



实例依然是 A s + e As+e As+e

  1. K e n G e n ( ) KenGen() KenGen():公钥 p k = [ − A s A + 2 e ] pk = \begin{bmatrix}-A \\ sA+2e\end{bmatrix} pk=[AsA+2e],私钥 s k = [ s , 1 ] sk = [s,1] sk=[s,1],使得 s k ⋅ p k = 2 e sk \cdot pk =2 e skpk=2e(矩阵乘法即可验证)

  2. E n c ( ) Enc() Enc() E n c p k ( m ) = p k ⋅ r + [ ⋮ 0 m ] ( m o d    q ) Enc_{pk}(m) = pk \cdot r + \begin{bmatrix} \vdots \\ 0 \\ m\end{bmatrix} (\mod q) Encpk(m)=pkr+0m(modq),其中 r r r均匀取自 { 0 , 1 } L \{0,1\}^L {0,1}L,是个只含0和1的列矩阵,消息 m ∈ { 0 , 1 } m \in \{0,1\} m{0,1}

  3. D e c ( ) Dec() Dec() D e c s k ( c t ) = < s k , c t > m o d    2 Dec_{sk}(ct)=<sk,ct> \mod 2 Decsk(ct)=<sk,ct>mod2
    < s k , c t > = s k ⋅ ( p k ⋅ r + [ ⋮ 0 m ] ) = s k ⋅ p k ⋅ r + s k [ ⋮ 0 m ] = < 2 e , r > + m ≈ m \begin{aligned} <sk,ct> &= sk \cdot (pk \cdot r + \begin{bmatrix} \vdots \\ 0 \\ m\end{bmatrix}) \\ &=sk \cdot pk \cdot r+sk\begin{bmatrix} \vdots \\ 0 \\ m\end{bmatrix} \\ &= <2e,r>+m \\ &\approx m \end{aligned} <sk,ct>=sk(pkr+0m)=skpkr+sk0m=<2e,r>+mm
    < , > <,> <,>这个是内积。)
    文章中把 [ < c , s > ] q [<\mathbf{c},\mathbf s>]_q [<c,s>]q称为密钥 s \mathbf s s下密文 c c c的噪声


设两个密文 c 1 , c 2 \mathbf{c_1},\mathbf{c_2} c1,c2,满足 < c 1 , s > = 2 e 1 + m 1 , < c 2 , s > = 2 e 2 + m 2 <\mathbf{c_1},\mathbf{s}>=2e_1+m_1,<\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf{s}>=2e_2+m_2 <c1,s>=2e1+m1,<c2,s>=2e2+m2
有些地方省略了一下但是默认要模 q q q

  • 加法
    c a d d = < c 1 + c 2 > m o d    q \mathbf {c}_{add} =<\mathbf{c_1}+\mathbf{c_2}> \mod q cadd=<c1+c2>modq
    D e c ( c a d d ) = < c a d d , s > = < c 1 + c 2 , s > = < c 1 , s > + < c 2 , s > = m 1 + m 2 + n o i s e \begin{aligned} Dec(\mathbf {c}_{add}) &= <\mathbf {c}_{add},\mathbf s> \\ &=<\mathbf{c_1}+\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf s> \\ &=<\mathbf{c_1},\mathbf s>+<\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf s> \\ &=m_1+m_2+noise \end{aligned} Dec(cadd)=<cadd,s>=<c1+c2,s>=<c1,s>+<c2,s>=m1+m2+noise
  • 乘法
    < c 1 , s > ⋅ < c 2 , s > = < c 1 ⊗ c 2 , s ⊗ s > <\mathbf{c_1},\mathbf s> \cdot <\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf s> =<\mathbf{c_1} \otimes\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf{s} \otimes \mathbf{s}> <c1,s><c2,s>=<c1c2,ss>
    ⊗ \otimes 这个是张量积),上面的等式可以通过把左边的每一项拆开计算,比如把 c c c s s s都看二维的,计算左边表达式的结果,然后把所有的 c c c s s s分开成内积的形式,就能得到这个结果。
    D e c ( c m u l t ) = < c 1 ⊗ c 2 , s ⊗ s > = < c 1 , s > ⋅ < c 2 , s > = ( 2 e 1 + m 1 ) ( 2 e 2 + m 2 ) = m 1 m 2 + n o i s e \begin{aligned} Dec(\mathbf c_{mult})&= <\mathbf{c_1} \otimes\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf{s} \otimes \mathbf{s}> \\ &= <\mathbf{c_1},\mathbf s> \cdot <\mathbf{c_2},\mathbf s> \\ &= (2e_1+m_1) (2e_2+m_2) \\ &= m_1m_2+noise \end{aligned} Dec(cmult)=<c1c2,ss>=<c1,s><c2,s>=(2e1+m1)(2e2+m2)=m1m2+noise

A d d i t i o n : Dec ⁡ ( c 1 + c 2 , s ) = Dec ⁡ ( c 1 , s ) + Dec ⁡ ( c 2 , s ) M u l t p l i c a t i o n : Dec ⁡ ( c 1 ⊗ c 2 , s ⊗ s ) = Dec ⁡ ( c 1 , s ) ⋅ Dec ⁡ ( c 2 , s ) \begin{array}{l} Addition:\operatorname{Dec}\left(c_{1}+c_{2}, s\right)=\operatorname{Dec}\left(c_{1}, s\right)+\operatorname{Dec}\left(c_{2}, s\right) \\\\ Multplication:\operatorname{Dec}\left(c_{1} \otimes c_{2}, s \otimes s\right)=\operatorname{Dec}\left(c_{1}, s\right) \cdot \operatorname{Dec}\left(c_{2}, s\right) \end{array} Addition:Dec(c1+c2,s)=Dec(c1,s)+Dec(c2,s)Multplication:Dec(c1c2,ss)=Dec(c1,s)Dec(c2,s)

GLWE(General Learning with Errors)

LWE中实例为 ( a , b ) ← Z q n × Z q (a,b) \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q^n \times \mathbb{Z}_q (a,b)Zqn×Zq
RLWE中的实例为 ( a i , b i ) ← R q × R q (a_i,b_i) \leftarrow {R}_q\times {R}_q (ai,bi)Rq×Rq
如果把 Z \mathbb{Z} Z也看做环,那么即可将二者统一起来。
则,可以通过两个参数(d,n)来确定选择的是LWE还是RLWE,LWE 只是用 d = 1 实例化的 GLWE。RLWE 是用 n = 1 实例化的 GLWE。


  • E . S e t u p ( 1 λ , 1 μ , b ) \mathsf{E.Setup}(1^\lambda,1^\mu,b) E.Setup(1λ,1μ,b): 由比特 b b b来确定我们是构造LWE假设下的方案( b = 0 b=0 b=0)还是RLWE假设下的方案( b = 1 b=1 b=1). 选择一个 μ \mu μ比特的模数 q q q和参数
    d = d ( λ , μ , b ) , n = n ( λ , μ , b ) , N = ⌈ ( 2 n + 1 ) log ⁡ q ⌉ , χ = χ ( λ , μ , b ) d=d(\lambda,\mu,b),n=n(\lambda,\mu,b),N=\lceil (2n+1)\log q\rceil, \chi=\chi(\lambda, \mu, b) d=d(λ,μ,b),n=n(λ,μ,b),N=(2n+1)logq,χ=χ(λ,μ,b)
    此处要求最终的参数使得GLWE问题实例具有 2 λ 2^{\lambda} 2λ强度. 令 R = Z [ x ] / ( x d + 1 ) R=\mathbb Z[x]/(x^d+1) R=Z[x]/(xd+1), 并令参数集合 p a r a m s = ( q , d , n , N , χ ) params=(q,d,n,N,\chi) params=(q,d,n,N,χ).

  • E . S e c r e t K e y G e n ( p a r a m s ) \mathsf{E.SecretKeyGen}(params) E.SecretKeyGen(params): 选择 s ′ ← χ n \mathbf s'\leftarrow\chi^n sχn, 输出 s k = s = ( 1 , s ′ [ 1 ] , ⋯   , s ′ [ n ] ) ∈ R q n + 1 sk=\mathbf s=(1,\mathbf s'[1],\cdots,\mathbf s'[n])\in R_q^{n+1} sk=s=(1,s[1],,s[n])Rqn+1.

  • E . P u b l i c K e y G e n ( p a r a m s , s k ) \mathsf{E.PublicKeyGen}(params,sk) E.PublicKeyGen(params,sk): 均匀选择 A ′ ← R q N × n \mathbf A'\leftarrow R_q^{N\times n} ARqN×n, 选择 e ← χ N \mathbf e\leftarrow \chi^N eχN并令 b = A ′ s ′ + 2 e \mathbf b=\mathbf A'\mathbf s'+2\mathbf e b=As+2e. 并令 p k = A = [ b ∣ − A ′ ] pk=\mathbf A=[\mathbf b|-\mathbf A'] pk=A=[bA]或者 [ b , − A ′ ] [\mathbf b,-\mathbf A'] [b,A](一个拼装矩阵)。这里 A ⋅ s = 2 e \mathbf A \cdot \mathbf s = 2e As=2e

  • E . E n c ( p a r a m s , p k , m ∈ { 0 , 1 } ) \mathsf{E.Enc}(params,pk,m\in\{0,1\}) E.Enc(params,pk,m{0,1}): 令 m = ( m , 0 , ⋯   , 0 ) ∈ R q n + 1 \mathbf m=(m,0,\cdots,0)\in R_q^{n+1} m=(m,0,,0)Rqn+1, 选择 r ← R q N \mathbf r\leftarrow R_q^N rRqN, 输出密文 c = m + A T r ∈ R q n + 1 \mathbf c=\mathbf m+\mathbf A^T\mathbf r\in R_q^{n+1} c=m+ATrRqn+1.

  • E . D e c ( p a r a m s , s k , c ) \mathsf{E.Dec}(params,sk,\mathbf c) E.Dec(params,sk,c): 输出 m ← [ [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q ] 2 m\leftarrow [[\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q]_2 m[[c,s]q]2.


密钥交换(Key Switching)



先熟悉两个函数 B i t D e c o m p ( ) BitDecomp() BitDecomp() P o w e r o f 2 ( ) Powerof2() Powerof2(),在这篇文章的扁平化小节有介绍不熟悉的可以看看。
⟨ BitDecomp ⁡ ( c , q ) ,  Powersof2 ( s , q ) ⟩ = ∑ j = 0 ⌊ log ⁡ q ⌋ ⟨ u j , 2 j ⋅ s ⟩ = ∑ j = 0 ⌊ log ⁡ q ⌋ ⟨ 2 j ⋅ u j , s ⟩ = ⟨ ∑ j = 0 ⌊ log ⁡ q ⌋ 2 j ⋅ u j , s ⟩ = ⟨ c , s ⟩ \langle\operatorname{BitDecomp}(\mathbf{c}, q), \text { Powersof2}(\mathbf{s}, q)\rangle=\sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor\log q\rfloor}\left\langle\mathbf{u}_{j}, 2^{j} \cdot \mathbf{s}\right\rangle=\sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor\log q\rfloor}\left\langle 2^{j} \cdot \mathbf{u}_{j}, \mathbf{s}\right\rangle=\left\langle\sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor\log q\rfloor} 2^{j} \cdot \mathbf{u}_{j}, \mathbf{s}\right\rangle=\langle\mathbf{c}, \mathbf{s}\rangle BitDecomp(c,q), Powersof2(s,q)=j=0logquj,2js=j=0logq2juj,s=j=0logq2juj,s=c,s


第一个算法 S w i t c h K e y G e n ( s 1 , q , n 1 , s 2 , n 2 ) SwitchKeyGen(\mathbf s_1,q,n_1,\mathbf s_2,n_2) SwitchKeyGen(s1,q,n1,s2n2)接收两个密钥向量,向量各自的维数,和共同模数作为输入,输出一些辅助信息 τ s 1 → s 2 \tau_{\mathbf{s}_{1} \rightarrow \mathbf{s}_{2}} τs1s2。第二个算法 S w i t c h K e y ( τ s 1 → s 2 , c 1 , n 1 , n 2 , q ) SwitchKey(\tau_{\mathbf{s}_{1} \rightarrow \mathbf{s}_{2}},\mathbf c_1,n_1,n_2,q) SwitchKey(τs1s2,c1,n1,n2,q)接收辅助信息和前密钥加密的密文,来输出在后一个密钥下加密的密文。
理解说明:我们要将密钥 s 1 \mathbf{s}_{1} s1下的密文 c 1 \mathbf{c}_{1} c1切换到密钥 s 2 \mathbf{s}_{2} s2下的密文 c 2 \mathbf{c}_{2} c2,就需要先使用 s 2 \mathbf{s}_{2} s2作为私钥,生成一个公钥,将 P o w e r s o f 2 ( s 1 ) Powersof2( \left.\mathbf{s}_{1}\right) Powersof2(s1)的每一项 2 τ ⋅ s 1 [ i ] 2^\tau \cdot \mathbf{s}_{1}[i] 2τs1[i]进行加密,把这些密文的集合记作 τ s 1 → s 2 \tau_{\mathbf{s}_{1} \rightarrow \mathbf{s}_{2}} τs1s2,可以看到,之前在BV11方案中密钥是有二次项的,但是这里直接一个 s 1 \mathbf{s}_{1} s1就把所有的一次二次项全部囊括了,只需要简单的理解到 s 1 = s ⊗ s \mathbf{s}_{1}=\mathbf{s} \otimes \mathbf{s} s1=ss即可。



  1. S w i t c h K e y G e n ( s 1 ∈ R q n 1 , s 2 ∈ R q n 2 ) SwitchKeyGen(\mathbf s_1 \in R_q^{n_1},\mathbf s_2 \in R_q^{n_2}) SwitchKeyGen(s1Rqn1,s2Rqn2):
    首先 A ← E . P u b l i c k e y G e n ( s 2 , N ) \mathbf{A} \leftarrow E.PublickeyGen \left(\mathbf{s}_{2}, N\right) AE.PublickeyGen(s2,N) N = n 1 ⋅ ⌈ log ⁡ q ⌉ N=n_{1} \cdot\lceil\log q\rceil N=n1logq,这里有 s 2 ⋅ A = 2 e \mathbf{s}_{2} \cdot \mathbf A = 2e s2A=2e
    接着 B ← A + P o w e r s o f 2 ( s 1 ) \mathbf{B} \leftarrow \mathbf{A}+ Powersof2( \mathbf{s}_{1}) BA+Powersof2(s1):也就是把 P o w e r s o f 2 ( s 1 ) Powersof2( \left.\mathbf{s}_{1}\right) Powersof2(s1)加到 A \mathbf{A} A的第一列,得到矩阵 B \mathbf{B} B,输出 τ s 1 → s 2 = B \tau_{\mathbf{s}_{1} \rightarrow \mathbf{s}_{2}}=\mathbf{B} τs1s2=B,可以把 B \mathbf{B} B看成 B = [ P o w e r s o f 2 ( s 1 ) ∣ A ] \mathbf{B} = [Powersof2(\mathbf{s}_{1})| \mathbf A] B=[Powersof2(s1)A]或者 B = [ P o w e r s o f 2 ( s 1 ) , A ] \mathbf{B} = [Powersof2(\mathbf{s}_{1}),\mathbf A] B=[Powersof2(s1),A]

  2. S w i t c h K e y ( τ s 1 → s 2 , c 1 ) SwitchKey(\tau_{\mathbf{s}_{1} \rightarrow \mathbf{s}_{2}},\mathbf c_1) SwitchKey(τs1s2,c1):
    输出 c 2 = B i t D e c o m p ( c 1 ) T ⋅ B ∈ R q n 2 \mathbf c_2=\mathsf{BitDecomp}(\mathbf c_1)^T\cdot \mathbf B\in R_q^{n_2} c2=BitDecomp(c1)TBRqn2

⟨ c 2 , s 2 ⟩ = BitDecomp ⁡ ( c 1 ) T ⋅ B ⋅ s 2 = BitDecomp ⁡ ( c 1 ) T ⋅ [ Powersof2 ⁡ ( s 1 ) , A ] ⋅ [ 1 , s 2 ′ ] T = BitDecomp ⁡ ( c 1 ) T ⋅ ( 2 e 2 + Powersof ⁡ 2 ( s 1 ) ) = 2 ⟨ BitDecomp ⁡ ( c 1 ) , e 2 ⟩ + ⟨ BitDecomp ⁡ ( c 1 ) , Powersof ⁡ 2 ( s 1 ) ⟩ = 2 ⟨ BitDecomp ⁡ ( c 1 ) , e 2 ⟩ + ⟨ c 1 , s 1 ⟩ \begin{aligned} \left\langle\mathbf{c}_{2}, \mathbf{s}_{2}\right\rangle &=\operatorname{BitDecomp}\left(\mathbf{c}_{1}\right)^{T} \cdot \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{s}_{2} \\ &=\operatorname{BitDecomp}\left(\mathbf{c}_{1}\right)^{T} \cdot [\operatorname{Powersof2}(\mathbf{s}_{1}),\mathbf A] \cdot [1,\mathbf {s_2'}]^T\\ &=\operatorname{BitDecomp}\left(\mathbf{c}_{1}\right)^{T} \cdot\left(2 \mathbf{e}_{2}+\operatorname{Powersof} 2\left(\mathbf{s}_{1}\right)\right) \\ &=2\left\langle\operatorname{BitDecomp}\left(\mathbf{c}_{1}\right), \mathbf{e}_{2}\right\rangle+\left\langle\operatorname{BitDecomp}\left(\mathbf{c}_{1}\right), \operatorname{Powersof} 2\left(\mathbf{s}_{1}\right)\right\rangle \\ &=2\left\langle\operatorname{BitDecomp}\left(\mathbf{c}_{1}\right), \mathbf{e}_{2}\right\rangle+\left\langle\mathbf{c}_{1}, \mathbf{s}_{1}\right\rangle \end{aligned} c2,s2=BitDecomp(c1)TBs2=BitDecomp(c1)T[Powersof2(s1),A][1,s2]T=BitDecomp(c1)T(2e2+Powersof2(s1))=2BitDecomp(c1),e2+BitDecomp(c1),Powersof2(s1)=2BitDecomp(c1),e2+c1,s1

模交换(Modulus Switching)

如果噪声界限是 B B B的话,那么同态乘法会产生 B 2 B^2 B2的噪声,后续就是双指数级别的增长。模交换的核心就是做一次乘法计算就将噪声 B 2 B^2 B2削减为 B B B,使得噪声基本维持不变,模数就会从 q L q^L qL一直减小到 q q q


目标是 [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q m o d    2 = [ ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ ] p m o d    2 [\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q \mod 2=[\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle]_p \mod 2 [c,s]qmod2=[c,s]pmod2

类似[BV11]中的一样,从 c c c c ′ c' c的切换只需要缩放一个 ( p / q ) (p/q) (p/q)并适当的舍入。但是,有个惊人的发现就是如果 s s s很短且 p p p q q q小很多,那么噪声也会缩小的。

p p p q q q是两个奇数模数, c \mathbf c c是一个整数向量. 令 c ’ \mathbf c’ c为一个距离 ( p / q ) ⋅ c (p/q)\cdot\mathbf c (p/q)c最近的一个整数向量满足 c ′ = c m o d    2 \mathbf c'=\mathbf c\mod 2 c=cmod2,同时 p = q m o d    2 p = q\mod 2 p=qmod2

我们知道 [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q = ⟨ c , s ⟩ − k q [\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q=\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle-kq [c,s]q=c,skq [ ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ ] p = ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ − k p [\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle]_p =\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle-kp [c,s]p=c,skp(模计算可以表示成减去模数的倍数)

[ [ ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ ] p ] 2 = [ ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ − k p ] 2 = [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ − k q ] 2 = [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q m o d    2 [[\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle]_p]_2=[\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle-kp]_2=[\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle-kq]_2=[\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q \mod 2 [[c,s]p]2=[c,skp]2=[c,skq]2=[c,s]qmod2

接着因为 s s s很小,且

[ ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ ] p = ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ − k p = ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ − k q ⋅ p q = ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ + p q ⋅ ( [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q − ⟨ c , s ⟩ ) = ⟨ c ′ , s ⟩ − p q ⟨ c , s ⟩ + p q [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q = p q ⋅ [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q + ⟨ c ′ − ( p q ) c , s ⟩ = p q ⋅ [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q + s m a l l \begin{aligned} [\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle]_p =\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle-kp &=\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle-kq\cdot \frac pq \\ &= \langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle+\frac pq\cdot ([\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q-\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle)\\ &=\langle \mathbf c',\mathbf s\rangle - \frac pq \langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle + \frac pq [\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q\\ &=\frac pq\cdot [\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q+\langle\mathbf c'-(\frac pq)\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle \\ &=\frac pq\cdot [\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q+small \end{aligned} [c,s]p=c,skp=c,skqqp=c,s+qp([c,s]qc,s)=c,sqpc,s+qp[c,s]q=qp[c,s]q+c(qp)c,s=qp[c,s]q+small

倒数第二行等式的 c ′ − ( p q ) c \mathbf c'-(\frac pq)\mathbf c c(qp)c是一个的系数在 ( − 1 , 1 ) (-1,1) (1,1)内的矩阵,所以内积肯定比 ℓ 1 ( s ) \ell_1(s) 1(s)要小( ℓ 1 \ell_1 1表示一阶范数,即向量每个元素的绝对值之和,它其实可以看作单位矩阵和 s s s做内积,对每个维度加上个绝对值)
∣ [ ⟨ c ’ , s ⟩ ] p ∣ = p q ⋅ [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q + ⟨ c ′ − ( p q ) c , s ⟩ < ( p q ) ⋅ ∣ [ ⟨ c , s ⟩ ] q ∣ + ℓ 1 ( s ) < q / 2 \begin{aligned} |[\langle \mathbf c’,\mathbf s\rangle]_p|&=\frac pq\cdot [\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q+\langle\mathbf c'-(\frac pq)\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle\\ &<(\frac pq)\cdot |[\langle\mathbf c,\mathbf s\rangle]_q|+\ell_1(\mathbf s)\\ &<q/2 \end{aligned} [c,s]p=qp[c,s]q+c(qp)c,s<(qp)[c,s]q+1(s)<q/2

即,噪声也近乎按照比例下降。可做的乘法次数就从对数级别上升到了线性级别( log ⁡ k → k \log k \rightarrow k logkk),由此无需自举也能构建有限级加密方案。


c ′ ← S c a l e ( c , q , p , r ) \mathbf c'\leftarrow\mathsf{Scale}(\mathbf c,q,p,r) cScale(c,q,p,r):获取一个最靠近的整数向量,和前面理论说过的一样。使得后面满足
m = [ [ < c , s > ] q ] r = [ [ < c ′ , s > ] p ] r m = [[<\mathbf c,\mathbf s>]_q]_r =[[<\mathbf c',\mathbf s>]_p]_r m=[[<c,s>]q]r=[[<c,s>]p]r



  • F H E . S e t u p ( 1 λ , 1 L , b ) \mathsf{FHE.Setup}(1^\lambda,1^L,b) FHE.Setup(1λ,1L,b):

    1. 输入安全参数、级别数和用来确定用LWE还是RLWE的参数,设 μ = μ ( λ , L , b ) = θ ( log ⁡ λ + log ⁡ L ) \mu=\mu(\lambda,L,b)=\theta(\log\lambda+\log L) μ=μ(λ,L,b)=θ(logλ+logL).
    2. 对于每个 j = L j=L j=L(电路输入层)  to  0 \text{ to } 0  to 0(电路输出层):执行 p a r a m s j ← E . S e t u p ( 1 λ , 1 ( j + 1 ) ⋅ μ , b ) params_j\leftarrow\mathsf{E.Setup}(1^\lambda,1^{(j+1)\cdot \mu},b) paramsjE.Setup(1λ,1(j+1)μ,b), 生成一个阶梯式的模数(从 q L ( ( L + 1 ) ⋅ μ b i t s ) q_L((L+1)\cdot \mu bits) qL((L+1)μbits)降低到 q 0 ( μ b i t s ) q_0(\mu bits) q0(μbits)
    3. 对于每个 j = L − 1  to  0 j=L-1\text{ to } 0 j=L1 to 0
      d j = d L d_j=d_L dj=dL, χ j = χ L \chi_j=\chi_L χj=χL。此外, 每一层的 d , χ d,\chi d,χ参数需要与 L L L层统一, 而维数 n n n则没有这个要求.(这是由于在 q q q变小时, 维数的减少不会影响方案的安全性, 毕竟当 q q q下降时, 维数的减小不会让破解变得容易)
  • F H E . K e y G e n ( { p a r a m s j } ) \mathsf{FHE.KeyGen}(\{params_j\}) FHE.KeyGen({paramsj}):

    1. 对于每个 j = L  to  0 j=L\text{ to }0 j=L to 0, 执行:
      执行 s j ← E . S e c r e t K e y G e n ( p a r a m s s j ) \mathbf s_j\leftarrow \mathsf{E.SecretKeyGen}(paramss_j) sjE.SecretKeyGen(paramssj) A j ← E . P u b l i c K e y G e n ( p a r a m s j , s j ) \mathbf A_j\leftarrow\mathsf{E.PublicKeyGen}(params_j,\mathbf s_j) AjE.PublicKeyGen(paramsj,sj)
    2. s j ′ ← s j ⊗ s j \mathbf s_j'\leftarrow \mathbf s_j\otimes\mathbf s_j sjsjsj
    3. s j ′ ′ ← B i t D e c o m p ( s j ′ , q j ) \mathbf s_j''\leftarrow \mathsf{BitDecomp}(\mathbf s_j',q_j) sjBitDecomp(sj,qj).(以 log ⁡ q \log q logq位二进制展开)
    4. τ s j ′ ′ → s j − 1 ← S w i t c h K e y G e n ( s j ′ ′ , s j − 1 ) \tau_{\mathbf s_{j}''\to\mathbf s_{j-1}}\leftarrow \mathsf{SwitchKeyGen}(\mathbf s_j'',\mathbf s_{j-1}) τsjsj1SwitchKeyGen(sj,sj1) (当 j = L j=L j=L时不执行该步骤)。
      实际上上述算法中, 我们就生成了每一层的公私钥, 并且做好了每一层的 τ s j ′ ′ → s j − 1 \tau_{\mathbf s_{j}''\to\mathbf s_{j-1}} τsjsj1
  • F H E . E n c ( p a r a m s , p k , m ∈ { 0 , 1 } ) \mathsf{FHE.Enc}(params,pk,m\in\{0,1\}) FHE.Enc(params,pk,m{0,1}): 计算并输出 E . E n c ( A L , m ) \mathsf{E.Enc}(\mathbf A_L,m) E.Enc(AL,m).

  • F H E . D e c ( p a r a m s , s k , c ) \mathsf{FHE.Dec}(params,sk,\mathbf c) FHE.Dec(params,sk,c): 根据密钥的层数选择 s j \mathbf s_j sj, 计算并输出 E . D e c ( s j , c ) \mathsf{E.Dec}(\mathbf s_j,\mathbf c) E.Dec(sj,c).

同态计算中要用到模数交换过程和密钥交换过程, 作者将其统一为一个 R e f r e s h \mathsf{Refresh} Refresh过程:首先要根据计算密钥的格式, 将乘法(或加法)得到的结果进行 P o w e r o f 2 \mathsf{Powerof2} Powerof2操作, 然后依次进行模数切换和密钥切换,即,把一个 s j ’ = s j ⊗ s j \mathbf s_j’=\mathbf{s}_j\otimes\mathbf s_j sj=sjsj下得密文变为 s j − 1 \mathbf s_{j-1} sj1下得密文.。

  • F H E . R e f r e s h ( c , τ s j ′ ′ → s j − 1 , q j , q j − 1 ) \mathsf{FHE.Refresh}(\mathbf c,\tau_{\mathbf s_j''\to\mathbf s_{j-1},q_j,q_{j-1}}) FHE.Refresh(c,τsjsj1,qj,qj1):
    输入的是一个由 s j ′ \mathbf s_{j}' sj加密的密文、密钥交换辅助信息,当前层和下一层的模数。
    1. 扩张密文,使得密文与密钥的内积不变。计算 c 1 ← P o w e r o f 2 ( c , q j ) \mathbf c_1\leftarrow\mathsf{Powerof2}(\mathbf c,q_j) c1Powerof2(c,qj)(这里能想到 < c 1 , s j ′ ′ > = < c , s j ′ > <\mathbf c_1,\mathbf s_j''> = <\mathbf c , \mathbf s_j'> <c1,sj>=<c,sj> 从前面的二进制转换那里能总结出来)
    2. 模交换,计算 c 2 ← S c a l e ( c 1 , q j , q j − 1 , 2 ) \mathbf c_2\leftarrow\mathsf{Scale}(\mathbf c_1,q_j,q_{j-1},2) c2Scale(c1,qj,qj1,2)
    3. 密钥交换,计算并输出 c 3 ← S w i t c h K e y ( τ s j ’ ’ → s j − 1 , c 2 , q j − 1 ) \mathbf c_3\leftarrow \mathsf{SwitchKey}(\tau_{\mathbf s_j’’\to\mathbf s_{j-1}},\mathbf c_2,q_{j-1}) c3SwitchKey(τsjsj1,c2,qj1)

最后我们补充完同态借助 R e f r e s h \mathsf{Refresh} Refresh完成的同态运算过程(输入的两个密文都是同一个密钥加密出来的):

  • F H E . A d d ( p k , c 1 , c 2 ) \mathsf{FHE.Add}(pk,\mathbf c_1,\mathbf c_2) FHE.Add(pk,c1,c2):
    首先计算 c 3 = c 1 + c 2 \mathbf c_3=\mathbf c_1+\mathbf c_2 c3=c1+c2, 再计算输出 c 4 = F H E . R e f r e s h ( c 3 , q j , q j − 1 ) \mathbf c_4=\mathsf{FHE.Refresh}(\mathbf c_3,q_j,q_{j-1}) c4=FHE.Refresh(c3,qj,qj1)。(有需要就调用刷新)
  • F H E . M u l t ( p k , c 1 , c 2 ) \mathsf{FHE.Mult}(pk,\mathbf c_1,\mathbf c_2) FHE.Mult(pk,c1,c2):
    首先计算 c 3 \mathbf c_3 c3, 即由 c 1 , c 2 \mathbf c_1,\mathbf c_2 c1,c2所表示的多项式函数相乘得到的多项式函数对应的密文, 再计算并输出 c 4 = F H E . R e f r e s h ( c 3 , q j , q j − 1 ) \mathbf c_4=\mathsf{FHE.Refresh}(\mathbf c_3,q_j,q_{j-1}) c4=FHE.Refresh(c3,qj,qj1)

在密钥交换和模交换后都会诞生一部分小的噪声,如果在模交换的时候设置模数为 q q q,那么乘法后的噪声就是 B 2 / ( B + s m a l l ) → B ⋅ p o l y ( n ) B^2/(B+small)\rightarrow B\cdot poly(n) B2/(B+small)Bpoly(n)


同态加密(3) BGV方案


同态加密(七)无自举的分级全同态加密 1 (Leveled)Fully Homomorphic Encryption without Bootstrapping

Brakerski Z, Gentry C, Vaikuntanathan V. (Leveled) fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping[J]. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT), 2014, 6(3): 1-36.


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