

Good morning/afternoon,my dear teaches.i am really glad to be here for your interview .Now ,Please allow me to give me a brief self-introduction.

My name is XXi,XX years old. I was born in XX, a beautiful city in JiangXi province. It was when I entered the college 4 years ago that I officially became a student majoring in Electronic Information Science and Technology. Through studying Professional knowledge and reading books involving relevant specialty, I find myself gradually obsessed with the charm of this major and would like to make some contributions in this field. At the same time, I realize that until now what I have learned is far from enough for this target, so I take it necessary to continue my learning in this field, that is, I choose to go further with my study to achieve a master’s degree

During the four years in this college, I have been studying very hard and was granted scholarship several times such as National Encouragement scholarship and second-class scholarship. In addition, I participated in various subject competitions actively .such as Mathematical Modeling Contest, School Electronic Design Contest and Provincial Essay Contest,And get some results,More important is toaccumulate teamwork experience and improve the ability to solve problems

.Moreover,cooking,Snooker,chinese chess and writing are my passions,which enrich my campus life very much, and also benefit me in many ways, like keeping fit, making lots of friends as well as developing my logic intelligence.
Last but not least, I am easy-going, open-minded, and warm-hearted, therefore, I have established good relationship with my classmates. As is well-known, XXX University is an outstanding college with perfect academic atmosphere and highly qualified And I would appreciate it if you could give me the chance for further study!

That’s all. Thanks for your listenning!


Q1 为什么读研?


I hope that I can continue my graduate studies for two main reasons. First, I have a strong interest in the field of electronic information. After all, the knowledge I have learned at the undergraduate level is limited and cannot meet the needs of higher-level scientific research and technical work. Choose to continue to study for a master’s degree, improve my business ability, and make greater progress; second, I really enjoy the process of acquiring knowledge. I am a very motivated person with strong self-driving ability, and I will not be satisfied with The status quo, but will not be anxious all the time because the status quo is behind. I always think of ways to improve myself and make myself more capable to solve problems.

Q2:How do you plan to study for your graduate programme?

我认为,最好的研究方法对研究具有重要意义。 所以首先,我将在您的指导下选择一种研 究方法;
其次,我将制定一个务实的研究计划和时间表。 我希望我能对我的专业形成系统 的看法;
第三,通过阅读书籍和期刊,我将使自己熟悉该领域的最新发展。 我希望我能在 这个领域有所建树。

In my opinion,fiestly,the study method is one of great importance for research. So, I will choose a certain approach in my study area with teacher’s guidance ; Secondly, I will draw a pragmatic Research plan and time schedule. I hope I can form a systematical view of my major; Thirdly , I will make myself be familiar with the latest development of this area by reading books and journals. I do hope I will get somewhere in this field.

Q3.你最大的缺点是什么?What are your biggest shortcomings?

我最大的缺点是,我有点完美主义,所以我很注重每个细节,我对自己的要求总是非 常的高,
以致于没有完成自己预期时,会有些沮丧。但是我会通过自我调整,与自己沟通,让自己乐 观起来;

My biggest shortcoming is that I’m a bit perfectionist, so I pay attention to every detail, and I am always strict with myself. So that When I didn’t complete my expectations, I would be very frustrated. But In a while ,I will adjust myself and communicate with myself or friends to make myself optimistic

Q4.你最大的优点是什么?What are your greatest strengths?

我认为我最大的优点是能专注的完成一件事情,不受外界环境的困扰,此外,我也能根 据环境的变换,快速的进行自我调整,保证计划顺利完成。

I think my biggest advantage is that I can concentrate on one thing without being bothered by the external environment. In addition, I can quickly adjust myself according to the changes in the environment to ensure the smooth completion of the plan.

Q5.介绍自己的家乡? Introduce your hometown?

我的家乡XX是小座喧闹的小城市,它是全国最大的汽车贸易之乡, 并且在XX有句谚语,公路上的汽车十辆有一辆来自XX。 此外,如果你有机会去XX,一定记得品尝高安的米酒,XX人们非常热情好客, 作为一个土城土长的XX人,我非常热爱XX的风土人情和饮食文化。

My hometown is a small and noisy city in XX, It is the country’s largest auto trading town, and there is a proverb in XX. One out of ten cars on the road comes from XX. In addition, if you have the opportunity to go toXX, you must remember to taste XX rice wine. The people of XXare very hospitable . As a native oXX I am very fond of XX local customs and food culture.

Q6.你对自己家乡不喜欢的地方? What do you dislike about your hometown?


I am a native of XX. I like XX customs and eating habits very much. The only place I do n’t like is XXn bus. The bus in Gao’an is very slow, which always makes me worry about being late ;

Q7.介绍一下你的家庭? Introduce your family?

Q8.研究生期间收获什么What you learned during your graduate studies

研究生期间我希望能提高自己的专业素养,培养自己的逻辑思维能力,毕业后,能做一个 对社会有贡献的人,以此实现自我价值

During graduate school, I hope to improve my professional qualities and cultivate my logical thinking ability. After graduation, I can be a person who contributes to society and thus realize my self-worth。

Q9.毕业后的规划Planning after graduation

毕业后我想找一份专业相关的工作,我想用自己所学的知识做出提高生活质量的东西, 我也不会停止学习专业知识,我对未来非常的额期待

After graduation, I want to find a professional-related job, I want to use my knowledge to make things that improve the quality of life. in a addition,I will not stop learning professional knowledge, and I look forward to the future

Q10…介绍你的专业 Introduce your major

我的专业是电子信息科学与技术,一开始是因为对电子与通信领域非常感兴趣选择的这个 专业,
但是与此同时,我发现自己所学的知识有限,无法满足更高的层次要求,所以我选择考研, 希望在研究生阶段深入的学习

My major is electronic information science and technology. At the beginning, I chose this major because I was very interested in the field of electronics and communications. With in-depth study, I found that the knowledge I learned is very interesting, and is the trend of future development, and has great prospects,but at the same time, I found that the knowledge I learned was limited and could not meet the higher level requirements, so I hope to have the opportunity to study in depth at the graduate level

Q11. 你喜欢哪门课程,为什么? Which course do you like and why?

我非常喜欢通信原理,因为它简述了通信系统的机制,帮助我解决了各种小疑问, 比如,手机为什么不用接线?

Q12…你从社团经历学到了什么?What have you learned from club experience?


Through the experience of the community, I can better arrange learning and life, improveing the efficiency of handling affairs, and also learning to communicate with people and cooperate with others;

Q13. 你 从 科 研 / 竞 赛 经 历 中 学 到 了 什 么 ? What have you learned from your research / competition experience?

从科研/竞赛经历中我独立思考问题的能力得到了很大的提高, 遇到问题我会首先查询资料,常问自己为什么?怎么做?通过不断地询问自己,即使没有找到解决办法,也对问题地理解更加地深入; 并且通过独立思考逻辑思维能力得到了很大的提高。

From the research / competition experience, my ability to think independently has been greatly improved. When I encounter problems, I will first query the information, and often ask myself why? How to do it? By constantly asking myself, even if no solution is found, the understanding of the problem is deepened; and the ability of logical thinking through independent thinking has been greatly improved.

Q14.考研期间遇到了什么困难? What difficulties did you encounter during the postgraduate study?

以及在室友的帮助下,成功的每天六点半起床,至今我还保留着早睡早起的好习惯,因此我 非常感谢我的室友

The difficulty I encountered during the postgraduate entrance examination was that I woke up very late in the morning, but with a strict time plan and the help of roommates, I successfully got up at 6:30 every day. So far I still retain the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, and I am very grateful to my roommates

Q15.如果这次失败了,你怎么办? What if you fail this time?

如果这次失败,我会去反思自己失败的原因,总结经验,因为我很坚定自己读研的决定, 所以我会选择今年第二次考研;

If I fail this time, I will reflect on the reasons for my failure and sum up the experience, Because I am very determined to be a graduate student So I will choose the second postgraduate examination this year;


通信原理:通过学习通信原理这门课程,我了解通信系统的机制,数字通信与模拟通信的优 缺点,以及影响通信质量的因素 Principles of
Communication: By learning Communication Principles, I understand the
mechanism of communication systems, the advantages and disadvantages
of digital communication and analog communication, and the factors
that affect the quality of communication.

数字信号处理:通过数字信号处理这门课程,我学习了几种新的变换分析方法,如:Z 变换,
离散傅里叶变换,这些方法能帮助我们更好的分析信号的特性。 Digital signal processing: By learning
digital signal processing, I learned several new transform analysis
methods, such as: Z transform, discrete Fourier transform, These
methods can help us better analyze the characteristics of discrete

数字逻辑电路:通过学习数字逻辑电路,我学会了逻辑电路的设计,并能设计简单的电子器 件,比如,计数器,水位控制器, Digital logic
circuits: By learning digital logic circuits, I learned the design of
logic circuits and can design simple electronic devices, such as
counters, water level controllers,and so on.

信号与系统:通过学习信号系统,我学会了几种新的变换分析方法,如:拉普拉斯变换,傅 里叶变换,这些方法能帮助我们更好的分析连续信号的特性。
Signals and systems: Through learning signal systems, I learned
several new transform analysis methods, such as: Laplace transform,
Fourier transform, these methods can help us better analyze the
characteristics of continuous signals.

  1. Why choose XX University? Introduce your undergraduate school ?
  2. Describe the most unforgettable success in your life.(一件最难忘的成功经历)
  3. Do you think English is important? why? 校园生活中最有成就感的事?
  4. 最喜欢的哪种类型的音乐? What kind of music is your favorite?
  5. 你周末做什么 What do you do on theweekend
  6. 喜欢的电影/书籍是什么?喜欢的人物是什么?




我叫XX,XX 岁,来自XX,是一名XX航空大学电子信息科学与技术专业的大四在读生。


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在Java外企英语面试中,通常会考察两个主要方面:英语能力和技术基础/项目经历。对于英语能力,一般来说,对于3年以内工作经验的技术同学,要求是能够进行日常交流,不要求能够交流技术。因此,在准备阶段,可以准备一下英文自我介绍、一些常见的问答题,比如爱好、平常喜欢做什么等生活话题,以防万一还可以准备一下英文的项目介绍。不同的公司、岗位和团队对于英语的要求也不一样,可以在面试之前与HR沟通咨询,了解对英语的要求是简单的读写、日常沟通还是技术沟通。根据自己的英语水平选择合适的岗位。 另外,面试中还会考察技术基础和项目经历。对于Java后端开发,可能会问到一些关于Java垃圾回收器的问题,比如1.5~1.8官方默认的垃圾回收器有哪些,它们的区别和实现原理是什么。此外,还可能会问到其他与Java底层实现和多线程实现相关的问题。在准备过程中,可以对这些知识点进行复习和准备,确保能够清晰地回答面试官的问题。 综上所述,在Java外企英语面试中,需要准备好英语能力和技术基础/项目经历两个方面的内容。通过充分准备和复习,可以提高面试的成功率。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [2018 某外企大公司Java面试题](https://blog.csdn.net/wmq880204/article/details/85320873)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down28v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *2* *3* [后端Java一年经验面试记录--外企篇](https://blog.csdn.net/zacaolianjingxin/article/details/127195608)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down28v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]


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