

  • V.
    1. 实意动词:有实际意义的动词
    2. 助动词:辅助实意动词构成整体结构的词


  • 全部谓语+主语
  1. 表示时间,方位的副词位于句首时:
    • eg. 现在轮到我了。
      My turn (主语)comes(谓语) now.
      Now comes my turn.
    • 注意:当主语为人称代词时(I/you/he/she/it/wethey)不倒装,eg. Here you are.
  2. 表示地点的介词短语位于句首时
    • eg. 我男朋友站在人群中
      My boyfriend(主语) stands(谓语) among the crowd.
      Among the crowd stands my boyfriend.


  • 部分谓语+主语(助动词+主语+实意动词)
  1. 否定意义词位于句首:
    1. 否定副词:
      eg. 我从来没有这么喜欢过一个人。
      I have never loved a person so much before.
      Never have(助动词) I(主语) loved(实意动词) a person so much before.
  2. 七个绝不:
    in no way,in no case,on no condition,on no account,at no time,by no means,under no circumstances
    eg. 你绝不能离开我。
    You can in no case leave me.
    In no case can you leave me.


  1. Not only (前倒)··· but also(后不倒)···(不仅···而且)
    Not only dose he speak(speak)sincerely,but also he speaks(speak) without hesitation.
  2. Hardly/Scarcely ···(had+主语+done) when ···(主语+did)
  3. No sooner ···(had+主语+done) than ···(主语+did)
    eg.Hardly had I gone (go) home when I suffocated (suffocate).
  4. Not until··· (直到···才)
    Not until + n/句子 + did 主语 do
    eg.Not until she told me that thing did I know (know) it.


4.1、 肯定“也”:关键词:so

  1. 倒装句型: so + 助动词 + 主语
  2. 前后主语不一致,要倒装
    eg. He is fat.
    So am I.
  3. 前后主语一致,不到装:so + 主语 +助动词
    So he is.


  1. 关键词:neither/nor(也不)
  2. 倒装句型:neither/nor + 助动词 + 主语
    eg.They don’t want to study online.
    Neither/Nor do I.


  • Only+状语(副词、介词短语、从句)+部分倒装
    Only when we know each other well will I show my nature.




  1. Hardly ___ from the street when the police arrived.
    • A. the thief disappeared
    • B. did the thief disappear
    • C. the thief had disappeared
    • D. had the thief disappeared
  2. —Susan doesn’t work very hard.
    — ___.
    • A. So does Tom
    • B. So doesn’t Tom
    • C. Neither does Tom
    • D. Neither Tom does
  3. Here ___ reding and looked up.
    • A. did he stop
    • B. he stopped
    • C. stopped he
    • D. does he stop
  4. Never ___ such a silly thing.
    • A. have I heard of
    • B. I have been heard of
    • C. I have heard of
    • D. have I been heard of
  5. They searched for hours,but ___ be found.
    • A. at no time could the missing book
    • B. nowhere the missing book could
    • C. at no time the missing bould
    • D. nowhere could the missing book
  6. ___ after a long walk did they reach the railway station at midnight.
    • A. Shortly
    • B. When
    • C. Only
    • D. Just
  7. John opened the door.There ___ he had never seen before.
    • A. a girl did stand
    • B. a girl stood
    • C. did a girl stand
    • D. stood a girl
  8. No sooner ___ stepped on the stage than audience broke into thunderous applause.
    • A. had Mo Yan
    • B. Mo Yan had
    • C. has Mo Yan
    • D. Mo Yan has
  9. ___ the moming train, he would not have been late for the meeting.
    • A. Did he catch
    • B. Should be catch
    • C. Has he caught
    • D. Had he caught


  • As(尽管)倒装句型:n/v/adj/adv+as+主语+谓语
  1. 尽管我很有钱,但我对钱一点都不感兴趣。
    Though I am wealthy,I’m not interested in money.
    Wealthy as I am,I’m not interested in money.
  2. 尽管他是一个明星,他也需要爱情。
    Though he is a star,he also needs love.
    Star as he is,he also needs love.(名词提前,省略冠词)
  3. Though they may try,they can’t win.
    Try as they may,they can’t win.(动词提前,只提实意动词)


  1. ___ .Carolina couldn’t get the door open.

    • A. Try as she might
    • B. As she might try
    • C. She might as try
    • D. Might she as try
  2. Not until the boy lost his package ___ he was so careless.

    • A. did he realize
    • B. had she realized
    • C. he realized
    • D. he had realized
  3. Scarrcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the cinema ___ the curtain went up.

    • A. then
    • B. before
    • C. than
    • D. when
  4. Nowhere ___ such perfect silence ___ these mountains.

    • A. is there,as
    • B. is there,like
    • C. there is,as
    • D. there is,like
  5. I suddenly found my watch didn’t work anymore and only then ___ I was late for school.

    • A. had I realized
    • B. I had realized
    • C. did I realize
    • D. realized I
  6. Only when you can find peace in your hart ___ good relationships with others.

    • A. will you keep
    • B. you will keep
    • C. you kept
    • D. you did keep
  7. Only when class began ___ that he had left his book at home.

    • A. will he realize
    • B. he did realize
    • C. did he realize
    • D. he should realize
  8. Hardly ___ when the bus suddenly pulled away.

    • A. they had got to the bus stop
    • B. they got to the bus stop
    • C. did they get to the bus stop
    • D. had they got to the bus stop
  9. ___ I got enough time,I would have run around that lake again.

    • A. If
    • B. Unless
    • C. Had
    • D. When
  10. Not only ___ a promise,but he also kept it.

    • A. has he made
    • B. he had made
    • C. did he make
    • D. he makes
  11. ___ I would see you here.

    • A. Little I dreamed
    • B. Little do I dream
    • C. I dreamed little
    • D. Little did I dream
  12. — How was the television debate last night?
    — Super ! Rarely ___ so much media attention.

    • A. a debate attracted
    • B. did a debate attract
    • C. a debate did attract
    • D. attracted a debate
  13. — Father you promised !
    — Well, ___ . But it was you who didn’t keep your word first.

    • A. so was I
    • B. so did I
    • C. so I was
    • D. so I did
  14. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom ___ so lonely as now.

    • A. have I felt
    • B. I had felt
    • C. I have felt
    • D. had I felt
  15. At the foot of the mountain ___.

    • A. a village lies
    • B. lies a village
    • C. does a village lie
    • D. lay a village
  16. — I would never come to this restaurant again, The food is terrible !
    — ___.

    • A. Nor am I
    • B. Neither would I
    • C. So I will
    • D. So do I
  17. Not until I went up further ___ that under the tree ___ , obviously sound asleep.

    • A. that I saw; did a boy lie
    • B. I saw; lay a boy
    • C. did I see;did a boy lie
    • D. did I see;lay a boy
  18. Not until he arrived home ___ he find that his wallet had been stolen.

    • A. did
    • B. would
    • C. when
    • D. that
  19. ___ , he is honest.

    • A. As he is poor
    • B. Poor is he
    • C. Poor as he is
    • D. poor as is he
  20. Only when the rain stoppped ___ again.

    • A. the match started
    • B. does the match start
    • C. did the match start
    • D. the match had started
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