【CodeForces】CF1700D River Locks



n n n个容器,第 i i i个容器容量为 v i v_i vi升,可以容纳 [ 0 , v i ] [0,v_i] [0,vi]升的水。

满出去的水会将从容器 i i i转移到容器 i + 1 i+1 i+1,如果 i + 1 i+1 i+1也满了会转移得更远。满出最后一个容器的水会倒到河中。

现在要将所有容器填满。你可以选择一些容器注水,让这些容器每秒进入一升水。 q q q次询问,问最初所有容器都是空的,最少选择多少个容器注水使得 t i t_i ti秒内能填满所有容器。

1 ≤ n , q ≤ 2 × 1 0 5 1\leq n,q\leq 2\times 10^5 1n,q2×105 1 ≤ v i , t i ≤ 1 0 9 1\leq v_i,t_i\leq 10^9 1vi,ti109

Recently in Divanovo, a huge river locks system was built. There are now n n n locks, the i i i -th of them has the volume of v i v_i vi liters, so that it can contain any amount of water between 0 0 0 and v i v_i vi liters. Each lock has a pipe attached to it. When the pipe is open, 1 1 1 liter of water enters the lock every second.

The locks system is built in a way to immediately transfer all water exceeding the volume of the lock i i i to the lock i + 1 i + 1 i+1 . If the lock i + 1 i + 1 i+1 is also full, water will be transferred further. Water exceeding the volume of the last lock pours out to the river.
The picture illustrates 5 5 5 locks with two open pipes at locks 1 1 1 and 3 3 3 . Because locks 1 1 1 , 3 3 3 , and 4 4 4 are already filled, effectively the water goes to locks 2 2 2 and 5 5 5 .To make all locks work, you need to completely fill each one of them. The mayor of Divanovo is interested in q q q independent queries. For each query, suppose that initially all locks are empty and all pipes are closed. Then, some pipes are opened simultaneously. For the j j j -th query the mayor asks you to calculate the minimum number of pipes to open so that all locks are filled no later than after t j t_j tj seconds.

Please help the mayor to solve this tricky problem and answer his queries.

The first lines contains one integer n n n ( 1 ≤ n ≤ 200   000 1 \le n \le 200\,000 1n200000 ) — the number of locks.

The second lines contains n n n integers v 1 , v 2 , … , v n v_1, v_2, \dots, v_n v1,v2,,vn ( 1 ≤ v i ≤ 1 0 9 1 \le v_i \le 10^9 1vi109 )) — volumes of the locks.

The third line contains one integer q q q ( 1 ≤ q ≤ 200   000 1 \le q \le 200\,000 1q200000 ) — the number of queries.

Each of the next q q q lines contains one integer t j t_j tj ( 1 ≤ t j ≤ 1 0 9 1 \le t_j \le 10^9 1tj109 ) — the number of seconds you have to fill all the locks in the query j j j .

Print q q q integers. The j j j -th of them should be equal to the minimum number of pipes to turn on so that after t j t_j tj seconds all of the locks are filled. If it is impossible to fill all of the locks in given time, print − 1 -1 1 .

注意题目中说,每个水槽满了之后水都会漫到其右边那个水槽里,所以如果能装满的话,优先开最左边的若干个水龙头,这样使得水漫出右边界的情况尽可能少的发生。如果只考虑第 1 1 1个水槽,则至少需要 v 1 v_1 v1单位时间才能装满;如果只考虑前 2 2 2个水槽,那么如果两个水龙头一起开,如果不溢出的话,花的时间最少是 ⌈ v 1 + v 2 2 ⌉ \lceil \frac{v_1+v_2}{2} \rceil 2v1+v2,但是如果有溢出,意味着第 1 1 1个水槽还没装满,但是第 2 2 2个水槽已经漏水了,这个时候花的时间是 v 1 v_1 v1,所以综合两种情况,时间最少是 max ⁡ { v 1 , ⌈ v 1 + v 2 2 ⌉ } \max\{v_1,\lceil \frac{v_1+v_2}{2} \rceil\} max{v1,2v1+v2},以此类推,要装满所有水槽,时间最少是 t 0 = max ⁡ k ∑ i = 1 k v i k t_0=\max_k \frac{\sum_{i=1}^k v_i}{k} t0=maxkki=1kvi,先求出这个 t 0 t_0 t0,如果给出的询问 t < t 0 t<t_0 t<t0直接输出 − 1 -1 1

如果 t ≥ t 0 t\ge t_0 tt0,那么至少是有解的,设解为 k k k,则 k ≥ ⌈ ∑ i = 1 n v i t ⌉ = k 0 k\ge \lceil \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n v_i}{t} \rceil=k_0 kti=1nvi=k0,但是 k 0 k_0 k0个水龙头事实上已经足够了,因为水只会向右边漫,只要开前 k 0 k_0 k0个水龙头,过了 t t t时间后,显然前 k 0 k_0 k0个水槽是满的,溢出前 k 0 k_0 k0个水槽的水刚好保证后面的水槽装满(可能有溢出,因为是上取整)。代码如下:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using LL = long long;
const int N = 2e5 + 10;
int n, q;
LL a[N], low;
int main() {
  scanf("%d", &n);
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    scanf("%lld", &a[i]);
    a[i] += a[i - 1];
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) low = max(low, (a[i] + i - 1) / i);
  scanf("%d", &q);
  while (q--) {
    long t;
    scanf("%lld", &t);
    if (t < low) puts("-1");
    else printf("%lld\n", (a[n] + t - 1) / t);

预处理时间复杂度 O ( n ) O(n) O(n),每次询问 O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1),空间 O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1)

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CodeForces - 616D是一个关于找到一个序列中最长的第k好子段的起始位置和结束位置的问题。给定一个长度为n的序列和一个整数k,需要找到一个子段,该子段中不超过k个不同的数字。题目要求输出这个序列最长的第k好子段的起始位置和终止位置。 解决这个问题的方法有两种。第一种方法是使用尺取算法,通过维护一个滑动窗口来记录\[l,r\]中不同数的个数。每次如果这个数小于k,就将r向右移动一位;如果已经大于k,则将l向右移动一位,直到个数不大于k。每次更新完r之后,判断r-l+1是否比已有答案更优来更新答案。这种方法的时间复杂度为O(n)。 第二种方法是使用枚举r和双指针的方法。通过维护一个最小的l,满足\[l,r\]最多只有k种数。使用一个map来判断数的种类。遍历序列,如果当前数字在map中不存在,则将种类数sum加一;如果sum大于k,则将l向右移动一位,直到sum不大于k。每次更新完r之后,判断i-l+1是否大于等于y-x+1来更新答案。这种方法的时间复杂度为O(n)。 以上是两种解决CodeForces - 616D问题的方法。具体的代码实现可以参考引用\[1\]和引用\[2\]中的代码。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [CodeForces 616 D. Longest k-Good Segment(尺取)](https://blog.csdn.net/V5ZSQ/article/details/50750827)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^koosearch_v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *2* [Codeforces616 D. Longest k-Good Segment(双指针+map)](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44178736/article/details/114328999)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^koosearch_v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]


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