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The metaverse is a virtual world that blends aspects of digital technologies including video-conferencing, games like Minecraft or Roblox, cryptocurrencies, email, virtual reality, social media and live-streaming. Quite how these pieces will fit together is a work in progress, but investors and executives are already interested in the commercial potential.


很难说,因为它并不是一个存在于现实世界中的物体。首先我们用排除法可能会更容易掌握这个概念:它不是一个单一的产品,不是一个游戏,也不是由一家公司创造的。相反,它类似于一个3D万维网,其中的商业、信息和通信工具都是沉浸式的,可互操作的。在某种程度上,它是我们现实世界生活方式的数字再现。就像你在Microsoft Word中创建一个文档,并通过微信发送给同事,他们可以在手机上、电脑上、iPad上查阅。元宇宙中的项目应该能够在一个竞争产品的生态系统中移动,并保持其价值和功能。比如说,从A公司购买的NFT数字藏品应该可以展示在B公司制作的游戏里的房子中的数字墙上。

What is the metaverse?

It’s hard to describe because it doesn’t truly exist yet. It may be easier to grasp the concept by first saying what it isn’t: It’s not a single product, it’s not a game, and it’s not being created by one company. Rather, it’s akin to a 3D world wide web, where businesses, information and communication tools are immersive and interoperable. In a way it’s a digital reproduction of how we live in the physical world. Just as you might create a document in Microsoft Word and send it via Gmail to a colleague to read on an iPad, items in the metaverse should be able to move across an ecosystem of competing products, holding their value and function. A piece of virtual art bought as a “non-fungible token” from Company A, say, should be displayable on the digital wall of a house in a game made by Company B.  



What would you do there?

Work and play. For example, “Jane” creates a 3D avatar within Facebook or Microsoft Teams and uses it in virtual meetings. After work, she attends a virtual music show with friends and their avatars appear among the hundreds of little heads in the audience. The music finishes and the band says “don’t forget to buy a T-shirt!” Jane browses the designs at a virtual stall just as she would on Amazon or Taobao today, pays for one with digital currencies and wears it at the next day’s virtual meeting. A colleague asks to borrow it for his daughter to use that evening inside a Roblox game, and she lends it to him easily. This simple scenario involves corporate communication tools, live-event streaming, e-commerce and sharing something of value. But it only works if each provider builds its system in a way that makes assets such as avatars and shirts compatible and transferable. 


扎克伯格就看到了元宇宙的巨大前景,这也是他的公司投资Oculus虚拟现实头盔等产品的一个因素。计算机图形芯片制造商英伟达公司(Nvidia Corp.)希望其Omniverse平台能够为一些基础框架提供动力,软件制造商Unity Software也是如此。Roblox公司等视频游戏开发商以及Epic Games公司和微软公司等生产商都想分一杯羹。Roblox通过与腾讯控股有限公司的合资企业进入中国。腾讯也为自己的社交应用QQ注册了一系列与元宇宙相关的商标。TikTok的母公司字节跳动已经向VR头盔制造商Pico和移动游戏制造商Reworld投入资金。甚至还有专业的咨询公司,如总部设在英国的Dubit,帮助公司进入元宇宙领域。不要忘了,还有支付服务提供商和数字货币——要有人来促进这些跨境虚拟交易。

Who’s in the game?

Zuckerberg, for one, sees great promise in the metaverse, and it’s a factor behind his company’s investment in products such as the Oculus virtual-reality headset. Computer-graphics chipmaker Nvidia Corp. wants its Omniverse platform to power some of the underlying framework, as does software-maker Unity Software. Video-game developers such as Roblox Corp. and producers including Epic Games Inc. and Microsoft Corp. all want a piece of the pie. Roblox is also in China through a joint venture with Tencent Holdings Ltd.,. Tencent also has registered a slew of metaverse-related trademarks for its own social app QQ. TikTok-owner ByteDance Ltd. has plowed money into VR headset maker Pico and mobile game maker Reworld. There are even specialist consultancies such as U.K.-based Dubit to help companies move into the metaverse. And don’t forget payment providers and digital currencies — someone’s going to need to facilitate those cross-virtual-border transactions.


没有超高速、低延迟的互联网,元宇宙将无法发挥其全部潜力——数百万人随时随地访问和生活在虚拟世界中。“Second Life(第二人生)”就是一个典型的例子,它在智能手机流行之前就已经问世了,它失去吸引力的部分原因就在于无法提供实时的移动交互。今天的第四代(4G)连接可以支持像“Fortnite(堡垒之夜)”这样的多人游戏应用程序,但无法处理数百个并发的时间敏感数据流。这就是为什么世界各地的移动运营商正在花费数十亿美元来建设5G网络。他们甚至可能需要6G才能更进一步。在家和办公室也是如此,更大的屏幕会消耗更多的带宽,有便于直接连接到办公场所的光纤连接。

Can today’s smartphones handle it?

The metaverse won’t reach its full potential — millions of people accessing and living in the virtual world anywhere, at any time — without ultrafast, low-latency internet. Case in point is the online world Second Life, which came out before smartphones caught on and lost its appeal in part because it couldn’t provide real-time, on-the-go interactions. Today’s fourth-generation (4G) connections can just about support multiplayer apps like Fortnite, but can’t handle hundreds of concurrent streams of time-sensitive data. This is why mobile carriers around the world are spending billions of dollars to build 5G networks. They may need even 6G to take it further. The same is true at home and in the office, where bigger screens drain more bandwidth, favoring fiber optic connections wired directly into premises.

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