LAB 1-1 Individual programing work

To introduce myself

I’m WENYONG LIAN from Automation Class 2

I am a person who does not ask too much of myself, but I will strive to achieve the goals I want to accomplish. I think when you work with a lot of people to complete a large project and achieve certain results, you will learn a lot and gain something. My main learning was carried out outside class. I learned software and web page making through online classes or participating in laboratory projects.

Skills Mastered

  • Master golang, java, python, scala and other programming languages, and understand and use spark operator.

  • Master docker container cloud deployment. Familiar with distributed protocol, interested in distributed system, and master some basic algorithms.

  • Currently studying MIT6.824 on my own.

  • Familiar with springboot development process, master the basic micro-service springcloud development.

  • Grasp the use of springsecurity, shiro and other security frameworks

  • Familiar with redis, ES common high concurrency scenarios and their use.

  • Experience in web development and wechat mini program development with multiple practice of front-end and back-end separation

The missing piece

  • Algorithm ability is relatively weak, the framework of the underlying scheduling mechanism and source code understanding is not deep enough.
  • In terms of distributed system, it is only limited in experiments and courses, and has not been applied to practical scenarios
  • I have not studied software engineering before, and there is no strict specification for software production

The amount of code so far

I haven’t counted the specific code amount, but I have accumulated four projects through participating in the competition, and the code amount of each project is different, but basically above 5000 lines. I hope that the code amount can also reach this goal after the course


I hope to learn some knowledge of project making, and at the same time, I can really apply the methodology learned from the soft industry course to the actual project.

I hope I can be the main person in charge of back-end code in this team, and can coordinate and communicate with team members to realize a soft engineering project

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