Visual Calculator


This blog will primarily focus on the design of a Wechat mini program calculator. It will cover the implementation of fundamental mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and functions. Subsequently, I will delve into the background, the design process, and the underlying code. Finally, I 'll conclude with a presentation of the finished product.


The Link Your Class
The Link of Requirement of This Assignment
The Aim of This AssignmentVisual Calculator
MU STU ID and FZU STU ID21125554_832101230
Personal Software Process StagesEstimated Time(minutes)Actual Time(minutes)
• Estimate3055
• Analysis2030
• Design Spec2025
• Design Review3035
• Coding Standard1010
• Design4060
• Coding180200
• Code Review6080
• Test6070
• Test Repor2020
• Size Measurement2020
• Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan2020

Description of problem-solving ideas

1Understanding the Requirements and Choosing the Programming Language

The first step was to carefully read and understand the project requirements. This included both basic and advanced functionality expectations for the calculator.The choice of a programming language was essential. I considered my familiarity and proficiency with programming languages.

2Breaking Down the Problem

To tackle such a multifaceted task, I decided to break down the problem into smaller, manageable components. This involved identifying the core functionalities required for a basic calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and clearing/resetting) and advanced features (exponentiation, trigonometric functions, etc.).

3Testing and Blog Post Preparation

Finally, I prepared a comprehensive blog post that detailed my problem-solving approach, the challenges I encountered, and how I overcame them. I provided code snippets with explanations.

Design and implementation process


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            text-align: center;
        .calculator {
            width: 300px;
            margin: 0 auto;
            padding: 20px;
            border: 1px solid #ccc;
            border-radius: 10px;
            background-color: #f4f4f4;
        .input {
            width: 100%;
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            padding: 10px;
            font-size: 20px;
        .button {
            width: 48px;
            height: 48px;
            font-size: 18px;
            margin: 5px;
            cursor: pointer;
    <div class="calculator">
        <input class="input" type="text" id="display" readonly>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('1')">1</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('2')">2</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('3')">3</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('+')">+</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('4')">4</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('5')">5</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('6')">6</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('-')">-</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('7')">7</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('8')">8</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('9')">9</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('*')">*</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('0')">0</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('.')">.</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="clearDisplay()">C</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('/')">/</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="calculate()">=</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('Math.pow(', true)">^</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('Math.sqrt(', true)"></button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('Math.sin(', true)">sin</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('Math.cos(', true)">cos</button>
            <button class="button" onclick="appendToDisplay('Math.tan(', true)">tan</button>

        let display = document.getElementById('display');

        function appendToDisplay(value, isFunction = false) {
            if (isFunction) {
                display.value += value + '(';
            } else {
                display.value += value.toString();

        function clearDisplay() {
            display.value = '';

        function calculate() {
            try {
                const expression = display.value.replace(/(\d+)(\^|\*\*|\+|\-|\/)(\d+)/g, function(match, num1, operator, num2) {
                    return Math.pow(parseFloat(num1), parseFloat(num2));
                const result = eval(expression);
                display.value = result;
            } catch (error) {
                display.value = 'Error';

Code description

JavaScript Logic:
- The JavaScript section contains the code responsible for handling the calculator’s logic.

- `appendToDisplay` Function: This function is used to append the text from the button clicked by the user to the displayed input. It can handle regular digits and operators and can also handle special processing for advanced functions.

- `clearDisplay` Function: Used to clear the content displayed in the input field, implementing the "Clear" functionality.

- `calculate` Function: This function is responsible for calculating the user-inputted expression. It first replaces the `^` operator in the input with `Math.pow` to allow the use of JavaScript's built-in `Math.pow` function for exponentiation. Then, it uses the `eval` function to evaluate the expression's value, and the result is displayed in the input field. If an error occurs during the calculation process, it displays "Error" in the input field.


Assignment Summary

In the process of developing this calculator, I managed to craft a straightforward yet practical calculator application. This project has been a valuable learning experience, as it enabled me to delve into the world of user interface design, become acquainted with fundamental front-end development tools and methodologies, and sharpen my coding and problem-solving prowess. Throughout this journey, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of crafting code that is both lucid and maintainable, and I’ve fortified the stability and dependability of the calculator application through continuous code refinement, debugging, and optimization.

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