字符大写 或者k开头 

const type name = value;

3.3 浮点数

对于34.1245和34124.5可以看作0.341245分别和100 / 10000的缩放因子

标准小数点表示法 / 科学计数法 (E/e表示法)

2.52e+8   //2.52*10^8

 float,double,long double 有效位数不一样

浮点数有效范围大 但运算速度慢 精度将降低

float a = 2.34e+22f;

float b = a+1.0f;

b-a = 0


3.4 C++算数运算符

+ - * / % 浮点数尽量使用double

3.4.1 运算符优先级和结合性

3.4.2 除法分支

/ 行为取决于操作数类型

3.4.3 求模运算符


3.4.4 类型转换

将一种算术类型值赋给另一种算术类型  (将小范围赋给大范围,列表初始化不允许缩窄)


short c = 20; 获取c值 转换为int 然后将int 转换为short


强制类型转换 int ('Q') 

static_cast<type> (value) 

int auks,bats,coots;

auks = 19.99 + 11.99;   // auks 31

bats = (int) 19.99 + (int) 11.99;      //bats 30

coots = int(19.99) + int (11.99);    //coots 30

3.4.5 C++中auto声明

auto n = 100;     //int

auto x = 1.5    //double 

auto y = 1.3e12L    //long double


1.C++有多种整型  根据数据运算需要选择合适类型

2.按需声明 short a = 80; unsigned int b = 42110; long long c= 3 000 000 000;

3. 防止超出整型范围  short int long longlong

4.33L和33区别  L :long U:unsigned

5.char grade = 65; char grade = 'A'; 等价 类型转换

6.编码88的字符 char(88); (char) 88

7.long 赋给double ;longlong 赋给 double    long 4/8 byte 没有误差/舍入误差

8. 8*9+2 74 6*3/4 4 3/4 *6 0 6.0*3/4 4.5 15%4 3

9. int res = int (x1) + int (x2);  int res = int (x1 + x2)

10 auto cars = 15; int auto iou = 15.37f f auto level = 'B' char auto crat = U'\U00002155' char32_t

auto fract = 8.25f / 2.5 double 


1.输入英寸 转换为英尺和英寸 

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	const int Foot_to_Inch = 12;

	int height;
	cout << "Enter your heiht(inch):";
	cin >> height;
	cout << "Your height is " << height / 12 
         << "Foot & " << height % 12 << "Inch" << endl;
	return 0;

2. 输入英尺英寸 输入磅 计算BMI 

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	// Foot:英尺 Inch:英寸 Meter:米 Kilogram:千克 Pounds:磅
	const int Foot_to_Inch = 12;
	const float Inch_to_Meter = 0.0254;
	const int Kilogram_to_Pounds = 2.2;

	int Foot,Inch;
	double Pounds,Height,Weight,BMI;

	cout << "Enter your heiht(Foot & Inch):" << endl;
	cin >> Foot;
	cin >> Inch;
	Height = Foot * Foot_to_Inch * Inch_to_Meter + Inch * Inch_to_Meter; 
	cout << "Your height is " << Height << "Meters" << endl;

	cout << "Enter your weight(pounds):" << endl;
	cin >> Pounds;
	Weight = Pounds / Kilogram_to_Pounds;
	cout << "Your weight is " << Weight << "Kilogram" << endl;

	BMI = Weight / (Height * Height);
	cout << "Your BMI is " << BMI << endl;

	return 0;

3. 输入 度分秒 显示度

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	//degree:度 minute:分 second:秒
	const int Degree_to_Minute = 60;
	const int Minute_to_Second = 60;

	int degree, minute, second;
	double latitude;

	cout << "Enter the latitude in degree, minute, second " << endl;
	cout << "First,enter the degree: ";
	cin >> degree;
	cout << "Next,enter the minute: ";
	cin >> minute;
	cout << "Finally,enter the second: ";
	cin >> second;

	latitude = degree + 
			   double(minute) / Degree_to_Minute + 
			   double(second) / Minute_to_Second / Degree_to_Minute;
	cout << degree << "degrees, " << minute << "minutes, " 
		 << second << "seconds" << "=" << latitude << "degrees" << endl;

	return 0;

4.以整数形式输入秒 以天 小时 分钟 秒 显示

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	//day:天 hour:小时 minute:分钟 second:秒
	const int Day_to_Hour = 24;
	const int Hour_to_Minute = 60;
	const int Minute_to_Second = 60;

	long second, tem_second;
	int day, hour, minute;

	cout << "Enter the number of second: ";
	cin >> second;
	tem_second = second;
    //计算day hour minute 以及 余下的second
	day = second / Minute_to_Second / Hour_to_Minute / Day_to_Hour;
	second = second % (day * Day_to_Hour * Hour_to_Minute * Minute_to_Second);

	hour = second / Minute_to_Second / Hour_to_Minute;
	second = second % (hour * Hour_to_Minute * Minute_to_Second);
	minute = second / Minute_to_Second;
	second = second % (minute * Minute_to_Second);

	cout << tem_second << "seconds = "
		<< day << " days, "
		<< hour << " hours, "
		<< minute << " minutes, "
		<< second << " seconds, " << endl;

	return 0;

5.输入全球人口和美国人口 存储在longlong 显示占比

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	long long world_population, US_population;
	double percentage;
	cout << "Enter the world's population: ";
	cin >> world_population;

	cout << "Enter the population of US: ";
	cin >> US_population;
	percentage = double(US_population) / double(world_population) * 100;
	cout << "The population of US is " 
         << percentage << "%" << " of the world population" << endl;

	return 0;

6. 输入英里 加仑 指出耗油量为一加仑的里程

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;

	//mile:英里 gallon:加仑
	double mile, gallon, Distance_In_oneGallon;
    //输入mile gallon
	cout << "Please enter the mile: ";
	cin >> mile;
	cout << "Please enter the gallon: ";
	cin >> gallon;

	Distance_In_oneGallon = mile / gallon;

	// 耗油量为1gallon的里程
	cout << "distance (when Gasoline_consume is one gallon): " 
         << Distance_In_oneGallon << endl;

	return 0;

输入 公里 升 指出每100公里的耗油量

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;

	//Kilometer:公里 Liter:升  
	double kilometer, liter, Liter_Per_Kilometer,Liter_Per_onehundredKilometer;
    //输入公里 升
	cout << "Please enter the kilometer: ";
	cin >> kilometer;

	cout << "Please enter the liter: ";
	cin >> liter;

	Liter_Per_Kilometer = liter / kilometer;
	Liter_Per_onehundredKilometer = 100 * Liter_Per_Kilometer;

	cout << "Gasoline_consume of one kilometers is: " 
         << Liter_Per_Kilometer << endl;

	cout << "Gasoline_consume of onehundred kilometers is: " 
         << Liter_Per_onehundredKilometer << endl;

	return 0;

7.输入每100公里的耗油量(liter) 转化为每加仑多少英里

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	using namespace std;

	//distance (mile:英里  kilmeter:公里)
	//gasoline_consume(gallon:加仑 liter:升)
	const double OnehundredKilometers_to_Mile = 62.14;
	const double Gallon_to_Liter = 3.785;

	double Liter_Per_onehundredKilometer, gallon, mile, Mile_Per_Gallon;
	cout << "Enter the gasoline_consume(Liter per onehundredKilometers): ";
	cin >> Liter_Per_onehundredKilometer;

	//liter to gallon
	gallon = Liter_Per_onehundredKilometer / Gallon_to_Liter;

	//kilometer to mile
	mile = OnehundredKilometers_to_Mile;

	Mile_Per_Gallon = mile / gallon;
	cout << "mile per gallon: " << Mile_Per_Gallon << endl;

	return 0;

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钱包余额 0


