STL-07 Numeric —— std:: valarray class in C++

Numeric —— std:: valarray class in C++

C++98 introduced a special container called valarray to hold and provide mathematical operations on arrays efficiently.

  • It supports element-wise mathematical operations and various forms of generalized subscript operators, slicing and indirect access.
  • As compare to vectors, valarrays are efficient in certain mathematical operations than vectors also.

Public member functions in valarray class :

  1. apply() :- This function applies the manipulation given in its arguments to all the valarray elements at once and returns a new valarray with manipulated values.

  2. sum() :- This function returns the summation of all the elements of valarrays at once.

// C++ code to demonstrate the working of
// apply() and sum()
#include<valarray> // for valarray functions
using namespace std;
int main() {
	// Initializing valarray
	valarray<int> varr = { 10, 2, 20, 1, 30 };
	// Declaring new valarray
	valarray<int> varr1 ;
	// Using apply() to increment all elements by 5
	varr1 = varr.apply([](int x){return x=x+5;});
	// Displaying new elements value
	cout << "The new valarray with manipulated values is : ";
	for (int &x: varr1) cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;
	// Displaying sum of both old and new valarray
	cout << "The sum of old valarray is : ";
	cout << varr.sum() << endl;
	cout << "The sum of new valarray is : ";
	cout << varr1.sum() << endl;

	return 0;


The new valarray with manipulated values is : 15 7 25 6 35 
The sum of old valarray is : 63
The sum of new valarray is : 88
  1. min() :- This function returns the smallest element of valarray.

  2. max() :- This function returns the largest element of valarray.

// C++ code to demonstrate the working of max() and min()
#include<valarray> // for valarray functions
using namespace std;
int main() {
	// Initializing valarray
	valarray<int> varr = { 10, 2, 20, 1, 30 };
	// Displaying largest element of valarray
	cout << "The largest element of valarray is : ";
	cout << varr.max() << endl;
	// Displaying smallest element of valarray
	cout << "The smallest element of valarray is : ";
	cout << varr.min() << endl;

	return 0;


The largest element of valarray is : 30
The smallest element of valarray is : 1
  1. shift() :- This function returns the new valarray after shifting elements by the number mentioned in its argument. If the number is positive, left-shift is applied, if number is negative, right-shift is applied.

  2. cshift() :- This function returns the new valarray after circularly shifting(rotating) elements by the number mentioned in its argument. If the number is positive, left-circular shift is applied, if number is negative, right-circular shift is applied.

// C++ code to demonstrate the working of shift() and cshift()
#include<valarray> // for valarray functions
using namespace std;
int main() {
	// Initializing valarray
	valarray<int> varr = { 10, 2, 20, 1, 30 };
	// Declaring new valarray
	valarray<int> varr1;
	// using shift() to shift elements to left shifts valarray by 2 position
	varr1 = varr.shift(2);
	// Displaying elements of valarray after shifting
	cout << "The new valarray after shifting is : ";
	for ( int&x : varr1) cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;
	// using cshift() to circulary shift elements to right
	// rotates valarray by 3 position
	varr1 = varr.cshift(-3);
	// Displaying elements of valarray after circular shifting
	cout << "The new valarray after circular shifting is : ";
	for ( int&x : varr1) cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;

	return 0;


The new valarray after shifting is : 20 1 30 0 0 
The new valarray after circular shifting is : 20 1 30 10 2 
  1. swap() :- This function swaps one valarray with other.
// C++ code to demonstrate the working of swap()
#include<valarray> // for valarray functions
using namespace std;
int main() {
    // Initializing 1st valarray
	valarray<int> varr1 = {1, 2, 3, 4};
	// Initializing 2nd valarray
	valarray<int> varr2 = {2, 4, 6, 8};
	// Displaying valarrays before swapping
	cout << "The contents of 1st valarray "
			"before swapping are : ";
	for (int &x : varr1)
		cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "The contents of 2nd valarray "
			"before swapping are : ";
	for (int &x : varr2)
		cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;
	// Use of swap() to swap the valarrays
	// Displaying valarrays after swapping
	cout << "The contents of 1st valarray "
			"after swapping are : ";
	for (int &x : varr1)
		cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "The contents of 2nd valarray "
			"after swapping are : ";
	for (int &x : varr2)
		cout << x << " ";
	cout << endl;

	return 0;


The contents of 1st valarray before swapping are : 1 2 3 4 
The contents of 2nd valarray before swapping are : 2 4 6 8 
The contents of 1st valarray after swapping are : 2 4 6 8 
The contents of 2nd valarray after swapping are : 1 2 3 4 

More about c++ STL, turn to this page.

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