
推荐一本书,Science Research Writing: for Non-Native Speakers of English written by Hilary Glasman-Deal



  • Quantifying the flow dynamics essentially requires the knowledge of spatio-temporal fluid velocity and pressure fields, and has been the centerpiece of experimental and theoretical fluid mechanics for centuries.
  • Recent advances in deep learning and computational resources in addition to new data recordings and sensor technologies have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the physical world in modern application areas such as image recognition, drug discovery, and bioinformatics.
  • Traditionally, this has been achieved by xxx, or by xxx with xxx. Despite significant advances in xxx, the use of xxx is not a straightforward task.


  • To the best of out knowledge, there is no general implementation for xxx. This is the main motivation of the present work.


  • In other cases, matters are less straightforward.
  • A different type of problem is encountered when we consider xxx
  • It proves to be quite difficult to do sth when xxx
  • Body-fitted grids have significant advantages over their Cartesian equivalents, but there is a price to pay for the geometric flexibility: the governing equations in curvilinear co-ordinate systems are much more complex
  • In spite of all its advantages, the PIV method contains some shortcomings that necessitate further developments on the basis of instrumentation.


  • This leads to so-called block-structured grids, which are considerably more flexible than Cartesian or body-fitted meshes
  • We postpone discussion of these details until section xx.
  • This suggests that xxx
  • Because of xxx, xxx development has not been a priority, however xxx. Recent efforts have been made to xxx


  • The proposed algorithm achieves accurate predictions of the pressure and velocity fields in both two and three dimensional flows for several benchmark problems motivated by real-world applications.


  • Note here that …
  • In addition to the greater complexity of the equations, it should be noted that body-fitted grids are still structured, so grid refinement is generally not purely local
  • It should be pointed out that xxx
  • The results indicated that xxx


  • At the start of xxx, it is common practice to establish whether it is possible to apply one or more potential simplifications.


  • Whilst we have made it clear that the only true quality check is validation, it is advisable to apply a range of common-sense quality tests where new flow problems are investigated.
  • In such cases it would obviously be much more advantageous to work with grids that can handle curvature and geometric complexity more naturally


  • associated with
  • account for to be the reason why something happens SYN explain
  • a rule of thumb 经验法则
  • by means of
  • cope with: to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation
  • from the theoretical standpoint
  • in conjunction with: working, happening, or being used with someone or something else
  • in contrast to a difference between people, ideas, situations, things etc that are being compared
  • irrespective of sth: regardless
  • in essence used when talking about the most basic and important part of something, especially an idea, belief, or argument
  • of interest
  • other than except
  • ·rather than` instead of sb/sth
  • remark something that you say when you express an opinion or say what you have noticed SYN comment
  • state of the art: using the most modern or advanced techniques or methods; as good as it can be at the present time
  • take it for granted that xxx



  • currently, essentially, individually, merely, practically, specifically, traditionally, unfortunately
  • further, furthermore, moreover
  • hence, thence
  • herein in this place, situation, document etc


  • allow, demonstrate, depict, employ, explore, illustrate, imply, impose, indicate, perform, resolve, seek
  • accommodate to get used to a new situation or to make yourself do this
  • coalesce if objects or ideas coalesce, they combine to form one single group SYN fuse
  • coincide to happen at the same time as something else, especially by chance ⇨ coincidence
  • comprise to consist of particular parts, groups etc
  • confront if a problem, difficulty etc confronts you, it appears and needs to be dealt with
  • deem: to think of something in a particular way or as having a particular quality SYN consider
  • exert to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen
  • exploit
    1. to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return – used to show disapproval
    2. to use something fully and effectively
  • elucidate to explain something that is difficult to understand by providing more information SYN clarify
  • proceed with to continue to do something that has already been planned or started
  • resort to sth. to do something bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem
  • strive: to make a great effort to achieve something
  • underpin to give strength or support to something and to help it succeed
  • utilize to use something for a particular purpose


  • flexibility, methodology
  • assembly the process of putting the parts of something together
  • context the situation, events, or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it
  • flaw: a mistake, mark, or weakness that makes something imperfect SYN defect
  • hamper to make it difficult for someone to do something
  • implication a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc
  • proximity nearness in distance or time
  • scrutiny: careful and thorough examination of someone or something


  • whereby: by means of which or according to which


  • straightforward
  • amenable willing to accept what someone says or does without arguing
  • crucial something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it SYN vital
  • concomitant existing or happening together, especially as a result of something SYN attendant
  • eloquent able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people10
  • the foregoing (sth.) something that has just been mentioned, read, dealt with etc OPP following
  • intricate containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together ⇨ complex
  • massive very large, solid, and heavy
  • plentiful more than enough in quantity
  • premature happening before the natural or proper time
  • profound showing great knowledge and understanding
  • prominent important
  • stepwise in a series of steps, rather than continuously
  • stiff difficult to do or deal with11
  • striking unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed
  • tedious something that is tedious continues for a long time and is not interesting SYN boring
  • tremendous very big, fast, powerful etc
  • viable a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully
  • vast extremely large SYN huge vast amounts/numbers/quantities/sums etc (of something)


  • albeit used to add information that reduces the force or importance of what you have just said SYN although
  • whereas used to say that although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another




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