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原创 软光栅算法和分型几何的实现

第一部分软光栅(1)绘制线段1 思路如上图所示,当画一条线时,首先计算增量dx,dy。如果dy<dx,则x方向增长快,每次必加1,而y看判别式。取dx所在线(x轴平行线)和画的线所成角的角平分线,若新的y落在该平分线上面,则y递增,否则y不变。而角平分线方程为:dy=12dxdy=\frac{1}{2}dxdy=21​dx,即平分斜率。即dy−12dx>0⟹2dy−dx>0dy-\frac{1}{2}dx>0 \Longrightarrow 2dy-dx>0dy−21

2020-11-15 21:41:43 382 2

原创 学习笔记——KMP字符串匹配算法


2019-05-04 01:13:42 395

原创 学习笔记——并查集(下)带权并查集

简介带权并查集是一种带有某种信息的并查集,即每个子节点都储存其自身与跟节点的关系,如路径长度等。定义一个带权并查集数组:struct{ int p;//父节点编号 int data;//与根节点的关系}f[MAX];这里关键的问题时带权并查集在合并和路径压缩时怎么做到状态更新呢?合并首先合并,除了普通的合并,只要加一条信息更新就行了(更新最终根节点)void merge(int ...

2019-02-21 21:36:30 754

原创 学习笔记——并查集(上)模板和种类并查集


2019-02-20 02:51:25 794

原创 学习笔记——最小生成树


2019-02-19 00:51:50 928

原创 Linux添加Qt库的方法

阿里云服务器上添加Qt库的方法(会自动根据当前已安装的版本下载对应版本):sudo apt-get install libqt5websockets5-dev会安装libqt5websockets5.so

2020-05-15 10:08:25 1221

原创 Numbers(模拟)

ZOJ - 3987DreamGrid has a nonnegative integer n. He would like to divide n into m nonnegative integers a1,a2,…,ama_1, a_2, \dots, a_ma1​,a2​,…,am​​ and minimizes their bitwise or (i.e. n=a1+a2+⋯+amn...

2020-03-05 01:16:41 264

原创 Safest Buildings(思维模拟)

ZOJ - 3993PUBG is a multiplayer online battle royale video game. In the game, up to one hundred players parachute onto an island and scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others while avoiding ...

2020-03-05 00:54:08 335

原创 Crusaders Quest(模拟)

ZOJ - 3983Crusaders Quest is an interesting mobile game. A mysterious witch has brought great darkness to the game world, and the only hope for your kingdom is to save the Goddesses so that they can...

2020-03-05 00:49:10 410

原创 String of CCPC(模拟)

ZOJ - 3985BaoBao has just found a string (s) of length (n) consisting of ‘C’ and ‘P’ in his pocket. As a big fan of the China Collegiate Programming Contest, BaoBao thinks a substring (s_is_{i+1}s_{...

2020-03-05 00:39:27 292

转载 拓展GCD(转载)


2020-03-05 00:11:04 142

原创 A Research Problem(欧拉函数,DFS)

UVA10837#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <queue>#include <strin...

2020-03-04 09:10:24 242

转载 欧拉函数 (一些性质和运用)内置杜教筛


2020-03-04 08:28:34 207

原创 Yet Another Multiple Problem(同余方程+BFS)

SP12810There are tons of problems about integer multiples. Despite the fact that the topic is not original, the content is highly challenging. That’s why we call it “Yet Another Multiple Problem”.I...

2020-03-03 17:50:19 221

转载 中国剩余定理(孙子定理)(转载)


2020-03-03 14:21:00 268 1

原创 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers(前缀和,素数筛)

UVA1210筛出素数,处理成前缀和,O(n2)O(n^2)O(n2)枚举每一种和的可能。#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>usi...

2020-03-03 11:48:11 298

原创 Almost Prime Numbers(素数筛)

UVA10539枚举2到high\sqrt{high}high​,分别看i2,i3⋯ini^2,i^3\cdots i^ni2,i3⋯in,是否在[left,right][left,right][left,right]中,统计多少个这样的次方方在范围中即可。#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cm...

2020-03-03 11:30:35 179

原创 Perfect Pth Powers(唯一分解定理)

UVA10622由唯一分解定理,将nnn分解后求每个素数项对应的指数的最小公约数即可。虽然nnn在int范围内,但仍要long long,因为int的负数的绝对值比整数大1。#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include ...

2020-03-03 10:38:42 1538

原创 Divisors(约数的数目)

UVA294题目要求指定范围内约数数目最多的数以及对应的约数数量。根据唯一分解定理,对于任意正整数2≤N2\leq N2≤N,有:N=∑i=1npiai,p为素数N=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}p_i^{a_i},p为素数N=i=1∑n​piai​​,p为素数那么根据乘法原理,约数的总数目为:f(N)=∏i=1n(1+ai)f(N)=\prod\limits_{i=1}^...

2020-03-03 08:57:59 599

原创 Semi-prime H-numbers

UVA11105线性筛即可。#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <vector>using namespace std;const int MAXN = 1000001;bool IsNotHPrimer[MAXN + 1];bool...

2020-03-02 23:36:01 168

原创 Trees in a Wood.


2020-03-02 22:27:15 163

原创 Send a Table(欧拉函数埃式筛)

UVA10375显然,题目要求有多少二元组(x,y)(x,y)(x,y)满足1≤x,y≤n且x,y互素1\leq x,y\leq n且x,y互素1≤x,y≤n且x,y互素。根据欧拉函数ϕ\phiϕ的定义,ϕ(n)\phi (n)ϕ(n)为小于n且与n互素的整数个数。定义f(n)=∑i=2nϕ(i)f(n)=\sum\limits_{i=2}^{n}\phi(i)f(n)=i=2∑n​ϕ(i...

2020-03-02 21:33:54 219

原创 Choose and divide

Voj#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <string.h>using namespace std;const int MAXN = 10000;//素数表vector<int>...

2020-03-02 20:25:20 114

原创 Minimum Sum LCM


2020-03-02 19:38:29 227

原创 Pairs of integers

HDOJ 1554You are to find all pairs of integers such that their sum is equal to the given integer number N and the second number results from the first one by striking out one of its digits. The firs...

2020-03-02 17:40:43 350

原创 Nature Reserve(三分)

CodeForces - 1059D题目大意:平面上有n个点,现在需要找这么一个圆,它与y=0相切,且这n个点都在圆上或圆内,求这个圆的最小半径Input输入n,1 <= n <= 10^5接下来n行,每行表示一个点的坐标,依次是x,y,坐标都是整数且绝对值不超过107,同时不存在y=0的点Output这样的圆如果不存在,输出-1,存在则输出其最小半径,误差小于10-6视为正确...

2020-03-02 12:51:12 294

原创 Forgery

CodeForces - 1059B time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputStudent Andrey has been skipping physical education lessons for the whole ter...

2020-03-02 10:15:14 183

转载 Tournament(转载)

ZOJ - 4063DreamGrid, the king of Gridland, is making a knight tournament. There are nnn knights, numbered from 1 to nnn, participating in the tournament. The rules of the tournament are listed as fo...

2020-03-02 10:02:58 329

原创 Plants vs. Zombies

ZOJ - 4062BaoBao and DreamGrid are playing the game Plants vs. Zombies. In the game, DreamGrid grows plants to defend his garden against BaoBao’s zombies.(Image from pixiv. ID: 21790160; Artist: s...

2020-03-02 09:55:01 851

原创 Books

ZOJ - 4067DreamGrid went to the bookshop yesterday. There are nnn books in the bookshop in total. Because DreamGrid is very rich, he bought the books according to the strategy below:Check the nnn b...

2020-03-02 09:36:20 186

原创 除法表达式

Time Limit(Common/Java):1000MS/10000MS Memory Limit:65536KByteTotal Submit: 279 Accepted: 68Description给出如下除法表达式E:X1/X2/X3/…/Xk其中Xi是正整数并且Xi<=2 000 000 000(1<=i<=k,k<=1...

2020-03-02 09:20:06 646

原创 Flippy Sequence

ZOJDreamGrid has just found two binary sequences s1,s2,…,sns_1, s_2, \dots, s_ns1​,s2​,…,sn​ and t1,t2,…,tnt_1, t_2, \dots, t_nt1​,t2​,…,tn​ (si,ti∈{0,1}s_i, t_i \in \{0, 1\}si​,ti​∈{0,1} for all 1≤...

2020-03-01 13:18:32 317 1

原创 git的基本使用方法(Qt)

首先下载一个git,然后配置好。在Qt中创建一个项目来到项目所在的文件夹,右键/git bash here(Windows系统打开git的方法)在git bash中,输入git init,创建一个本地仓库。执行git remote add origin <仓库链接地址>。这样,origin就是仓库地址了。一般是https或ssh。执行git branch 分支名,在本地仓库...

2020-02-08 23:00:31 1172

原创 基于QTest的TDD开发模式应用实例。

TDD(Test Driven Development),即测试驱动开发。是指在具体开发之前先编写测试样例。这样做的好处有:一开始就从被使用的角度考虑,能避免开发半天发现方向错误甚至开发用不到的功能。先编写出测试,方便接口各方达成共识(交叉评审),并在开发中相互协同测试,避免各方开发方向出现偏差。基于QTest开发的测试代码能在开发后一键测试,并且在代码进行修改时(功能变更或出现联调Bug...

2020-02-08 22:32:24 556

原创 数的表达式解析,正则定义以及DFA

文章目录目标构造正则定义基本正则定义数的正则定义正则定义转NFA(非确定的有穷自动机)无符号浮点数(unsigned float)(Spaces)(ID)(Equal)(UnsignedFloat)IDunsigned floatEqualUnsignedFloatDigitsFractionExponentSigned有符号浮点数(float)(Spaces)(ID)(Equal)(Float)...

2020-02-08 17:43:32 632

原创 整数以及浮点数的正则定义


2020-02-06 00:36:55 1249

原创 Coding Wiki文档的应用


2020-02-05 00:36:55 1617

原创 coding关联QT项目(Git)

下载git设置环境变量。在coding上创建分支Branch绑定QtCreator点击文件/新建文件或项目/Import Project/Git CloneRepository:https://e.coding.net/luoxiao23333/ChrtScript.git(仓库链接)Branch:Branch,即当前要同步的分支名Path:自己本地仓库要放在电脑哪里Dictor...

2020-02-04 21:41:43 341

原创 自己的个人博客(hexo+coding+gittalk)


2020-02-02 10:37:44 472

原创 K-th occurrence (后缀自动机上合并权值线段树+树上倍增)

AC代码:#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<vector>using namespace std;const int MAXN = 1e5 + 5;int N, L, R, K, Q;char S[MAXN];int u[MAXN];//1...rint EndPosToTree[2 *...

2020-01-30 18:17:09 316



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