postgres 源码解析25 缓冲池管理器-3

postgres源码解析 缓冲池管理–1
postgres源码解析 缓冲池管理–2




1 数据结构

typedef struct SMgrRelationData
	/* rnode is the hashtable lookup key, so it must be first! */
	// hashkey,物理标识符
	RelFileNodeBackend smgr_rnode;	/* relation physical identifier */

	/* pointer to owning pointer, or NULL if none */
	struct SMgrRelationData **smgr_owner;

	 * The following fields are reset to InvalidBlockNumber upon a cache flush
	 * event, and hold the last known size for each fork.  This information is
	 * currently only reliable during recovery, since there is no cache
	 * invalidation for fork extension.
	BlockNumber smgr_targblock; /* current insertion target block */
	BlockNumber smgr_cached_nblocks[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];	/* last known size */

	/* additional public fields may someday exist here */

	 * Fields below here are intended to be private to smgr.c and its
	 * submodules.  Do not touch them from elsewhere.
	int			smgr_which;		/* storage manager selector */

	 * for md.c; per-fork arrays of the number of open segments
	 * (md_num_open_segs) and the segments themselves (md_seg_fds).
	int			md_num_open_segs[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];
	struct _MdfdVec *md_seg_fds[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];

	/* if unowned, list link in list of all unowned SMgrRelations */
	dlist_node	node;
} SMgrRelationData;


typedef struct BufferAccessStrategyData
	/* Overall strategy type */
	BufferAccessStrategyType btype; 					// 策略类型
	/* Number of elements in buffers[] array */
	int			ring_size;								// 环大小

	 * Index of the "current" slot in the ring, ie, the one most recently
	 * returned by GetBufferFromRing.
	int			current;							// 当前槽在缓冲的索引

	 * True if the buffer just returned by StrategyGetBuffer had been in the
	 * ring already.
	bool		current_was_in_ring;				// buffer是否在环中

	 * Array of buffer numbers.  InvalidBuffer (that is, zero) indicates we
	 * have not yet selected a buffer for this ring slot.  For allocation
	 * simplicity this is palloc'd together with the fixed fields of the
	 * struct.
	Buffer		buffers[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];		    // buffer 数组
}			BufferAccessStrategyData;

2 执行流程

 * BufferAlloc -- subroutine for ReadBuffer.  Handles lookup of a shared
 *		buffer.  If no buffer exists already, selects a replacement
 *		victim and evicts the old page, but does NOT read in new page.
 // 该函数在共享内存中寻找目标快。如果不存在则次啊用页面置换算法选择牺牲页供后续读入
 * "strategy" can be a buffer replacement strategy object, or NULL for
 * the default strategy.  The selected buffer's usage_count is advanced when
 * using the default strategy, but otherwise possibly not (see PinBuffer).
 // 当页面被使用时会自增usage_count[默认策略]
 * The returned buffer is pinned and is already marked as holding the
 * desired page.  If it already did have the desired page, *foundPtr is
 * set true.  Otherwise, *foundPtr is set false and the buffer is marked
 * as IO_IN_PROGRESS; ReadBuffer will now need to do I/O to fill it.
 // 返回的buffrer 不仅被 pinned而且被标记持有目标数据页,如果缓冲区已存在目标也,则
 // *foundPtr为TRUE. 否则为FALSE,且buffer标记为 IO_IN_PROGRESS
 * *foundPtr is actually redundant with the buffer's BM_VALID flag, but
 * we keep it for simplicity in ReadBuffer.
 * No locks are held either at entry or exit.
static BufferDesc *
BufferAlloc(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,
			BlockNumber blockNum,
			BufferAccessStrategy strategy,
			bool *foundPtr)
  1. 首先在哈希表中查看是否已存在缓冲池中,如果是直接返回
static BufferDesc *
BufferAlloc(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,
			BlockNumber blockNum,
			BufferAccessStrategy strategy,
			bool *foundPtr)
	BufferTag	newTag;			/* identity of requested block */
	uint32		newHash;		/* hash value for newTag */
	LWLock	   *newPartitionLock;	/* buffer partition lock for it */
	BufferTag	oldTag;			/* previous identity of selected buffer */
	uint32		oldHash;		/* hash value for oldTag */
	LWLock	   *oldPartitionLock;	/* buffer partition lock for it */
	uint32		oldFlags;
	int			buf_id;
	BufferDesc *buf;
	bool		valid;
	uint32		buf_state;

	/* create a tag so we can lookup the buffer */
	// 根据入参确定hashkey
	INIT_BUFFERTAG(newTag, smgr->smgr_rnode.node, forkNum, blockNum);  

	/* determine its hash code and partition lock ID */
	// 根据hash code确定施加 newPartitionLock 
	newHash = BufTableHashCode(&newTag);
	newPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(newHash);

	/* see if the block is in the buffer pool already */
	// 施加共享 newPartitionLock,并在hash table查找
	LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_SHARED);
	buf_id = BufTableLookup(&newTag, newHash);
	if (buf_id >= 0)
		 * Found it.  Now, pin the buffer so no one can steal it from the
		 * buffer pool, and check to see if the correct data has been loaded
		 * into the buffer.
		buf = GetBufferDescriptor(buf_id);				// 获取缓冲区描述符

		valid = PinBuffer(buf, strategy);				// pin buffer

		/* Can release the mapping lock as soon as we've pinned it */
		LWLockRelease(newPartitionLock);				// 释放 newPartitionLock

		*foundPtr = true;

		if (!valid)
			 * We can only get here if (a) someone else is still reading in
			 * the page, or (b) a previous read attempt failed.  We have to
			 * wait for any active read attempt to finish, and then set up our
			 * own read attempt if the page is still not BM_VALID.
			 * StartBufferIO does it all.
			 // 未pin,则意味其他正在读或者读失败。必须等待其他人完成IO操作
			if (StartBufferIO(buf, true))
				 * If we get here, previous attempts to read the buffer must
				 * have failed ... but we shall bravely try again.
				*foundPtr = false;

		return buf;							//  缓冲池描述符

2.2 缓冲池中未找到,则必须初始化一个新的buffer,执行时释放newPartitionLock

	 * Didn't find it in the buffer pool.  We'll have to initialize a new
	 * buffer.  Remember to unlock the mapping lock while doing the work.

	/* Loop here in case we have to try another victim buffer */
	for (;;)
		 * Ensure, while the spinlock's not yet held, that there's a free
		 * refcount entry.

		 * Select a victim buffer.  The buffer is returned with its header
		 * spinlock still held!
		buf = StrategyGetBuffer(strategy, &buf_state);       // 页面置换算法

		Assert(BUF_STATE_GET_REFCOUNT(buf_state) == 0);

		/* Must copy buffer flags while we still hold the spinlock */
		oldFlags = buf_state & BUF_FLAG_MASK;				// 更新状态标识

		/* Pin the buffer and then release the buffer spinlock */
		PinBuffer_Locked(buf);								// pin住buffer

		 * If the buffer was dirty, try to write it out.  There is a race
		 * condition here, in that someone might dirty it after we released it
		 * above, or even while we are writing it out (since our share-lock
		 * won't prevent hint-bit updates).  We will recheck the dirty bit
		 * after re-locking the buffer header.
		 // buffer为脏,则需要将其写出。这会存在竞争情景:在释放该buffer时其他人将其置脏
		 // 或者正在写入[因为共享锁不会阻止辨识标识位的更改]。 在锁buffer header时重检
		 // 标识位
		if (oldFlags & BM_DIRTY)
			 * We need a share-lock on the buffer contents to write it out
			 * (else we might write invalid data, eg because someone else is
			 * compacting the page contents while we write).  We must use a
			 * conditional lock acquisition here to avoid deadlock.  Even
			 * though the buffer was not pinned (and therefore surely not
			 * locked) when StrategyGetBuffer returned it, someone else could
			 * have pinned and exclusive-locked it by the time we get here. If
			 * we try to get the lock unconditionally, we'd block waiting for
			 * them; if they later block waiting for us, deadlock ensues.
			 * (This has been observed to happen when two backends are both
			 * trying to split btree index pages, and the second one just
			 * happens to be trying to split the page the first one got from
			 * StrategyGetBuffer.)
			if (LWLockConditionalAcquire(BufferDescriptorGetContentLock(buf),
				 * If using a nondefault strategy, and writing the buffer
				 * would require a WAL flush, let the strategy decide whether
				 * to go ahead and write/reuse the buffer or to choose another
				 * victim.  We need lock to inspect the page LSN, so this
				 * can't be done inside StrategyGetBuffer.
				 // 非默认策略,刷脏时需要获取 WAL lsn
				if (strategy != NULL)
					XLogRecPtr	lsn;

					/* Read the LSN while holding buffer header lock */
					buf_state = LockBufHdr(buf);            // 上buffer header 锁
					lsn = BufferGetLSN(buf);				// 读取LSN
					UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);

					if (XLogNeedsFlush(lsn) &&			
						StrategyRejectBuffer(strategy, buf))    // 拒绝
						/* Drop lock/pin and loop around for another buffer */
						UnpinBuffer(buf, true);

				/* OK, do the I/O */

				FlushBuffer(buf, NULL);			// 刷脏,释放资源
				ScheduleBufferTagForWriteback(&BackendWritebackContext,  // 回写调度

				 * Someone else has locked the buffer, so give it up and loop
				 * back to get another one.
				UnpinBuffer(buf, true);			

2.3 如果完成IO操作或者buffer处于有效状态,需要判断原buffer原分区是否与先buffer所在分区
相同,主要目的时防止死锁 [分区的目的在于提高并发,避免冲突,相应分区查找hash条目]

		 * To change the association of a valid buffer, we'll need to have
		 * exclusive lock on both the old and new mapping partitions.
		if (oldFlags & BM_TAG_VALID)                // 获取的buffer含有有效标识,非脏
			 * Need to compute the old tag's hashcode and partition lock ID.
			 * XXX is it worth storing the hashcode in BufferDesc so we need
			 * not recompute it here?  Probably not.
			 // 根据 Tag获取该buffer对应的分区锁
			oldTag = buf->tag;
			oldHash = BufTableHashCode(&oldTag);
			oldPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(oldHash);

			 * Must lock the lower-numbered partition first to avoid
			 * deadlocks.
			 // 调整获取顺序避免死锁
			if (oldPartitionLock < newPartitionLock)
				LWLockAcquire(oldPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
				LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
			else if (oldPartitionLock > newPartitionLock)
				LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
				LWLockAcquire(oldPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
				/* only one partition, only one lock */
				LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
			/* if it wasn't valid, we need only the new partition */
			LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
			/* remember we have no old-partition lock or tag */
			oldPartitionLock = NULL;
			/* keep the compiler quiet about uninitialized variables */
			oldHash = 0;

		 * Try to make a hashtable entry for the buffer under its new tag.
		 * This could fail because while we were writing someone else
		 * allocated another buffer for the same block we want to read in.
		 * Note that we have not yet removed the hashtable entry for the old
		 * tag.
		 // 向哈希表插入新条目,当我们读取时其他人已分配了此页,即可以重用此块
		buf_id = BufTableInsert(&newTag, newHash, buf->buf_id);

		if (buf_id >= 0)
			 * Got a collision. Someone has already done what we were about to
			 * do. We'll just handle this as if it were found in the buffer
			 * pool in the first place.  First, give up the buffer we were
			 * planning to use.
			 // 其他进程已执行造成冲 释放锁,返回原位置,
			UnpinBuffer(buf, true);

			/* Can give up that buffer's mapping partition lock now */
			if (oldPartitionLock != NULL &&
				oldPartitionLock != newPartitionLock)

			/* remaining code should match code at top of routine */

			buf = GetBufferDescriptor(buf_id);		// 获取缓冲区描述符

			valid = PinBuffer(buf, strategy);		// pin 住

			/* Can release the mapping lock as soon as we've pinned it */
			LWLockRelease(newPartitionLock);		// 释放 newPartitionLock

			*foundPtr = true;

			if (!valid)
				 * We can only get here if (a) someone else is still reading
				 * in the page, or (b) a previous read attempt failed.  We
				 * have to wait for any active read attempt to finish, and
				 * then set up our own read attempt if the page is still not
				 * BM_VALID.  StartBufferIO does it all.
				if (StartBufferIO(buf, true)) 
					 * If we get here, previous attempts to read the buffer
					 * must have failed ... but we shall bravely try again.
					*foundPtr = false;
			return buf;
		 * Need to lock the buffer header too in order to change its tag.
		 // 插入成功,更新状态信息
		buf_state = LockBufHdr(buf);

		 * Somebody could have pinned or re-dirtied the buffer while we were
		 * doing the I/O and making the new hashtable entry.  If so, we can't
		 * recycle this buffer; we must undo everything we've done and start
		 * over with a new victim buffer.
		 // 在执行IO和生成新hashtable条目时其他人已pinned住或者重定向,不能循环使用
		 // 退出循环,undo重新获取新的牺牲页面
		oldFlags = buf_state & BUF_FLAG_MASK;       // 更新标识信息
		if (BUF_STATE_GET_REFCOUNT(buf_state) == 1 && !(oldFlags & BM_DIRTY))

		UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);				// 释放锁
		BufTableDelete(&newTag, newHash);			// 删除条目
		if (oldPartitionLock != NULL &&
			oldPartitionLock != newPartitionLock)
		UnpinBuffer(buf, true);						// unpin

2.4 上述步骤完成后,进行善后工作,释放资源

	 * Okay, it's finally safe to rename the buffer.
	 * Clearing BM_VALID here is necessary, clearing the dirtybits is just
	 * paranoia.  We also reset the usage_count since any recency of use of
	 * the old content is no longer relevant.  (The usage_count starts out at
	 * 1 so that the buffer can survive one clock-sweep pass.)
	 * Make sure BM_PERMANENT is set for buffers that must be written at every
	 * checkpoint.  Unlogged buffers only need to be written at shutdown
	 * checkpoints, except for their "init" forks, which need to be treated
	 * just like permanent relations.
	buf->tag = newTag;
	buf_state &= ~(BM_VALID | BM_DIRTY | BM_JUST_DIRTIED |
	if (relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT || forkNum == INIT_FORKNUM)

	UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);

	if (oldPartitionLock != NULL)
		BufTableDelete(&oldTag, oldHash);			
		if (oldPartitionLock != newPartitionLock)


	 * Buffer contents are currently invalid.  Try to obtain the right to
	 * start I/O.  If StartBufferIO returns false, then someone else managed
	 * to read it before we did, so there's nothing left for BufferAlloc() to
	 * do.
	 // buffer内容无效,则从物理文件读取信息之buffer 
	if (StartBufferIO(buf, true))	
		*foundPtr = false;
		*foundPtr = true;

	return buf;									// 返回buffer 
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