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原创 2019年 第44届 ACM-ICPC银川区域赛后总结
2019-10-22 13:46:06 926
原创 The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Shenyang 2019-B.Dudu's maze
23.44% 1000ms 262144KTo seek candies for Maomao, Dudu comes to a maze. There arennrooms numbered from11tonnandmmundirected roads.There are two kinds of rooms in the maze -- candy room ...
2019-09-25 15:13:11 195
原创 【kuangbin带你飞】专题7 线段树 J - Assign the task
There is a company that has N employees(numbered from 1 to N),every employee in the company has a immediate boss (except for the leader of whole company).If you are the immediate boss of someone,that ...
2019-09-04 16:17:48 210
原创 【kuangbin带你飞】专题7 线段树 D - Mayor's posters
The citizens of Bytetown, AB, could not stand that the candidates in the mayoral election campaign have been placing their electoral posters at all places at their whim. The city council has finally d...
2019-09-03 10:56:42 274
原创 AtCoder Beginner Contest 139 E - League
E - LeagueTime Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MBScore :500 pointsProblem StatementNNplayers will participate in a tennis tournament. We will call them Player1, Player2,……, PlayerN.T...
2019-09-02 15:07:59 372
原创 洛谷P3373 【模板】线段树 2
2019-08-25 15:34:49 282
原创 牛客NOIP暑期七天营-普及组4 D-火龙果画
小巫女从小就喜欢吃火龙果,她有一个梦想,就是用魔法变出许许多多美味可口的火龙果,这样她就可以天天享受火龙果的美味啦!在一个二维平面上,小巫女用火龙果画出了许多图案,她想知道这些图案中最闪耀的一点的美观度有多大。具体的,在初始美观度均为0的平面上,小巫女画出了 n 个等腰直角三角形(其直角边平行于坐标轴),并且使得三角形内部(包含边界)的整点增加了 c 的美观度。一幅画作完成啦,你也要回...
2019-08-22 15:30:41 211
原创 牛客NOIP暑期七天营-普及组4 C-火龙果田
小巫女从小就喜欢吃火龙果,她有一个梦想,就是用魔法变出许许多多美味可口的火龙果,这样她就可以天天享受火龙果的美味啦!可是小巫女平常没有认真完成魔法学院的功课,魔法经常出现一些意想不到的情形,不能变出许多的火龙果。于是,在一块 H× W 的田地里,她打算先变出 n 个品种的火龙果,并且种在坐标为 (xi,yi) 的格子内,并且美味程度为 ci,然后在剩余的格子内种满任意美味程度的火龙果...
2019-08-22 14:27:28 266
原创 【kuangbin带你飞--进阶搜索专题】Eight II
Eight-puzzle, which is also called "Nine grids", comes from an old game.In this game, you are given a 3 by 3 board and 8 tiles. The tiles are numbered from 1 to 8 and each covers a grid. As you see,...
2019-08-16 13:58:17 212
原创 AtCoder Beginner Contest 137 D - Summer Vacation
D - Summer VacationTime Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MBScore : 400pointsProblem StatementThere areNone-off jobs available. If you take the i-th job and complete it, you will earn the r...
2019-08-12 10:46:21 201
原创 各种内容转载以及PS
2019-08-09 11:04:05 416
原创 杭电多校第5场补题 G - permutation 2
You are given three positive integersN,x,yPlease calculate how many permutations of1∼N satisfies the following conditions (We denote thei-th number of a permutation bypi):1.p1=x2.pN=y3. fo...
2019-08-08 15:53:59 216
原创 二分
下面的一些内容来自于《算法竞赛--进阶指南》-李煜(yu第四声)东 二分的基础的用法是在单调序列或单调函数中进行查找。因此当问题的答案具有单调性时,就可以通过二分把求解转化为判定(根据复杂度理论,判定的难度小于求解),这使得二分的运用范围变得很广泛。进一步地,我们还可以扩展到通过三分法去解决单峰函数的极值以及相关问题。 对于整数域上的二分,需要注意终止边界、左右区间取舍时的开闭情况...
2019-08-06 20:31:34 177
原创 AtCoder Beginner Contest 136 E - Max GCD
Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MBScore :500pointsProblem StatementWe have a sequence ofNintegers:A1,A2,⋯,AN.You can perform the following operation between0andKtimes (inclusiv...
2019-08-05 20:54:45 397
原创 2019牛客ACM多校赛第6场 Upgrading Technology
Rowlet is playing a very popular game in the pokemon world. Recently, he has encountered a problem and wants to ask for your help.In this game, there is a technology tree system. There are n kinds of...
2019-08-04 14:54:13 198
原创 2019牛客ACM多校赛第5场 generator 1
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/885/B来源:牛客网You are given four positive integers x0,x1,a,b. And you know xi=a⋅xi−1+b⋅xi−2 for all i≥2 .Given two positive integers n, and MOD, please calcul...
2019-08-02 14:20:07 639
原创 牛客ACM多校赛第5场 subsequence 1
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/885/G来源:牛客网You are given two strings s and t composed by digits (characters '0' ∼\sim∼ '9'). The length of s is n and the length of t is m. The first character...
2019-08-02 11:30:52 181
原创 H - Pots
You are given two pots, having the volume ofAandBliters respectively. The following operations can be performed:FILL(i) fill the poti(1 ≤i≤ 2) from the tap; DROP(i) empty the pot...
2019-07-29 20:52:05 260
原创 素数筛,快速得到素数表
线性筛法:https://blog.csdn.net/stack_queue/article/details/53560887#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>using namespace std;#define MAX 100001//求MAX范围内的素数long long su[MAX],cnt;bool ispri...
2019-07-28 20:15:59 120
原创 triples 1
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/884/D来源:牛客网时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒空间限制:C/C++ 262144K,其他语言524288KSpecial Judge, 64bit IO Format: %lld题目描述Doctor Elephant is testing his new program: outpu...
2019-07-28 16:07:45 189
原创 AtCoder Beginner Contest 135 D - Digits Parade
链接地址:https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc135/tasks/abc135_dTime Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MBScore : 400pointsProblem StatementGiven is a stringS. Each character inSis either a digit (0,...
2019-07-28 12:58:23 545
原创 C - Fractal Streets
With a growing desire for modernization in our increasingly larger cities comes a need for new street designs. Chris is one of the unfortunate city planners responsible for these designs. Each year th...
2019-07-26 16:26:04 413
原创 B - Sumdiv
Consider two natural numbers A and B. Let S be the sum of all natural divisors of A^B. Determine S modulo 9901 (the rest of the division of S by 9901).InputThe only line contains the two natural n...
2019-07-25 09:50:46 275
原创 String
om has a string containing only lowercase letters. He wants to choose a subsequence of the string whose length iskkand lexicographical order is the smallest. It's simple and he solved it with ease....
2019-07-23 20:33:11 108
原创 2019杭电多校第一场 Vacation
Tom and Jerry are going on a vacation. They are now driving on a one-way road and several cars are in front of them. To be more specific, there arenncars in front of them. Theiith car has a length ...
2019-07-22 21:05:08 151
原创 矩阵计数
腾讯游戏开发了一款全新的编程类益智小游戏,榜首的题目是一道关于矩阵的计算,你用多久能计算出来呢?游戏中给出一个N*M 的矩阵,若其中填入的内容是数字 1~N*M 的排列,求问有多少种不等价的矩阵?等价矩阵:若一个矩阵 A可以通过交换其中两行或者两列变成另一个矩阵 B,则称 A和 B等价。且若 A和 B等价,B和 C等价,则 A和 C也等价。答案对 998244353取模。...
2019-06-02 17:25:20 319
原创 E - Combine String (hdu 5707)
2019-05-22 17:03:04 126
原创 树
2019-05-22 15:32:07 192
原创 Monitor(二维数组前缀和)
MonitorTime Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)Memory Limit: 163840/163840 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 872Accepted Submission(s): 145Problem DescriptionXiaoteng has a large area...
2019-04-24 20:58:49 371
原创 CSL 的字符串
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/551/D来源:牛客网时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒空间限制:C/C++ 524288K,其他语言1048576K64bit IO Format: %lld题目描述CSL 以前不会字符串算法,经过一年的训练,他还是不会……于是他打算向你求助。给定一个字符串,只含有可打印字符,通过删...
2019-04-01 14:53:40 187
原创 队列
一:顺序表写法的循环队列#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define ref1(i,s,e,c) for(int i=s;i<e;i=i+c)#define ref2(i,s,e,c) for(int i=s;i<=e;i=i+c)#define ref3(i,e,s,c) for(int i=e;i>=s;i=i-c)usi...
2019-03-27 11:25:02 201
原创 堆栈
自家写的栈,目前只有初始化,出栈,入栈操作,因为结构知道,栈顶元素可以自己看一:顺序栈#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define ref1(i,s,e,c) for(int i=s;i<e;i=i+c)#define ref2(i,s,e,c) for(int i=s;i<=e;i=i+c)#define ref3(i,e,s,c) fo...
2019-03-25 17:03:18 441
原创 L2-2 小字辈 (25 分)
L2-2小字辈(25分)本题给定一个庞大家族的家谱,要请你给出最小一辈的名单。输入格式:输入在第一行给出家族人口总数 N(不超过 100 000 的正整数) —— 简单起见,我们把家族成员从 1 到 N 编号。随后第二行给出 N 个编号,其中第 i 个编号对应第 i 位成员的父/母。家谱中辈分最高的老祖宗对应的父/母编号为 -1。一行中的数字间以空格分隔。输出格式:首先输...
2019-03-13 11:48:11 258
原创 L1-1 天梯赛座位分配 (20 分)(过程模拟即可)
L1-1天梯赛座位分配(20分)天梯赛每年有大量参赛队员,要保证同一所学校的所有队员都不能相邻,分配座位就成为一件比较麻烦的事情。为此我们制定如下策略:假设某赛场有 N 所学校参赛,第 i 所学校有 M[i] 支队伍,每队 10 位参赛选手。令每校选手排成一列纵队,第 i+1 队的选手排在第 i 队选手之后。从第 1 所学校开始,各校的第 1 位队员顺次入座,然后是各校的第 2 位队员…...
2019-03-13 11:07:57 410
原创 标题:小朋友排队(本质:逆序对,可用归并排序,树状数组)
标题:小朋友排队 n 个小朋友站成一排。现在要把他们按身高从低到高的顺序排列,但是每次只能交换位置相邻的两个小朋友。 每个小朋友都有一个不高兴的程度。开始的时候,所有小朋友的不高兴程度都是0。 如果某个小朋友第一次被要求交换,则他的不高兴程度增加1,如果第二次要求他交换,则他的不高兴程度增加2(即不高兴程度为3),依次类推。当要求某个小朋友第k次交换时,他的不高兴程...
2019-03-07 11:12:22 181
原创 地宫取宝
标题:地宫取宝 X 国王有一个地宫宝库。是 n x m 个格子的矩阵。每个格子放一件宝贝。每个宝贝贴着价值标签。 地宫的入口在左上角,出口在右下角。 小明被带到地宫的入口,国王要求他只能向右或向下行走。 走过某个格子时,如果那个格子中的宝贝价值比小明手中任意宝贝价值都大,小明就可以拿起它(当然,也可以不拿)。 当小明走到出口时,如果他手中的宝贝恰...
2019-03-06 16:28:13 100
原创 简单链表(未完善)
无序:与输入一致#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>using namespace std;struct List{ int value; List *next; int length;};List *head,*tail;//head头指针是个哨兵,无实际元素,tail尾指针也是哨兵,但有实际元素void cre...
2019-03-06 12:18:12 146
原创 带分数
标题:带分数 100 可以表示为带分数的形式:100 = 3 + 69258 / 714 还可以表示为:100 = 82 + 3546 / 197 注意特征:带分数中,数字1~9分别出现且只出现一次(不包含0)。 类似这样的带分数,100 有 11 种表示法。题目要求:从标准输入读入一个正整数N (N<1000*1000)程序输出该数字用数码...
2019-02-27 20:29:53 111
原创 1010 Radix (25 分)
1010 Radix (25 分)Given a pair of positive integers, for example, 6 and 110, can this equation 6 = 110 be true? The answer is yes, if 6 is a decimal number and 110 is a binary number.Now for any pa...
2019-02-26 09:01:42 461
原创 1025 PAT Ranking (25 分)
1025 PAT Ranking (25 分)Programming Ability Test (PAT) is organized by the College of Computer Science and Technology of Zhejiang University. Each test is supposed to run simultaneously in several pl...
2019-02-15 17:04:00 196
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹