% Time Series Trend Detection Tests
%[ z, sl, lcl, ucl ]=trend( y, dt )% where z = Mann-Kendall Statistic
% sl = Sen's Slope Estimate
% lcl = Lower Confidence Limit of sl
% ucl = Upper Confidence Limit of sl
% y = Time Series of Data
% dt = Time Interval of Data
function [ z, sl, lcl, ucl ]=mk( y )
n =length( y );
dt=1;% Mann-Kendall Test for N >40%disp('Mann-Kendall Test;');%if n <41,%disp( 'WARNING - sould be more than 40 points' );% end;% calculate statistic
s =0;for k =1:n-1,for j = k+1:n,
s = s +sign(y(j)-y(k));
end;%variance( assuming no tied groups )
v =( n *( n -1)*(2* n +5))/18;% test statistic
if s ==0,
z =0;
elseif s >0,
z =( s -1)/sqrt( v );else
z =( s +1)/sqrt( v );
end;% should calculate Normal value here
nor =1.96;% results
disp([' n = 'num2str( n )]);disp([' Mean Value = 'num2str(mean( y ))]);disp([' Z statistic = 'num2str( z )]);ifabs( z )< nor,disp(' No significant trend');
z =0;
elseif z >0,disp(' Upward trend detected');elsedisp(' Downward trend detected');
end;disp('Sens Nonparametric Estimator:');% calculate slopes
ndash = n *( n -1)/2;
s =zeros( ndash,1);
i =1;for k =1:n-1,for j = k+1:n,s(i)=(y(j)-y(k))/( j - k )/ dt;
i = i +1;
end;% the estimate
sl =median( s );disp([' Slope Estimate = 'num2str( sl )]);%variance( assuming no tied groups )
v =( n *( n -1)*(2* n +5))/18;
m1 =fix(( ndash - nor *sqrt( v ))/2);
m2 =fix(( ndash + nor *sqrt( v ))/2);
s =sort( s );
lcl =s( m1 );
ucl =s( m2 +1);disp([' Lower Confidence Limit = '...num2str( lcl )]);disp([' Upper Confidence Limit = '...num2str( ucl )]);
>> MK
n =70
Mean Value =1964.5
Z statistic =12.2382
Upward trend detected
Sens Nonparametric Estimator:
Slope Estimate =1
intercept Estimate =0
Lower Confidence Limit =1
Upper Confidence Limit =1