npm install echarts --save
安装完后 引入 ECharts
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
// (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import router from './router'
import echarts from 'echarts'
Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts
Vue.config.productionTip = false
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { App },
template: '<App/>'
<div id="myChart" :style="{width: '2000px', height: '1000px'}"></div>
import '../../node_modules/echarts/map/js/china.js' // 引入中国地图数据
export default {
data() {
return {}
mounted() {
methods: {
drawLine() {
// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
let myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('myChart'));
// 绘制图表
backgroundColor: "#000000",
tooltip: {}, // 鼠标移到图里面的浮动提示框
title: {
text: "PM2.5",
subtext: "",
x: "center",
textStyle: {
color: "#fff"
dataRange: {
show: false,
min: 0,
max: 1000,
text: ['High', 'Low'],
realtime: true,
calculable: true,
color: ['orangered', 'yellow', 'lightskyblue']
geo: { // 这个是重点配置区
map: 'china', // 表示中国地图
roam: true,
label: {
normal: {
show: false, // 是否显示对应地名
textStyle: {
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)'
itemStyle: {
normal: {
areaColor: "#F4F5F7",
borderColor: "#111"
series: [
name: "人数",
type: "effectScatter",
scaling: 1.7,
coordinateSystem: "geo",
symbolSize: function(val) {
return val[2] / 10;
data: [
{ name: "合肥", value: [117.29, 32.0581, 134] },
{ name: "上海", value: [121.4648, 31.2891, 90] },
{ name: "北京", value: [116.4551, 40.2539, 210] },
{ name: "杭州", value: [119.5313, 29.8773, 30] },
{ name: "乌鲁木齐", value: [87.9236, 43.5883, 230] },
{ name: "长沙市", value: [113.0823, 28.2568, 21] },
{ name: "广州", value: [113.5107, 23.2196, 90] },
{ name: "南京", value: [118.8062, 31.9208, 55] },
{ name: "成都", value: [103.9526, 30.7617, 33] },
{ name: "武汉", value: [114.3896, 30.6628, 66] },
{ name: "中山", value: [113.4229, 22.478, 21] }
//配置何时显示特效'render' 绘制完成后显示特效。'emphasis' 高亮(hover)的时候显示特效。
showEffectOn: "render",
effectType: "ripple",
rippleEffect: {
period: 4,
scale: 4,
//波纹的绘制方式可选 'stroke' 和 'fill'
brushType: "stroke"
//Scatter才有这个属性,是否开启鼠标 hover 的提示动画效果
hoverAnimation: true