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翻译 弹道模型
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7812508/references#references弹道模型一个超音速子弹在沿着轨迹飞行时,它受一个重力和一个拖曳力。对于水平发射而言,重力远小于拉力,可被忽略。根据这一假定,超音速子弹的路径是近似线性的,让v(x)v(x)v(x)表示子弹在与开火点距离为x的地方的超音速度,它所受的拉力可以表示为:FD=−mdvdt=12ρCDAv2(1)F_D=-m \frac{dv}{dt}=\frac 12\rho C_DAv^2
2020-07-15 14:31:55 2967
翻译 基于弹丸冲击波的实时狙击手声源定位
To find the position of a sniper in a real environment, it is vital to use all the generated signals caused by the bullet shooting. Using the received signals on the microphones, the firing detection time, the position of the shooter, the trajectory of the
2020-06-16 14:10:43 2393
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