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原创 每日阅读2021.12.11

Just over a decade into the 21st century, women’s progress can be celebrated across a range of fields. They hold the highest political offices from Thailand to Brazil, Costa Rica to Australia. A woman holds the top spot at the International Monetary Fund;

2021-12-13 13:31:15 369

原创 每日阅读2021.12.10

There was a time not long ago when new science Ph.D.s in the United Stated were expected to pursue a career path in academia(学术界).But today, most graduates end up working outside academia, not only in industry but also in careers such as science policy, co

2021-12-13 13:30:22 586

原创 每日阅读2021.12.09

“Usually when we walk through-the rain forest we hear a soft sound from all the moist leaves and organic debris on the forest floor,” says ecologist Daniel Nepstad. “ Now we increasingly get rustle and crunch. That’s the sound of a dying forest.”Predicti

2021-12-13 13:29:08 439

原创 每日阅读2021.12.08

Depression” is more than a serious economic downturn. What distinguishes a depression from a harsh recession is paralysing fear — fear of the unknown so great that it causes consumers, businesses, and investors to retreat and panic. They save up cash and d

2021-12-08 22:37:46 296

原创 每日阅读2021.12.07

At some point in 2008, someone, probably in either Asia or Africa, made the decision to move from the countryside to the city. This nameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold, for it was in that year that mankind became, for the first

2021-12-08 11:16:56 326

原创 每日阅读2021.12.06

The report from the Bureau of Labour Statistics was just as gloomy as anticipated. Unemployment in January jumped to a 16-year high of 7.6 percent, as 598,000 jobs were slashed from U.S. payrolls in the worst single-month decline since December, 1974. With

2021-12-08 11:15:59 656

原创 每日命令之grep,sed

目录一,正则表达式简要介绍1.正则表达式的组成2.如下讲下正则表达式中的常见meta字符二,grep命令optionsgrep正则表达式元字符集用于egrep和 grep -E的元字符扩展集三,sed命令语法一,正则表达式简要介绍每个编程语言都有一套自己的正则库1.正则表达式的组成(1).一般字符:没有特殊意义的字符(2).特殊字符(meta字符):元字符,有在正则表达式中有特殊意义2.如下讲下正则表达式中的常见meta字符linux

2021-11-29 20:37:41 355

原创 Linux学习进程(一)常用命令

目录Linux常用命令一 ,文件与目录的创建与删除1.文件与目录的创建2.文件与目录的删除二,路径的改变与当前目录的查看1.路径的改变2.当前目录的查看三,文件与目录的移动与拷贝1.文件与目录的移动2.文件与目录的拷贝四,文件的搜索与查看1.文件的搜索2.文件的查看五,权限命令六,创建文件链接-lnLinux常用命令一 ,文件与目录的创建与删除1.文件与目录的创建1)touch在当前目录下创建文件touch 命令不光可以

2021-11-26 12:12:42 750

原创 每日阅读2021.11.25

Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. I wasn't surprise

2021-11-26 10:07:46 491

原创 每日阅读2021.11.24

Will there ever be another Einstein? This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will emerge, scientists say. But it may take a long time. After all, more than 200 years separated Einstein from

2021-11-24 23:31:25 282

原创 每日阅读2021.11.23

Women are half the population but only 15% of board members at big American firms, and l0% in Europe. Companies that fish in only half the talent pool will lose out to those that cast their net more widely.There is also evidence that mixed boards make bet.

2021-11-23 22:50:13 779

原创 每日阅读2021.11.22

Is 20th-century capitalism failing 21st-century society? Members of the global elite debated that unusual question at the annual World Economic Forum It is encouraging that more than three years since the global financial crisis, a belated (迟到的) process

2021-11-22 23:01:47 396

原创 每日阅读2021.11.21

A new study from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds th

2021-11-21 23:26:45 282

原创 每日阅读2021.11.16

Rates are low, but consumers won’t borrowThe US Federal Reserve(Fed)'s announcement last week that it intended to keep credit cheap for at least two more years was a clear invitation to Americans: Go out and borrow. But many economists say it will take

2021-11-17 23:57:42 681

原创 每日阅读2021.11.17

At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they're bad. Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illega

2021-11-17 23:57:27 325

原创 每日阅读2021.11.15

At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they're bad. Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illega

2021-11-16 07:54:23 454

原创 每日阅读2021-11-14

Picture a typical MBA lecture theatre twenty years ago. In it the majority of students will have conformed to the standard model of the time: male, middle class and Western. Walk into a class today, however, and you'll get a completely different impression

2021-11-14 23:19:28 651

原创 每日阅读2021.11.12

Eleven summers ago I was sent to a management program at the Wharton School to be prepared for bigger things. Along with lectures on finance and entrepreneurship and the like, the program included a delightfully out-of-place session with Al Filreis, an Eng

2021-11-12 23:56:32 692

原创 每日阅读2021.11.11

Who's poor in America? That's a question hard to answer. Hard because there's no conclusive definition of poverty. Low income matters, though how low is unclear. Poverty is also a state of mind that fosters self-defeating behavior-bad work habits, family b

2021-11-12 23:22:22 774

原创 每日阅读2021.11.08-09

Thirst grows for living unpluggedMore people are taking breaks from the connected life amid the stillness and quiet of retreats like the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, Pennsylvania.About a year ago, I flew to Singapore to join the writer Malcolm Gladwe

2021-11-09 23:03:31 758

原创 每日阅读2021.11.02

You’ve now heard it so many times, you can probably repeat it in your sleep. President Obama will no doubt make the point publicly when he gets to Beijing: the Chinese need to consume more; they need—believe it or not—to become more like Americans, for th.

2021-11-02 22:19:49 235

原创 每日阅读2021.10.24

Amid all the job losses, there’s one category of worker that the economic disruption has been good for: nonhumans.From self-service checkout lines at the supermarket to industrial robots armed with saws and taught to carve up animal bodies in slaughter-h

2021-10-24 23:22:46 356

原创 每日阅读2021.10.19

Apparently everyone knows that global warming only makes climate more extreme. A hot, dry summer has triggered another flood of such claims. And, while many interests are at work, one of the players that benefits the most from this story are the media: the

2021-10-19 22:45:09 533

原创 每日阅读2021.10.17

In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer. Sales at online retailers gained by more than 15%, making it the biggest season ever. But people are also returning those purchases a

2021-10-17 23:39:54 328

原创 每日阅读2021.10.13

For most of the 20th century, Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern, innovating West. Now the question must be reversed. What can the West’s overly indebted and sluggish (经济滞长的) nations learn from a flourishing Asia?  Just a few decades a

2021-10-13 22:52:55 397 2

原创 每日阅读2021.1011

  As anyone who has tried to lose weight knows, realistic goal-setting generally produces the best results. That's partially because it appears people who set realistic goals actually work more efficiently, and exert more effort, to achieve those goals. 

2021-10-11 21:54:15 675

原创 每日阅读2021.10.10

Minority ReportAmerican universities are accepting more minorities than ever. Graduating them is another matter.Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, was justifiably proud of Bowdoin's efforts to recruit minority students. Since 2003 the small

2021-10-10 21:40:19 430

原创 汇编语言编译环境搭建

DOSBox的安装与使用DOSBox是一个DOS模拟系统,可以很方便的移植到其它平台在编写汇编程序的过程中,我们需要用到debug程序(用于调试程序),edit程序(用于编写程序,当然你也可以直接用记事本撰写),masm编译程序,link连接程序,随后我们需要对DOSBox进行挂载,简而言之,挂载就是将一个你所指定的文件夹挂载为你所指定的DOSBox的一个盘具体实现为:mount C E:\operate意为把E盘下的operate文件夹挂载为DOSBox的C盘,然后我们进入DOS

2021-10-08 19:01:27 522

原创 数组中出现最多元素算法的思考


2021-09-07 15:10:56 81

原创 排序算法(数组实现)

目录辅助函数冒泡排序插入排序折半插入排序2-路插入排序选择排序希尔排序Hibbard增量序列Sedgewick增量序列基于堆的选择排序分而治之递归算法分而治之非递归算法快速排序测试函数基数排序与桶排序辅助函数​//针对数组结构的算法#include"c1.h"#include "bo6堆.h"#define MAX_NUM 20#define cutoff 5 //阈值typedef int ElementType;.

2021-09-04 14:31:06 74

原创 计算机系统学习

目录1,编程学习2,计算机架构3,算法与数据结构4,数学知识5,操作系统6,计算机网络7,数据库8,编程语言与编译器9,分布式系统1,编程学习书籍:《计算机程序中的构造和解释》视频教学:MIT 6.001在百度网盘的SICP或者b站中即可观看链接:MIT 6.0012,计算机架构书籍:《深入理解计算机系统》视频学习:CS61C在b站即可观看链接:CS61C3,算法与数据结构书籍:《算法设计手册》至于《算法导论》这本书

2021-08-29 16:05:16 157



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